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A Biographical Profile of Landscape Architect - Term Paper Example

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The paper "A Biographical Profile of Landscape Architect" presents biographic information about Diana Balmori. She is an internationally renowned landscape and urban designer. She is one of the world’s leading and most innovative landscape architects in the field of urban design. …
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LАNDSСАРЕ АRСHITЕСTS: А BIОGRАРHIСАL РRОFILЕ Your name Subject Date DIANA BALMORI BIОGRАРHIСАL РRОFILЕ 1.1 Biographic information about the person (Diana Balmori) you are researching: no more than one page. Diana Balmori was born on 6th April, 1932. She is an international renowned landscape and urban designer. She is one of the world’s leading and most innovative landscape architects in the field of urban design. She is also the founder of the landscape design firm known as Balmori associates. Born of an English mother and a Spanish father, she spent most of her childhood life in Spain and England before her family relocated and settled in Argentina. During her childhood, Diana was an extremely imaginative and creative child who was attracted to arts at an early age. She learnt how to play piano, sing and dance; she also learnt Greek and Latin painting. Many of these skills greatly contributed to her successful and unique design styles. At the age of 16 years, she graduated from high school and enrolled for undergraduate programme at the National University of Tucuman, Architecture school in Argentina, later on she migrated to United States. While in the United States, she continued with her education at University of California where she earned her P.H.D in urban History and graduated with highest honors. After graduation, she went ahead to teach at the State University of New York where she held undergraduate seminars in Landscape history at Yale School of architecture while studying landscape architecture at Radcliffe college until she was made partner at Cesar Pelli Associates and left in 1990 to start her own firm Balmori Associates. In 2006, Dr. Balmori was appointed a Senior Fellow in Garden and Landscape Studies at Dumbarton Oaks in Washington, DC.; Dr. Balmori serves her second term on the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts. Dr. Balmori held the Davenport Chair of Architectural Design for the spring 2004 at the Yale School of Architecture. She also teaches in the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. She is a member of the American Historical Association, and the American Society of Landscape Architects. She served as a Committee Member for the Comprehensive Design Landscape Plan for the White House in 1999. Dr. Balmori also served a four year term on the U.S Commission of Fine Arts in Washington D.C. Currently, Balmori lives and works in New York City, working on several public projects in New York, and is in various stages of development of projects internationally. A portrait of Dr. Diana Balmori, the internationally renowned landscape and urban designer in her Manhattan home. Source: Copy right The Financial Times Limited 3013. Dr. Diana Balmori’s interest in landscape and urban design developed as a result of her interest in public space, how it is used, designed and managed and its role and effect on the entire environment. According to Diana Balmori, “the most important thing is the space” She is a leading landscape designer famous for both her projects in Spain and in the United States, her projects having been made the case for focusing on shared landscapes, the argument being that shared landscapes are increasingly the “terrain for discussing our issues” much more so than buildings. Her main aim therefore is to “diminish the importance of objects especially buildings in our landscapes” and make primary the expression of our spaces. The major works by Diana Balmori includes the many projects she has designed and the books she has written. The following are some of her works a) Balmori Associates. This is an urban and design studio based in New York City, it was founded and established by Diana Balmori in 1990. The firm is recognized worldwide for its creative link between landscape and architecture. The firm has created public plazas for corporate clients in Tokyo, university courtyards for academic institutions across the United States, and internationally recognized competition submissions. Sustainability is their main concern in all their design work. In 1998, BalmoriAssociates’ Master Plan won the international competition for the waterfront development of the Abondiobarra district of Bilbao, in Spain. Balmori Associates also provided design leadership on the green roof at Silver cup Studios in Queens, New York, the largest scientifically monitored green roof in the United States, and the New York City Winter Garden at the World Financial Center, completed in 1998 and restored in 2002. These are among the many achievements of Balmori Associates, just to mention but a few. ARC International wildlife crossing infrastructure designed a competition sponsored by ARC where the competitors were to propose design concepts for a wildlife crossing over United States interstates 70 (1-70) near Denver, Colorado. Out of the 36 submissions that were made from 9 countries, Balmori Associates (New York) was among the five selected finalists b) Innovator She is also an innovator in sustainable systems and one aspect that comes out clearly is in the area of green roofs. The huge expanse of urban roof tops referred to as fifth faced by Balmori is now a frontier for designers and architects. By exploring this fifth façade, it becomes possible to change not only how a building looks, but also how it functions; green roofs offer an alternative future in the evolution of the urban landscape and can increase urban air pollution, heat island effects and the handling of storm water. Diana Balmori often works together with artists and architects. As a principal designer