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Hydrogen vs. Fossil Fuels for Cars - Essay Example

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The essay "Hydrogen vs. Fossil Fuels for Cars" provides comprehensive information on why hydrogen replacing fossil fuels in cars is a dream that will remain long in our books and take a long time to be achieved…
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Hydrogen vs. Fossil Fuels for Cars
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Will Hydrogen Replace Fossil Fuels for Cars? Executive Summary This paper looks at the possibilities of hydrogen replacing fossil fuels in the cars.The chances of hydrogen replacing fossil fuels have become futile as the days go by. In reference to academic books and magazines that have been published, it is quite evident that it will take quite some time if hydrogen is to replace. The availability of funds, the methods used in extracting hydrogen and the fuel cells that will be used in our cars are some of the challenges that are standing in the way of hydrogen replacing fossil fuels for cars. This paper provides comprehensive information of why hydrogen replacing fossil fuels in cars is a dream that will remain long in our books and take a long time to be achieved. Introduction The use of fossil fuels has been proved to be dangerous to the environment; furthermore, it is a major contributor to global warming. The fossil fuels that are being emitted into the environment by our cars slowly destroy the atmosphere and, in turn, our health. Numerous studies that have been undertaken suggest that hydrogen might be our savior if we are to protect our environment from global warming and save our own health in the coming future. If this is to happen, then it means that in the end, hydrogen will replace fossil fuels for cars, but how true is this statement? Hydrogen Hydrogen gas has been advocated to replace the fossil fuels since it is not harmful to the environment and does not cause pollution to the environment, which leads to global warming. Unlike fossil fuels that occur naturally in earth, the amount of hydrogen, which is present in the atmosphere, is not enough to be used in cars. Due to this fact, it is suggested that hydrogen can be generated form other sources, just like electricity. According to Jones, the use of hydrogen in our cars eliminates all the negative effects that the use of fossil fuels has like releasing carbon into the environment (1970). Jones was among the fist people who suggested hydrogen to replace fossil fuels, which emit carbon to the environment. Jones suggested that if we can concentrate in creating a hydrogen fuel economy, there are many things we stand to gain. Firstly, the use hydrogen in our cars enables us to breathe a much fresher air since the carbon that is produced in our cars will no longer be produced. In addition to that, the use of hydrogen cleans our environment and unlike the use of fossil fuels in our cars, it does not produce any harmful substances that can pollute to the environment. Availability of funds Wise suggests that we are too far from replacing fossil fuels in our cars with hydrogen (2006). The former President of America, George Bush took a step in protecting the environment and declared a $ 2 billion initiative, which was to help in the processing of hydrogen in our vehicles. In this way, he said that we would have helped our unborn children who would use cars, which would have been fueled by hydrogen. Nevertheless, how far are we from achieving this dream? Scientist have been working very hard to try and improve the technology of using hydrogen in our cars since it was introduced as a potential savior for the shortage of the world’s energy. The reason as to why the majority of people in the world have supported the use of hydrogen in our cars is simply because of its cleanliness. In the use of hydrogen to save the environment, hydrogen completes its cycles within itself since it emits nothing and creates nothing. One thing that will hinder hydrogen from being used as a replacer of fossil fuels is that it requires billions of dollars to be used so that it can be produced. In the use of billions of shillings, President George Bush had already poured an amount totaling to $1.2 billion, but no significant move has been made to improve the technology. One of the reasons as to why there has been a little advancement in creating hydrogen as an alternative is the distribution of the funds required. The lawmakers who were distributing the funds did a very big mistake. Instead of using the funds that they were given to do a project that concentrates on the production of the hydrogen fuel, they voted to distribute and use the funds in projects that would involve their home state universities and colleges (United States Government Accountability Office, 2008). Not every one is working hard to replace fossil fuel for cars with hydrogen. In fact the US Energy Department, which is to be involved in the production of hydrogen, has postponed the date that the hydrogen powered cars would be available on our roads which was by 2015. As seen, there are many difficulties of funds that are being faced in the production of hydrogen-powered vehicles. This means that the hope of hydrogen replacing fossil fuels for our cars is a dream that is becoming unachievable as the days go by. Method of extraction In addition to that, another problem that is making it hard for hydrogen to replace fossil fuels in our cars is the method in which hydrogen is being extracted. There are numerous ways that are available to produce the required hydrogen atoms, which are needed for usage. However, each method that is available for the production of hydrogen atoms has its own challenges and drawbacks in producing hydrogen fuel that can be produced commercially and become consumed. The production of hydrogen from any natural gas that is available is not beneficial at all. This is because if such processes that are suggested are to occur, they would still result in the same environmental effects