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Dr. Frederick Banting and he's achievements in medicine - Essay Example

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A man named Banting had a perception on how to cure diabetes. Banting was a Canadian Nobel laureate, a doctor and medical scientist; he is renowned for his studies on insulin. He…
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Dr. Frederick Banting and hes achievements in medicine
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Early in 1921, at the University of Toronto, Banting took his idea to Professor John MacLeod, who was a foremost figure in the study of diabetes in Canada. Bantings theories weren’t appreciated by him. Regardless of this Banting managed to encourage him that his plan was worth trying. Few equipment and ten dogs were given to Banting by MacLeod. Banting also got a helper, Charles Best, a medical student (Mulcahy 77). The experiment was set to start in the summer of 1921. He proved his idea correct and discovered insulin.

At the University of Toronto in 1922 he was appointed as a Senior Demonstrator in Medicine. The same year he was chosen to the new Banting and Best Chair of Medical Research. Toronto General, the Hospital for Sick Children, and the Toronto Western Hospital also used his services as an Honorary Consulting Physician.  He researched silicosis, cancer, and the mechanisms of drowning at the Banting and Best Institute. In his days no one had ever heard of insulin. By his hypothesis the world got to know that a part of the pancreas formed a matter that could cure diabetes.

He had two basic perceptions that discovered insulin. The first was that changing the pancreas to separate the islets of Langerhans may make a key substance. His second insight can be said as the cross field analogy. The earliest people to ever be given insulin were Frederick Banting and Charles Best - they gave each other insulin to observe if it was secure for humans. Fredrick Banting was invited by MacLeod, a trained biochemist to join the research team. This team still had to experiment this extract on humans.

On January 23, 1922, they tried this extract on a 14-year-old boy dying of diabetes, at Toronto General Hospital. They gave the boy an extract that Collip had prepared and purified from an ox pancreas. He was the very first human to have given

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