Deep inequalities within social environments and family circumstances create serious challenges towards achievement of equal opportunity in education. And still for individuals who have good educational opportunity, numerous other issues within community and family life control their prospects. Whereas these observations need not to be applied to prevent various schools from performing their best to improve students’ prospects from backgrounds that are disadvantaged, it is important to properly understand how bigger social structures as well as the contexts where schooling takes place (including nutrition, housing, libraries, health, family circumstances, transportation, and public safety) influence the schools’ capacity to nurture educational together with social outcomes (Jayaram, 2011).
In addition to expanding the lives of people in various ways, education enriches life too. This is seen through their political and civic involvements, employment opportunities, and their lives’ quality. This generation of Australians is better educated than previous generations. However, Bourdieu argued that the education system is not meritocratic. Meritocracy in this context means the political philosophy which stipulates power needs to be vested in people in relation to merit. Such system advancement is grounded on perceived academic talent measured via examination or illustrated achievement within the implemented field.
It is stated that institutions of education teach the traditions of the leading group that influence the political, economic, and social aspects (Jayaram, 2011). The institution of education aims to protect the cultural investment of the leading group. Additionally, there is promotion of education so as to preserve the social ladder. Bourdieu noted habitus concept whereby social class patterns in relation to behaviors, values and way of dress control people’s action (Jayaram, 2011). The learners have symbolic as well as cultural capital which brings about inequality within their educational achievement.
In this case, habitus symbolizes the situation of class and mirrors inheritance of culture. Furthermore, there is review of literature that examines Bourdieu’s theory in cultural reproduction. The center of the debate is on inequalities within the system of education as well as social reproduction within capitalist societies. The institutions of education facilitate the cultural capital as well as reward middle or upper class students while others are excluded. Through Bourdieu’s theory on social reproduction, the focus endorsed the connection between social class, family and education.
The cultural capital’s inequality symbolizes the inequality within social class in the sense that the leading social class is promoted by the school (Jayaram, 2011). The educational organizations turn out to be the fundamental social reproduction’s agent. It has been argued that education is basically a power system to protect hierarchies in addition to organizing the individuals’ actions. Moreover, there exists a connection between the political and economic system of the community and education’s role.
According to Irwin (2009) students from socioeconomic positions that are higher may possibly do better compared to students coming from socioeconomic positions that are lower. Tzanakis (2011) also established that the background of social class influences the students’ educational performance. In the process of education, there exists no equality within the social hierarchy which mirrors inequality. Again, it was stipulated that there is considerable cultural capital’s effect of parents on children as well as their schools’ performance.
Since Pierre Bourdieu argued that education system is not meritocratic, it then permits inequality of social reproduction across generations. In his argument, he cited that education is basically the battle field to achieve social resources (Tzanakis, 2011). There exists a system of hierarchy within the society where individuals maintain several capital forms like cultural and social capital.
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