Indicators such as LEDs or Buzzers are incorporated to the counters in most design to indicate signal disruption or successful count by the entire counter. Reverse and forward based counters consists of IR sensors arranged as shown below. Figure 1: Arrangement of IR sensors in forward and reverse based counters Case 1 The object in case one moves from right to left and IR ray from transmitter 2 and receiver 2 setup is first disrupted and this is considered as forward movement. Forward movement results in an increment value of +1 in the counter.
Case 2 In case 2, the object is moving from left to right and Ray from receiver 1 and transmitter 1 is disrupted first and this is considered as reverse movement. Reverse movement results in an count down on the counter display or an increment of -1 value. A simple arrangement of an IR based digital object counter is as shown below. Figure 2: A simple IR based object counter. Methodology Materials The following materials are required in the development of the IR based digital object counter.
The requirements are categorized as hardware and software as shown below. Hardware requirements 8051 series microcontroller. 7-segment display. Diodes. Voltage regulator. Capacitors. Resistors. Transistor. LED. Push button. IR LED`s. IR sensors. Timer IC. Software requirements Keil Compiler. Languages: Embedded C or Assembly. Power supply The power output from the rectifier is a pulsating D.C voltage therefore, to stabilize this voltage, the output from the rectifier is fed to a filter. The filter will remove any alternating current properties in the output that may exist [1].
The rectified and stabilized D.C voltage is then fed to a voltage regulator to obtain a pure and constant D.C voltage. Figure 3: Power Supply Block Diagram Transformer Most of the components in the construction of the counter require an DC voltage power input and thus, a transformer is required to convert the 230V ac mains supply to either 5V,9V or 12V DC voltage inputs. A step up transformer is thus suited to perform this power reduction process [3]. Rectifier Power from transformer is converted into a pulsating DC by a rectifier.
The rectifier is bridge based rectifier in this case. The choice of a full bridge rectifier is as a results of its ability to produce a stable power output. Filter The DC output from the rectifier is further cleaned by removing any AC ripples and helps in smoothening the DC output. A capacitive filter is used to accomplish this task with incorporation of a regulator [1]. A regulator in this case is used to ensure that the mains voltage as well as the load is kept constant. Voltage regulator The main function of a voltage regulator is basically to regulate the input voltage into any device.
It regulates voltage by ensuring that there is a constant voltage level at all times. For the digital counter project under consideration, a constant power supplier of both 5V as well as 12V are required. Thus, to accomplish these requirements, 7805 and 7812 voltage are used to produce a regulated 5V and 12V respectively [4]. The numbering of the voltage regulators is conventional with the first two numbers 78 representing the positive supply for the regulator while the last two numbers represent the value of voltage output from the regulator.
Variable voltage regulators are also in common use in design of various electrical systems due to the capability of the use to adjust the voltage output to their required magnitude at any time. The variable voltage regulator is commonly referred to as variable bench power supply and is especially used in testing of the designs [2]. Therefore, despite of the common use of the dedicated voltage regulator like the two mentioned above, variable voltage regulators are far much handy and comes with many more merits.
Figure 4: Pins of a voltage regulator. Due to the fact that most digital logic based circuits utilize 5 volts DC source, it is common to start from unregulated mains supply to achieve such power input source.
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