for Balmori Associates, Dr. Diana Balmori has written extensively on cities, environment and the history of design. c) Author of various books In her work, she links practice with foundations and academic institutions. Among her many books includes: A landscape Manifesto, Tra Fiume e Cittá, Paesaggi, Ground work, Interface between ground work and landscape among others. Her work ranges from sketches and writings to master plans and completed projects. Collaborating with Gaboury Benoit, in 2007 they wrote a book titled: Land and Natural Development (LAND) Code: Guidelines for Sustainable Land Development. The book begins with chapters covering water, soil, air, living resources, energy, and materials. Throughout the chapters, the authors recommend tested and proven strategies that minimize disruption of the natural processes. The book therefore emphasizes scientific understanding and offers a pioneering method to develop sites in harmony with natural resources and processes. Balmori has also featured in early development for building a public administration town in Korea. In their book known as Ground work, Interface: Between landscape and architecture, (2011), Diana Balmori and Joel Sanders have dealt with twenty five projects on an international scale that considers landscape and architecture as two true reciprocal entities. The book divides the projects in to three: Topography, Ecology and Bio computation. Topographic designers develop projects that manipulate the ground to merge buildings and landscape. Ecologic designers develop environment that addresses issues like climate and energy. Bio computation designers on the other hand use digital technologies to align biology and design in projects. She has been honored by numerous institutions, like the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Institute of Architects. 1.2 Preliminary bibliography Balmori, D., Borman, H. and Geballe T, (1993), Redesigning the American lawn: A search for environmental harmony, Yale University press. Americans rare love for their lawns has resulted in an inevitable environmental crisis. An enthusiastic fifty-eight million Americans use an estimated twenty million acres of lawn. The authors posit that we must rethink the way we care for our lawns to display a commitment to a more ecologically sound environment. The authors proceed to chart the origin of the lawn and the reasons for its lasting popularity drawing our attention to the lawn industry and how it has encouraged the spread of the "industrial" lawn so as to sustain high sales of mowers, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation equipment. Accompanied by high environmental costs, these industrial lawns have led to air pollution and global warming and depletion of scarce water supplies. A variety of ideas are offered as solutions such as moderation in our use of lawn supplements, ecological use of grass varieties, the substitution of hand mowers for power motors, and the use of grass clippings to fertilize the lawn. These strategies can help us to care for conventional lawns in ways less dangerous to the environment. They also propose two more radical alternatives: Freedom Lawns that allow natural and unrestricted growth of grasses, clover, wildflowers, and other broad-leafed herbaceous plants; and total replacement of the lawn with new landscape designs. These alternatives are both aesthetically appealing and ecologically correct. Balmori, D. (2010) A landscape manifesto, Yale University press. The author conceives an urgent need to redefine the role of landscape with the increase in global warming. This means designing a liveable city that coexists with nature where landscape designs recreating twenty first century urban centres. This 25 point manifesto advocates a new language for landscape, reflecting the shift in our understanding of nature and how it interacts with "the city". Balmori, D and Sanders, J. (2011) Groundwork: between landscape and architecture, The Monacelli press. The authors call for integration between landscape and architecture so as to heal the environment following ecological concerns from design experts within these two fields and those outside. A close examination of twenty five international projects that have merged landscape and architecture has dissolved the once held traditional demarcations between building and the environment. Balmori, D and Benoit, G (2007) Land and Natural Development (LAND) Code, John Wiley and sons Inc. This book offers a pioneering method to develop sites in harmony with natural processes. It features several unique characteristics, including recommendations based on peer-reviewed scientific research. The authors offer tested and proven strategies that minimize disruption of natural processes. Balmori, D., Allen, W., and Haeg, F (2010) Edible Estates: Attack on the Front Lawn, Metropolis books. This book challenges readers to begin to look at the city around us with new eyes. The American lawn is a prized possession that can be converted into something greater than just for aesthetic value. The authors point to the fact that readers we have a choice about how we want to live and what we want to do with the places we have inherited from previous generations. We are challenged again to be active parts in the creation of the cities we share in by transforming our private land to be public models for the world we would like to live. Diana Balmori has with no doubt set the pace in landscape architecture by combining her passion for design and love for the environment to create phenomenal designs where landscape meets the environment. She is famed for putting the city in nature not just nature in the city. She has thoroughly demonstrated that how space is used and designed reflects on the larger environment. Take for example the ambitious concept for Long Island City, NY, which offers a low-cost way to make an urban community more sustainable through the roll-out of acres and acres green roofs. She found that without even buying up land to turn into open space – really, just using rooftops, there