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Technologies on the Roadside - Research Paper Example

The paper "Technologies on the Roadside" states that the livelihood of the wildlife has been greatly compromised with the ever-advancing and expanding technology day in day out. Mankind is encroaching into the environment of this wildlife to get space to perform their technological ideas…
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THE EFFECT OF TECHNOLOGY/DEVICES ON ROADSIDE WILDLIFE Name Class Instructor Institution of Affiliation City Date Abstract This research intends to document the effects of technology/device on roadside wildlife. The goal of the study is to identify the negative and positive effects of technology and/or devices on roadside wildlife and to find out the extent of these effects on roadside wildlife. The roadside technology includes roads, vehicles, laser tripwire and radar. These are the major roadside technology that affects the roadside wildlife in our country. The literature review describes the effect of these technology and devices to the roadside wildlife. Construction of roads across the environment of wildlife alters the behavior of wildlife as well as exposing them to poachers who easily kill them. These poachers use guns (device) that they use to kill these animals. Besides, vehicles on these roads kill roadside wildlife through collisions, others sustain physical injuries thus become lame. Despite these technology causing negative effects of, other technologies have been developed to curb these effects. These include laser tripwire and radar; they alert motorists on an animal that is nearby. These technologies though are still in their trial stage on their effectiveness in many countries. Table of contents Introduction 4 Technology causing roadside wildlife collision 4 Roads and vehicles 4 Technology saving roadside wildlife 7 Laser tripwire 7 Radar detection. 10 Radar operation 11 Data analysis techniques 12 Summary 13 Research gaps 14 Research questions 15 Research objectives 15 References 16 Introduction Advancement in technology has brought numerous changes in the everyday life of mankind as well as the wildlife. Technology has had a huge influence in the life of wildlife both in positive and negative manner in the ecological system (Langley, R., Higgins, S. and Herrin, K.2006, 229). Technology has advanced rapidly and now technology is encroaching the wildlife environment hence affecting their natural behavior due to introduction of unique features in their environment (Jakowatz, C. 2012, 50). This has caused wildlife-technology dispute in which as always wildlife loses the battle hence leading to their death or migration. The great technology advancement is the roads that have been constructed to pass across animal technology. Roads have led to deaths of several wildlife from the time of its construction to its usage by motorists through collision (Langley, R. and Mathison, J. 2008, 75). Besides roads, other technology advancement that has led to encroaching the wildlife environment is the railway lines across the habitat and airstrips in the habitat of the wildlife. These features have greatly affected animals and have prompted the animals to deviate from their normal behavior due to hardships brought by the features. Technology causing roadside wildlife collision Roads and vehicles The roads though continue to expand due to demand for the services the road provides for the growth of economy (Gunson, K., Mountrakis, G. and Quackenbush, L. 2011, 1074). Due to expansion of roads, it has forced crossing the habitat of the wild animals and plants. To create space for the passage of the expanding roads in the wildlife ecological system, it has forced moving the wildlife to new areas or has reduced the size of the habitat. Therefore, it has led to loss of lives of some wildlife, has restructured the habitat of the wildlife, and has introduced some unusual factors in the habitat as well as overstocking the wildlife. Roads have contributed to loss of life of wildlife including wild plants as well as wild animals. During construction of roads across the habitat of animals, space for construction is always created for the passage of roads. The process of creating space for the passage of roads, wildlife are encountered and killed. The wild plants are slashed or cleared away, the small crawling animals like frogs, chameleon among others are stumbled upon by the big machinery and those soil burrowing animals are killed in the process of excavation or are excavated and exposed to the unfavorable ecological conditions that are hazardous to the life of those animals. Deaths also have been caused by collision of vehicles with wild animals. These animals such as deer cross roads to look for food, mates, escape danger or look for favorable places to protecting their neonates (Qin, H. et al 2010, 79). Construction of roads across the habitat of wild animals has restructured their ecological system. This has made these animals to change their lifestyle for