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The Celebrities - Case Study Example

This paper 'The Celebrities' tells that In the 21st century, celebrities tend to engage in charitable giving across the globe, especially in developing nations. Celebrities become ambassadors of global and non-profit organizations while also setting up their foundations in the course of supporting various social causes…
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CASE STUDY: CELEBRITY ANALYSIS Name Institution Professor Course Date Introduction In the 21st century, celebrities tend to engage in charity giving across the globe, especially in developing nations. In this perception, celebrities become ambassadors of global and non-profit organizations while also setting up their own foundations in the course of supporting various social causes. The purpose of this case analysis is to utilize Circuit of Culture theory model to facilitate effective assessment of Halle Berry with the intention of demonstrating the dynamics of the five moments: representation, construction, consumption, identity, and regulation in relation to her publicity effort in promoting the social cause. These attributes have diverse meanings in relation to encoding the impact of charity and foundations focusing on the social causes of the society. It is critical to note that these attributes or moments of the circuit of culture model are ideal in the evaluation of the construction, consumption, monitoring, assessment, and regulation of cultural aspects under the influence of public relations activities and practitioners. Circuit of Cultural Model Culture refers to the process by which meaning is produced, circulated, consumed, commodified, and endlessly reproduced and renegotiated in society. The Circuit of Cultural Model consists of five moments in a process: regulation, production, consumption, representation, and identity, which are essential in provision of a cultural space in creation, shaping, modification, and recreation of meaning. Halle Berry has been one of the celebrities seeking to make a difference through her engagement in diverse social causes and actions of charity as well as support to different foundations. The study will adopt and integrate this theoretical model to understand dimensions of Halle’s actions and engagement in diverse social causes across the globe. Representation Halle’s foundation and charity activities focus on integrating social arm towards improving living conditions of the people. Media fraternities focus on presenting Halle’s charity activities as ‘politics of caring and economics of sharing’. In this context, the institutions focus on training and assisting society members on overcoming poverty. In the course of understanding this moment of the model, it is essential to discuss three theories of representation. In the first instance, representation focuses on the concept of reflective, which enables the language to reflect a meaning existing in the world. In addition, there is the essence of intentional theory of representation, which enables the language to express the intended meaning of the producer. In the third essence, there is the aspect of constructionist theory of representation, which facilitates construction of the meaning through language. These three theories of representation are relevant to the study as well as examination of cultural phenomena as commodity. This is because of the presence of resonance in each theory in the practices of generating, managing, and maintaining the value of a commodity. In the common illustration, representation refers to description as well as depiction of something, symbol, and substitute for something. From this perspective, representation might ‘be’ or ‘stand for’ something else. In addition, representation refers to cultural signs applicable in referring to something, which may not be real or possess some form and image for different individuals. Halle Berry’s social actions and foundation activities have meanings, which are fluid. In this context, representation must rely on some kind of common understanding between individuals in relation to what something is and what something is not in order to achieve effective and efficient interaction. Individuals tend to classify, make certain connections between ideas and things while abstracting and integrating mental representations in relation to things in the world or reality. There are two forms of representations in relation to understanding of the concept of culture among individuals within the society. According to this theory, there are true and distorted representations while analyzing culture. In the process of understanding representation of Berry’s charity actions, it is essential to integrate critical and informative approaches, which are essential in realization of insightful investigation of the processes of culture. These actions have diverse connections with pre-existing realities of being made to execute specific functions by producers thus fulfilling the role of constructing and construction by language. The role of this moment in the model is to highlight particular preferred meanings with the intention of limiting potential meanings as well as extension of the possibilities of understanding (Sargeant, 2001). Cultural meanings are slippery thus the essence of shifting from one relation with reality to another facet. Textual representation is essential in understanding constitutive roles of numerous possibilities with reference to producer, actor, fund provider, consumer, researcher, potential consumer, model, and any other entity. Individuals tend to experience textual representations and meanings they convey. The process of generating and attempting to fix diverse messages as well as meanings to representations is vital to the persons focusing on building, managing, and maintaining the value of commodity. Representing