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The Image with Symbolism Communication of the Bulb - Assignment Example

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The paper "The Image With Symbolism Communication of the Bulbs" discusses the noble goal of helping the poor. This image aimed to pass a humanitarian appeal message by mobilizing people to come together to assist those with visual impairments. The texts are used to reinforce and dispel ambiguity…
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Image Communication Name: Unit: Course: Supervisor: Date of submission: Introduction The modern society has become visually intensive; this has been due to the exciting images and the development of photography. The photography and photoshop have become central part to conveying of different messages. According to Parsa (2007, p.844) images nowadays are the basis of selling everything. This paper provides meaning to different images and what they could be communicating. Images and meaning A body inflicted by flies and other crawling insects and a person with dull face. This is quite scary. This is exactly what this image makes me feel, the advertiser is trying to pass an informative message. Through the body image of the lady with insects, a mixed feeling is created but the evident one is that of fear and at the same time anxiety. Let’s come together and help the people with skin diseases. Skin disease is a very painful experience therefore the scary image tries to sensitise the public of the need to help those with skin disease. A bottle of methylated spirit being forced on a tied up child, quite painful it hurts. This sounds inhuman stand up for the rights of children and stop the pain inflicted to the vulnerable children. This image of a child being given methylated spirit and tied up is informative as it tries to convey message on a given feeling. The use of the spirit and the crying child are used to display a lot of information through a simple image, the information being that of vulnerability. The use of the texts in the image complements the information (Parsa 2007, p. 850) and brings the relieve to the anguish and cools the feeling thus solidifying the message conveyed by the image of the need taking measures to prevent the feeling of burning afflicting the destitute children. Think of a child of a tender age in the position of feeding on carrot held by syringe! It’s definitely suffering and a destitute life you would not imagine for your child. Alleviate the suffering of children. It is inhuman for children to suffer while the world watches, have a feeling of mercy on this innocent angels ‘these are no silver spoons for children born into poverty’. The advertiser through this photograph acts right to sway my decision to act in a sense of charity to help the needy child as forces a choice by giving the alternative and initiates merciful feeling. Use of texts acts as a semiotic as clarifies the inherent message (Parsa 2007, p. 850) that the advertiser was trying to communicate and hence achieves the overall meaning of the information being passed of the campaign to help the vulnerable. Do not curtail the women voice. Freedom is exercised through many ways. One of them is through the expression of ideas freely without fear. The portrayal of this is image depicts a curtailed freedom to speak, hence the image bring a feeling of oppression. At first glance it is unclear to understand the intention of the advertiser. However on seeing the text, one realises that the advertiser is trying to be informative on exactly what the feminists go through. Therefore, the integration of the text adds the communicative value o the advertisement and helps in dispelling the initial ambiguity (Tomaselli 2006, p. 16) in which there was no clear information. Be aware of harmful beauty products. Craving for beauty could ruin your looks Though the advertiser is being unfair in giving information that is not complete, he uses texts as caption to elicit more curiosity about the ‘victim of beauty’, this texts gives hint on what is behind the disfigured eye and it serves to add more information intended for the target receiver which adds value to the message already conveyed by the photograph of the lady and hence passes the message of the products the information is targeting. Accidents can occur any time due to failure to take precautions. The image of blood splashes makes one terrified. Key to this photograph is that multitasking is dangerous. This photograph is terrifying and at the same time very informative. The text adds value to the photograph and gives more communication. The use of the text serves as value addition and specifies the message being communicated (Parsa 2007, p. 851 ) of being cautious while talking over the mobile phone for instance while driving or like the lady when doing house chores. Think of purity, clarity and satisfaction! Your definitely thinking of the world’s best ice cream ‘FEDERICI’ immaculately conceived. But purity and satisfaction! The photograph itself cannot convey the full information and hence leaves the target receiver at suspense. This suspense is however solved by the texts that are in the photograph which thus communicate the message clearly by giving more information and dispelling the original trickery displayed by image which could be thought as a religious purity, instead the purity and satisfaction is from the ice cream which is being cunningly advertised. A naked child in midst of a neglected room and holding a syringe ready to inject sends chills. Protect the vulnerable children and give them opportunity to live a better life. The feeling of mercifulness from the child suffering and inflicting pain on himself triggers emotions and hence the advertiser main intention is to persuade the target receiver to come to connect with the vulnerable child and be in a position to help the child (Currie 2005, p. 104). The use of the text in the message further solidifies the communication as the text “Bernardo’s” is synonymous with helping the