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Knowledge Management and IT Services - Assignment Example

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The paper "Knowledge Management and IT Services" tells us about effective management of information. IT Services exists inside the organization for instance Halifax Bank and Islamic Bank of Britain to support and develop the applications and technology wanted to facilitate the information wants of the organization…
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Knowledge Management and IT Services
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Running Head: KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND IT SERVICES Knowledge Management and IT Services [The [The of the Knowledge Management and IT Services Introduction If we analyzed then we come to know that critical success for an organization to survival in a rapid change of today's business world is to create an effective management of information and related information technology. IT Services exists inside organisation for instance Halifax Bank and Islamic Bank of Britain to support and develop the applications and technology wanted to facilitate the information wants of the organisation. Part of this work revolves round the resolution of incidents through a helpdesk. These incidents are resolved as fast as possible and result in knowledge about how to solve the problem(s). More than ever before, IT infrastructure in Islamic Bank of Britain is both key for business strategy and the source of competitive advantages and critical achievement factor in many industries. At the similar, IT infrastructure that supports commerce has grown quickly in a scope and extensiveness, becoming more and more difficulty than ever and before. More highly, IT enters into a new era where operational fineness counts, IT organization are focusing labors on humanizing IT service levels as also reducing the service release and service support cost as a key driver for delivering IT value. Value added by put into practice control approach, jointly with IT service management, it will benefit the commerce world and enter into a new commerce world. This paper emphasize two well practice IT supremacy, which is control approach labor closer with the organization goal. ITIL, IT service management, which value added to the organization for advantage the Islamic Bank of Britain from civilizing customer approval. This paper also exemplify how risk and control subject on map COBIT control approach, also how ITIL advantage the organization from the service support and service release that been careful as the heart of the ITIL structure for IT service management (Alpar, P. and Kalmring, D. 2001, pp.730-742). Knowledge Management and IT Services in Islamic Bank of Britain "Knowledge" is a set of beliefs, expertise, experiences and assumptions that the human mind uses to form casual relationships between phenomena, and assign meaning to data in order to generate information." (Sanchez and Heene 1997). Research in knowledge management classically classifies knowledge into two essential forms: 'tacit' and 'explicit' knowledge. No doubt, explicit knowledge is knowledge that is clearly articulated and in businesses, such knowledge is often collected, stored and discrete as management information of Islamic Bank of Britain (Bose, R. 2004, pp. 457-468). As a wide-ranging rule of thumb, open knowledge consists of anything that can be recognized, archived and codified, often by means of the help of Information Technology Islamic Bank of Britain. Tacit knowledge is the individual knowledge of a personality that is typically not obviously expressed. It is based on taught skills and experience, and covers personal belief, viewpoint and values. Tacit knowledge consists of know-how's or experiences restricted in people's heads and it is "subconsciously understood and applied, difficult to articulate, developed from direct experience and action, and usually shared through highly interactive conversation, storytelling and shared experience." (Zack 1999) Tacit knowledge, so, has little value, if it remains dormant and not used for competitive advantage. We ought to aim to transfer additional of the tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge from side to side knowledge management (Clarke, T. & Rollo, C. 2001, pp. 206-214). Knowledge management has two characteristic tasks: 'to make easy the creation of knowledge and to administer the way people split and apply it.' (Marchand, Davenport & Dickson 2000) I have the same opinion with Sveiby (2000) that knowledge is an individual faculty; it is not impressive that can be "managed". Ariely G. 2003 optional that knowledge management could "perhaps be approached by organization the processes connecting to the domain of Knowledge management, rather than arrogant to manage the information itself." No doubt, the association among knowledge management (KM) plus intellectual capital (IC) is not simple and indistinct at times. Much has been written on the subject of intellectual capital, and the preponderance of the literature classifies IC into 3 main categories: human capital; structural capital and purchaser capital. Moreover, experts define thinker capital as "intellectual material-knowledge, information, academic property, experience-that can be used to generate wealth". Bank CEO believes that a victorious company and an ineffective one lie in its human, structural and purchaser capital. There is extremely small literature that links KM and IC but Ariely G. (2003) argues that "if knowledge is part of human capital, then managing knowledge is part of the structural capital. So that victorious KM is in itself, part of the organization's scholarly Capital, in adding up to the knowledge included in it as a procedure, and in its people." (Gumbly, H. 1998, pp. 175-177) Because knowledge is becoming the competitive advantage of companies and hence, IC will become the source of future wealth. Therefore, the motivation to manage Islamic Bank of Britain comes of course from the inherent value that arises from the process. Identifying a firm's assets, particularly its academic assets the proprietary knowledge uttered as recipe, formula, trade secret, creation, program or procedure