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Combined UGV and Teleoperated System - Research Paper Example

The paper "Combined UGV and Teleoperated System" focuses on the critical analysis of the integration of the ground unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) and the teleoperated system. The UGV will mainly take care of detecting and locating the IEDs and bombs…
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Disposal of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) or bombs continues to be hazardous and deterrence for many of the armed forces working in hostile environments. The application of the unmanned ground system (though already in use) to disarm and dispose the IEDs would significantly reduce the injuries and potential loss of lives to the Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) personnel. The proposed system is a combination of the unmanned ground vehicle that is much similar to the Dragon Runner and the teleoperated system. The Dragon Runner is a lightweight, back-packable and multi-terrain robot with the capability of detecting a variety of objects and devices without putting the operator in any dangerous ways. And the teleoperated system is much more like to the robotic arm, the da Vinci System features. The essential features of the da Vinci system that good for the development of the teleoperated system are a magnification of three dimensions high-definition vision system and the flexibility in the angle of rotation of the tiny wristed instruments to the extent that supersedes the human hand rotation. According to Surgical (2016), with these characteristics, the da Vinci System enhances the surgeon operation with high precision, vision and control. Therefore, applying these characteristics in the teleoperated system would enable precise disbarment of IEDs with the EOD unit being at a safe distance.


In the 21st century, acts of terrorism are becoming more advanced. Some of the commonly used equipment in terrorist attacks includes the bombs, and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). However, explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) workers have the obligation of ensuring that the bombs and IEDs are detected in time and disarmed before exploding. Nonetheless, things may go wrong anytime, and the explosion may occur thus leading to high levels of casualties (Thomas et al., 2013). The main problem is the identification of the IEDs and bombs. IEDs are difficult to detect because most terrorist disguised the devices in the familiar equipment such as appliances or other things that may not seem out of the ordinary at all. According to Marshall and Oxley (2011), the terrorist attacks on the United States soil on September 2001 the sufficient of threat real to the people of America and made them tighten the security measures ever since that time. The ensuing Iraq and Afghanistan wars made the government direct some massive funding on explosive detection (Marshall and Oxley, 2011).

The task is to find a means of identifying these devices and disarming them. One of the viable options to pick is the use of the unmanned system. Through this, casualties may be avoided even if the IEDs or bombs detonate in the process of attempting to disarm them (Faust, 2007). It is good news that the detection has been worked by the introduction of robots such as the dragon runner. According to Mooney (2015), the Dragon Runner robot developed back in 2004 for the United States Marine Corps. The device weighs roughly 14 pounds and is moved on four wheels. It is portable and can be carried in the backpack of a soldier. The robot is equipped with cameras, motion detectors, listening devices, and sensors. All these features are helpful in the functionality of the Dragon Runner. It is thus a good initiative to employ a robot with the same characteristics as the Dragon Runner for identification of IEDs and bombs. The capabilities of such robots will overcome barriers like IEDs disguise.

Problems do not end upon locating the threatening IEDs. Once they have been located, the process of disarming commences. The EOD personnel may not be aware of the amount of time at their disposal before the bomb goes off (Thomas et al., 2013). Therefore, during this time the EOD are exposed to risk. Employing the knowledge used in da Vinci System will help save the situation. Faust (2007), states that the da Vinci System creates a system platform that allows a surgeon to perform the operation at a distant. The precision, vision, and control are enhanced by the system. Application of this kind of operation will be essential and save injuries and lives of the EOD personnel (Faust, 2007). The paper thus is a research on the integration of the ground unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) and the teleoperated system. The UGV will mainly take care of detecting and locating the IEDs and bombs. The teleoperated system will help the personnel to disconnect the bombs at a distant place. The incorporated system will therefore be important because of the safety and improvement of the working conditions that it offers.


Terrorist attacks have advanced in terms of the tools and operational systems used by terrorists. The new upcoming forms include IEDs attacks which are more complex, sophisticated, and more dangerous. Remote control of bombs and IEDs is initiated through the use of mobile phones. It has given terrorists the opportunity to detonate the device at the exact time, or at any time that there is a suspicion that the security personnel discovers the device. Therefore, there is a challenge in the detection system of the intended explosive devices (Schubert & Kuznetsov, 2006).