needy. Beauty you cannot avoid is here, available on selected days, do not miss out. The photograph appearance seem to allude confusion and anxiety on the type of the beauty one is to die for and it is only available at funeral home on specified dates. The anxiety which stems from this advertisement serves as the basis for communication as it alludes to creating curiosity to attain more information in which to a given extent connects the message being communicated and the intended message receiver (Currie 2005, p.137). The advertiser is playing tricks on me and the other target receivers. Jeff wall was born in 1946 in Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada. His university education was in the University of British Columbia where he graduated in 1970. His interest in art was due to inspiration he got from Baudelaire. He started his artistic career by experimenting with conceptual art while pursuing his undergraduate. However, he never made any art until 1977 when he produced his first art which was appropriated backlit advertisements. Vacant room available. This image displays the feeling of emptiness. The dilapidated room need to be refurbished. The appearance of the tables and the walls points to need for renovations making the picture informative to the observer. This is an implication of poverty and lack of funds to take care of the room and the furniture by the occupants and hence the picture is enticing people to connect with the occupants and help them to renovate the room by either charity funding. Be bold and stand out without fear. The picture displays the act of boldness as the photograph displays the person alone in a town that has no other people; he seems to be watching over the town maybe keeping vigil and at the same time carried out in thoughts which displays the boldness. The message also sends information of confusion of whether the text display boldness or loneliness. Maintain silence around this area. The reading or drawing normally takes place in serene environment that is conducive for creativity and reasoning. Therefore, the image tries to communicate the message of serenity and need to ensure minimal disturbance. Quite informative photo. Keep the environment clean and safe. This image depicts a house that needs renovation. The contrast of this picture is that the lady seems to be smartly dressed but in an untidy room. This contrast is used to exhibit the differences and can be used to communicate the message of comparison (Parsa 2007, p 848) and the need for rehabilitation on the wall in order to reach admirable standards just like women admire tidiness. A workshop is always marked by busy people working together or in units. This picture displays people busy in a workshop. The people are grouped in work stations and each one is busy undertaking some activities. This photograph could be used for advertisement of services offered in a workshop. The image makes me feel anxious towards my daily work. The photographer is quite informative to the observer to always put efforts in our daily activities. It is however, confuse that may be the photographer wants teamwork portrayed in our daily duties. (a) Environmental conservation is the duty of all people. The photograph depicts many bulbs lighting just one room and unconcerned person busy with his own life. The room is disorganised with things clumsily thrown all over the room. The meaning the picture is trying to display is disorganisation of the environment and the insensitivity of the man to the surrounding. Also the image communicates about power wastage, andthat we should think of our surrounding and take action. The photograph seems to emphasise on the lighting bit of the image which is a display of wastage and uncaring. These is used to tactically convey the message of illumination and lighting and high life for the individual in the photograph, i.e. trying to connect the individual with reality of lighting which symbolises the need to be sensitive about the environment (Lester 2000, p. 337). The image could also be used to imply poverty, the indicator to this is the worn out furniture and rugged floor which shows destitute life that calls for help. Sports activities are important component of life. Exercise plays a very important role in health. Let’s come together and build sports arenas for our boxers. The image creates awareness to the public to help the boxers to build boxing arenas instead of practicing in house. The focal point of the image is the two men who are practicing or exercising boxing in the well lit and spacious room is brought out by the image. The main meaning of this image is to display elegance of the room and hence advertise the elegant and spacious room which may be a depiction of a good house being advertised. Quite a sigh of relief is portrayed in the picture. Happy leaving and leisure walk is pointer to freedom and good life. The central point to this image is the three people walking in street that is not busy. The picture also conveys happiness and the mood of relaxation. The image could be used to advertise a product in which freedom is associated with product like the phone which contrasts with loneliness portrayed by the single man (Lester 2000, p. 341). This is a very scenic picture; the presence of people carrying bags portrays these people as either going camping or ending towards or from a bus station or airport. These aspects combined with the beautiful scenery of beautiful clouds over the people means relieve from the journey or relaxation to be achieved in the activity they are planning to undertake and could be used to advertise a touring adventure. Presence of the industry brings a confusion, however on whether they could be people seeking for an employment. Cleanliness is a core undertaking and plays a great role in promotion of health. The central point to this image is the cleaner and the long mopping brush he is holding. The image is solid which implies that there is no contrast which could be implying the message being communicated is based on one point that