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The Issue of Homosexuality in the Film Rope - Movie Review Example

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This paper "The Issue of Homosexuality in the Film Rope" shall analyze the film "Rope" with the concepts of the week’s reading ‘the monster and homosexual’ by Harry Benshoff (Benshoff, 2009). Throughout time, homosexuals have been treated as a threat, inferior, or dangerous. …
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The Issue of Homosexuality in the Film Rope
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In history, homosexuality has been portrayed as a monstrous condition. It has been greatly a part of the English literature due to which homosexuality has been associated with the evil and worst of all mankind. I believe that the film Rope also portrays a similar idea about homosexuality. The attempt of murder by homosexual classmates can be identified as a monstrous attempt to experience the idea of their philosophy (Benshoff, 2009). In my opinion, the film portrays one of the evilest and selfish parts of the homosexual mates who can go to any extent to experience their desires and ideas.

Gays and lesbians have been portrayed as vampires or evil beings in different cultures that have shocked individuals. I believe that in the film rope the characters of Dall and Granger have been showing as an evil being who has committed the murder of their former classmate Dick Hogan to experiment with their skills and exercise to commit the perfect murder.

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Week 3 Response Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words.
(Week 3 Response Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words)
Week 3 Response Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words.
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