The technology of X-rays and other imaging techniques are being used in the visualization of images in the surrounding. The X-ray screening can reveal and detect the hidden IEDs more so in stabile checkpoints. There is also the use of electronic detectors used in detecting the presence of explosive components of bombs and IEDs by analyzing the particles and vapor of the compounds. An essential means of the detecting the explosive devices is the use of special trained dogs (Schubert & Kuznetsov, 2006). The dogs have a special and unique sensitivity in their nose which useful in the detection of strange objects such as explosives. It has been realized that the combination use of several systems in the detection has a substantial synergy of increasing the detection efficiency. For example, the incorporation of electronic detectors and X-ray at the stabile checkpoints such as airports and important buildings will give a better chance of detecting the explosive devices (Schubert & Kuznetsov, 2006). Therefore, the multisensory-based approach advancing into micro-technologies will boost and improve the sensitivity particularly in the field of electronic detectors.

Petersen (2016) states that once the bomb is located, the squad team has the responsibility to figure out the type of explosive being dealt with. In some circumstances, the squad may be called upon to take care of the explosive devices left behind by the military. In such cases, the squad is aware of what they are handling. However, at times the EOD personnel may have no clue on what the explosive device will look like (Petersen, 2016). Unfortunately, whenever terrorist intend to use the IEDs and bombs, they usually disguised them in various forms. The explosive devices vary in sizes, and at times are hidden inside other objects. The bomb squad has to learn about the different types of the bombs to avoid surprises in the line of duty.

The development of IEDs in the past war attacks have posed a lot of problems concerning their identification and as well diffusing them. The military technicians and EODs have focused their attention on how to take care of the situation. Diffusing an explosive device is a stressful and challenging process (Faust, 2007). The safest means of disarming the bomb without harming people in the locality must be identified. At the time the bombs are diffused by the hand. The technicians wear the bomb suits to protect them in the event that the bombs explode before they are disarmed. According to Faust (2007), the bomb suits are not however guaranteed for safety protection. Another disadvantage of manual diffusing of the bomb is that the technicians may cut a wrong wire that may initiate the explosion of the device thus leading to deaths or injuries. Circumstances of the impossibility of disarming a bomb may present itself, or it may be too dangerous to diffuse the bomb. Under such circumstances, bombs may have to be detonated in a controlled explosion manner provided it can be accomplished safely (Petersen, 2016).

EOD units are carrying out threatening activities thus it is vital to improving their conditions of working through increasing the level of safety. According to Farazmand (2014), there are three factors regarding the safety when handling the explosive materials like IEDs. The factors are distance, time, and shielding. The exposure of the EOD personnel to the explosive devices should be within the shortest time possible. For this reason, teleoperated system is essential because it will transmit the information sensed through the sensors and cameras to the personnel located in a secure place. Keeping a safe distance from the IEDs enhance safety.

Tests and studies conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on many explosive materials including IED designs have been used in the creation of standoff card to enable security officers to enforce the law on the safe distances to observe from the different sizes of the IEDs. With the complications in detection and threats of diffusing the bombs, a unique system that will overcome or minimize these challenges is required (Farazmand, 2014). Taking the shortest time of exposure to the explosive devices and disarming them remotely, are all benefits that will be achieved through the combination of the UGV and teleoperated system.

Strategy and Solution

Unmanned systems platforms and designs: the system proposed system is the combination of the unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) and teleoperated system. The possible design and platform of the system are discussed below.

UGV design and platform

The UGV intended for use is similar to the Dragon Runner used by Marine Corps. The proposed UGV should be designed with the capability to provide surveillance, reconnaissance, and intelligence information to the security personnel (Farazmand, 2014). It should be portable, and user-friendly. User-friendly in that the operator can direct the robot by simple means of video gaming style handheld controlled. It should be should be sizable enough to suit the intended mission. The wheels should possess four a little bit oversized wheels for the adaptability of configuration and enable ease of its movement. With such adaptations, the unmanned ground vehicle is easily sent out through windows and even over the fences without the worry of landing upside down (Farazmand, 2014). It will also be possible to throw it out from a higher speed moving vehicle. The intended purpose of the UGV would be carrying out the observation motion. Through the observation, data of the surrounding of the robot is collected through the use of camera and other sensors, as stated by Springer (2013).

The cameras should be of high resolution enough to give clear pictures. The device should operate in different modes to give the user a choice of selection regarding the nature of the mission. For instance, the sentry mode applies the use of both visual and audio detectors for sensing motion and alerts the security personnel if anything is sensed in the environment of surveillance. The oversized wheels of the UVG would allow the superiority regarding its mobility and maneuverability. The robot will is supposed to be equipped with snap on treads and flippers that are positioned with no tools and only takes a few minutes. The mentioned extra additions would limit the speed of the robot but enables its functionality in various types of terrain (Edwards, 2005). Therefore, a quick analysis of the information received from the UGV will tell the situation on the surrounding on a real time basis.