Halle’s charity activities and social actions prove to be complex. From this perspective, these activities play numerous and varied roles in the constitution of understandings in relation to phenomena. These actions experience integral connection with meaning, language, and communication. They form a process, which expresses things towards constitution of the meanings of cultural actions and activities. Halle Berry focuses on participating in diverse activities and charitable organizations while seeking to aiding minimization of negative conditions within the society. This is through engaging in processes and activities concentrating in elimination of poverty, empowerment of women, minimization of cancer, and highlighting issues of violence among couples. These actions focus on representing the attitude, perceptions, and expectations of the society in relation to the models and actors (Sargeant, 2000). Such individuals have the obligation of giving back to the society with the intention of empowering the society members towards improving their living condition. These actions illustrate positive representation of the meaning. Individuals have diverse approaches towards conceptualizing different meanings in relation to these actions. In the first instance, certain society members might view these actions as forms of empowerment of the society members (Holt & Perren, 2011). On the other hand, certain society members might view these actions as marketing tools by the producer. For instance, Halle Berry might focus on utilizing these actions to gain fame and market her image and reputation in the global context. Participation in social, charity, and foundation activities enable individuals to become prominent personality hence the usage of such aspects for public relations issues. Construction Halle Berry focuses on using her foundations and charity organizations to empower women and poor society to overcome issues such as poverty and cancer. The foundations focuses on building entities comprised on caring and sharing resources towards eradication of poverty while restoring human dignity. Construction or production refers to generation of messages with intended meanings, drawing on particular power structures as well as socio-cultural practices (Bennett, 2006). In the process of creating successful economic, social, and political products, producers have the obligation of considering cultural meanings, norms, and values as crucial factors. In the first approach, it is ideal to note that culture structures how individuals feel, think, and act. Moreover, effective and efficient management of cultural processes will be essential in the generation of satisfaction among the target audiences. There is need to create an effective and efficient platform for the growth and rapid development of cultural meanings. In the first instance, Halle Berry focuses on the usage of her actions to create valuable cultural and social meanings in relation to the demands as well as expectations of the consumers in the addressing their problems (Sargeant, 2006). For instance, Halle focuses on production or taking part in diverse films and movies with the intention of creating cultural, social, and economic products in accordance with the demands of the target audiences. In addition, Halle takes part in different actions and activities such as empowerment of women, working closely with community members towards overcoming poverty, and minimization as well as management of other issues such as cancer, diabetes, and development programs. The creation of these cultural and social products focuses on addressing diverse needs and demands of the target audience. "They don't often see me as that person in the world, that celebrity side. They have issues that are much more daunting to deal with, and they do not care about celebrity -- they are just trying to live day to day. So I get to come here and just be a woman, a person who cares, someone who they can talk to and confide in (Huff Post, 2010)." For example, Halle contributes through donation of financial resources and material objects in the course of handling different needs. It is ideal to note that the process of offering quality products and financial resources is ideal in the creation of different meanings with reference to perception of the consumers. Integration of financial meaning is vital in the creation of intended and unintended meanings (McGuigan, 2004). Some of the intended meanings from incorporation of financial and material objects are to eliminate poverty among society members and improvement of the living conditions of the members of the society. On the other hand, the actions and charitable organizations by Halle Berry have unintended (latent) meanings. Some of the meanings constructed in this context include improvement of the image, reputation, and public relations of the actor while interacting with the potential and actual consumers. Halle Berry also focuses on the usage of these charitable organizations and foundations to market her image in different contexts. For instance, engagement in foundations and charitable organizations would be ideal in the creation of different meanings in areas of interaction. This is through participation in numerous continents with dissimilar cultural perceptions emanating diversity in cultures, norms, and beliefs. The creation of these cultural products is essential in improving the living conditions of the society members in accordance with the image and reputation of actors. The construction or production of such cultural products and services focus on incorporation of diverse concepts and elements. In the first instance, Halle Berry focuses on utilization of the media fraternity with the intention of reaching the target audiences in the modern as well as traditional societies. In the course of producing cultural products, media outlets are essential in empowering the