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Ricksha-Child - Is It Normal - Essay Example

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This essay “Ricksha-Child - Is It Normal?” presents a discussion about details of the picture - a pair of wealthy well-fed adults who are driven by a rickshaw kid, - which together symbolize inequality in a society that exploits child labor not caring about his physical and mental well-being…
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Ricksha-Child - Is It Normal
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Textual Analysis Essay The painting illustrates disparity in society. Disparity refers to the difference among people in terms of age, gender, education and living standard (Filmer 10-30). The core idea behind this painting is quite painful. Below are the elements that are found in the painting along with its concept and explanation. Colors: There are two segments indicated in above painting. People sitting on cart are colorful and this actually means prosperity. Painting clearly addresses the life standard of rich people and the dull colors indicate the darkness faced by the poor people. Health: Health shows physically soundness. This also indicates soundness in wealth. There is a difference between the people sitting on cart putting their pressure on small child who is not physically sound. This indicates difference in strength between the two. Normally, labor is weak as compare to the rich. Poor people work hard while rich people sit in air conditioned offices performing executive tasks and ordering others. While, the poor people work day and night in mines, factories, etc and in difficult surviving conditions to earn bread. This leaves bad results on their body. Poor ones cannot really afford to live better lives and proper medication. Poverty pushes them more into health problems and diseases. Healthy food and drinks are far of poor people as they eat anything with which they can survive. Health shows soundness. In this painting, couple sitting on cart looks financially sound. It seems they have been enjoying healthy food and drinks and can afford whatever they like. On the other hand, the poor child seems physically weak and depressed. He seems to be hardly striving to stand as he is physically weak but carrying burden of two fat people. Facial Expression: Facial expressions can easily be noticed in the painting. Couple sitting on a cart looks happy and enjoying their lives. They are living lavish lives and can afford all luxuries of lives. They can pay well to remain happy and to acquire all happiness. Their smiles show wealth. It seems they do not regret anything. They look happy. On the other hand, child carrying their weight seems to be in deep pain and problem. His face illustrates pain, hardships and difficulties. It seems the poor kid has not been enjoying his life at all. He looks fed up and in pain. It looks; he laughed long time back. He looks suffering a lot of problems and obstacles in his life. Child Labor: Child labor is mostly found in developing countries (Paul 2). This painting also illustrates the pain a child can take in labor work. The child, carrying weight of a heavy couple, should be studying and playing in school at this young age but is put in to labor work for the sake of money. This shows injustice and pain by all means. Children are influenced by environment and activities so much that they cannot really forget their childhood pain for the rest of their lives. Childhood is the phase that molds one’s personality. Children who are brought up with care, love, education and prosperity become asset for the nation while depressed children waste their lives. Child labor spoils nation’s fortune by the mean of spoiling country’s future because children are the ones who’ll be replacing all current positions in future. Selfishness and Ignorance of Rich people: the painting illustrates how ignorant the rich people are of the pain that poor people take doing their tasks. It is really painful to see them enjoying while the kid is overloaded by their weights. Age difference: Age difference again shows disparity among the rich couple of the painting and the poor kid carrying their weights. People on the cart are least bothered about the age and physical strength of the poor kid who is in trouble. People on the cart are ignorant of ethics and norms of being kind with the child rather than putting a lot of pressure on him that is really hard for him to carry. Shelter by Umbrella: Umbrella is a symbol of shelter, prosperity and soundness by wealth and health. Umbrella in this painting is over the people sitting on a cart enjoying their lives. This means the couple is protected from sunlight and other climate constraints. Centrally, it actually means that they are protected from all hardships and problems so are living wealthy lives. On the other hand, the poor kid carrying their weight is not under umbrella means the opposite. It means the poor child is under sunlight or other climate constraints. Not under umbrella actually means the child has been facing health problems, poverty and several other hardships. Disparity in life styles between the couple and the child is quite obvious in the painting. Glasses: men and women sitting on a cart are wearing sun glasses. It again shows their physical and mental soundness because a person who is in pain, problem or any other hardship is far of fashion or leisure. He thinks more on the necessities as compare to the leisure or fun items. Mobile shows technology: Men and women seem to be financially sound and are far of hardships. They can afford all luxuries. Painting indicates that couple is enjoying some function that might be a picture or game on their mobile set. This means soundness in health and wealth while, the poor kid cannot even think to carry a mobile set. Companionship: Men and women in the painting seem to be husband and wife and seem to be enjoying their lives. They are involved in each other and are there to enjoy together. Companionship not only enhances the happy moments, but it also reduces the pain in hard times. A person feels satisfied if he/she is not left alone in any situation. On the other hand, the poor little child seems to be in problem carrying a lot of weight all alone. He is left alone to face the hardships. This might double his depression. Concept of cart: excluding the people from above painting, the cart itself expresses disparity. Left side shows comfort and the right hand side shows the hardship. One person can sit to enjoy travel while the other side is for the person carrying not only his own weight but also the weight of person sitting on the seat of cart. The concept behind this picture is to highlight disparity in society. Government should introduce several programs and campaigns to reduce such disparity and to encourage equal rights to everyone. Disparity brings frustration that ultimately accelerates crimes. Works Cited Filmer, Deon. "The Structure of Social Disparities in Education:Gender and Wealth." Engendering Development: Gender and Development 5 (1999): 10-35. Paul, Nirmal Chandra. "Child Labour." 2006. Child Labour. 19 September 2010 . Read More
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