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Hemps Modern Uses - Research Paper Example

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This work "Hemps Modern Uses" describes displaying the numerous uses of hemp plants over the centuries. The author outlines their various beneficial industrial, agricultural applications, and medicinal properties that have benefited society over the years…
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Hemps Modern Uses s Introduction For the first 10,000 years, marijuana has been known for various names. The English farmers referred to it as hemp while the scientific researchers called it ‘cannabis” (Solowij, 1999, p.23). Hemp is a common term that is used for the high growing varieties of cannabis as well its products. Some of the products include oil, fiber and seed. Hemp is usually refined into products such as hemp oil, resin, rope, hemp seed foods, cloth, fuel, pulp, and paper. The plant Cannabis sativa L. consists of varieties known as Cannabis sativa Indica, and Cannabis sativa Sativa. The hemp variety is low growing and has been found to have a higher amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (Datwyler & Weiblen, 2006, p.372). However, with regard to this plant, its legality varies from nation to nation. As cited by Geoffrey, Whittle and Robson (2004), hemp has numerous benefits as compared to the bad side effects. This makes it a very valuable plant if explicated commercially. The research study is aimed at outlining and displaying the numerous uses of hemp plant over the centuries. The plant has various beneficial industrial, agricultural applications and medicinal properties that have benefited the society over the years. The study will go ahead and raise various questions that are related to hemp, and how they are known medical benefits derived Research Questions i. How far back has it been used? ii. What was it used for? iii. Who started using it? iv. How long has cannabis been used? v. How can cannabis be a medicine? vi. What can cannabis treat? vii. Can cannabis cure cancer? Literature review Cannabis is a dioecious, annual flowering herb. It leaves are palmately compound (Iversen, 2008). The female and male flowers usually occur on separate plants. Since it is a single species, it was named by Carolus Linnaues in 1753 as Cannabis sativa L. (Jenkins, 2006). Hemp is considered a variety of Cannabis sativa that usually grows tall (Datwyler & Weiblen, 2006, p.373). The plant has a variety of uses. The cannabis variant plant is used in the production of cordage of different tensile strength. As cited by Ernest (2005, p.23), it is also used in the manufacture of nutritional products and durable clothing. The best fibers can also be utilised in 100 percent hemp products, however, they are often blended with other organic fibers, for instance cotton, flax or silk for furnishings and apparel (Borgelt et al., 2013). Most of them are often 55% to 45 % hemp or cotton blend (Jenkins, 2006). The inner two fibers of hemp are usually very wooly and are mostly utilised in non-woven items such mulch, litter and animal bedding (Robinson, 2010). Furthermore, the oil that is extracted from the fruits or seeds oxidises to turn to solid state when exposed to air (Robinson, 2010). This is similar to linseed that is used in the production of oil-based paints. It is also used as a moisturising for plastics and for cooking (Melitta, 2008). In 2003, a survey was carried out reported that more that 95 percent of hemp seed is mostly sold in the European Union and utilised as bird and animal feed (Schumann, Andreas, & Weber, 2003). Seeds from hemp can also be used as fishing bait (Clarke, 1991). Hemp is among the earliest domesticated plants that still exist. Hemp has been cultivated for over 12,000 years dating back to the Neolithic Age in China. The fiber imprints of hemp have been found on Yangshao culture pottery from the 5th millennium BC. Later, the Chinese people used hemp to make shoes, ropes, clothes, and early forms of paper (Rubin, 1975, p. 305). About 44 percent of hemp’s total weight is edible, and it contains an estimated 80% of the essential fatty acids. In the modern times hemp has been used for industrial purposes such as clothing, construction, body products, textiles, paper and biodegradable plastics (Bócsa, Karus, & Lohmeyer, 2006). As of 1971, hemp was considered illegal in Europe by various nations due to its association to marijuana, a decision that was subsequently revoked by the EU. Until the early 1900s hemp was regarded as a very valuable crop that was utilised across the world due to its strong fibers and oil seeds. However, in the current world, there is a common negative perception that hemp is related marijuana. This is what has made numerous people to think that it is a dangerous drug, even though it is has the potential of becoming a very valuable crop. Meints (2007) asserts that countries such as China, Canada, and England have never prohibited, but instead have called responsible growing, production and thriving of industrialized hemp. In the United Kingdom, an estimated million people consume hemp for medicinal or recreational use. The utilisatio of cannabis as a medicine dates back to almost 5,000 years ago. The medicinal uses of hemp include the treatment of