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Analysis of Disconnect by Henry - Movie Review Example

"Analysis of Disconnect Movie by Henry" paper analizes the film that focuses on how contemporary life intersects digitally. The film is all about interpersonal intimacy in which there is easy communication. However, “Disconnect” is not an easy movie, although it is very worth watching…
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Movie analysis University Student Id Course 1) Definition of the Situation The film “”Disconnect” was directed by Henry and written by Andrew Stern. The film focuses on how the contemporary life usually intersects digitally. Besides, the film is all about interpersonal intimacy in which there is easy communication. However, the “Disconnect” is not an easy movie, although it is very worth for watching since any individual who watches this movie always obtains something good. The film explores the adverse effects of modern technology in communication that include adult identity theft, teen sex and cyberbullying (McChesney, 2013). In a real sense, in the movie, there are various issues concerning ethical dilemma that can be witnessed throughout the film. For instance, some of the characters in the movie think that the internet is important in providing space for exploring intimacy while the society expects the internet to improve communication. The ethical dilemma in the film involves the use of modern technology in communication. A conflict is seen in the process of using modern technology where people especially the teens are using the internet for the wrong purpose. Modern technology is aimed at improving communication and interaction among people in the right manner. However, the teens are making use of social media platforms in the process of sharing information and ideas that can harm the ethical practices in the society. For instance, they are sharing information that promotes teen sex hence making the young children engage in sex at early ages. The ethical dilemma entails the use of modern technology as some teenagers are shown developing online crush including the Facebook account with the aim of luring people. Besides, adult theft using the modern technology is witnessed in the movie through the use of internet through accessing some confidential details that can help the online thieves in stealing. People are in a dilemma whether to continue embracing modern technology due to the role it has facilitated in the process of improving communication or to stop because of the ethical concerns raised due to the internet use. However, considering the ethical challenges that the modern technology has contributed are leading to some serious concerns concerning the continued advancement in technology. Besides, cyberbullying has been shown in the film where people are using false information with the aim executing their missions (Livingstone, 2008). However, in the film, some audience seem to find it funny as they consider it interesting. The continued use of the modern technology is likely to result in a decline in the morals of the society as the teens are growing without the necessary ethical practices. The teens can access information over the internet that can affect their morals hence failing to develop the necessary values in the society. On the other hand, people have experience improvement in communication due to the modern technology hence the need for continued technological advancements. Besides, the Disconnect film usually consists of three stories which are intersecting. The film looks as if it is a drama just like the Crash, Magnolia or Shortcuts, but it is simply called a movie concerning intersecting lives. Furthermore, the film is mostly concerned about attachment as well as the strategies which are used by individuals in connecting to each other (McChesney, 2013). Also, the movie shows the reasons as to why people choose these strategies for connecting with each other, and the reasons as to why individuals may either fail or even succeed in connecting to each other. However, as the Disconnect film focuses on these issues, it also gives a reminder of a story that is known as The Conversation, which revolves around how and the reasons for intimacy. In this story, all characters seem to be intensely private, whereby no individual who tells another about anything since they have something to hide. In the case of the Disconnect film, all characters seem to be intensely public, whereby everyone reveals everything to everybody even though they do not find any way of connecting to each other. Surprisingly, even though the characters in this film are intensely public, the same characters have still something for hiding. In the film, the first movie is all about how people conceal the individuals who are silent, while the second movie is about how individuals conceal themselves in noise. Importantly, the two movies usually address about the lies which people tell to others to build or even sustain their relationships. The characters in the film Disconnect are lonely. Some of the characters are lonely since they are narcissistic, whereas other characters are lonely since they are either injured or even rejected. The characters who are narcissists do not understand the reasons as to why they need anybody until it becomes too late for them, while the rest of characters are weak in asserting their needs. Despite the characters in the Disconnect film being lonely, everybody has the desire to establish a connection, a something which is always a sign of human quality. Besides, the film also addresses how individuals communicate their need of establishing a connection. Furthermore, the Disconnect film it is all about the relationship which exists between intimacy, communication and desperation in the process of creating a connection. 