society members while learning on the importance of the products prior to their consumption in the market and locations of interests (Sargeant, 2006). The organizations focus on organization of meet-and-great events with the intention of enlightening the society members of the benefits of such cultural activities. The production of the cultural products and services focuses on handling diverse needs and preferences of the consumers (Childress & Friedkin, 2012). Like in most cases, actors focus on utilization of their talents to enhance their participation as well as engagement of the consumers. From this perspective, the production of cultural products relates to engagement of the consumers in development activities and empowerment products. Some of the production techniques include development of educational facilities, health contexts, recreational centers, and rehabilitation institutions (Pidgeon, 2001). These cultural elements are essential in enabling society members to improve their conditions and knowledge, thus effective and efficient understanding of the world and diverse environments. On the other hand, society members must engage or participate in such activities with the intention of maximizing the opportunities in relation to improving their living conditions. Production of the cultural products by Halle Berry focuses on integration of other prominent personalities within the entertainment industry. This is essential in ensuring that the consumers feel motivated and inspired to interact with the actors while utilizing the cultural outputs (Sirdesmukh et al, 2002). Similarly, Halle Berry adopts and integrates substantial techniques in ensuring that society leaders and members participate in the improvement of the society, thus effective creation or production of the cultural outputs to handle different needs and preferences of the consumers in contemporary societies. Consumption Different entities focus on interpreting these charity organizations from diverse perspectives. In the first instance, individuals tend to focus on relating to the foundations as values of providing care to the less fortunate (Sargeant, 2007). On the other hand, these same values are viewed as alienating other potential volunteers and donors. Nevertheless, most individuals focus on consuming these products and services to eliminate eradicate poverty. The novelty factor in relation to activities and charitable actions by Halle Berry contribute to the original spike in relation to the consumption of the cultural products. In the early developments of these charitable organizations, Berry focuses on integrating inspirational, empowerment, innovative, and quality messages concentrating on the presentation of the cultural products as aggressive and bold in overcoming negative issues affecting the growth and development of the societies (Thorpe, 2014). In her message to the women in abusive relationships, Halle says, "Get out. Just get out. You are so worth it, as women, as mothers, as people. If you can't do it for yourself, get out for your children, because your children deserve better (Huff Post, 2010)." The consumption of such products focuses on integration of religious, patriotic, and social terms to inspire and motivate target audiences in the course of enhancing their living conditions in the modern context. Programs aiding the fight against cancer and poverty are essential in generating positive comments thus a quality taste in accordance with the demand as well as expectations of the consumers in the potential locations (Venable et al, 2005). The products are not different from other charitable activities hence making it easier for the communities and individuals to identify with in the course of improving their conditions at the end of the strategic period. In most cases, practitioners tend to integrate efforts in shaping diverse discourses in the course of production through encoding materials with meaning. Nevertheless, some campaigns fail to achieve their objectives and targets. It is essential to note that all production efforts are successful. In diverse cases, failures often are attributable to meanings arising during the moment or element of consumption. In this process, target audiences focus on decoding messages from the production process. In public relations, consumers are the target publics. They tend to bring their own semantic networks in relation to meaning from diverse communicative exchange. Consumers are active creators of meaning through integrating issues and products to use in their daily lives in their own approaches and ways. The creators of the circuit of culture note that production offers a series of possibilities. These possibilities are only actualized in and through the moment of consumption (Kaiser, 2011). From this perspective, consumption is as important and significant as production in the course of ascribing. Consumption is not the end of the line, but another point in relation to the circuit of culture vital in the incorporation of meaning while decoding the cultural outputs. Consumption becomes a form of production as new meaning accrue to an artifact because of exploitation or use towards handling their needs and expectations. It is essential to note that target audiences focus on incorporation of diverse techniques in the course of consuming different elements of charitable activities. For instance, Halle Berry engages in numerous activities. In the first instance, she engages in provision of numerous services and products aiming to empower women against diverse limitations in the modern societies especially in third world and developing nations. Women within the communities focus on consuming these products and cultural outputs to rise above societal limitations. In the course of consuming these products, individuals tend to decode the message accompanying the actions and charitable activities thus ideal in the