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Pilbara Iron Ore Project: Pilbara Region of Western Australia - Case Study Example

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THREE ASPECTS FOR THE SITE DEVELOPMENT Name Institution Course Date Introduction It is an incontestable truth of our time that extensive development is fundamentally altering the landscape in which we live in. The outcome is repression, and in some cases everlasting loss, of environmental heterogeneity and biodiversity, basically plummeting the productivity of biotic resources. We are going to discuss about the Pilbara iron ore project in Australia (PIOP), which is a mining site. PIOP is situated in the section of Western Australia, about 60km north-west of Tom Price town. It is composed of the Blacksmith as well as Anvil tenements. The Blacksmith apartment which holds the keystone Delta deposit (targeted for Flinders’ maiden fabrication) is situated between several accessible and projected expansions. To the north is Rio Tinto’s Caliwingina iron ore supply, while FMG’s Solomon iron ore center is located to the east. To the west API’s recently-approved West Pilbara Iron Ore Project while Rio Tinto’s Brockman 2 operations is located to the south. The Anvil tenement is positioned roughly 10 km to the south-west of Blacksmith. Pilbara Iron Ore Project: Pilbara Region of Western Australia Location & Deposit Maps Extension subterranean vault geology in the Blacksmith tenement consists of Brockman Iron Formation (BIF), which is known to host large Brockman Iron Deposit (BID deposits) in other regions of the Hamersley Ranges. The West Pilbara Iron Ore Project (“West Pilbara”) is a significant iron ore export business projected for the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Current progress is focused on Stage 1 of the Project, which is based on pisolite iron ore deposits situated 30 km to 85 km south west of Pannawonica. There is possibility for sizeable expansion in later stages as investigation is extended across the extensive tenement portfolio in the West Pilbara. 1. The biophysical attributes of the site development The project area is significant from biodiversity perspective, and the Pilbara region has been recognized as one of 15 national biodiversity hotspots. Construction of the PIOP has resulted in a net increase in peak annual greenhouse emissions. The project also has possibility of generating off-site risk due to the proximity of mining activities to the North West Coastal Highway, especially during blasting activities. The project poses a threat to the public from the transportation of fuel and explosives. This may also result to destruction of the roads that are being used to transport fuel and explosive materials as well as the iron ores. The project has also resulted in an increase in general traffic volumes and freight movement on North West Coastal Highway as well as Pannawonica Road during construction and operation. Even though it had been thought that the increase in traffic volumes would be within the current capacity of the public roads, this has not been the case since there are instances where the traffic jam has been out of control. Regional context Climate The Pilbara area ranging from Port Hedland all the way to the FMG mining tenements is grouped as arid-tropical, becoming more arid interior. From the Bureau of Meteorology, the climatic data shows that the highest amount of rain takes place in the summer months between January and March, with minor peak in May and June. Climatic situation in the Pilbara region are caused by tropical whirlwind systems mainly between January and March. These cyclone systems usually build up above the sea north of Australia and pursue a south-westerly route corresponding to the North West coast. The May and June rainfall is basically due to cold fronts moving across the south of the State, which from time to time stretch into the Pilbara. Annual average rainfall for the development sire ranges from 180mm to over 400mm. mean maximum summer temperatures are generally between350C and 400c and winter maximum temperatures generally between 220C and 300C. Due to these hot temperatures, the annual evaporation rates exceed by far the mean annual rainfall (Beard, 1975). Bio-regions The Interim Bio-geographic Regionalization for Australia (IBRA) recognizes 85 bio-regions (Environment Australia, 2000). According to Beard (1975), the Pilbara Bio-region has four main components as listed below; Roebourne Plains (PIL4) The Roebourne Plains sub-region, which comprises of the port site as well as the northern-most part of the rail corridor, is described as: “Quaternary alluvial plains with