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Travel Guide: Arizona - Case Study Example

"Travel Guide: Arizona" paper states that there are several areas to visit and others are offering a nice view of almost the entire park. Some of the most attractive areas near North Rim are Zion National park and Bryce canyon and those visiting South Rim are supposed to head towards Las Vegas…
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Travel Guide: Arizona
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Travel guide Table of contents Geography…………………………………………………………………………… ……… 2 History………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 Point of interest………………………………………………………………………………… 3 People………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Economy……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Government…………………………………………………………………………………….. 5 Census data……………………………………………………………………………………… 5 Language………………………………………………………………………………………… 5 Health concerns………………………………………………………………………………… 5 Do`s and Don’ts…………………………………………………………………………………. 6 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………… 6 Work cited…………………………………………………………………………………… 7 Travel guide A. Geography The Grand Canyon is found in northern Arizona and is one of the great sites for tourists in United States. It has been a tourist attraction site for over million years carved by Colorado River. It has a depth of approximately one mile and a length of 277 miles. Geologically is located at Lee’s ferry which is near Grant Wash Cliffs and Utah border/Arizona in Las Vegas. Grand Canyon is not the longest or the deepest canyon around the world what attracts many people to visit the place is its overwhelming size and its colorful and complex landscape which offers its visitors a remarkable vistas that are unmatched across the world. The canyon is composed of numerous distinct areas; most prominent one is the Grand Canyon National Park which is mainly divided into two, the North Rim and the South Rim which is easily accessible. Moreover the southwestern side of canyon is bordering the Hualapai Indian Reservation and Havasupai Indian reservation. There are also several features which are desert environment, layers of rocks, river and animals in the park (Frish, pg 32). B. History The canyon national park was established as ``Grand Canyon National Monument’’ by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1908 and it was announced as a national park in 1919. The park is founded on 490,000 ha of land which is just slightly less Delaware State. It received over 4.3 million tourists in 2004. The ancestral people who lived in the land of Canyon were characterized by their culture of basket making. They transformed later to agriculture. The pueblo people were forced by drought to move from the land. In the 19th century asbestos and copper were discovered in the region renewing people’s interest of the region. Later in the century the residents realized that mining was not profitable than tourism so they opted for tourism. Before 20th century Grand Canyon was popular known as a tourism site. Many locals became visitors to the site and many facilities developed in the region like railway line was build running to South Rim from Williams and Arizona. It all began as a forest reserve to U.S National Monument until 1919 when national park service was created. Nowadays Grand Canyon national park approximately gets five million tourists yearly. C. Points of interest There are several places where a person can visit at Grand Canyon. One of the places is the South Rim which is ideal for hiking. Hiking in canyon is too unique from the rest of the world because trails vary in complexion with all giving spectacular glance. Many of the trails in Grand Canyon hiking encompass significant change in elevation. They also offer hiking options which are less strenuous like strolling along the trail of the rim which gives a visitor a great view with no need of more effort (Annerino, pg. 20). There are numerous trails which are found in Canyon; Bright Angel Trail, it is the most popular and known trail starting near Bright angel Lodge. Other trails are South Kaibab Trail, Hermit Trail and Grandview trail. Though each trail is characterized by its own unique features all are amazing visiting. Other interesting places which a visitor should not fail not reach are the Grand National park which has several animal in it. The Hualapai reservation is another great area as on its west borders Lake Mead NRA and to the east and North it borders Grand Canyon National Park. It offers a good view of the water flowing to Lake Mead from the River Colorado. Another current destination for visitors is Havasupai Indian Reservation which gives visitors access to hike and ride at the hill top. D. People There are several reasons why people keep on visiting Grand Canyon national park. One reason is that Native American tribe members are still found in Canyon. The Havasupai people are still living in their village, Havasu Creek and they have reservation which is bordering the national park and Grand Canyon. They are always welcoming though to reach the village needs one hike at least 8 miles. There are also a lot of exposed rocks which have been there for over one billion years. And they also encourage going green. Although many people picture Canyon to be a dry and hot place it not really true because the North Rim is very cold and many times is when it sees snow during winter months. The weather is sometimes too bad until the main rod entrance on northern side is closed (Fishbein, pg. 55). E. ECONOMY The major industries which make Arizona economy are the tourist and the Uranium industries. These two economies make larger percentage of the economy. The type of money they use is in dollars and they charge a fee before you enter the tourist sites. The approximation of the species are known to be 1737, the area is covered with desert shrubs, riparian vegetation’s, pinyon pine and ponderosa pine. F. Government The state of Arizona is governed by president, sheriff, county recorder, assessor and treasurer The Indian reservations are governed by board of members or tribal council which is selected by the people. The president of Arizona is known as Michael crow. G. Census data The population of Arizona was estimated to be 6.5 million in 2013 by the United States Bureau. This was an approximation of 2.5 % increase since 2010. The population of Grand conyon was 2,004. H. Language The native language of the people who are living in the area of Grand Conyon is the Walapai which are spoken by the Hualapai people while the Yavapai language is spoken by the Havasupai people. These languages are spoken by the people who are living northwestern of Arizona. These two types of languages belong to the Pai branch. Paipai and Yavapai are used by the people who are in northern Baja California. I. Health Concerns The people’s health is not affected in any way by the tourism sector but it is highly affected by the mining sector. Many people who are working in this sector have complications of health. J. Dos and Donts DOS Hiking, bicycle cycling is allowed. Packed meals are allowed Visitors are allowed to reach the place by any means of transport. Camping and partying is accepted. Don’ts Do not feed the animals. It is not healthy for you as a visitor and also for animals. For instance you might be bitten by tame squirrel. Do not go close to the animals because some of them might be to fierce after noticing your presence. No buying bottled water in the park. k. Conclusions Anyone who is looking for a destination this is the place to be. There is several areas to visit and others are offering nice view of almost the entire park. Some of the most attractive area near north Rim is Zion National park and Bryce canyon and those visiting South Rim are supposed to head towards Las Vegas, phoenix or flagstaff. Work cited Annerino, John. Hiking the Grand Canyon. 3rd ed. Sierra Club books, 2006. Web. Fishbein Seymour. Grand canyon Country: its majesty and its lore. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic society, 1991. Print. Frish Nate. Grand canyon national park. Mankato, MN: Creative Education, 2014. Print. Records of Grand Canyon National park, AZ. Records of the national park service (NPS).U.S National Archives and Records Administration. Pp. 79. Accessed on 7th April 2014. Web. World population statistics. Retrieved from: Population-2013. Accessed on 6th April 2014. Internet resource. Read More
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