Teleoperated system

The teleoperated system allows the EOD units to disarm the bombs or IED devices remotely thus enabling safe operation (Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2006). The system is much similar to the da Vinci System which operates through 3D at high definition vision, enhances the twisting angle, as well as control. a. Therefore, the system is made up of the computer telemetry, two robotic diffusing arms, and two cameras among other components. The commands delivered from the EOD personnel would precisely and accurately control the disarming arms through the robotic manipulation. The personnel hand motions are picked by the computer processor then they are digitalized into the instructions, and the information conveyed to the robotic manipulators (Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2006). Digitalized control system confers substantial advantages. The da Vinci’s computer controller has the capability to filter the signals of high frequency thus eliminating the error due to shaking and trembling when disarming an IED (Faust, 2007). The computer interface enhances safety since the personnel will not be in the same location with the bomb (Budiyono, Riyanto & Joelianto, 2009).

Just like in the case of the da Vinci System, the teleoperated system will possess a three-dimensional view, the camera system that preserves depth perception. The robotic system allows the instruments in any direction and has better twisting angles than the human personnel whose hands are limited to angles of rotation (Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2006). Hence, the EOD personnel will be in a position to reach the hidden sections of the component that have limited access. Therefore, the UGV system and teleoperated systems should thus be combined in a manner that on detection of the bomb or IED, the EOD unit in the neighborhood is noted immediately. The process of diffusing then commences immediately.

Evaluation and discussion of the considerations

The use of unmanned ground vehicles in military activities has raised many vital technical as well as legal issues. The use of robots especially the one powered with the nuclear power has bought has resulted in discussion of the environmental and political issues (Angelo, 2007). In the event the nuclear components split off, then environmental degradations may occur. Therefore, if the UGV and other kinds of drones are to be operated in another country, then politics become a consideration and law of that country must be as well considered. In regards to social, the unmanned systems may lead unemployment threats and job displacement. Since the introduction of the robots, workers have always raised concern about the loss of the jobs to these automated and controlled machines (Angelo, 2007).

The industrial applications of robots due to the advancement in technology have the good and dark sides. The society must put into consideration of the about the displaced workers. The control of everything may be taken up with the machines because of the rapid advancement in technology. And if that is the case, human beings may become obsolete (Angelo, 2007). A good example of the situation is the use of computers which has greatly reduced the number of employees in the workplaces. According to Sparrow (2009), apart from all the considerations, the ethical issues are also important when building the unmanned systems. Therefore, the ethics to be taken into considerations are the safety of the system and ensuring that the law, the set standards, and regulations are followed (Angelo, 2007).

Taking into consideration all the factors in every dimension and aspects, the proposed system can work without interfering much with the environmental, social, political, and technological factors. The reason is that both the systems to be combined are already in use though in the other sector. The UGV intended for the system is being used by the Marine Corp as the Dragon Runner. The whole issue is to modify it to widen its applications for detection of IEDs and bombs. The da Vinci System is employed in the medical surgery, and the only consideration is to modify it so as to suit the IED disarming and disposal (Angelo, 2007). Therefore, with that information, the proposed system will not have many negative impacts on the environment and other considerations.

Formulation of research strategy

The United States together with embassies have been targeted and attacked over time. Other nations such as the United Kingdom have undergone attacks too. In late 2008, Americans and other people were targeted in the attack in one of the hotels in India. The members of the military continuously face deliberate IEDs and suicide attacks, particularly when deliberating on the fight against terrorism (Thomas et al., 2013). Therefore, the fight against the IEDs as shifted the focus. In the past, the war forces were only worried how to protect themselves from the blasts. In the modern world, the attention has been directed to prevention of detonations of the IEDs and bombs and breaking up the terrorist networks that are responsible for the use and deployment of the explosive devices and weapons (Ackerman, 2008).

One of the right ways to combat the IEDs used by the terrorist is through enhancing communication system in all counter-IED efforts. Through proper communication and use of efficient electronic devices will enable the personnel in charge to identify the malicious networking bases and grounds (Thomas et al., 2013). The security officers are then supposed to bring the people involved to justice. The use of the improvised explosive devices has aided terrorism campaigns and attacks. The government and other stakeholders involved should create and support counter-IED units to detect these devices before they go off. Considerations should also be given to the automation of such programs.