were some 700 acres (a plot the size of Prospect Park) available out of some 1,200 acres to green. She has called fellow designers to merge landscape and architecture so as to heal the environment as opposed to the traditional separation of the two. She has a unique signature and functional beautiful designs by having a three dimensional view of projects; ecologically, hydrologically and temporal. Dr. Balmori has exuded a rich understanding of landscape architecture and the environment by writing extensively on cities, environment, and the history of design. She links her practice with foundations and academic institutions. Balmori is praised for creating a new administrative city in Daejeon, South Korea showing how landscape can guide the development of a city. She has ambitiously envisioned a total of thirteen ministries moving to the new development which will include seven buildings set under a continuous roof, connecting all the buildings and employees in one grand project. She is considered an innovator who frequently collaborates with artists and architects by offering an alternative future in the evolution of urban landscape. A leading landscape designer famous for both her projects in Spain and the U.S., goal is to “diminish the importance of objects (buildings) in our landscapes” and make “primary the expression of our spaces.” The results of her experiments can be breathtaking. From creating a new city from scratch in South Korea to revitalizing left over transportation infrastructure or completely revamping a public plaza with a temporary garden installation, Balmori shows how landscape architects can use “ecological tools” and “artistic interventions” to create and remake spaces (Architype Review, 2012) Diana Balmori continues to inspire and challenge young upcoming designers through her prolific innovations. Her team at Balmori Associates in New York City has created a laboratory focused on finding out which things have the greatest “primacy” within landscapes. She quips “We’re still experimenting.”(Architype Review, 2012) 1.3 Annotated bibliographic entries of five sources of information about your designer. (Diana Balmori) Balmori, D., 1999. Diana Balmori [Interview]. Places, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley. This is an interview with the internationally renowned landscape and urban designer Diana Balmori who is also the founder of Balmori and Associates, a landscape design firm. The interview focuses on her interest in linear parks. She talks about her the importance of linear parks in an urban setting and states that they are simple model tools for changing the quality of life. Furthermore, the interview reveals that she is an advocate for this type of urban architecture and has done master plans in this role. Her goal is to be educated by citizens about how they see their neighborhood and she in return educates them to see beyond their neighborhood and how to focus on the larger city. She further explains the different adoption processes in Baltimore and Minneapolis. In addition, she also talks about the importance of vision in linear parks and the importance of contribution by all the stakeholders. Furthermore, she questions the role of designers in the process of design today. In this respect, she argues that designers are brought into a structured process that does not mesh with their understanding of reality on the ground. She instead advocates that designers be involved from the pre-design stage of every project. Virginia Tech., 2003. International Archive Women in Architecture biographical database. IAWA: University Libraries. This source gives biographical details about Diana Balmori. It indicates that her occupation is Landscape Architecture and she is an Urban Designer with a doctorate in Architecture from the University of California at Los Angeles. She is an American citizen currently residing in Washington DC. Furthermore, she is the design principal and founder of Balmori Associates, Inc. In addition to this, she is also a partner in Cesar Pelli where she is in charge of landscape architecture. The database also explains that she is the recipient of several awards such as the American Institute of Architects/American Society of Landscape Architects Harry Chapin Media Awards National Endowment for the Humanities Grant Carolyn Foundation Grant The database also reveals that she is an influential landscape artist who has authored many publications which have influenced architect students from all over the world. These include: A Landscape Manifesto Transitory Gardens, Uprooted Lives Beatrix Farrand, American Landscapes: Garden and Campus Designs Landscapes that Renew, Sustainable Architecture LinkedIn member directory. 2011. Diana Balmori’s full profile. LinkedIn.Com[Acessed 19 Merach 2013]. This professional website gives a professional account of Diana Balmori the Landscape Architect who currently specializes in Urban Design. It states that she is the founder of Balmori Associates and is renowned internationally because of her creative and unique interplay between landscape and architecture. She established the firm in 1990 and in 2006 she expanded the by starting balmoriLABS. These labs enabled her to creatively integrate landscape and architecture and they include: Zero Waste City Green Roofs Temporary Landscapes Floating Islands Forms of Representation She has been recognized in many publications as one of the most influential people changing the lives of people today. Moreover, Diana Balmori is also a lecturer at Yale university school of Architecture and the School of Forestry and Environmental studies where she dispenses her vast experience and knowledge to young architects and landscape designers. In addition, Balmori gives extensive lectures upon invitation on various subjects concerning landscape and architecture. Also she is an author of several publications on the same subject and they include: Saarinen Garden: A Total Work of Art; Redesigning the American Lawn The Land and Natural Development (LAND) Code Diana Balmori is one of