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How do Music and Art have an Effect on Youth Subcultures - Assignment Example

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This assignment "How do Music and Art have an Effect on Youth Subcultures" discusses the effects of the participation of the students in art and music while in school, it is very clear that the importance of this student participation cannot be underestimated…
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Surname: Presented to Institution Name, Location Date Youth, Arts and Music Introduction Many youth in the world in the recent days have ventured into art and music and they are doing very well in these particular fields. Many of them have made a difference by exploiting their talents in these areas (Tate, Joseph, 89). Young people discover their musical and artistic talents at an early age and therefore they spent most of their youthful age attempting to nature and to develop their talent into something that can be used for livelihood (Coughlan,450). Many nations have imparted the idea into their curriculum so they can increase the chances of developing the talent that the young people and avoid frustrating them. In the curriculum most education system in the renowned nations identify the talents that the kids have in either music or art and expose them further development (Harland,  J, Kinder, K& Hartley K, 65). By taking a survey on the participation of the youth in both music and art we find out that away from the formal curriculum of the education system the talent of art in the life the youth develop in three main ways which include the youth service, the theater and finally the community art which is widely used by the youth (Coughlan,450). The youth who poses these great talents in both music and art should be presented with opportunities in any place they set foot on in order to make a firm foundation of their beloved careers in both music and art. Music and art are one of the talent that have many values, for example through music many youth have been able to earn a living, help the needy in the society, and even earn the country revenue through performing in international forums and festivals. The major avenues in which these particular opportunities are presented to the young people is through the formal education system (Harland,  J, Kinder, K& Hartley K, 65). The youth should be encouraged to explore other avenues that can grant them the opportunity of developing their talent in arts, music, opera, visual art, dance, literature, film and architecture including other very important artistic talents. The youth should be encouraged to form organizations that can boost their talents in these particular fields, these organizations include the youth choirs, dance groups, theaters, orchestras, and the youth film makers (Harland,  J, Kinder, K& Hartley K, 65). The youth community organization is also another organization that can greatly uplift the youth in developing their talents. This particular type of organization offers the experiences of art to the youth as part of the community service provisions such as statutory diocesan and voluntary organizations of the youth (M, Rimmer,329). Other more valuable avenues of getting opportunities are the art organizations. These particular organizations have great programs that target the developing of art talents in the youth. These great programs include the outreach community education programs, the local authority offices that are over art and music training programs in their centers. There are many other ways in which the youth can get the opportunities but the above three main are the most frequent and effective (Coughlan,450). The opportunities that are granted by the formal education are complemented greatly by other means which include other way independent from the established organizations. These groups could be part of a group of audience of listeners, the consumers of the valuable products of the art and music including the ones that are directly target the youth, the viewers and the readers are also the most potential up lifters of the talents of the youth (Tate, Joseph, 89). Another practical way of developing the talent is by nurturing the up and coming artist through mentorship programs, events, bursaries, and workshops that are created purposely to develop the great young talent that the youth have been commissioned with (M, Rimmer,329) Youth arts organizations The arts organizations that are formed by the community mainly to promote the talents that the youth poses are usually highly dedicated. Such organizations having good programs for the youth such as the theaters where the youth spent their time practicing and making productions, the dance assemblies for those who have passion of dancing and orchestras with good instrumental facilities where the youth have the pleasure of learning how to play different types of instruments(Hickey-Moody,56).Other most important programs are the common youth choirs and the film making groups that mainly involve the youth. For the youth who have the opportunity of getting involved in these programs, prefer the art form of play a major role in their at the moment or in their future lives (Tate, Joseph, 89). The most appreciative aspect of the youth art organization is that they are very committed to the members of the group; making them successful in making their dream a success is part of the main goals of these organizations (Hansen, Mark, 66). These organizations also ensure that the personal and the social life of its members are developed making them all round professionals in the art and music industry (Tate, Joseph, 89). A report research conducted and written of an organization of a group of youth dance in the Ireland indicated that the youth development sector in the country was highly concerned with the development of the artistic skills that the youth possessed, this was due to the social and individual development opportunities presented by the dance and also the performance made by the group (Harland,  J, Kinder, K& Hartley K, 65). Youths are always motivated and highly encouraged by success in the field and therefore they are developed by being imparted with the culture of living positively through the continuous success by the group. Another very significant feature of the organizations is the addition of the performance of the public in the yearly program (Coughlan,450). Another very important feature of the organization comes up when new set of works is commissioned to the organization