2) Conflicts and Values: The ethical standards that are being violated include the use of social media as the teens are making use of social media for the wrong purpose. The social media is aimed at improving the communication and enhancing interactions among individuals. The teens are expected to use social media platforms like Facebook to improve interactions and make sure that there are connected with their peers in different regions. However, they are using social media for the wrong purposes where they are using the internet to share unethical information that promotes teen sex. Considering the values of the society, the actions of the teens are conflicting with the morals of the society. According to the values of the society, the teens need to make use of modern technology to improve communications but not to degrade their moral practices of the society. The great significance of the modern technology is that it enables individuals to connect to each other in the worldwide. However, in this film which is known as the Disconnect, it challenges people to think whether they are connected to each other or not, because the human interaction usually decreases with increase in technology (McChesney, 2013). Besides, `Disconnect` actually brings a big issue in the century of 21st, since people becoming connected to the machinery have a great impact on their ability to connect with other people around them. However, the Disconnect film is mostly concerned about the human communication power as well as the interaction of the people. For instance, both the gadgets and tools which are used by individuals can either be bad or good depending on the way they use them. The Disconnect film connects three different stories, and each story revolves around people whose lives have a crisis as a result of depending on the technology. The first story in this film revolves around a couple who lost a baby, and the couple turns to the online chat rooms. The second story of the film is about two teenage boys who make use of the Facebook, in taking the advantage of their loneliness. On the same story, there is an unpopular classmate who tries to commit suicide because of the unhappiness which is caused by his father. The third story revolves around a female reporter who gets involved with a webcam porn performer aged 18yrs old, whereby the reporter exploits the performer for her career ambitions. However, in the end, the three stories usually entangle with each other, and at long last, they explode together. Importantly, in every situation, it takes a catastrophe in making characters aware about what is significant in life. Besides, the Disconnect film also shows how easy the technological devices bait people into making a belief concerning life since the individuals get pulled slowly from what matters most. It has been the case since people easily get seduced by the aspect of technology since it simplifies everything. Also, even now the application of jobs has become impersonal, whereby the majority of the companies usually have automatic machines for answering the job applicants rather than the applicants going to the Human Resource office. Furthermore, the aspect of technology was originally established to allow individuals stay connected. For instance, the invention of the mobile phones was meant so as people could keep in contact with others who are far away, whereas the car phones made it easy for the drivers to request for road assistance in case of a problem. Also, the internet usually creates room for the individuals to conduct research concerning the culture as well as the history of other people without necessarily going to the library. Also, both forums and texts which include Facebook create room for the individuals to keep in contact with their old classmates. Therefore, the aspect of technology is an important tool if at all it is used in the correct way. Above all, in the current people can have access to the various parts of the world unlike our grandparents did. However, the Disconnect film also shows the disadvantages of individuals becoming too connected. One of the disadvantages is that individuals spend a lot of time disconnecting from the real world so as to remain connected to each other through the new technology. Therefore, the aspect of technology creates a lot of contradictions in the current world, whereby people get connected, and at the same time they get disconnected. 3) Society and Principles The society expects technology advancement to promote the interactions of the people through enhancing the connection among individuals. The principles of the society include ensuring that the right morals that are important for the teens in the society are embraced. However, the teens are making use of the modern technology for the wrong purposes leading to the moral decay of the society. For instance, the teens are making use of the internet to share information that is contrary to the ethical values of the society. The principles of ethics are violated as the information shared does not promote good social behavior among the teens (Quan-Haase and Young, 2010). The society rejects such behavior as teen sex as is against the morals of the society hence modern technology in the movie has been contributed to the loss of moral values. The principles of the society can include preserving the morals through embracing good behavior. However, some practices that are shown in the movie caused by the modern technology like identity theft is against the principles of the society. The movie Disconnect has shown numerous aspects of moral degradation where the moral values of the society are violated. The Disconnect film shows how individuals are affected by the negative impacts of the current communication technology in accordance to three interconnecting stories. The first interconnecting story revolves around individuals having sex with minors; the second interconnecting story is all about the teenage boys engaging themselves in cyber bullying whereas the third interconnecting story revolves around adult identity theft. An ambitious reporter who is known as Nina Dunham succeeds in her process of interviewing the video chat room known as Kyle who is actually underage. Kyle is an employee of Harvey who works in the house together with other chat-room strippers. However, the FBI needs Kyle to reveal about his address so as to close down the whole website which is in the rooms. At that time Nina who is the reporter willing to save him, but he fears to loose trust in that process. At long last Kyle reveals out the address reluctantly and suddenly all the chat-room stripers flee from the whole house. Initially, Kyle is willing to leave with her and also has still got hopes for her future, but when Nina fails to guarantee him about security in her home place, then Kyle refuses to go with her. Besides, the Disconnect film there are two boys who are known as Jason and Frye who great friends. The two boys try to impersonate a certain girl whose name is Jessica Rhony through the Facebook Messenger and also goes ahead to convince Ben