a grass savanna of mixed bunch and hummock grasses, and dwarf shrub steppe of Acacia translucens over Triodia pungens. Samphire, Sporobolus and Managal occur on marine alluvial flats. Arid tropical that have summer rain” (Andrew 2003; Beard, 1975). Chichester Range (PIL3) The railway corridor passes through the Chichester Range sub-region, which is south of Roebourne Plains. This region consists of: “Archaean granite and basalt plains supporting shrub steppe characterized by Acacia Pyrifolia over Triodia pungens hummock grasses. Snappy Gum tree steppes are found on ranges” (Andrew 2003). Fortes cue Plains (PIL2) The rail corridor also passes through the Fortescue Plains sub-region, which is south of the Chichester Range. These plains consist of “alluvial plains and river frontages, salt marsh, mulga-bunch grass, as well as short grass communities on alluvial plains. River Gum woodlands fringe the drainage lines. This is the northern limit of Mulga” (Acacia aneura) (Andrew 2003). Hamersley Rang (PIL1) This region can be described as “A mountainous area of Proterozoic sedimentary ranges and plateaux with Mulga low woodland over bunch grasses on fine textured soils and Snappy Gum over Triodia brizoides on skeletal sandy soils of the ranges” (Environment Australia, 2000). Hydro-geology The northern and southern railway corridors crosses four groundwater areas; “coastal plain alluvial deposits (chainages 50m to 66,000m), regional granite terrain (66,000m to 216,000m), Fortescue Group and Marra Mamba Iron Formation (chainage 216,000m to 254,000m), and Wittenoom Formation (chainage 254,000m to 346,000m)” (Beard, 1975), The alluvial deposits of the coastal plain generally comprise clay, slit and sand, with minor gravel. The deposits range in thickness from about 15m to 50m, generally being thickest along drainage lines. Aboriginal heritage A number of recorded Aboriginal tradition locations are found within or around the mining site or the transport corridors. It is to be expected that a good number of these sites consist of artifact scatters which have been determined to be of low heritage significance. However, the planned port expansion as well as a huge portion of the projected railway passage crosses the Kariyarra (WC99/3) Native Title claim, with the rest of the railway passageway crossing (from North to South) the Kariyarra Yinjibarndi (WC99/053), Palyku (WC99/16), Martu Idja Banyjima (WC98/62); and the Nyiyaparli (WC99/4) Native Title claims. All of these indigenous Title claims are presently registered under the Native Title Act 1993. Thus, there has been a disturbance of Aboriginal archeological and ethnographic sites due to mining activities as well as construction of the transport corridor (Department of Environment and Heritage 2003). 2. The major degradation issues due to Pilbara Iron Ore Project development Mine operations, linear infrastructure, together with railways and roads, are known to interfere with surface hydrology, especially along lower and extremely gentle slopes, where diffuse sheet flow rather than well-defined channel flow characterizes the movement of water across the landscape. The alteration of the natural sheet flow regime is known to affect vegetation that is ‘sheet flow dependent’ by either reducing water availability, or alternatively inundating vegetation for prolonged periods. In both cases, the result is a decline in health, and potentially death, of vegetation adjacent to transport corridors, with adverse ecological consequences. Green house emissions In the building and process of the venture, greenhouse gases will be released to the environment by: • Decay of cleared foliage and discharge of carbon from the soil; • burning of diesel oil for movable apparatus at the railway and port; • burning of diesel fuel for the train; and • burning of natural gas or diesel for power supply to the Project. Vegetation The PIOP mine development will result in the progressive removal and rehabilitation of approximately 5,500ha of native vegetation over the life of the project (without including the transport corridor). The proposed northern transport corridor will result in the removal of roughly 365ha of native vegetation, and roughly 122ha will be disturbed for borrow pits. Another 70ha more clearing would be needed for southern transport corridor as well as that for temporary construction camp and the construction bores. Furthermore, mining operations and construction as well as the use of transport corridor poses a threat of increasing the spread of weeds (Atkins, 2003). Vegetation clearing for mine pit, waste dumps as well as associated infrastructure such as plant, access roads and workshops, will alter