survival. The introduction of a road is an unusual phenomenon for animals thus causing some stress to the animals. Animals tend to respond to unique features in their habitat and this scares them away and hence they begin to deviate from their normal natural behavior (Lee, L. and Lee, R. 2006, 762). Roads leads to loss of vegetation and trees hence reducing amount of feeds these animals feed on, besides, loss of such trees affects small insects that uses vegetation as habitat and escaping predators through camouflaging (Zhou, D. 2012, 42. Road construction involves excavation of land in the habitat of wildlife thus reshaping their habitat. The excavations may destroy hiding places for the animals, their dens and, mating points. On the other hand these excavations creates huge depressions that when it rains, collect water that forms reservoirs the animals drink from (Ramp, D. and Roger, E. 2008, 118). This is always very beneficial to wildlife parks in arid and semi-arid regions. Over and above, around these reservoirs vegetation tends to grow as long the water is still there and hence adding to available feeds for the grazers and herbivores. Roads have led to introduction of unusual factors in the habitat of wild animals where they cross. These factors include introduction of diseases, introduction of new wildlife (animals and plants) and litter that a thrown along the road by road users. Introduction of diseases come from litter thrown along the road that culture disease-causing micro-organisms such as bacteria and fungi. When animals ingest these litter or infected vegetation along the road hey become sick and succumb to death if their body system becomes overwhelmed with infection (Zahrani, M., Ragab, K. and Haque, A., 2011, 362). Roads passing across wildlife territory has encouraged poaching especially during night hours using guns. Guns are sign of technology advancement and this device has made poaching easier for the poachers (Rowden, P., Steinhardt, D., and Sheehan, M. 2008, 1865). It is always difficult for an animal to escape from them since they only need to aim and shoot at the animal and kill it. Besides, guns have been used by drivers to kill animals that blocks the roads hence of loss of biodiversity. Therefore, this device (gun) has also contributed to deaths of animals on the roadside. Technology saving roadside wildlife There have been a lot of cases of roadside wildlife collision reported. This has come to the knowledge of the public hence need to reduce the incidences. There are several methods that have been put into place since early 90s and these methods have been continuously evolving due to technological advancement that has been taking place (Zhou, D. 2012, 42). There are two major technological methods that are being tested by countries to know their effectiveness. Though there are some countries that have fully adopted these methods since they proved their efficiency in their countries. These methods have adopted use of devices called the Laser tripwire system and the Radar for Large Animal and Warning Detection System. Laser tripwire Laser tripwire is a security system that is composed of a siren, an AC adapter and 2x 5v lasers (Ramp, D. and Roger, E. 2008, 123). The alarm is made in a way that makes it so sensitive so that any break of laser will actuate the alarm to sound thus creating an alarm. Laser tripwire is a device that has been installed in major highways that cross the environment where wildlife lives. The diagram below shows the Laser diode structure (frame type) The diagram below shows circuit for the laser tripwire device. The device operates in a way that it signals an oncoming vehicle that there is an animal close to the road so that the motorist reduces speed and hence reduces the chances of collision between the animal and vehicle. The signals are triggered by an animal that passes close to the device and hence making laser tripwire to produce yellow flash lights to an oncoming vehicle (Langley, R. and Mathison, J. 2008, 88). The laser tripwire placed on the roadside are power by solar energy and battery are also installed to act as backup in case of failure in the solar power system. Installation of laser tripwire in highways passing wildlife territory is still under evaluation by the government on the effectiveness of the laser (Gunson, K., Mountrakis, G. and Quackenbush, L. 2011, 1082). Tripwire system installation on the roadside has reduced vehicle-animal collision on the highways (Lee, L. and Lee, R. 2006, 762). In spite of animal collision reduction, laser tripwire technology has got some short comings that have questioned its effectiveness. One of the shortcomings emanates from its sensitivity feature, where it can be triggered easily by false alarm (Lee, L. and Lee, R. 2006, 762). The false alarms could be from vegetation close to it, small animals that passes next to the device and from rain. The operators have strived to adjust tripwire sensors though it has become a challenge. The challenge is in trying to eliminate false triggers while ensuring