who is a son of the Rich as well as the legal counsel at the Television station in the same place where Nina works to send his nude picture. However, both Jason and Frye goes ahead to distribute this nude picture of Ben to their classmates, and at long last, every individual in the class get that nude picture. Consequently, as a result of this Ben becomes very embarrassed about the act of these two boys of cyber-bullying into an extend of him attempting to commit suicide by hanging himself and therefore Ben ends up being in a coma. After this incidence, Rich who is the father of Ben starts to search Ben on the social media whereby he starts to chat with `Jessica`. Furthermore, Jason goes to the hospital in order pay a visit to Ben but unfortunately, he meets his father in the hospital and Jason calls himself his father`s name Mike. Later on, Mike who is the father of Jason discovers what he has been doing and therefore gets very bitter with him. However, Mike still goes ahead to protect his son Jason by deleting the evidence which was on the Ipad of Frye. In some time later, Rich realizes that Jason is the one who is known as the “Jessica” and then goes to the house of Mike very bitter whereby he causes a physical altercation. Despite Jason trying to intervene Rich that he is not the one called Jessica, he goes ahead to beat him with a hockey stick, then Jason`s father hits Rich thus stopping the fight. Another incidence in the Disconnect film is about the married couple who were known as Derek and Cindy, who currently lost their child. These married couples struggle a lot in finding the thief who stole their identities via online. The married couple goes to the Mike to hire a private detective so that they can identify the thief. However, after revealing the chats of Cindy with a support group on the website, Mike identifies for them who their burglar is. Moreover, the Disconnecting film ends up without the interconnecting stories being resolved. Throughout the film, individuals do not only like being loved, but instead, they like being loved for who they are. Furthermore, in the Disconnect film, the relationships usually start technologically, whereby the internet creates room for the people to explore about their intimacy. Also, these relationships which are established through technology are gratifying, but only at a specific point. However, it is very simple for an individual to make promises to another person through the internet, but in a real life situation, it is very difficult. Importantly, the Disconnect film is the excellent film which is always serious in its intent and above all the film is compelling since it is very much universal. 4) Ethical Decision Making: The problem or dilemma. The problem that is seen in the film is the negative influence of the modern technology in communication as it has raised many ethical concerns. The morals of the society are eroding as the technological changes have led to increased communication that is contrary to the society expectations. For instance, in the movie, the dilemma is how people are making use of modern technology in communication where social problems are increasing with the increased use of modern technology in communication like the internet. There are various issues in the movie that leads to the dilemma in the film that can include teenage sex, teenage cyberbullying and adult identity theft. The film is showing issues related to teen sex trafficking using internet platforms making modern technology a social problem instead of being a solution to communication. The teenagers are being used as the strippers in camera sex using the internet. Modern technology is expected to enhance communication, but it has been clear that it has led to social decay especially for the young generation. Besides, the modern technology has resulted in social media challenges where the social morals are decaying especially among the teens. The potential issues involved. The potential issues that can be identified in the movie include lack of ethics among the internet users. The lack of ethics among those using modern technology has led to the misuse of internet among the teens making them engage in unethical practices in the society. Besides, people are using the internet to engage in theft through hiding their identity. People are using the internet to access private information and details that enable them to involve themselves in fraudulent activities. Besides, teenage cyberbullying is taking place where the teens are being lured to join some social networks that make them engage in behaviors that are against the moral values of the society (O’Fallon and Butterfield, 2005). Cyberbullying entails sending text messages or emails aimed at harassing someone. It can include some public actions like sexual remarks, threats, hate speech and defamatory statements. The online platforms can be hacked, or sites be vandalized where false information can be posted with the aim of humiliating the owner of the site. In the movie, there are some instances of cyber bullying where fake Facebook accounts are created. The relevant ethical codes. The ethical codes that are relevant in the use of social media include embracing moral values in the process of sharing information over the platforms. The information being shared using the internet need to adhere to the ethical principles in the society to make sure that they do not harm the moral values. The users of the social media need to ensure that they adhere to the ethical terms that are necessary when using the internet. The internet needs to be used for the right purpose and in an ethical way where human morals need to be considered. The other ethical code is maintaining privacy in the use of social media. Fraud over the internet is taking place through the failure of the users of ensuring proper protection of their details and information that is considered confidential. The internet users who are failing to ensure the privacy of their information is likely to be victims of fraud. The applicable laws and regulations. There are applicable regulations and laws that provide guidance in the use of social media platforms. For instance, there are laws that have been established to ensure social media privacy with the aim of protecting private information that can help in eliminating fraud (Ford and Richardson, 2013). Besides, there are social media use laws that are enforceable where the use of the internet is controlled by certain legal framework geared toward ensuring that the users are responsible. For instance, there are terms of punishment that are set for the people found violating the social media laws and regulations. 