of cleanliness and its importance. Also the image could be marketing a cleaning organisation that a person could call to attend his/her environment. Quite informative message. Avoid abandoned buildings. Build safe homes for the poor and slum dwellers. The image elicits fear and a feeling of emerging danger due to the dilapidated and untended appearance. This combined with the photograph of the man standing besides the shut door makes the building appear deserted and signifies poor living conditions and the outstanding danger that could befell the man in case the building collapses. Also a dilapidated house could be used by a construction company to advertise its services. Plant trees for better environments everyone needs it. Human beings need to co-exist harmoniously with the natural environment. The photograph represents a green leafy tree with a shadow that is cast on wall of a building. Under the tree is a lady who is depicted stretching by getting support from the tree trunk. A single tree in such an environment calls for more work on tree planting to conserve the environment. Do you want a spacious room that suits your lifestyle? Look no further. The message that the photograph tries to communicate is that of elegance and the resulting confidence that that stems from the beauty and elegance of the photograph. The beauty is coupled with lighting coming through the window and the outside view that can be seen through the same window. These combined bring that resemblance of relaxation as depicted by the seated lady, i.e. comfort. Imagine what alcohol can do to your life. Think and stop! Alcohol is harmful to your health. The main representation in the photograph is that of man seated outside and with a can that is spilling some liquid content that is releasing some fumes. The man seems not concerned with the spilling content and also far away in thought. He is gazing far away from where he is seated. The combination of the different elements brings the meaning of being carried away by thoughts (Currie 2005, p. 145). Cigarette smoking is harmful to health. The main representation of this photograph is the person holding a cigarette and a book on the table, the meaning to be generated from the image is that the gentleman photographed has been studying and at the same time smoking which resulted to him diverting his attention from the studying and appear to have entered into serious thinking most likely due to the effect of the cigarette smoking. The meaning that the photograph intents to pass are that of the effects of smoking, it intends to create awareness and hence the photograph qualifies to being informative. For instance the smoker seems to have forgotten about the book on the table and gazes at unseen things which are a sign of being in world of own due to the effects of the cigarette. Hence, the image communicates the effects of smoking and its consequences to persons education. Refurbish you’re your house, we provide the best furniture in the town. The representation in this image is a room in which the furniture is old and thrown everywhere. There are also other items that are scattered all over the floor. Also the message could be used to communicate the need to bring life to a place because. The furniture is old and broken into pieces. This photograph brings the feeling of disorganisation resulting may be from a commotion that has happened in the room. This is well depicted by the items being thrown all over the room. Comfort is the desire for everyone’s life. The central point of this image is the lady and gentlemen seated comfortably, the presence of cups with drinks exemplifies the comfort and relaxation. If you want comfortable and happy life, the comfort starts with relaxation at the living room. The image could also be used to bring confusing message as the lady seem to be in her own world compared to a situation where comfort and relaxation brings people together. Buying and choosing the right satellite dishes is a hectic undertaking. The central point of this photograph is the two gentlemen who seem to be in deep concentration and concerning equipment that is looks like the satellite dish. The meaning being conveyed by the picture is that of seriousness and dedication. Key to this is the two smartly dressed men and who seem to be focussing on a given point. This could be used to advertise services of a given company that markets and erects the satellite dishes. Calamities are unavoidable. The main representation of this photo is a bed without mattress and clothes scattered all over. This could signify a disaster that has led to the disorganisation. The photograph could be used to call for humanitarian help of those affected by the crisis. The meaning that is being conveyed by this photograph is that of desperation and calls for urgent help. The main representation in the photograph is the man who is dressed in a heavy jacket, trouser and cap. The meaning of this photograph could be presented by the dressing code which could point to cold weather. The element of the cold weather is illustrated by the heavy dressing from the head to the foot. The other meaning from the photograph is that of a bold and confident gentleman posing and waiting for something. This is exemplified by the posture the man assumes. The photograph could be used to advertise clothing for cold weather. The photograph represents a water sink that is old and dirty and soap placed on the sink. The presence of the soap and the water sink could be used to mean a place where cleaning can be carried out. However, the essence of the sink being dirty contrasts this. The other meaning that the photographer could have intended to communicate is that of the need to repair and clean the sink in order to restore the cleanliness. The sink image could be used to pass health information. The other meaning could entail calling for financial aid to repair the sink. Sleeping on the floor is not a pleasant thing. The main representation of this image is the photograph of the person sleeping under the table. The meaning