multiple sclerosis, asthma, glaucoma, epilepsy, herpes, pain relief, migraine, anxiety, painful labour and menstruation, arthritis, spasticity, rheumatism, neuralgia, depression and anti-nausea particularly for cancer and AIDS patients, loss of appetite in wasting diseases and anorexia, and insomnia (Lamarine, 2012). Studies have shown that Cannabis is the only known plant that is known for its medicinal and fiber properties. Research Methodology The study utilises a qualitative research methodology. It will be used due to the fact the research is aimed at answering the question like ‘what is,” ‘how’ and ‘what was’ (Cresswel, 2009). The methods used to collect qualitative data on the benefits of cannabis included secondary sources such as government documents, academic journals and books, surveys, and the internet. However, most of the secondary information was collected from the internet. A descriptive analysis was done on the benefits of hemp plant. The limitations of the chosen methodology was that the information was collected and recorded earlier and there is limited literature on the benefits of cannabis. Results How far back has been it been used: since the beginning, hemp has been a natural plant and if so inclined it has been a gift from God. Hemp has been in existence for over 10,000 years about 7000 to 8000 B.C. the first fabric that was woven is believed to have been made from hemp. The clothes, papers, medicines, ropes, medicines, and most of our foods have been cannabis related. The oldest evidence that has been found about cannabis in Britain is that some seeds was found in York in a well. As the years progressed, cultivations have spread widely. Up until the 20th century, most people used cannabis-hemp seed for various uses. Chinese people were the first begin utilising cannabis. The Chinese developed this cannabis plant to be highly prised to the extent that it was a severe offense to export the seed out of the nation. However, the British smuggled the seeds out China and went to use them in their country. It was also established that Queen Victoria had once used hemp plant to treat her menstrual crumps Approximately over 25,000 products have been manufactured from hemp. The plant is used industrial, agricultural and medicinal purposes. In the human body, the cannabimnoid receptors are the most prevalent receptors. Most of them are in the brain. Studies have shown that there is no part of the hemp plant that can be utilised as a drug. In an industrial perspective, hemp assists in the elimination of smog on our current fuels and non-biodegradable plastics. Agriculturally, it could be used as fertiliser and reduce deforestation (Meints, 2007). Cannabis is believed to be a native of India, the cultivation and use of the plant dates back to the 28th century B.C.E. Evidence has shown that a 3,000 year old Egyptian mummy had some traces of tetrahydrocannabinol. The plant continued to be a crucial resource to almost all countries and civilisation until the introduction of the petrochemical firms. Unlike the eco-friendly hemp fuel, the current industries produce products that pollute the environment rendering it unsustainable How can cannabis be a medicine? Cannabis for a very long time has been used as a medicine to cure numerous illnesses or diseases. Recently, it has become a more popular medicine. From the secondary sources, it was found that cannabis has no bad side effects and assists in numerous diseases such as mental dysfunctions. What can Cannabis treat? Cannabis has been noted to treat the following diseases arthritis, car accidents, arthritis, brain injury, Alzheimer’s disease, chronic pain, cancer among may others. Cannabis can also treat coughing, delirium and fatigue. Can cannabis cure cancer? Cannabis has been found to cure cancer. Recent studies have indicated that cannaboids decrease the size of the tumours. In some instances, it has been found to destroy the tumour cells completely. Discussion With regard to its use, hemp is considered as one of the earliest domesticated plants that exist. Hemp has been cultivated for over 12,000 years. The utilisation of hemp archaeologically dates back to the Neolithic Age in China. Besides, the fiber imprints of hemp have been found on Yangshao culture pottery that dates back from the 5th millennium BC. As time progressed, the Chinese people used hemp to make shoes, ropes, clothes, and early forms of paper. The plant has been in existence for a period exceeding 1000 years from about 7000 to 8000 B.C. The textile use of hemp does not surface in the West until the Iron Age. The oldest evidence that has been found in Britain is that some seeds were found in York in a well. Currently, cultivation has spread around the globe. According to Bócsa, Karus and Lohmeyer (2006), from the secondary sources, Chinese people were the first begin utilising cannabis. The Chinese developed this cannabis plant to be highly prised to the extent that it was a severe offense to export the seed out of the nation. However, the British smuggled the seeds out China and went to use them in their country. It was also established that Queen Victoria had once used hemp plant to treat her menstrual crumps In relation to its use, almost everything in industry, agriculture and medicine uses cannabis. In the human