6-Obtain consultation. The internet users need to maintain high levels of confidentiality. The information that can be used in fraud needs to be kept private where people ensure that they are using the internet in ways that are safe. The social media users who are not aware of the regulations guiding the use the online platforms are likely to find themselves becoming victims of cyberbullying (Shore, et al., 2010). Besides, the lack of moral ethics has led to the immoral behaviors that have been witnessed in the use of the internet. The internet users who are ethical cannot share information that harms the moral values of the society. The possible and probable courses of action. The possible courses of action can include educating the teens the benefits of being ethical in the use of social media. It is clear there has been the lack of the necessary ethics among the teens where they have been sharing sex-related information that promotes teen sex. Besides, the teenagers need to be taught the need for upholding the moral values of the society. As a result, the teens can be in a better position to make sure that they do not share the information that contradicts the moral values of the society. Besides, the regulations that are used in regulating the use of social media need to be properly implemented to ensure that the actions of the social media users are controlled. The users can then fear to violate the regulations due to the punishment that arises from the use of social media in a way that is against the stipulated regulations. Therefore, implementing the internet-use related regulations and laws can be crucial in ensuring use of the internet for the necessary purposes. The consequences of various decisions. The implications of educating the teens about the benefits of ensuring that they are ethical in the ways they modern technology can help in preserving the society morals. Many of the teenagers sharing the unethical information do not have the necessary ethical values as the society has not been keen on teaching the young generations the necessary ethics. On the other hand, the consequences that are associated with implementing the laws governing the use of social media platforms can help in making sure that the users of the internet are responsible. The best course of action The best course of action is ensuring proper implementation of the laws and regulations governing the use of the internet. Despite the fact that there are various laws and regulations concerning the use of social media, the relevant authority has failed in making sure that they are properly implemented. Ensuring successful implementation can be crucial in making sure that the laws set to control the use of internet are followed hence making sure that internet crimes like cyberbullying and fraud are eliminated. 1) Recommendation The existing regulations governing the use of internet need to be amended and successfully implemented to ensure that the users are ethical. Amending the existing regulations can ensure that tight policies are established that can be in a better position to control the use of the internet with the aim of making sure that there is ethics in the internet use. Besides, the behavior that is unethical that has been common especially among the teens can easily be controlled through making it clear concerning the information that needs to be shared in the social media. Educating the public concerning privacy in the use of social media can be crucial in making sure that confidential information is not posted on the social media. As a result, fraud can be minimized as the increase in fraud has been facilitated by the lack of knowledge among the internet users concerning privacy when posting any information in the social media. I consider amendment and implementation of the existing regulations concerning the use of the social media as the best recommendation to address the problem. Amending the existing regulations can ensure that new policies are introduced to guarantee ethics in the use of social media and ensure successful implementation of the laws concerning internet use. Conclusion The movie is addressing the challenges that have been taking place in real life situation. Many teens are currently using social media platforms in the wrong way where they are harming the moral values of the society. They lack the necessary internet ethics where they are sharing information that promote unacceptable behaviors in the society. Besides, people lack the necessary information concerning how they can protect their private information leading to increased incidents of fraud. The modern technology has been geared towards improving the communication among the people in the society to enhance connections and interactions among people in the society. The dilemma in the film entails the conflicting ways of using modern communication technology as the internet is used in ways that are unethical. For instance, the modern technology is intended to improve communication, but the teenagers are sharing information that is promoting teen sex hence going contrary to the moral values of the society. References Ford, R. C., & Richardson, W. D. (2013). Ethical decision making: A review of the empirical literature. In Citation classics from the Journal of Business Ethics (pp. 19-44). Springer Netherlands. Livingstone, S. (2008). Taking risky opportunities in youthful content creation: teenagers' use of social networking sites for intimacy, privacy and self-expression. New media & society, 10(3), 393-411. McChesney, R. W. (2013). Digital disconnect: How capitalism is turning the Internet against democracy. New Press, The. O’Fallon, M. J., & Butterfield, K. D. (2005). A review of the empirical ethical decision-making literature: 1996–2003. Journal of business ethics, 59(4), 375-413. Quan-Haase, A., & Young, A. L. (2010). Uses and gratifications of social media: A comparison of Facebook and instant messaging. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 30(5), 350-361. Shore, R., Halsey, J., Shah, K., Crigger, B. J., & Douglas, S. P. (2010). Report of the AMA Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs: professionalism in the use of social media. The Journal of clinical ethics, 22(2), 165-172. Read More

