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Stem Cell Research - Essay Example

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Thanks to advancements in technology, the world of science has greatly progressed as attested by plastic limbs to facilitate movement and development of remedies for sicknesses which used to be incurable many, many years ago. The discovery of the possible benefits in utilizing…
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Stem Cell Research
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your first and (your Stem Cell Research: Hope for Multiple Sclerosis and Other Neurological Diseases Thanks to advancements in technology, the world of science has greatly progressed as attested by plastic limbs to facilitate movement and development of remedies for sicknesses which used to be incurable many, many years ago. The discovery of the possible benefits in utilizing cells from embryos is one new-age practice that has earned applause and criticism. In the treatment of neurological diseases, I would have to side with those who think stem cell research is beneficial to man because, ultimately, I support a practice that could improve the life of another rational human being.

Scientists and researchers have continually been trying to develop ways in order for society to have healthier lives. The use of stem cells may be one of the best answers yet. “Stem cells hold a lot of promise to cure many nasty diseases.”(Cline) There should be no debate on its application. Indeed, there is an ethical issue to be resolved. Nevertheless, if the stem cells were to be used to further life, I think the ethical issue surrounding this side of stem cell research should easily be resolved.

If not, then other scientific approaches to furthering life that are being practiced now such as organ transplant should be paused as well until a decision is made on stem cell research. When a person is in a coma, doctors and family depend on brain activity to determine progress. This goes to show how important the brain is for a person to function well. As such, cures for neurological diseases should be of utmost concern. If stem cell research appears to be the answer, why not try? Reference:Cline, Austin.

Stem Cell Research: Weighing Benefits and Dangers. 26 November 2004. Web. 14 April 2013.

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