Recommended future research strategies on unmanned systems

The complex nature of the battlefield of the future possesses challenges. Distinctive robots and robotic systems are being developed and studied to cope with the changes of the battlefields. The prediction of the human-robot interactions and performance in future environments are underway. As Ackerman (2008) points out, the issues of concerns include the operator interaction with small ground robots and in controlling and supervision of large, near-autonomous vehicles with the capability of the intelligence battlefield behaviors. Therefore, future studies should work on a complete autonomous of the system that will handle the IEDs from the detection point to disarming them even without the human interventions. Establishment and development of IEDs detectors with superior should be considered.


The use of IEDs is increasing since they are homemade and controlling their production has proved to be quite difficult. EOD units are tasked with detecting these explosive to diffuse and dispose them. However, disarming such explosive devices is risky and deadly because if they go off, the officers undertaking such activities may lose their live or get injured. It is thus essential for the development of the combined system of the unmanned ground vehicle and teleoperated system that would help in locating these devices in time. Through the detection of these devices would not detonate before being detected, and be disarmed and disposed in time, and even be detonated under control whenever their disposal is impossible. The advancement in the technology today has the capability to realize the devolvement of such systems. The system will save lives and boost the working conditions of the EOD personnel. The complexity of the terrorist attacks regarding the use of IEDs is on the rise thus the development of the IED detectors and disposal must advance in the same or a faster rate to take of the situation.

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The task is to find a means of identifying these devices and disarming them. One of the viable options to pick is the use of the unmanned system. Through this, casualties may be avoided even if the IEDs or bombs detonate in the process of attempting to disarm them (Faust, 2007). It is good news that the detection has been worked by the introduction of robots such as the dragon runner. According to Mooney (2015), the Dragon Runner robot developed back in 2004 for the United States Marine Corps. The device weighs roughly 14 pounds and is moved on four wheels. It is portable and can be carried in the backpack of a soldier. The robot is equipped with cameras, motion detectors, listening devices, and sensors. All these features are helpful in the functionality of the Dragon Runner. It is thus a good initiative to employ a robot with the same characteristics as the Dragon Runner for identification of IEDs and bombs. The capabilities of such robots will overcome barriers like IEDs disguise.

Problems do not end upon locating the threatening IEDs. Once they have been located, the process of disarming commences. The EOD personnel may not be aware of the amount of time at their disposal before the bomb goes off (Thomas et al., 2013). Therefore, during this time the EOD are exposed to risk. Employing the knowledge used in da Vinci System will help save the situation. Faust (2007), states that the da Vinci System creates a system platform that allows a surgeon to perform the operation at a distant. The precision, vision, and control are enhanced by the system. Application of this kind of operation will be essential and save injuries and lives of the EOD personnel (Faust, 2007). The paper thus is a research on the integration of the ground unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) and the teleoperated system. The UGV will mainly take care of detecting and locating the IEDs and bombs. The teleoperated system will help the personnel to disconnect the bombs at a distant place. The incorporated system will therefore be important because of the safety and improvement of the working conditions that it offers.


Terrorist attacks have advanced in terms of the tools and operational systems used by terrorists. The new upcoming forms include IEDs attacks which are more complex, sophisticated, and more dangerous. Remote control of bombs and IEDs is initiated through the use of mobile phones. It has given terrorists the opportunity to detonate the device at the exact time, or at any time that there is a suspicion that the security personnel discovers the device. Therefore, there is a challenge in the detection system of the intended explosive devices (Schubert & Kuznetsov, 2006).

The technology of X-rays and other imaging techniques are being used in the visualization of images in the surrounding. The X-ray screening can reveal and detect the hidden IEDs more so in stabile checkpoints. There is also the use of electronic detectors used in detecting the presence of explosive components of bombs and IEDs by analyzing the particles and vapor of the compounds. An essential means of the detecting the explosive devices is the use of special trained dogs (Schubert & Kuznetsov, 2006). The dogs have a special and unique sensitivity in their nose which useful in the detection of strange objects such as explosives. It has been realized that the combination use of several systems in the detection has a substantial synergy of increasing the detection efficiency. For example, the incorporation of electronic detectors and X-ray at the stabile checkpoints such as airports and important buildings will give a better chance of detecting the explosive devices (Schubert & Kuznetsov, 2006). Therefore, the multisensory-based approach advancing into micro-technologies will boost and improve the sensitivity particularly in the field of electronic detectors.

Petersen (2016) states that once the bomb is located, the squad team has the responsibility to figure out the type of explosive being dealt with. Read More

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