body, the cannabimnoid receptors are the most prevalent receptors. As cited by Watt and Gerdina (2007, p.56), for over 5,000 years marijuana has been used for various purposes. It was used as a recreational and medicinal use. Cannabis has been a very crucial plant to almost all countries and civilisation until the introduction of the petrochemical firms. Fuel derived from cannabis and other related products conserve the environment. Cannabis, for a very long time, been used as a medicine to cure numerous illnesses or diseases. Recently, it has become a more popular medicine. From the secondary sources, it was found that cannabis has no bad side effects and assists in numerous diseases such as mental dysfunctions (Holland, 2010). According to Watt and Gerdina (2007), Cannabis has been noted to treat the following diseases : multiple sclerosis, asthma, glaucoma, epilepsy, herpes, pain relief, migraine, anxiety, painful labour and menstruation, arthritis, spasticity, rheumatism, neuralgia, depression and anti-nausea particularly for cancer and AIDS patients, loss of appetite in wasting diseases and anorexia, insomnia, car accidents, brain injury, and Alzheimer’s disease. That is why an estimated 6 million people in the UK use hemp as recreational and medicinal drug. Cannabis has been found to cure cancer. Recent studies have indicated that cannaboids decrease the size of the tumours. In some instances, it has been noted to destroy the tumour cells completely (Robinson, 2010). Conclusion Hemp refers to high growing varieties of the cannabis plant as well its products. The plant has various beneficial industrial, agricultural applications and medicinal properties that have benefited the society over the year such as oil, fiber and seed. Hemp’s refined products include hemp oil, resin, rope, hemp seed foods, cloth, fuel, pulp, and paper. If widely cultivated, hemp could produce vast economic resources benefits. Due to the numerous benefits of the plant, pharmaceutical companies need to invest in this plant. However, since most firms are business oriented, they usually concentrate on the economic value of the plant. Besides, one cannot patent a plant that manufactures its own medicine in a natural way. Therefore, with no patent, it means that the firm will not realise their economic goals and objectives. This is the core reason most of the firms refuse to fund the research and development on this product. Majority of the influential people in the society ensure that their products are patented so as to gain huge profits, while keeping the natural product at bay. This has retarded the development of natural medicine. Reference List Bócsa, I., Karus, M., & Lohmeyer, D. 2006. The cultivation of hemp. Botany, varieties, cultivation and harvesting, markets and product lines. New York: Verlag GmbH. Borgelt, Laura M.; Franson, Kari L.; Nussbaum, Abraham M.; Wang, George S. (2013). "The Pharmacologic and Clinical Effects of Medical Cannabis". Pharmacotherapy: the Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy 33 (2): 195. Clarke, Robert C. 1991. Marijuana Botany, 2nd ed. Ron Publishing, California. Creswell, J. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Datwyler SL, and Weiblen GD. 2006. Genetic Variation in Hemp and marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) sativa plants are taller and less dense. Indica plants are shorter but a lot more dense than sativas. According to Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2006; 51(2):371-375. Emboden, William A. (1981). "The Genus Cannabis and the Correct Use of Taxonomic Categories". Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 13 (1): 15–21. Ernest, Abel (2005). A Comprehensive Guide to Cannabis Literature. London: Greenwood Press. Geoffrey William, Guy, Brian Anthony Whittle, & Philip Robson (2004). The medicinal uses of cannabis and cannabinoids. New Jersey: Pharmaceutical Press. Holland, Julie M.D. (2010). The pot book: a complete guide to cannabis: its role in medicine, politics, science, and culture. London: Park Street Press. Iversen, Leslie L (2008). The Science of Marijuana. New York: Oxford University Press. Jenkins, Richard (2006). Cannabis and young people: reviewing the evidence. London: Jessica Kingsley. Lamarine, R. (2012). Marijuana: modern medical chimaera. Journal of Drug Education , 42 (1), 1-11. Meints, J. (2007, January 23). Retrieved April 27, 2014, from “The Hemp Plant, Humankinds Savior - 50,000 Uses and Counting”: Melitta Weiss Adamson. 2008. Regional Cuisines of Medieval Europe: A Book of Essays. London: Greenwood Publishing. Robinson, Rowan. 2010. The Great Book of Hemp: The Complete Guide to the Environmental, Commercial, and Medicinal Uses of the Worlds Most Extraordinary Plant. Rochester, VT. Park Street Press. Rubin, Vera D. (1975). Cannabis and culture. The Hague: Mouton. p. 305. Schumann, E., Peil, Andreas, & Weber, Wilhelm Eberhard (1999). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 46 (4): 399. Solowij, Nadia (1999). Cannabis and cognitive functioning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Watt, John Mitchell, Breyer-Brandwijk, & Gerdina. M. 2007. The Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern and Eastern Africa. London: Pub. E & S Livingstone. Read More
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