terrestrial fauna habitat and may result in fauna deaths. Disturbances of surface water flows may affect fauna habitats that depend on surface water flows. Furthermore, vehicle movements in mining areas and on mine access roads have likelihood of resulting to deaths of fauna especially those of less mobile species (Bertuch, van Etten, 2004). Direct habitat removal through mining and construction of the transport corridor will result in habitat loss as well as the deaths of some individuals of subterranean fauna. Alterations to surface hydrology may result to a decrease in habitation appropriateness. Alterations to the subterranean microclimate will lead to a decline in habitation aptness. Surface and ground water pollution through spills of hydrocarbons or wastewater is likely to degrade the subterranean surroundings. Reduction in organic inputs through clearing of vegetation beyond the mine footprint will probably lead to a reduction in the availability of inputs to the foundation trophic levels. Finally, there will be localized retardation of vegetation growth due to smothering from dust generated around roads and bare surfaces. Terrestrial Fauna The PIOP mine development will result in the progressive loss and subsequent restoration of fauna habitat over the life of the project and, consequently, the local abundance of terrestrial fauna populations may be affected. The construction of the transport corridor will result in the removal of a linear corridor of fauna habitat, which may as well affect the local abundance of fauna populations. Operation of the transport corridor may result in direct mortality of individual fauna. A total of 122 terrestrial plant varieties were classified for the projected rail access strip by Biota Environmental Sciences (2004e), representing an extensive assortment of structural and floristic variations. Some of these vegetation types within the transport corridor are of high conservation significance as identified by Biota and Trudgen (2002) together with some newly described types. In fact, of the 122 vegetation types, 22 are well thought-out to be of the utmost preservation significance within the rail corridor. Vegetation type Cp1 in the Chichester Ranges (Source: Biota). Landscape and geo-diversity Landscape as well as geo-diversity values of the project area will be affected by the proposal. The construction of the transport corridor will result in changes in natural surface hydrology in the project area and may result in minor, temporary changes in water quality, for instance, through increased concentration of suspended solids during construction. Abstraction from the deep aquifer will result in a localized water-table drawdown with a predicted drawdown after 10 years of 0.5m at 3km from the centre of the proposed well field. Hydro-geology The drainage management will modify stream paths with building of diversion waterways, mine pit as well as road and rail network. Disposal of storm-water has the probability of affecting water quality through containment by sediments and hydrocarbons. There will also be disturbances to watercourses due to construction of transportation corridors. Furthermore, building the transport corridors will lead to increment of sediment loads in runoff. Natural surface water flows will also be affected due to changed landform after closure. There will also be groundwater drawdown from abstraction as well as impacts on ecosystems. The Night Parrot Mining activities as well as other road and rail construction are expected to touch the main area of the Fortes-cue Marshes and thus there will be direct impacts on the spinifex/chenopod ecotone. It is understood that Night Parrots are mainly located at around the marshes, and thus their habitation will be degraded by the mining and transport operations. Mining sites that are close to the Marshes probably have the highest probability for the indirect impacts. The hydrological cycles of the Marshes are likely to be affected, implying that there will be degradation in the vegetation type and quality in the Night Parrot’s habitat. There seems to be a correlation between survival of Night Parrot and current land use practices such as cattle grazing. Thus, any alteration in this land use, such reducing the grazing pressure, could also degrade the Night parrot’s habitat. From other reports (Higgins 1999), it is highly likely for Night Parrot to be attracted into a hut by light. Lighting along roads and rails has caused individual Night parrots to be struck and injured or killed. Ecological consequences of altered sheet flow regimes Some vegetation, including Mulga (Acacia aneura) is considered to be dependent on sheet flow water