achievement of the goals as well as targets. At one point, consumption of the products might note that the message behind the development of these cultural and charitable organizations focus on the achievement of public relations goals and objectives (Selby, 2003). On the other hand, women view these elements as quality messages towards curbing issues such as poverty, violence, and sexual assault on women within the context of developing nations and third world countries. Another element of the charitable organization is the provision of health products and funds for the provision of quality services and incorporation of health facilities in areas of need. These attributes are essential in improving the quality of living conditions for the individual in developing nations and third world countries (Sargeant, 2008). These health products and facilities focus on elimination or minimization of health issues such as diabetes, cancer, and other related diseases. Consumption of these products is essential in decoding messages from the practitioners in the global and national contexts. It is also critical for the public relations to create positive elements and attitude among the target audiences in the development and consumption of such products in the developing and third world nations. Nevertheless, consumption of the cultural products might generate negative facets and elements while seeking to address the needs and preferences of the society members. Identity Halle’s foundations and charity activities focus on promoting social development causes thus enhancing his identity beyond national borders. Berry has been on the forefront in the generation of an appropriate identity through her public efforts against diabetes, cancer, abuse, and violence just to mention but a few. Identities relate to the meanings that accrue to all social networks in relation to nations, organizations, and publics. Public relations practitioners focus on establishing and maintaining an organizational or business identity. In the course of production, practitioners focus on encoding organizational texts with the dominant identity. From this perspective, the practitioners concentrate on encoding relevant texts with the dominant identity they want to convey (Selby, 2003). This is essential in the provision of the quality platform for the structuring of the subsequent discourse. Halle Berry focuses on generating quality identity in relation to engagement in diverse foundations and charitable organizations demonstrating different advertising slogans. These public relations issues and activities concentrate on elimination of poverty, diseases, sexual assault, and domestic violence with the intention of creating quality societies and living conditions. In the maintenance of the identities, public relations practitioners focus on segmenting public, which is ideal in the creation of identities for various target audiences. Halle Berry focuses on providing charitable products and outputs for diverse segments within the society with reference to children, women, and community organizations. These segments have diverse identities in relation to the objectives of the cultural products in the essence of encoding quality messages. In the process of creating these identities, it is ideal for the public relations practitioners to understand the segments as active constructors or developers of earning. It is also ideal to highlight that consumers create their own identities as well as membership, which might be multiple, fluid, and conflicting. On the other hand, different consumer segments create as well as assign their own identities to the public relations and charitable organizations. For instance, certain organizational groups and consumer segments view these cultural products as righteous causes in the process of protecting basic rights, which are consistent with the dominant identity of the foundations and charitable actions in the essence of encoding different communication materials. On the other hand, certain segments of the consumer view the activities from different and negative perspectives. For example, these actions might be viewed as elements of capitalism focusing on exploitation of the society members in return for the health, educational, and empowerment. From this perspective, it is ideal to demonstrate that identities are not fixed, but multiple, cultural constructed meanings with the ability to evolve and change in relation to production and consumption moments of the model. In the course of designing substantial and effective campaigns, public relations practitioners tend to face diverse obstacles in relation to creation of an appropriate identity of a product or cultural output for the members of the society to share in the process of improving their living conditions (Hammer, 2009). Public relations practitioners come out as the cultural intermediaries with the ability to act as mediators between consumers and producers who engage in the creation of meanings while establishing identification between products or issues and target audiences. Identities are essential in the identification of products and services from others within the platform of operation. Consumers focus on utilization of products and services’ identities to gain inspiration and motivation for effective engagement and interaction with the practitioners. Halle Berry concentrates on development and implementation of a positive identity on the forefront in the fight against negative aspects of the society, which limit development and growth of the society members towards the achievement of their potentials. Similarly, consumers focus on evaluation of such identities in the process of decoding meanings to the cultural products and services aiming to improve their living conditions in relevant contexts. On the other hand, practitioners focus on exploitation of the identities of the consumers in