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HBO's the Newsroom and It's Critics - Movie Review Example

This review "HBO’s The Newsroom and its Critics" is dedicated to the newsroom, one of the American TV series. This television series depicts a series of events that happen behind the scenes in newsrooms and the creator uses the fictional Atlantic Cable News channel to reveal some of these events…
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Name: Course: Institution: Date: HBO’s The Newsroom and its Critics Introduction The Newsroom is one of the HBO television series in America. It is a creation by Aaron Sorkin and it first premiered on HBO in mid-2012. This television series depicts a series of events that happen behind the scenes in newsrooms and the creator uses the fictional Atlantic Cable News (ACN) channel to reveal some of these events (Bailey para 2). With its anchor, Will McAvoy, together with the supporting staff of ACN, the series sets out to create a television show that primarily focuses on the news. Throughout the series, it is observable that there are numerous challenges ranging from the commercial, the corporate and personal entangles (Bailey para 3). The main objective of this paper is to provide a critical review to the first three episodes of the television series while focusing on the current fate of quality journalism. This will be primarily through a look at the critical differences of the reviewers. Critical review of the first three of The Newsroom Presentation of Journalism High quality journalism in the view of The Newsroom is only realizable when the old individuals in journalism are introduced into new aspects of technology that are an indication that they are still important in the future days in the world of journalism (Rosenberg para 4). This is largely ensured through numerous scenes depicting self confidence among the old journalist in the presentation of new and discernibly unique ideas. This is one way through which this television series is determined to present old models of journalism as possible in the definition of the future of journalism. The view by Rosenberg that the older generation can be influential enough the defining the future of journalism appears to be contradictory to the fact that young journalists are best paced placed to improve the quality of journalism since they are flexible and creative in numerous ways. The Newsroom skates over the real aspects in the business world and the real work of reporting (Rosenberg para 6). This television series also appears to be operating on a hierarchy of pomposity. At the top of the management is Charlie Skinner whose description of Mackenzie McHale, a cable news executive producer, as a fragile flower instead of an experienced war journalist (Rosenberg para 4). This largely based on the fact that she appears mentally and physically tired due to the nature of her life and the fact that she has been to too many funeral for a girl as young as she is (Rosenberg para 4). The younger generation according to The Newsroom is the worst to have existed considering the fact that their life styles do not depict any development as they are people living beyond their means and they do not possess sufficient experience to drive journalism to the next level (Bailey para 5). Relationship between journalists and quality journalism The main role of any journalist is to ensure that that he or she presents information that is transparent and satisfies the desires of the audience. One way by which such presentation can be realized if the individuals involved in the shooting, editing and presentation of information are in agreement with each other. However, this is not the case in The Newsroom since it depicts many problems that are not in agreement with the goals and narrative strategies. This is largely based on the direct conflicts between the journalists. The result of this relationship is inert and infuriating mess (Nussbaum para 3). There are numerous ironies that arise in The Newsroom especially one involving one of the news anchors, Will McAvoy, who laments the fact that much of the public discourse is yet become a clear shoutfest. The characters in this television series also talk at each other as they also appear in the newsrooms preaching the relevance of peaceful co-existence between different members of the public (Nussbaum para 5). The show has also been viewed as failing to ensure sufficient promulgation of the values and beliefs that the cast members profess. The enmity portrayed between journalists is one way through which the program depicts the downfall of journalism (Rosenberg para 3). Another outstanding irony that is depicted in this depicted in the endeavours of journalists to ensure quality journalism is when Will and his colleagues keep complaining about the absence of professionalism and decorum in the news business yet they continuously act in ways that contribute to the loss of respect as news professionals (Rosenberg para 5). Will, one of the individuals who is meant to appear as the hero among other journalists, especially considering the fact that he is one of the brightest among many, is also a self-absorbed individual. This makes him incapable of providing the much needed advice to the public through the news. This is especially considering that Sorkin, the creator of the television series, had presented Will as a charming individual capable of solving any problem in The Newsroom (Rosenberg 6). Homage to the ideals of television news Sorkin’s The Newsroom can also be viewed as important in playing a major role in the reinvention of television news. This is largely based on the fact that it brings out the internal issues that affect the relationship between journalists (Rosenberg para 6). The Newsroom could