the most versatile and skilled architects in the profession with skills in landscape design, Architectural design, design research, urban design, comprehensive design, architecture and sustainable design. Torres, A., 1998. A conversation with Diana Balmori. Architecture, 133, pp. 11-17. This is an interview that focuses on the relevance of architecture in urban design according to Diana Balmori. She argues that the only way that landscaping can be relevant to urban development and architecture is if it can be used to define space. Over the years her work has largely been focused on the relationship between the elements in both architecture and landscape design. Her contribution to urban landscape design is critical to the field because of the way she conceptualizes space, nature, urban planning and setting and how they can be used to create vastness and a sense of intimacy. She explains that scale is one of the most critical concerns because in an urban setting there are skyscrapers that are surrounded by small public spaces on the ground. It is important to put the two into perspective in terms of scale when it comes to landscape design. Diana Balmori argues that in recent years, architecture and landscape design are beginning to overlap and she thinks that this is a healthy development. Diana Balmori has over time been able to shift away from the obsession that western civilization has with progress because of Japanese influences that give credence to dignifying the present moment. In this interview, she intimates that she was very influenced by Japanese architectural and landscape design approaches. She admits that she has borrowed some of the concepts in some of her work. The interview also projects that she is one of the people who are trying to transform landscape design and to make it more of a part of architecture because in the past it was seen as an afterthought by architects. Beardsley, John. 1998. Article on Diana Balmori's Work. Process: Architecture, 133, pp. 5-10. This source explores the works of Diana Balmori. It explains that her career began at Cesar Pelli where she became a partner for landscape and urban design. The article also argues that her work continued to develop even after she formed her own firm. As a result, it became more distinctive as she integrated architecture and landscape design particularly in urban development. Furthermore, Beardsley contends that Balmori has continuously worked towards revealing as many of the natural and cultural layers as possible that are evident in an architectural or landscape site. Her perspective is unique and substantive because she manages to incorporate the history, ecology and demographics of the surrounding communities. In addition, she has been able to identify and project the social issues of a given area in her designs. 1.4 Synopsis of all references The above annotated bibliography clearly reveals the import contribution of Diana Balmori in the fields of architecture and landscape design. Torres (1998) manages to explain the important role that Balmori has played in urban design. Beardsley (1998) argues that her design style is distinguished by the way it manages to establish a fluid interface between the landscape and structure in the development of urban public spaces. Places (1999) posits that she has focused on integrating nature and form to establish functional aesthetic in her designs. The LinkedIn site provides readers with the professional contribution of Diana Balmori and gets a wide variety of skills in the field of architecture and that of landscape design. Her academic qualifications notwithstanding she has also managed to dispense her knowledge through academic literature and teaching at the university level. As such, she has managed to inspire a whole generation of architects and landscape designers who are intrigued by her unique perspective on the role of nature in architecture. Her most significant contributions are in urban design and especially the linear park designs which changed neighborhoods in Baltimore. Her work on green sustainable systems in architecture such as green roofs is one of the great achievements because of its focus on environmental conservation. Also, she has created a Master Plan for the Abandiobarra District which is in Bilbao, Spain and is a great achievement because of the sheer scale of the project. The founding of her firm and its expansion is also one of her great achievements because it has enabled her to pursue the integration of landscape design and architecture in a bid to transform urban development. Another critical contribution by this renowned architect is in the field of education where she has written several key publications that have been adopted by architecture schools as important course readings. The two interviews sourced by this study indicate that her pride comes from transforming lives through the conceptualization of public space as the essence of planning and development. President Bush recognized this when he appointed her as part of a national art commission. References Balmori, D. (2010). A land scape manifesto, Yale University Press. Balmori D.and Benoit G. (2007). Landscape and Natural development (LAND), Code: Guidelines for sustainable land development. Wiley series. Balmori D and Gregory.K.Dreicer et al (1996) Between fences, Princeton Architectural press. National Building Museum: New York. Balmori, D and Sanders J. (2011). Ground work, Interface: Between landscape and architecture, Random house. Balmori, D., 1999. Diana Balmori [Interview]. Places, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley. Beardsley, John. 1998. Article on Diana Balmori's Work. Process: Architecture, 133, pp. 5-10. LinkedIn member directory. 2011. Diana Balmori’s full profile. LinkedIn.Com [Acessed 19 Merach 2013]. Torres, A., 1998. A conversation with Diana Balmori. Architecture, 133, pp. 11-17. Virginia Tech., 2003. International Archive Women in Architecture biographical database. IAWA: University Libraries. Read More
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