that large animal detection is not interfered. The false alarms by tripwire have led to creation of traffic and this has created public concern. Tripwire system light flashes for only three minutes after detecting an animal. Challenge emanated when an animal stays still for more than three minutes remains undetected and thus chances for collision increases (Rowden, P., Steinhardt, D., and Sheehan, M. 2008, 1865). The other issue is when the system is triggered by a fast moving animal that leaves the system flashing the lights yet the animal is gone (Chen, Y. 2008, 37). This leads to false alarm to an oncoming motorist that slows down and yet there is nothing around. Radar detection. This is also called Large Animal Warning and Detection System (LAWDS) and aids in detection of large animals on the roadside (Qin, H. et al 2010, 84). The system has a backend that shows the map of the road to the motorists, displaying where an animal is located on the roadway (Langley, R., Higgins, S. and Herrin, K.2006, 239). The system puts motorists on alert that there is a large animal ahead and as long as the animal stays on the road the notice would still be active. Radar detection has so many advantages over Laser tripwire system. First, Large Animal and Warning Detection System (LAWDS) provide accurate information to motorists. This is irrespective of any weather condition; it functions in all weather conditions. LAWDS do not require vegetation clearing around it to avoid wrong information provision to motorists. Besides, LAWDS give motorists information on traffic like the speed of the motorists, volume of traffic jam and distinguishes between a car and a truck. Radar provides motorists with map of the area where it has been installed and the system updates the map once in every second (Zahrani, M., Ragab, K. and Haque, A., 2011, 370). Radar operation Radar devices include antenna, transmitter, receiver, radar scope and radar signal processing (Zhou, D. 2012, 40). A radar device on the roadside outsends radio wave that travels at the speed of light and reflects back to the radar device when it meets an animal on its path. Radar detection is founded on duration it takes radio wave to hit chosen object (in this case an animal) and the duration it takes wave to reflect back, and the radar device can automatically calculate the distance between the object (animal) and the radar device that is in a car (Rani, A. and Hafiizh, M. 2007,53). A car has several types of sensors that enable conveying of information from objects that are close or relatively further away from the vehicle. The diagram below shows radar signal processing The diagram below shows environment sensing elements around a car. The function of of layer of environment sensing is to give reliable information about objects that surrounds the moving vehicle.Radar sensors aid in detecting animals thus reduces collisions that may be hazardous. Radar does detect detect the animals around the vehicle as well as the speed at which the animal is moving. This triggers the proceing unit to determine what action the mototrist to take so as to avoid mitigate collision and accident (Rani, A. and Hafiizh, M. 2007, 50). Data analysis techniques Theorietical and experimental analysis techniques provides adequate method in aiding in data analysis. Theoritical data analysis refers to researcher going through the secondary sources of information about the effect of technology and devices on roadside wildlife (Chen, Y. 2008, 37). Secondary sources include those sources that have been documented on journal, book and magazines. The researcher looks for statistics around the topic question and extracting relevant information from such sources. Secondary sources of information provides researcher with prior knowledge of what is in the field and they form basis of theoretical data analysis.Theoretical analysis is helps in time saving as it does not invovle much procedures. Experimental analysis is where a researcher analyses the actual tasks he/she oughts to perform in the field (Lee, L. and Lee, R. 2006, 762). For instance, researcher in this case will go and set up appropriate working tools on the roadside that will eneble him/her collect the required data. This analysis does require a lot of dedication and patience fr the researcher to obtain accurate data that would help in analysis at the final stages of the project (Chen, Y. 2008, 38). There is a lot of time spent as well as huge sum is spent on spent to collect data. Accuracy is always paramount as to avoid biasness and inaccurate data that may lead to provision of wrong information to the users of this information. Experimental analysis provides a first hand information that is the primary source of information. The experimental analysis gives current trends in topic question thus enbles one to come with modern conclusions as well as recommendation on the topic study. Summary Wildlife are very component in the our environmenyt as they complement the environment where man lives. Though, the liivlihood of these wildlife