that the use of fossil fuels has (Sanders, 2003). This simply implies that if the hydrogen gas would be extracted from natural gas, carbon dioxide emissions would be produced. This would not be of any benefit since the main reason why hydrogen wants to be replaced with the use of fossil fuels is that fossil fuels emit carbon, which is dangerous to our environment. The only method that is available for creation of hydrogen-consumed fuel without carbon dioxide being emitted is the usage of renewable energy sources. This will only be possible if scientists come up with a suitable way in which they can produce hydrogen without any carbon dioxide being emitted. Until then, the long-term dream that we yearn to achieve is impossible unless we come up with a scientific breakthrough in to overcome the production of hydrogen emitting carbon dioxide. Popularity in the global market The popularity of hydrogen production in the global market has been limited due to its efficiency in production. According to Zyga, the process that is used in the production of hydrogen, the storage process, the way it is delivered and its actual production allow a quarter of the final energy which was output in comparison to the amount of energy which was input (2006). The energy that is required in the extraction of hydrogen does not complement to the hydrogen fuel, which is produced. This is an added disadvantage since it does not complete with the energy required commercially. In addition to that, the cost of electricity, which is used in the production of hydrogen fuel, is much higher if you compare it to the other contemporary sources that produce fuel. According to Welander, in every kilowatt per her produced by phosphoric acid fuel cell only amounts to around 19 cents while an equal amount of electricity can be acquired for an amount which is near 12 cents from any fossil fuel source (2007). Moreover, the hydrogen fuel produced contains impurities. The impurities which are contained there are harmful since they are capable of disrupting the fuel cells operational capabilities. The technology of extracting hydrogen-using non-fossil fuels appear to be a very good idea, but the technology needs thorough improvements. This is because major improvements need to be done to the cell’s catalysts so that they can cut on the energy lost and the cost involved in the production. The energy that is put in through the hydrogen fuel is impossible to get back, this being another factor which has led to its decline of being popular in the market. This means that if the popularity of the hydrogen fuel in the global market is to increase, then major improvements need to be made to raise its efficiency. Storage Hydrogen’s density at room temperature is usually low at room temperature and pressure. This is the reason as to why hydrogen has to be compressed into a denser form if it is to fit in to an average storage tank. Hydrogen gas turns into a liquid state if it compressed in to a temperature of absolute zero. Though the amount of energy found in hydrogen is roughly a third of it, the cooling process that is used in hydrogen consumes a lot of energy. An advantage that the use of hydrogen fuel will have is that refueling it will be very fast and easy. However, although the hydrogen fuel will be compressed, it will still require a lot storage probably large volume of tanks. In comparison to a gas tank with an equal mileage range, hydrogen gas would definitely take up to four or five times the space occupied by a gas tank. In addition to that, this means that the fuel cell tanks of the cars cannot be created big enough since they do not contain those small mechanical parts (Behar, 2006). In solid state, there are certain compounds that can trap the molecules of hydrogen and then when under demand, they can release them. This means that the technology of allowing hydrogen to be stored in solid state is still futile unless scientists develop a material, which can store the solid state of the gas. Transportation In addition to that, transportation of the hydrogen fuel is a very hard task sine even in its portable form, hydrogen still proves to be a difficult molecule to transport. If steel or any other metals are used, they can be embrittled, which can result in the metals being weakened to the point of fracture. Now, most hydrogen is transported either by tankers in liquid form or in cylinders as a compressed gas by trailers. These current methods have all proved to be insufficient. A lot of trips are required if vehicles are to be used since a 44 ton vehicle can only carry hydrogen which can fuel only 80 vehicles in comparison to gasoline which is carried by the same vehicle and fuel 800 cars. In the usage of the pipeline system, the process of transporting hydrogen through pipeline has proved to be very expensive. The treatment of the pipeline that is used to carry hydrogen from embrittlement and to be able to withstand the high pressure is a very expensive task. This means that billions of money has to be used in the process. In fact, when built, pipeline system has proved to be the cheapest way to transport any high volumes of hydrogen. Unless a sufficient and cheap way of transporting hydrogen is found, then it is difficult to approximate how long it will take for hydrogen to replace fossil fuels for the cars (Novelli et al., 1999). Apart from that, the transportation of hydrogen is very dangerous. This is because if any leakage is to occur, this means that a very huge explosion will occur. These leakages have proved to be very difficult to detect due to the properties of hydrogen. If hydrogen is to be commercially available, then it means that the methods that will be used in its delivery must be very secure and safe for humans. In fact, its transportation should be as safe as the transportation of gasoline. Until then, it means that unless a safe way of transporting hydrogen is found, we will still be using fossil fuels in our cars. Slow developments in the past In the past few decades, there have been very few advancements that are slow