the course of segmenting such groups to enhance effectiveness and efficiency of the service provision in accordance with the demands and expectations of the consumers. From this point of view, identity is an essential model of the circuit of culture moment vital in effective and appropriate understanding of the impact of cultural products from charitable activities and foundations towards the achievement of their targets and objectives. Halle Berry concentrates on exploitation of such identities to ensure that she offers empowerment products and health facilities to improve living conditions of society members with reference to the case of the developing and third world nations. Regulation Relates to controls on cultural activity inclusive of formal, legal controls, regulations, laws, institutionalized systems, local controls of culture, norms, and expectations vital in the formation of culture. These social development actions and foundations focus on adhering to policies and rules of the nations of operation (Thorpe, 2014). From this illustration, regulation relates to elements focusing on controlling cultural activity with reference to the formal and legal controls such as regulations, laws, and institutionalized systems. This moment of the circuit is also essential in incorporation of informal as well as local control of cultural norms or expectations forming culture in the more commonly applicable sense of the term. The moment of regulation is vital in the generation of meanings of what is acceptable or correct. In simplistic terms, regulation is vital in the generation of the context in which public relations activities take place. For instance, in the provision of these charitable organizations to the developing and third world nations, practitioners have the obligation of adhering to the protocol, with much formality guiding diverse interactions between consumers and producers. For examples, while engaging different societal segments, charitable organizations and activities practitioners tend to organize events and constitutions or rules guiding interaction between consumers and producers with the intention of exploiting quality services and products. Similarly, construction of meaning is an ongoing process. Nevertheless, meanings do not go unchanged or unchallenged. It is essential to note that groups with economic and political power in diverse situations tend to determine what allowable or societal expectations are. It is also critical to note that specific circumstances as well as determined actions have the ability to create competing discourses or narratives, which are resonate among the wider social networks. Practitioners of these entities have the obligation of adhering to these expectations and allowable actions in the course of interacting with the society members (Murphy, 2006). Different societies and nations have diverse regulations and laws, which might relate to their customs and traditions. These regulations have massive influence in the essence of engagement between consumers and producers of the cultural products. On the other hand, public relations practitioners have the obligation of adhering to the regulation while adjusting the constitutions and policies to accommodate such traditions. This is vital towards elimination or minimization of resistance from the authority and society members in relation to consumption of the cultural products and facets. In this illustration, it is ideal to note that regulation is another critical moment of the circuit of culture model vital for understanding charity and activities aiming to handle needs and preferences of the consumers in different locations across the globe. Conclusion Halle Berry is one of the Hollywood celebrities focusing on transformation of the world through her public engagement in social causes and foundation. Integration of Circuit of Cultural theory model offers the perfect platform in understanding her participation in different social causes. Halle’s foundation and charity activities focus on integrating social arm towards improving living conditions of the people. Media fraternities focus on presenting Halle’s charity activities as ‘politics of caring and economics of sharing’. Construction or production refers to generation of messages with intended meanings, drawing on particular power structures as well as socio-cultural practices. In the process of creating successful economic, social, and political products, producers have the obligation of considering cultural meanings, norms, and values as crucial factors. In the maintenance of the identities, public relations practitioners focus on segmenting public, which is ideal in the creation of identities for various target audiences. Halle Berry focuses on providing charitable products and outputs for diverse segments within the society with reference to children, women, and community organizations. Conclusively, incorporation of the circuit of culture model is vital in understanding positive and negative approaches to the charity and foundations by Halle Berry in the achievement of different social causes. This relates to management of diseases, eradication of poverty, empowerment of women, and prevention of violence as well as sexual assault in the context of developing and third world nations. References Bennett, A. 2006. Design studies: theory and research in graphic design. New York, Princeton Architectural Press. Childress, C.C. & Friedkin, N.E. 2012, "Cultural Reception and Production: The Social Construction of Meaning in Book Clubs", American Sociological Review, vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 45-68. Hammer, R. 2009. Media, cultural studies critical approaches. New York, NY, Lang. Holt, J., & Perren, A. 2011. Media Industries History, Theory, and Method. Hoboken, John Wiley & Sons. Huff Post, 2010, “Halle Berry Speaks up for Battered Women on ‘Making a Difference.” Retrieved from for_n_356246.html Kaiser. 