has become critical to a company's on the whole vision and strategic plan and necessary in transactions such as store offerings or mergers (Sullivan, 2000) If the result of knowledge management is the formation of new knowledge and inventions and certainly, they are precious assets to the company, it is necessary that these scholarly capital are 'protected' from a legal viewpoint. If left defenseless, a good invention or creation may be lost to competitors (Hansen, MT, Nohria, 1999, pp.106-116). Knowledge for Running Effective ITIL Processes in Islamic Bank of Britain ITIL, recognized as IT Infrastructure Library was urbanized in the delayed 1980s by branch of British Government. The major purpose for British Government to expand ITIL in Islamic Bank of Britain is to capture and endorse trade effectiveness in the use of information system due to the rising of the organizational demands to decrease the cost in the mean while mean uphold or improving of the IT services. It essentially provides a foundation development of the usage and the result of operation arranged of IT infrastructure inside the organization. Nowadays, ITIL been well identified as a public body knowledge of given that a finest practice service management frame work to help and get better the organization service level at Islamic Bank of Britain and reduce IT cost. It value came from by supporting a broad service delivery, support recommendation and common define and expressions. ITIL direction not only allows Islamic Bank of Britain to regulate the IT infrastructure also, influence the best practices crossways the Islamic Bank of Britain to help the organization to attain their business objectives as well as IT operational development (Hyde, A.C. and Mitchell, K.D.2000, p.57). Knowledge of Management Support for ITIL Processes at Islamic Bank of Britain At Islamic Bank of Britain, ITIL concepts involve many parties, whose they are industry experts, consultant and partitioners to work closer in monitoring and tailoring its service to the needs of the organization, in order to achieve enhancement of service quantity and quality, as well develop effective and efficient processes (Polanyi, M. 1966). The self-governing view of the outside consultant able to break away the inflexible structure in term of interior culture that been developed decade and meet the obligation of the organization. Beside as direction, it also provides training, coaching, vocational and expert assessment as well as consultancy. At Islamic Bank of Britain, ITIL is more than a guidance or key issues for commerce strategy and the source of competitive advantage, in the similar time it support the fast grow of complexity of information, filtering the helpful and un-useful information. As a result, it is a tool of dropping risk by asking to keep and inform the latest and new technology, continuing to support the obtainable IT solution, which in a straight line support by means of the trade objectives. It brings significant compensation to client, end user as well as the Islamic Bank of Britain itself. Yet, specialist foresee a few possible problem of this well know IT service management (Reimus, B. 2001). Processes Undertaken in Incident Management by IT Service department at Islamic Bank of Britain Which is, the process of restoring the normal service operation, as quickly as possible and to minimize the unpleasant impact on business operation. This solution is to assist solve incident rapidly and consistently. In addition, duplicate incident submitted by single user or other can be associated together. Processes Undertaken in Problem Management by IT Service department It is to reduce the unfavorable impact errors within the IT infrastructure at Islamic Bank of Britain and to put off recurring incident associated to these errors. It also can recognize the main reason grounds of problem and the administer action will be taken to correct the error. Processes Undertaken in Configuration Management by IT Service department Management process of Islamic Bank of Britain, which to confirm the configuration records of the entire element of the IT infrastructure, as well as offer precise information to support further management function. Helpdesk Systems Functionality for Knowledge Management at Islamic Bank of Britain It is interesting that this subject, system support at the workplace, would be a topic for a paper in this course. System support in Islamic Bank of Britain is at present a sore subject that is constantly being debated and concepts constantly thrown about. Presently there is no configuration management nor software/hardware management team in place, though one is always discussed about being developed. What is presently in place is a help desk and networking section that supports users on all issues to include software deployment and configuration approval issues at this bank. Support systems within Islamic Bank of Britain are comprised of several different system support designs, however, Mangers think it is necessary that I give an understanding of how the organization that supports systems is made up. We have the Director and the Deputy Director, and under them we have several departments, each with at Islamic Bank of Britain manager. Now I will be concentrating on one department in particular. That will be the department that has within it several sections; Helpdesk, Networking, Infrastructure, and last but not least the Information Assurance section (Zack, M.H. 1999, pp.45-58). The helpdesk and networking section is comprised of experts being second in accuse and numerous other military and civilian (contractors) employees. The major intent of helpdesk is support of the network and clientele and to offer brilliance support for all hardware and software issues. With the quick increase in technologies in the place of work, joint by means of other interior and outside factors such as latest regulations, staff turnover, revised coverage requirements, and additional technological issues, our means of support is continually changing since no procedure is in place, though, sure essential functions have not distorted; the manager is still the key connection among policy and forefront staff. At times we all discover it hard to comprehend fully the depth of all