for functioning and survival. Mulga is a relatively productive vegetation type and offers valuable ecological services, such as creating fertile patches in a landscape that is generally impoverished in terms of soil nutrients (Atkins, 2003). Therefore, any loss of mulga, as well as any additional vegetation, is expected to have repercussion for the adjacent habitats. The environmental consequences of changed (increased or decreased) sheet flow on ‘sheet dependent vegetation’ range from negligible to critical. At negligible level, individual plants might be lost due to water starvation, prolonged water logging or erosion, while at critical level, extensive vegetation and habitat destruction is probable, resulting in unpleasant effects on associated vegetation and fauna (Van Vreeswyk et. al., 2004; FMG, 2008). Impacts of infrastructure on sheet flow Linear infrastructure like roads and railways which may need raised embankments, sections of cut and fill, or culverts and spillways, have the probability of altering natural sheet flow characteristics. First, there is high likelihood that there will be ponding water upslope from roads and rail formations. There might also be starving areas down-slope from these infrastructures. It is highly likely that there will be eroding channel and banks of natural surface drainage lines as well as contracting or expanding natural drainage lines and changes to drainage routes. Interfering with the natural soil surface has the probability of leading to a dysfunctional ecosystem, including accelerated erosion and deposition, scouring, loss of nutrients as well as loss of habitation. The table below shows some ecological consequences of altered sheet flow on vegetation (FMG 2008). Risk scores Descriptor Ecological consequences 2,3 Negligible Loss of individual SFD* flora Plants likely to recover with the next wet season 4,5 Low Loss of random small patches of SFD vegetation Minor reduction in vegetation health Impacts recoverable in the short term 6,7 Moderate Localized loss of small areas of SFD vegetation Moderate reduction in vegetation health Impacts recoverable in the long term 8 High Localized loss of stands of SFD vegetation Loss of genetic variability and viability Partial reduction of ecosystem function 9,10 Critical Widespread loss of SFD vegetation Serious genetic implications Extensive loss of flora and fauna function *SFD = Sheet Flow Dependent 3. Strategies to mitigate or reduce the degradation issues Vegetation The Fortescue Metals Group Ltd. (FMG) will build up a surface water supervision strategy tackling the hydrological effects of mining pits, overload placement, beneficiation plant, and railway just before the building commences. Moreover, a groundwater managing strategy based on modeling results undertaken by Aquaterra Consulting will be expanded to groundwater-dependent vegetation as well as the Fortescue Marshes before the commencement of construction. FMG have built up a rehabilitation and vegetation managing strategy which focuses on gradual rehabilitation of cleared regions all through the life of the venture. The rehabilitation recommendation will make sure that all purposes of the natural flora and fauna are re-established as far as possible. There are plans to conduct Declared Rare Flora and Priority Flora surveys of areas proposed for disturbance which have not yet been surveyed before the actual land disturbances in those areas. FMG will also prepare and implement separate Construction Environmental Management as well as Environmental Management Plans which comprises flora and vegetation management so as to minimize clearing, avoid disturbance to substantial populations of Priority Flora as far as possible, and prevent interruption of the threatened ecological communities should they be present. FMG is also planning on preparing and implementing separate Construction Environment Management and Environmental management Plans to deal with weed and fire management actions in all operational and surrounding areas. Night Parrot FMG recognizes the importance of the presence of the Night parrot in the region. The presence of the Night Parrot provides FMG with a chance to study the species and thus they will gather additional information that will aim at improving their ability to conserve the species in general. FMG also is acquainted with the plausible significance of the Fortescue Marshes region to the Night Parrot. Therefore, the group is dedicated to minimizing the effect of their mining processes as well as associated activities on the species itself and the habitation on which it depends upon. The group aims to achieve this by laying down certain management plans. First, they