play an essential role in providing sufficient explanation to complex issues and different narratives. The Newsroom provides a perfect visualization of complex data. Through such data, The Newsroom could be good at revealing to the public what they need to know instead of providing them with that which they already know (Nussbaum para 9). The views of Nussbaum on narrative and investigative news as depicted in The Newsroom is an attribute that most television channels often use to ensure they present in depth, fact and evidence based news that ensures that the audience is provided with the information that they need to hear concerning different matters. The relationship that journalists share with the real witnesses gives these individuals a participatory role in the news making process since they get into action to collect news. It will also be one way through which TV will be minimize on the obvious and repetitive news since there will be much more sources of relevant news (Starr 30). It is important to note as Starr argues that this form of relationship also helps in educating the public on how to ensure they embrace trust, honesty and truthfulness in the process of ensuring that every article or news item that is to be presented to news channel is meets the required standards. The liberal ideals presented by the current system in journalism ensure numerous forms of rights and freedoms to the media. These include the freedom of speech, the watchdog role and the free circulation of opinion among other freedoms (Habermas 51). This is a clear indication that the media plays an essential role as the chief informant of the public opinion in a democracy such as that of the United States (Habermas 53). This is evident in The Newsroom where Sorkin tackles real issues that affect the general public. It is however important to note that does not provide an ideal of news presentation rather, Sorkin seems to be presenting some ideals that news presenters and journalist could use to ensure that they play their role as the chief informants of the public (Hiltbrand para 6). Depiction of journalism challenges The relationship between major newsrooms and the government or major corporates in the country can also interfere with the process of ensuring quality journalism. Ideally when a journalist covers an event, he or she is expected to use or access multiple sources to ensure that the information they have is valid and balanced in terms of their interpretation (Starr 29). This process includes the factors to consider while reporting, analysing or commenting on a particular news item (McNair 26). However, The Newsroom presents the political class an impediment to objective journalism. This is especially through the revelation of the dangers of a major news channels being in a close relationship with a big government irrespective of whether it is led by the Democrats or the Republicans (Poniewozik para 7). One of the most interesting scenes in episode three is when the owner of one of the corporation’s demands that one of the news anchors at the ACN channel does not cover news in ways that is pleasing to the leaders in Congress who she considers important in the success of the corporation. Despite the suggestions by one of the executive members of ACN, that the news could not be tailored in the interests of the owner of the corporation, she threatens to fire the news anchor (Poniewozik para 8). It is true that in many situations, powerful governments often use the provisions of the law to manipulate newsrooms into presenting news items that are in line with the interests of the powerful individuals within the government. Such manipulation may lead to the degeneration of the status of the news channel when the public realizes the relationship between the news channel and the government. Conclusion Quality journalism can only be realized when newsrooms and journalist present the information gathered thorough investigations to ensure that it is based on facts. The views by Rosenberg on the future of journalism seem undermine the abilities of the younger population while the views by Nussbaum seem to present cognitive facts concerning the investigative role of the media to the public. Starr also alludes to the fact that quality journalism necessitates public education of their rights to news. The challenges that face the field of journalism especially in relation to government involvement is as depicted by Poniewozik. Works cited Bailey, Jason. ‘Why I Love The Newsroom: A Defense of Imperfection’. The Atlantic August 27. 2012. newsroom-a-defense-of-imperfection/261598/ Habermas,,J. ‘The Public Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article’, New German Critique 1(3), 49-55.1974. (First published 1964) Hiltbrand, David. 'The Newsroom: Critics nay, viewers yay’. Philadelphia Inquirer July 15.2013. 
aaron-sorkin-news-producer Johnson, Steven. ‘Old Growth Media And The Future Of News’. 2009. Available at: a-speech-i-gave-yesterday-at-the-south-by-southwest-interactive-festival-in- austiniif-you-happened-to-being.html McNair,B. ‘Politics, Democracy and the Media’. Chapter 2 in his An Introduction to Political Communication. 3rd Edn. Pp 16-28; 227-8. 2003. Nussbaum, E. ‘Broken News: The artificial intelligence of The Newsroom’. The New Yorker June 25, 2012 evision_nussbaum Poniewozik, James. ‘Dead Tree Alert: Blowhardball: The Not-So Special Comment of HBO’s The Newsroom’. Time Magazine June 21 not-so-special-comment-of-hbos-the-newsroom/#ixzz2Zk0cpbKU Rosenberg, A. ‘The Pretentious Condescension of The Newsroom.’ The Atlantic. June 22. 2012. condescension-of-the-newsroom/258866/ Starr,P. ‘Goodbye to the Age of Newspapers (Hello to a New Era of Corruption)" The New Republic, March 4: 28-35. 2009. Available in pdf at: 09.pdf Read More