has been greatly compromised with the ever advancing and expanding technology day in day out. Mankind is encroaching into the environment of these wildlife to get space to perform their technological ideas. The technology that has expanded to the wildlife environment include thr road and railway network, aviation practised in the animal environmrnt, and buildings. There ae also deices that have crippled the growth of wildlife sector like guns that are used for poaching. Besides, roadside killing of wildlife is also rampant through colllisions with vehicles and shooting by guns by motorists and pedestrians. Besides there are those technology that are in place that aid in mitigation in killing of the wildllfe on the roadside. They especially aim ata reduce collisions between vehicles and these wild animals like deer and oryx. These tecnology include the laser tripwire system and radar detection system. The tripwire produced a flashlight when it sesnses an animal around it, therefore signaling any oncoming motorist that there is an on the roadside so as to uphold coutiousnss. Radar detection system works in a way that the radar device on the roadside detects animal and siganal to an oncoming motorist thus the motorist taking appropriate precautions. Research gaps Technology advancement and expansion is beginning to snatch away the habitat of wildlife making wildlife vulnerable. Although studies have confirmed the positive effects of Laser tripwire to this wildlife protection, adequate studies have not been done to show the negative effects of laser tripwire. Furthermore, studies have not shown if weather patterns affect the effectiveness of these laser tripwire and radar. Laser tripwire at times can bring false negative; and manufacturers have not been able to remove this property. In addition, there is a challenge from motorists who cause animal-vehicle collision when they are intoxicated. This is because motorists who are intoxicated barely observe traffic rules since their brains are intoxicated with drugs. Intoxicated motorists account some percentage for collision and this has not been adequately researched to determine its statistics. Research questions What is the effect of weather on laser tripwire and radar? What is the the negative effects of laser tripwire to wildlife? How can the false positive in laser be corrected? What is the statistics of intoxicated motorists-wildlife accidents and how can it be reduced? Research objectives To investigate the negative and positive impacts of technology/devices on roadside wildlife To determine the extent or degree of such impacts If negative, to recommend long term solutions to the problem If positive, to recommend ways of improving the technology to make them more effective References Chen, Y., Hrl Laboratories, Llc, 2008. Vision-based highway overhead structure detection system. U.S. Patent 7,327,855. Gunson, K.E., Mountrakis, G. and Quackenbush, L.J., 2011. Spatial wildlife-vehicle collision models: A review of current work and its application to transportation mitigation projects. Journal of environmental management,92(4), pp.1074-1082. Jakowatz, C.V., Wahl, D.E., Eichel, P.H., Ghiglia, D.C. and Thompson, P.A., 2012. Spotlight- Mode Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Signal Processing Approach: A Signal Processing Approach. Springer Science & Business Media. Langley, R.L. and Mathison, J., 2008. Worldwide characteristics and mitigation strategies for motor vehicle-animal collisions. Traffic accidents: causes and outcomes. Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp.75-96. Langley, R.L., Higgins, S.A. and Herrin, K.B., 2006. Risk factors associated with fatal animal- vehicle collisions in the United States, 1995–2004.Wilderness & environmental medicine, 17(4), pp.229-239. Lee, L.R., Lee Lanny R, 2006. Intelligent tripwire system. U.S. Patent Application 11/640,762. Qin, H., Li, Z., Wang, Y., Lu, X., Zhang, W. and Wang, G., 2010, March. An integrated network of roadside sensors and vehicles for driving safety: Concept, design and experiments. In Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2010 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 79-87). IEEE. Ramp, D. and Roger, E., 2008. Frequency of animal-vehicle collisions in NSW. Too Close for Comfort: Contentious Issues in Human-Wildlife Encounters; Lunney, D., Munn, A., Meikle, W., Eds, pp.118-126. Rani, A. and Hafiizh, M.M., 2007. Active infrared motion detector for house security system (Doctoral dissertation, Universiti Malaysia Pahang). Rowden, P., Steinhardt, D. and Sheehan, M., 2008. Road crashes involving animals in Australia. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 40(6), pp.1865-1871. Zahrani, M.S., Ragab, K. and Haque, A.U., 2011. Design of gps-based system to avoid camel-vehicle collisions: A. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 4(4), pp.362-377. Zhou, D., 2012. Infrared thermal camera-based real-time identification and tracking of large animals to prevent animal-vehicle collisions (avcs) on roadways. Read More