the changes, to uphold high standards in helpdesk and network support and to shape out how we can oversee most efficiently in these troubling times. We have attempted though to create, for our customer's expediency, a help site for ordinary and crisis issues. Help Center at Islamic Bank of Britain At Islamic Bank of Britain the IT Help Desks mission to provide first-level computing support to the organization. The IT Help Center specifically provides support regarding the use of the email/conferencing system, Intranet, Internet, software applications and operating systems. We are also an outstanding resource for the discovery and taking away of computing viruses and by means of disc revival. The customers inside Islamic Bank of Britain though does have instant access to qualified, knowledgeable IT Help Desk support throughout business hours and use the Help Desk to help decide all technological questions and troubles. The entire calls positioned to the Help Desk are answered (by Help Desk employees) inside 20 seconds of call at Islamic Bank of Britain. Every voice mail messages received throughout duty hours are answered inside 30 minutes of receiving. Every e-mail messages are answered inside 1 hour of receipt. The entire voice mail messages received following duty hours are answered by 8:30 a.m. of the subsequently working day at bank. In the case of VIP service needs, technicians are sending off and arrive at the site inside 30 minutes of early contact. About 45% of the service needs received throughout the month are set on at the WGM level, no work-site technological sustain required, since of WGM's placement, inside 1 hour of diagnosis of the report of difficulty. User difficulty reports or service requests not resolvable at the WGM level are right away assigned either to a technician who is give with obtainable information related to the difficulty for instant resolution at Islamic Bank of Britain. Recommendation From the start of study for these two approaches, a further consideration of the interrelated among the business of Islamic Bank of Britain nowadays and IT managements and infrastructure are heavy connected. For a lot of Islamic Bank of Britain today, IT technology and tool hold up its most precious and significant assets. In todays competitive and rapidly altering business earth, management is expecting IT to bring function, which clever to incessantly deliver and get better existing service and position, in difference reduce cost and time length. As a consequence, lots of Islamic Bank of Britain realize and are familiar with the potential benefit that expertise can surrender. Consequently, in order to catch up by means of the quick change of trade world, enterprise outsourcing it control and information executive system or employ specialist to design an improved approach to meet the requirements. It governance came in and turn into more and more significant and famous. It been describe as a structure of the association and processes to direct and manage the venture in order to attain the enterprise's goals and objectives from side to side adding value to it as balancing risk versus its return over the procedure at bank. IT resources and information have been plan to work earlier with the exact organization to put together the top practice of scheduling and organizing, obtaining and put into practice, delivering and supporting, as well as monitoring the IT performance to make certain that the enterprise's information and linked technology support its trade objectives. In current year, the requirement for controlling, speed and excellence of the service to in the information technology turn into very significant in term of information safety and control in IT, also end patrons are most focus on the data release whether is precious, precise and time management. Conclusion Knowledge Management policy is characterized by its objective and methods used to chase the goals. The goals, methods and procedures can be administer in a central or de-central way. The company wishes to determine whether to retain the central strategy or de-central policy. In the case obtainable, the company it seems that maintained the two typologies to address the wants of the clients. Consulting firms similar to AMS have to distinguish among open knowledge which can be explicated and recognized on media on one hand and implied or tacit knowledge, typically bound by an individual's exact experience, worth system, education methods and communication with further people on the other (Zack, M.H. 1999, pp.45-58). A innermost Knowledge Management strategy entail that the firm has already developed methods that codify, store, distribute and allow the use again of knowledge. This was the policy at first employed by AMS in their previous projects but is this still appropriate in today's standards The additional strategy is de-centralized meaning knowledge is intimately linked to the individual who has acquired it. No doubt, networks of individuals are built to attach people so that implicit knowledge is shared throughout direct person-to-person agreement at Islamic Bank of Britain. References Alpar, P. and Kalmring, D. (2001) "Inter-organizational Knowledge Management with Internet Applications" in Proceedings of the ECIS 2001, Bled, Slovenia, pp.730-742 Bose, R. (2004). 'Knowledge management metrics', Industrial Management and Data Systems, vol. 104, no. 6, pp. 457-468. Clarke, T. & Rollo, C. 2001. 'Corporate initiatives in knowledge management', Education + Training, vol. 43, no. 4/5, pp. 206-214. Gumbly, H. 1998. 'Knowledge Management', Work Study, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 175-177. Hansen, MT, Nohria, N. and Tierney, T. (1999). "What's your strategy for managing knowledge Harvard Business Review. March-April. pp.106-116 Hyde, A.C. and Mitchell, K.D.(2000) Knowledge Management: The Next Big Thing. The Public Manager. Volume: 29. Issue: 2. Bureaucrat, Inc.p.57 Polanyi, M. (1966) The Tacit Dimension. Routledge and Kegan Paul. London. Reimus, B. (2001) Knowledge sharing within Management Consulting Firms, retrieved 25 November 2005 from: Zack, M.H. (1999) Managing Codified Knowledge. Sloan Management Review. Volume 40, No.4. pp.45-58. Read More
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