This television series also appears to be operating on a hierarchy of pomposity. At the top of the management is Charlie Skinner whose description of Mackenzie McHale, a cable news executive producer, as a fragile flower instead of an experienced war journalist (Rosenberg para 4). This largely based on the fact that she appears mentally and physically tired due to the nature of her life and the fact that she has been to too many funeral for a girl as young as she is (Rosenberg para 4). The younger generation according to The Newsroom is the worst to have existed considering the fact that their life styles do not depict any development as they are people living beyond their means and they do not possess sufficient experience to drive journalism to the next level (Bailey para 5).

Relationship between journalists and quality journalism The main role of any journalist is to ensure that that he or she presents information that is transparent and satisfies the desires of the audience. One way by which such presentation can be realized if the individuals involved in the shooting, editing and presentation of information are in agreement with each other. However, this is not the case in The Newsroom since it depicts many problems that are not in agreement with the goals and narrative strategies.

This is largely based on the direct conflicts between the journalists. The result of this relationship is inert and infuriating mess (Nussbaum para 3). There are numerous ironies that arise in The Newsroom especially one involving one of the news anchors, Will McAvoy, who laments the fact that much of the public discourse is yet become a clear shoutfest. The characters in this television series also talk at each other as they also appear in the newsrooms preaching the relevance of peaceful co-existence between different members of the public (Nussbaum para 5).

The show has also been viewed as failing to ensure sufficient promulgation of the values and beliefs that the cast members profess. The enmity portrayed between journalists is one way through which the program depicts the downfall of journalism (Rosenberg para 3). Another outstanding irony that is depicted in this depicted in the endeavours of journalists to ensure quality journalism is when Will and his colleagues keep complaining about the absence of professionalism and decorum in the news business yet they continuously act in ways that contribute to the loss of respect as news professionals (Rosenberg para 5).

Will, one of the individuals who is meant to appear as the hero among other journalists, especially considering the fact that he is one of the brightest among many, is also a self-absorbed individual. This makes him incapable of providing the much needed advice to the public through the news. This is especially considering that Sorkin, the creator of the television series, had presented Will as a charming individual capable of solving any problem in The Newsroom (Rosenberg 6). Homage to the ideals of television news Sorkin’s The Newsroom can also be viewed as important in playing a major role in the reinvention of television news.

This is largely based on the fact that it brings out the internal issues that affect the relationship between journalists (Rosenberg para 6). The Newsroom could play an essential role in providing sufficient explanation to complex issues and different narratives. The Newsroom provides a perfect visualization of complex data. Through such data, The Newsroom could be good at revealing to the public what they need to know instead of providing them with that which they already know (Nussbaum para 9).

The views of Nussbaum on narrative and investigative news as depicted in The Newsroom is an attribute that most television channels often use to ensure they present in depth, fact and evidence based news that ensures that the audience is provided with the information that they need to hear concerning different matters. The relationship that journalists share with the real witnesses gives these individuals a participatory role in the news making process since they get into action to collect news.

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