Roads have contributed to loss of life of wildlife including wild plants as well as wild animals. During construction of roads across the habitat of animals, space for construction is always created for the passage of roads. The process of creating space for the passage of roads, wildlife are encountered and killed. The wild plants are slashed or cleared away, the small crawling animals like frogs, chameleon among others are stumbled upon by the big machinery and those soil burrowing animals are killed in the process of excavation or are excavated and exposed to the unfavorable ecological conditions that are hazardous to the life of those animals.

Deaths also have been caused by collision of vehicles with wild animals. These animals such as deer cross roads to look for food, mates, escape danger or look for favorable places to protecting their neonates (Qin, H. et al 2010, 79). Construction of roads across the habitat of wild animals has restructured their ecological system. This has made these animals to change their lifestyle for survival. The introduction of a road is an unusual phenomenon for animals thus causing some stress to the animals.

Animals tend to respond to unique features in their habitat and this scares them away and hence they begin to deviate from their normal natural behavior (Lee, L. and Lee, R. 2006, 762). Roads leads to loss of vegetation and trees hence reducing amount of feeds these animals feed on, besides, loss of such trees affects small insects that uses vegetation as habitat and escaping predators through camouflaging (Zhou, D. 2012, 42. Road construction involves excavation of land in the habitat of wildlife thus reshaping their habitat.

The excavations may destroy hiding places for the animals, their dens and, mating points. On the other hand these excavations creates huge depressions that when it rains, collect water that forms reservoirs the animals drink from (Ramp, D. and Roger, E. 2008, 118). This is always very beneficial to wildlife parks in arid and semi-arid regions. Over and above, around these reservoirs vegetation tends to grow as long the water is still there and hence adding to available feeds for the grazers and herbivores.

Roads have led to introduction of unusual factors in the habitat of wild animals where they cross. These factors include introduction of diseases, introduction of new wildlife (animals and plants) and litter that a thrown along the road by road users. Introduction of diseases come from litter thrown along the road that culture disease-causing micro-organisms such as bacteria and fungi. When animals ingest these litter or infected vegetation along the road hey become sick and succumb to death if their body system becomes overwhelmed with infection (Zahrani, M.

, Ragab, K. and Haque, A., 2011, 362). Roads passing across wildlife territory has encouraged poaching especially during night hours using guns. Guns are sign of technology advancement and this device has made poaching easier for the poachers (Rowden, P., Steinhardt, D., and Sheehan, M. 2008, 1865). It is always difficult for an animal to escape from them since they only need to aim and shoot at the animal and kill it. Besides, guns have been used by drivers to kill animals that blocks the roads hence of loss of biodiversity.

Therefore, this device (gun) has also contributed to deaths of animals on the roadside. Technology saving roadside wildlife There have been a lot of cases of roadside wildlife collision reported. This has come to the knowledge of the public hence need to reduce the incidences. There are several methods that have been put into place since early 90s and these methods have been continuously evolving due to technological advancement that has been taking place (Zhou, D. 2012, 42). There are two major technological methods that are being tested by countries to know their effectiveness.

Though there are some countries that have fully adopted these methods since they proved their efficiency in their countries.

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