However, in the film, some audience seem to find it funny as they consider it interesting. The continued use of the modern technology is likely to result in a decline in the morals of the society as the teens are growing without the necessary ethical practices. The teens can access information over the internet that can affect their morals hence failing to develop the necessary values in the society. On the other hand, people have experience improvement in communication due to the modern technology hence the need for continued technological advancements.

Besides, the Disconnect film usually consists of three stories which are intersecting. The film looks as if it is a drama just like the Crash, Magnolia or Shortcuts, but it is simply called a movie concerning intersecting lives. Furthermore, the film is mostly concerned about attachment as well as the strategies which are used by individuals in connecting to each other (McChesney, 2013). Also, the movie shows the reasons as to why people choose these strategies for connecting with each other, and the reasons as to why individuals may either fail or even succeed in connecting to each other.

However, as the Disconnect film focuses on these issues, it also gives a reminder of a story that is known as The Conversation, which revolves around how and the reasons for intimacy. In this story, all characters seem to be intensely private, whereby no individual who tells another about anything since they have something to hide. In the case of the Disconnect film, all characters seem to be intensely public, whereby everyone reveals everything to everybody even though they do not find any way of connecting to each other.

Surprisingly, even though the characters in this film are intensely public, the same characters have still something for hiding. In the film, the first movie is all about how people conceal the individuals who are silent, while the second movie is about how individuals conceal themselves in noise. Importantly, the two movies usually address about the lies which people tell to others to build or even sustain their relationships. The characters in the film Disconnect are lonely. Some of the characters are lonely since they are narcissistic, whereas other characters are lonely since they are either injured or even rejected.

The characters who are narcissists do not understand the reasons as to why they need anybody until it becomes too late for them, while the rest of characters are weak in asserting their needs. Despite the characters in the Disconnect film being lonely, everybody has the desire to establish a connection, a something which is always a sign of human quality. Besides, the film also addresses how individuals communicate their need of establishing a connection. Furthermore, the Disconnect film it is all about the relationship which exists between intimacy, communication and desperation in the process of creating a connection. 2) Conflicts and Values: The ethical standards that are being violated include the use of social media as the teens are making use of social media for the wrong purpose.

The social media is aimed at improving the communication and enhancing interactions among individuals. The teens are expected to use social media platforms like Facebook to improve interactions and make sure that there are connected with their peers in different regions. However, they are using social media for the wrong purposes where they are using the internet to share unethical information that promotes teen sex. Considering the values of the society, the actions of the teens are conflicting with the morals of the society.

According to the values of the society, the teens need to make use of modern technology to improve communications but not to degrade their moral practices of the society. The great significance of the modern technology is that it enables individuals to connect to each other in the worldwide. However, in this film which is known as the Disconnect, it challenges people to think whether they are connected to each other or not, because the human interaction usually decreases with increase in technology (McChesney, 2013).

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