by the up and coming artistes in the early years of their careers. This worked commissioned to the organization can be developed with the great involvement of the young people. This particular involvement seeks to attain some of the most relevant activities in the lives of the young people (M, Rimmer,329). The organizations have developed programs with great styles of performance, they have also developed works within the organization that take after the interests and the great abilities of the youth. The youth theater groups develop and organize plays that have contents which have great impact in the lives of the young minds who rarely attend the art events as part of the esteemed audience (Hansen, Mark, 66). Through the production of the works that greatly relates to generation of the youth, they greatly help in involving the perspective of the youth into the wider initiative of developing the art talents. It is highly a positive thing to recognize the fact that both the experienced group of people and the unskilled are involved in the mediation of the youth experiences in this organizations. These dedicated men and women work within the guidelines that are presented to them by the organization to make the objective and the missions or the organization to be a reality (Coughlan,450). Many youth organizations that are dedicated depend mainly on the education system especially the art sectors for almost all the requirements of the organization which include advice, funding, and the structural support (Hansen, Mark, 66). The youth and art sectors in the education system also depend on the youth and art organizations for the provision of the resources and many other requirements which include the provision of expertise to give guidance on the development in youth arts and the access to the practitioners who are highly skilled and involved in the youth arts (Coughlan,450). The youth art festivals play a very important part in the up bringing of highly resourceful youth in the youth art practice who participates as audience, members of the organization, makers or performers and art creators in the festivals. These festivals are very important in that they raise the standards of the art practice to a good level; they also develop a good understanding of art forms and profile art for the esteemed youth and by the youth (Tate, Joseph, 89). The organization also provides good opportunities to the development of both the skills and the networking for the adult tutors, animations and leaders (Hansen, Mark, 66). The development of the festivals should be encouraged so that they can help in raising the standard of art in the society and art as a form of education among most of the young people (M, Rimmer,329) It is a necessity that they organize a cross-art form festival especially for the known art forms that have not had many events that are very specific to the youth. The main aim of the art festival should be widening of the experience that the youth have and their understanding of art and making it the possible for the best practice to be transferred form the diverse forms of art and groups (Hickey-Moody, 56). Importance of Arts and Music to the Youth Through the involvement of the youth in art and music, many of them have been able to develop and nature their beloved talents and careers. Through this they have also been able to interact with many people from different places hence enabling them to be able to develop their social lives. From an active participation of the youth in art they have been able to get a lot of gain academically too (M, Rimmer,329) Many research and studies that have done clearly indicate that through the participation of the youth in art and music they have been able develop social competencies, habits of the mind personal dispositions which are very important to the learning arts (Gibson, L, 121). In addition to this particular ideology, research has it that the things that the youth learn through taking part in the performances of the art and music has greatly help the youth to understand other subject which include social studies, personal reading and mathematics(Hirzy E,55). It has been found out that when students in the art learning experiences, they are able to boost their performance in other spheres of learning which include academic fields. In a research conducted and properly documented in which a government database in which more than 25000 students from high school were investigated, (Hirzy E,55) the researchers who were at the university of California found out that the students in the high school who participated in the music and art activities performed well in their academics than those who were dormant in the field art (M, Rimmer,329) Those who performed well in the art and music performed very well too in the standardized achievements test as compared with the students who did nothing in the art and music section (Hansen, Mark, 66). It was also found out that the students who spent time participating in the art and music sectors spent very little of their precious time in watching the television, but they used their time mainly in offering the community services, they too admitted that they rarely get bored while in school since they spent time practicing on their talents which is fun (M, Rimmer,329). The ideology of transfer in which are states that learning in one particular area boost the learning process in a different context has greatly mesmerized the cognitive scientist and those who do research in the field of education for over one hundred years (Nilan, Julian & Germov,78) Many of these particular researches hold the great view that all the experiences of learning have some level of transfer in the lives and the learning within and outside the school (Hirzy E,55). However, the sort and level of these transfers is still a subject of great attention. Studies have revealed that the impact of the transfers is an issue of study concerns. Current research also shows that the outcome of the transfer may build up over an extensive time and be evident in diverse means (M, Rimmer,329) . Researchers in this particular field are continuously exploring the most difficult process of learning and how the required skills and knowledge are acquired (Hansen, Mark, 66). One of the most important lines of research being carried out in the field is aimed at measuring the benefits that came with the learning of the art. The efforts of developing a very reliable way of assessing some of the unseen effects of learning art and music which give a standard test which