that have been made in replacing fossil fuels for cars with hydrogen. The use of hydrogen fuels technologies to replace fossil fuels will still be written in our books since there are yet some major improvements which are to be made. Many factors are even slowing down the research being made so that hydrogen can replace fossil fuels in cars. One of them is the war that is going on between America and Iraq. The Americans have cut spending on the hydrogen research so that the funds can be directed to the war. In 2009, the available amount of funds that were budgeted on the hydrogen research was only about a quarter of the amount of funds, which were allowed by the legislation of 2005. If the dream of using hydrogen in our cars is to become real, then a total amount of 600 megatons per year needs to be produced by 2030 if all the cars and trucks in the whole world are to run efficiently. In the meantime, only around 8 percent of the hydrogen required is being produced currently. In addition to that, North America consists of 50 percent of the bases of hydrogen fuel. In comparison, the coal fire plant that produces around 600 MW, hydrogen fuel plants produce 100 MW (Nakicenovic, 1998). To reduce the emission of the green house gases in the environment, scientists must look for another way that will help in the reduction of the amount of carbon dioxide emissions in the air. This is because the mass production of cars will not end since we need cars in our daily activities. If speculations of the activities from the past are anything to go with, then it means that replacement of hydrogen in our cars that use fossil is a venture that will take a very long time to pass. Fuel cells Installation of fuel cells is needed if the process of producing electricity from hydrogen is to be achieved. This means that billions of funds will need to be put in place if this is to happen. This stage of installing fuel cells seems to have many limitations. One of the limitations that the use of fuel cells face is that if it happens that the process is completely shut off, then it will take quite some time to restart it again. Meaning that the production of fuel cells is very time wasting and if it is urgently needed to be restarted, then this could cause some very unfortunate incident. The fuel cell, which was first invented in the 1839, combines the use of hydrogen and oxygen in the production of electricity without any parts moving. Several varieties of the fuel cell are available. However, the PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) is the only fuel cell that is lightweight. In addition to being lightweight, it is the only type of fuel cell that is responsive and one that can be used in vehicles. The advantage that the PEM cells have is that they are very expensive regardless of whether they are produced in large quantities or not (Crabtree & Mildred, 2010). In addition to that, the varieties of the other fuel cells, which are available, are also not sufficient. An instance is the phosphoric acid fuels. These types of fuel cells are in a position to start quickly but then they are less effective. The molten carbonate fuel cells are more efficient than the phosphoric acid fuels but then they operate in very high temperatures making them not long lasting. Conclusion The use of hydrogen in our cars is a very efficient method since it reduces the amount of gases that are released in the environment. In addition to that, the use of hydrogen in replacing fossil fuels will help us in breathing a much fresher air and in protecting our environment. However, the dream of hydrogen replacing fossil fuels in our cars is going to take much longer than expected. If the speculations that we have witnessed are anything to go with, then scientists should look for alternatives to prevent the emission of carbon dioxide in to the atmosphere. Hydrogen has become quite unpopular in the market. This is because the process of extracting hydrogen is a very expensive one. In addition to that, installation of fuel cells is needed if the process of producing electricity from hydrogen is to be achieved. This means that billions of funds will need to be put in place if this is to happen. Furthermore, transportation of the hydrogen fuel is a very hard task sine even in its portable form, hydrogen still proves to be a difficult molecule to transport. The slow advancements of the hydrogen research that we have witnessed in the past will also slow down this process. Besides that, the availability of funds is proving to be an uphill task. This means that it is quite evident that it will take quite some time if hydrogen is to replace fossil fuels in the cars. References Behar, M. (2006). Warning: The hydrogen economy may be more distant than it appears. Taking sides: Clashing views in science, technology, and society, 7th ed. Ed. Thomas A. Easton. Dubuque, IA: McGraw-Hill. Crabtree, W., & Mildred, S. D. (2010). The hydrogen fuel alternative. MRS Bulletin, 33, 421-428. Jones, L. W. (1970). Towards a liquid hydrogen fuel economy. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan. Nakicenovic. (1998). Global energy perspectives. UK: Cambridge University Press. Novelli, P.C., P.M. Lang, K.A. Masarie, D.F. Hurst, R. Myers, & J.W. Elkins. (1999). Molecular hydrogen in the troposphere: Global distribution and budget. J. Geophys. Res. 104 (30), 427–30. Sanders, R. (2003). Hydrogen-fueled cars not the best way to cut pollution, greenhouse gases and oil dependency, says expert. UC Berkeley News, 4. United States Government Accountability Office (2008). Hydrogen fuel initiative: DOE has made important progress and involved stakeholders but needs to update what it expects to achieve by its 2015 target. Retrieved on 15 March 2012, . Welander, P. (2007). Industrial fuel cells control engineering. Hydrogen Fuel Journal, 60-64. Wise J. (2006). The truth about hydrogen. Popular Mechanics, 4(2). Zyga, L. (2006). Why a hydrogen economy doesn’t make sense. 11 Dec. 2006. Retrieved on 15 March 2012, . Read More
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