are going carry out survey to assess the presence of Night Parrot and use data attained to develop a continuing observation program for the Night Parrot. FMG will also liaise with the proposed Night Parrot Recovery Team to make sure that the FMG rehabilitation/vegetation management plan optimizes Night Parrot survival (Higgins, 1999). Greenhouse gas emissions The FMG plans on minimizing greenhouse gas emissions for the project as well as reducing emissions per unit product to as low as convincingly possible. There are also plans to alleviate greenhouse gas discharges in harmony with the Framework Convention on Climate Change 1992, together with established Commonwealth and State policies. During construction of the project, FMG will be committed in maintaining minimum vegetation clearing for safe and efficient construction. Cleared vegetation will be piled up to be used later in rehabilitation as mulch and source of seed to help in vegetation (Australian Greenhouse Office, 2002a). Protection of Aboriginal sites FMG is committed in making sure that Aboriginal sites are sited, recorded and protected. FMG is committed to prevent disrupting Aboriginal locations in the last plan of the scheme. Nevertheless, it is practically not achievable to prevent affecting all known locations. The outcome of the Aboriginal heritage surveys will be used to spot the site, scenery and importance of any Aboriginal locations. The configuration of the projected railway will be polished within its present 2 km wide access strip to keep away from where possible Aboriginal sites along with other environmental and engineering constraints (Department of Environment and Heritage 2003). Surface water Suitable surface water management strategies will be incorporated to minimize the probable ecological impacts of the proposed North-South rail corridor. FMG has positioned the rail corridor adjoining the existing BHPBIO Port Hedland to Newman railway where possible, so as to minimize the possibility of extra surface water disruptions above that already caused by the BHPBIO railway formation (BHP Billiton, 2009). References: Andrew, R.L., Miller, J.T., Peakall, R., Crisp, M.D., Bayer, R.J. 2003. Genetic, cytogenetic and morphological patterns in a mixed Mulga population: Evidence for apomixis. Australian Systematic Botany 16 (1), pp. 69‐80. Atkins, K.J. 2003. Declared Rare and Priority Flora List for Western Australia. Prepared by the Department of Conservation and Land Management, 16 April 2003. Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2001. Basic Community Profiles, 2001 Australian Greenhouse Office, 2002a. Australian Methodology for the Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks 2002: Energy (Stationary Sources), Australian Government, May 2004. Beard, J. S. 1975. Pilbara. Explanatory Notes and Map Sheet 5, 1:1 000 000 series Vegetation Survey of Western Australia. University of Western Australia Press: Nedlands. Bertuch, M., van Etten, E. 2004. Mulga (Acacia aneura) death adjacent to haul roads in the Northern Goldfields, Western Australia. Proceedings of the Australian Rangeland Society 13th Biennial Conference, pp. 99‐106. BHPB Iron Ore and Halpern Glick Maunsell Pty Ltd, 2002. Port Hedland Dust Management Programme. July 2002. BHP Billiton 2009. Rail Operation – Chichester Deviation Surface Water Management Plan. Revision A. Biota Environmental Sciences and M.E. Trudgen, 2002. Hope Downs Rail Corridor, Port Hedland to Weeli Wolli Creek – Vegetation and Flora Survey. Unpublished report for Hope Downs Management Services, Perth. Biota Environmental Sciences, 2004c. Hope Downs Rail Corridor, Chichester Range Additional Corridor – Flora and Vegetation Survey. Unpublished report prepared for Hope Downs Management Services, Perth. Biota Environmental Sciences, 2004e. Fortescue Metals Group Rail Corridor: Flora and Vegetation Survey. Unpublished report prepared for Fortescue Metals Group. Department of Environment and Heritage 2003. Australian Vegetation Attribute Manual: National Vegetation Information System. Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. FMG 2008. Rail Corridor: Surface Water Management Plan. Document No. 204‐60‐EN‐RP‐0003 FMG 2009. Mulga and Other Flora and Communities Management Plan. Document No. 45‐PL‐EN‐0017. Higgins, PJ, 1999. Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds: Parrots to Dollarbird, Oxford University Press, Melbourne. Van Vreeswyk, AME, Payne, AL, Leighton, KA and Hennig, P 2004. Technical Bulletin 92 – An inventory and condition survey of the Pilbara region, Western Australia, Department of Agriculture, South Perth. Read More
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