2011. Fashion and cultural studies. Oxford, Berg Publishers. McGuigan, J. 2004. Rethinking Cultural Policy. Maidenhead, McGraw-Hill International (UK) Ltd. Murphy, J. 2006. Governing Technology for Sustainability. London, Earthscan. Pidgeon, S. 2001, ‘Using Brands to Build Relationships,’ Presentation to the Institute of Fundraising Conference, Birmingham, UK, July. Sargeant, A. 2001, ‘Relationship Fundraising: How To Keep Donors Loyal,’ Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 12(2), 177-192. Sargeant, A. and Ford, J.B. 2006, ‘The Power of Brands’, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Winter, 41-47. Sargeant, A. and Hudson, J. 2008, ‘Donor Retention: An Exploratory Study of Door-to-Door Recruits’, International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 13, 89- 101. Sargeant, A. and Woodliffe, L. 2007, ‘Building Donor Loyalty: The Antecedents and Role of Commitment in the Context of Charity Giving,’ Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 18(2), 47-68. Sargeant, A., Ford, J. and West, D.C. 2000, ‘Widening The Appeal of Charity,’ International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 5(4), 318-332. Sargeant, A., Ford, J. B. and West, D.C. 2006, ‘Perceptual Determinants of Nonprofit Giving Behavior,’ Journal of Business Research, 59(2), 155-165. Selby, M. 2003. Understanding urban tourism: image, culture and experience. London, I.B. Tauris. Sirdesmukh, D., Singh, J. and Sabol, B. 2002, ‘Consumer Trust, Value and Loyalty in Relational Exchanges,’ Journal of Marketing, 66, 15-37. Thorpe, H. 2014. Transnational mobilities in action sport cultures. Venable, B.T., Rose, G.M., Bush, V.D. and Gilbert, F.W. 2005, ‘The Role of Brand Personality in Charitable Giving: An Assessment and Validation,’ Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 33(3), 295-312. Read More

In the common illustration, representation refers to description as well as depiction of something, symbol, and substitute for something. From this perspective, representation might ‘be’ or ‘stand for’ something else. In addition, representation refers to cultural signs applicable in referring to something, which may not be real or possess some form and image for different individuals. Halle Berry’s social actions and foundation activities have meanings, which are fluid. In this context, representation must rely on some kind of common understanding between individuals in relation to what something is and what something is not in order to achieve effective and efficient interaction.

Individuals tend to classify, make certain connections between ideas and things while abstracting and integrating mental representations in relation to things in the world or reality. There are two forms of representations in relation to understanding of the concept of culture among individuals within the society. According to this theory, there are true and distorted representations while analyzing culture. In the process of understanding representation of Berry’s charity actions, it is essential to integrate critical and informative approaches, which are essential in realization of insightful investigation of the processes of culture.

These actions have diverse connections with pre-existing realities of being made to execute specific functions by producers thus fulfilling the role of constructing and construction by language. The role of this moment in the model is to highlight particular preferred meanings with the intention of limiting potential meanings as well as extension of the possibilities of understanding (Sargeant, 2001). Cultural meanings are slippery thus the essence of shifting from one relation with reality to another facet.

Textual representation is essential in understanding constitutive roles of numerous possibilities with reference to producer, actor, fund provider, consumer, researcher, potential consumer, model, and any other entity. Individuals tend to experience textual representations and meanings they convey. The process of generating and attempting to fix diverse messages as well as meanings to representations is vital to the persons focusing on building, managing, and maintaining the value of commodity.

Representing Halle’s charity activities and social actions prove to be complex. From this perspective, these activities play numerous and varied roles in the constitution of understandings in relation to phenomena. These actions experience integral connection with meaning, language, and communication. They form a process, which expresses things towards constitution of the meanings of cultural actions and activities. Halle Berry focuses on participating in diverse activities and charitable organizations while seeking to aiding minimization of negative conditions within the society.

This is through engaging in processes and activities concentrating in elimination of poverty, empowerment of women, minimization of cancer, and highlighting issues of violence among couples. These actions focus on representing the attitude, perceptions, and expectations of the society in relation to the models and actors (Sargeant, 2000). Such individuals have the obligation of giving back to the society with the intention of empowering the society members towards improving their living condition.

These actions illustrate positive representation of the meaning. Individuals have diverse approaches towards conceptualizing different meanings in relation to these actions. In the first instance, certain society members might view these actions as forms of empowerment of the society members (Holt & Perren, 2011). On the other hand, certain society members might view these actions as marketing tools by the producer. For instance, Halle Berry might focus on utilizing these actions to gain fame and market her image and reputation in the global context.

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