that is being communicated is that of difficult and suffering to extend of avoiding the bedroom maybe due to stress. Therefore it can be used to advertise psychological health care services. The image focal point is the lady and gentleman in a well lit room and with cameras erected and focussed on a given point. This could be used as representation of a photo studio or and the image is being used to advertise the photography services, with the gentleman and lady representing the competent photographers. Jeff Wall Photographs a. A commercial use such as for the advertisement of a product Are the power bills becoming a headache to you? Stop the wastage, use electricity only when you need to, low power bills starts with responsible power usage. The image’s main representation is a lot of bulbs lighting only one room. There are also burned sockets that point to misuse of power. This is a depiction of high energy consumption and the presence of these many bulbs are used to first draw attention of the audience and second to point to the unregulated and irresponsible electric energy consumption. The use of the bulbs serves as the focal point of passing information in the visual imagery. In the midst of the lighting bulbs is a man seated on a chair but seem not to be perturbed by the lighting from the many bulbs, he goes on to inspect a gadget he is holding and appears very comfortable. Therefore, this image tries to inform the targeted audience of the usage of power in the house without being aware only to incur high power bills. The target audience in this case is all households, factories and other electricity consumers who sometimes switch on electric consuming equipment and gadgets without necessarily having the need to use them. For instance, in the case of this image one bulb is enough to light the house but the person ends up using many bulbs, which points to extravagance and wastage. The used of the texts solidifies the message by creating a semiotic of what the general idea of the advert is. According to Parsa (2007, p. 852) semiotics are best created through texts which are integrated in the image and serves in supplementing the visual message already conveyed by the image. The semiotics dispels the obvious ambiguity that is normally related to visual images that are not reinforced by texts. Through the use of the text in this image, my aim was to clarify the message I intended to pass to the audience. A good image that serves the right message must connect with the targeted audience and make them identify with the message that is being passed. Therefore, through the integration of the text to the image with a lot of bulbs, it rings bell to the audience on the usage of electricity in the places of work and household. The texts clarify this by giving the audience the alternative to the low cost bills. Therefore I believe that the use of the texts in the image aligns the image to commercial use which was my intended aim. b. A non-commercial use such as for a humanitarian visual campaign Light enables us to see. Let us all come together and light the world of the many people with visual impairments. The representation of this picture is the bulbs and the gentlemen who is working comfortably being aided by the enough light coming from the bulbs in the room. The room is illuminated by these bulbs from every corner which allows light to permeate and give visibility. The meaning of the light from the many bulbs symbolises the importance light which enables people to see while the use of many bulbs each contributing to the lighting of the room signifies the importance of coming together to leverage each other in ensuring that the world of the visually impaired is also illuminated. The visual imagery thus aims at creating symbolism on the importance of light to human beings and more the visually impaired. The lights enables the photographed gentleman to work, the same will mean that efforts of people coming together to aid the visually disadvantaged through contributing funds or moral support that will help visually impaired people. The target audience in this image is people of good intention and philanthropists to come to the aid of the visually impaired. The image also intends to create awareness to the general public on the need to assist the people with visual disabilities. The channel of representation of the image is television and any other channel that may employ the both visual and audio communication. The aim of this image was to pass a humanitarian appeal message by mobilising people to come together to assist those with visual impairments. In order to achieve this noble aim which is very different from the commercial use, the texts relating to commercial adverts were removed which ensured that the many bulbs and the gentleman remained as the key representation of the image. Even though the texts are used to reinforce and dispel ambiguity (Parsa 2007, p. 852), the removal of the texts in this case was used intentionally to ensure that there is curiosity created first before the use of audio voice to reinforce the image. The curiosity creates suspense and makes the targeted audience think of the intended message which helps in internalising the image and thus can always remember the calling for action towards the noble goal of helping the poor. Therefore, the image achieves its aim through symbolism communication of the bulbs which are signifiers of light, the symbol of seeing. References Currie, G. 2005. Image and Mind. UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 103-146. Dyer, G. 2000. Advertising as Communication. New York: Routledge, pp. 72-94. Lester, P. 2000. Visual Communication: Images with Messages. Wadsworth, pp. 324- 346. Parsa, A. 2007. Visual semiotic: How still images mean? Interpreting still images by using semiotic approaches. Turkey, Ege University: Ege University Press. Tomaselli, K. G. 2006. Appropriating Images The Semiotics of Visual Representation. Denmark: Intervention Press, pp. 12-48. Read More
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