do not actually capture like the desire to achieve or the ability to exercise critical thinking(Coughlan,450). The youth who get involved in the art and music parts of the extra curriculum in school get a lot of benefits which include, high grades in other academic subjects, having fun through trips that are offered by the organizations, and enjoy interacting with other students from other schools during the performance trips(Nilan, Julian & Germov,78) The youth who have been thought to actually have a very low social and economic status and a history of much participation in the arts and music sector have had batter academic outcomes than those who are known to have a very low social and economic status youth with very low participation in arts, this show that the participation in art have very critical impact in the performance of the students in that when they participate in these arts and music they always get motivation due to the performance both socially And economically(M, Rimmer,329) The student active in arts register batter grades and a higher college enrolment rates compared to the inactive in the same arts and music. This high rate of enrolment in college is a measure of success that the students who participate in music and art easily achieve (Nilan, Julian & Germov,78). The students with very low social and economic status but very rich in art experiences both from the high and the lower levels was found to have an extra like hood of the ten percent of the to finish a calculus curse in high school than those with very low social and economic status and therefore have also very minimal achievement in the art and music co-curriculum activities (Coughlan, 450). The percentage that was found was that of thirty three versus twenty three, the student who were recognized to have high involvement in arts and low social and economic status in the eight grade had higher like hood of having planned to pursue a course in college with a bachelor’s degree than were all the students or to be specific those who had very minimal or no participation in the arts and music and therefore they too experienced a low social and economic status while in school(Gibson, L, 121). This shows that the students who participated in arts and music as part of their co-curriculum activities were more focused ands had batter dreams compared to those who were dormant in school and therefore did not participated in the co-curriculums while in high school. The percentages were found to be about seventy four percent, seventy one percent and forty three percent respectively (M, Rimmer,329) Studies that have been done by scholars show that the student with very low social and economic status and a very high level of involvement in arts while in high school had about fifteen percent more likelihood of joining a four year college compared to the students with low participation in arts and with low social and economic status (Gibson, L, 121). The percentages were found to range around forty one and twenty six respectively. The students who had a good level of involvement in both music and art in school were found to have a higher likelihood of getting their dream bachelors degree as compared to those who were very in active in the art and music while in high school (M, Rimmer,329) ~While giving talking about the need of the student to take part in the extra curriculum activities in schools and colleges, the students who are known to have a very low level of social and economic status and very high involvement in arts have a higher likelihood of participating in the renowned interscholastic and intramural sports and academic honor societies in the academic system. Their determined participation in these main objective while in school is three times the rate of involvement of the low and the social and economic status and low art students in schools (Coughlan, 450). Conclusion From the above research on the effects of the participation of the students in art and music while in school, it is very clear that the importance of this the student participation cannot be underestimated as it plays a very important role in the performance of the students. The development of the students both is social and economically is also a very important aspect that cannot be ignored and is imparted to the student’s participation in art and music. Youth who are the majority in the society are always in high need have work and a source of revenue that can earn them a living therefore, involving them in the organizations formed in the society to develop their talent is therefore a very important thing and should be taken into consideration by the movement. Through this the issues of most of the youth will have been solved and they will live a life with something to live for. Work cited Coughlan., Marieva. The Participation of Young People in the Arts in Ireland. Ireland: The Arts Council, 2002. Gibson, L. he Uses of Art. Harland: University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, 2001. Hansen, Mark. Deforming Rock: Radiohead’s Plunge into the Sonic Continuum. washington D.C: Princeton University press, 2006. Harland,  J, Kinder, K& Hartley K. Arts in their view. A study of Youth Participation in the Arts. New York: Upton Park publishers, 1995. Hickey-Moody, A. Youth, Arts and Education: Reassembling Subjectivity through Affect,. London: Routledge, 2013. Hirzy E. Engaging Adolescents: Building Youth Participation in the Arts. . New York: National Guild for Community Arts Education publishers, 2011. Ibrahim, 'Allan Moore and Anwar. Sounds Like Teen Spirit': Identifying Radiohead's Idiolect. new york: University of Surrey, 2010. M, Rimmer. "The participation and decision making of 'at risk' youth in community music projects: an exploration of three case studies." Journal of Youth Studies, (2012): 329-350. Nilan, Julian & Germov,. Australian Youth: Social andCultural Issues. French’s Forest, Sydney: Pearson publishers , 2007. Schneiderman, Davis. We got Heads on Sticks/You got Ventriloquists': Radiohead and the Improbability of Resistance". New York: Lake Forest College press, 2006. Tate, Joseph. Introduction: The Music and Art of Radiohead. washington D.C: University of Washington, 2008. —. Radiohead's Antivideos: Works of Art in the Age of Electronic Reproduction. Washington D.C: University of Washington press, 2009. Zakaras, L& Lowell, J,. Cultivating Demand for the Arts: Arts Learning, Arts Engagement and State support. Santa Monica: Rand Corporation publishers, 2008. Read More
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