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Harmful Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Australian Youth - Essay Example

The paper "Harmful Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Australian Youth" avoids that alcohol consumption causes impairment of brain development, is the chief reason behind hospitalizations in Australia, enhances a number of road accidents and associated injuries among the 15 to 24-year-old people…
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Extract of sample "Harmful Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Australian Youth"

Harmful Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Australian Youth The consumption of alcohol leads to several bad consequences among Australian youth. In Australia, alcohol is the major cause of mortality among young people in the age group of 15 to 24 years. Drinking to excess is the chief cause for the increased number of road accidents in Australia. Alcohol related problems are increasing at an alarming rate among the Australian youth, and quite a few of such individuals are accustomed to drinking to the point of intoxication (Chikritzhs & Pascal, 2004). These problems include drowning, road injuries, suicide and violent assault. Approximately, 52% of the alcohol related road injuries have been attributed to young people, in the age group of 15 to 24 years. Furthermore, nearly 32% of hospitalisations for alcohol – related violence have been seen to involve these persons (Chikritzhs & Pascal, 2004). Moreover, severe intoxication has been identified as the reason behind the social and health problems resulting from the consumption of alcohol by the Australian youth. It is commonplace for the youth to imbibe large amounts of alcohol in a relatively short period. These individuals consume alcohol on a much lesser number of occasions, in comparison to the other age groups. Such drinking patterns produce mortality and morbidity that are similar to what transpires in chronic alcohol addiction (Polizzotto, Saw, Tjhung, Chua, & Stockwell, 2007, p. 469). Moreover, the health and safety of such tipplers is endangered to a significant extent. It has been the earnest endeavour of several campaigns related to the promotion of health and the minimization of harm to restrict uncontrolled drinking bouts among the members of this age group. It is essential to comprehend the social and cultural influences on such drinking bouts (Polizzotto, Saw, Tjhung, Chua, & Stockwell, 2007, p. 469). Moreover, it had been discovered by a number of research studies that drinking games had a major influence on the consumption of alcohol amongst these youth. In addition, drinking games are fundamentally harmful to the participants. The player has to eschew his inclinations and behave as required by the group. These games are aimed at drinking large quantities of alcohol at a very fast rate. Such excessive consumption of alcohol has been seen to result in defective judgement. Consequently, many participants have been seen to continue with the game, despite being in a highly intoxicated state (Polizzotto, Saw, Tjhung, Chua, & Stockwell, 2007, p. 470). In addition, there is an impairment of competence at any given task. Such failure to complete a task correctly results in a further consumption of alcohol. Furthermore, alcohol abuse is increasing among young Australians. These people indulge in different forms of alcohol abuse, such as binge drinking and underage drinking. These practices have become a common feature of the lifestyle of young Australians. According to the Australian Secondary Students’ Use of Alcohol Report 2005, the use of alcoholic drinks has increased among a large number of students. This report further states that more than 86% of all secondary students had consumed alcohol by the age of 14 years. This report also states that more than 70% of those in the age group of 17 years were consuming alcohol on a regular basis (Ware, 2008). Youth in the age group of 12 to 17 years regularly purchase alcoholic drinks, which is an alarming trend. The Alcohol Education & Rehabilitation Foundation found in its studies that more than 35% of Australian youth, in the age group of 18 to 24 years were binge drinkers. This agency states that binge drinking is a community problem in Australia. It provides counselling services and help programmes to young people who are desirous of getting rid of their drinking habit. It has also introduced a number of programmes to make youth aware of the problems that arise, on account of the consumption of alcohol (Ware, 2008). This agency has requested several industries to promote nationwide campaigns against the consumption of alcohol. Most of these programmes are aimed at the 18 to 24 year old people. The Government of Queensland implemented the Queensland Drug Strategy 2006 to 2010 to mitigate the health risks, consequent to the abuse of alcohol and drugs (Ware, 2008). Advertising influences the impressionable. This has been ruthlessly exploited by alcohol marketers in Australia. These entities focus to a major extent on adolescents and it has been observed that children below the legal drinking age are exposed to a surfeit of such advertisements. Such advertisements proliferate on the television (Winter, Donovan, & Fielder, 2008, p. 676). The need of the hour is to drastically reduce such advertisements, in order to safeguard the interests of the Australian youth. The international community has been seized with the gravity of the situation relating to the consumption of alcohol among the vulnerable groups of society. Thus, the WHO’s global initiative in this regard was endorsed by in May 2010 by the World Health Assembly. This intervention exhorts the various nations to adopt measures that will make it difficult for these vulnerable groups to procure alcohol for consumption (Desai, 2010, p. 245). Moreover, these nations have been asked to enact laws that will restrict drinking in public places, and reduce the flow of illicit liquor. Considerable emphasis has been placed on controlling the sale of alcohol to the young. This endorsement has been deemed to be of considerable significance in mitigating the harm associated with binge drinking amount the youth of Australia (Desai, 2010, p. 245). The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) had published guidelines for safe drinking. However, it is an established fact that a majority of the young people drink in excess of the quantities recommended by the NHMRC. According to the National Drug Strategy Household Survey of 2001, around 23% of the youth in the age group of 14 to 17 years and 45% of the individuals in the age group of 18 to 24 years were drinking alcohol that was more than the limits prescribed by this survey (Chikritzhs & Pascal, 2004). In Australia, non – pedestrian road injury resulting from high risk drinking is the cardinal cause of death. Most of these accidents are caused by young people in an intoxicated condition. The other common cause for alcohol related death is suicide. Another outcome is the proliferation of death from violent assault among young women. Alcohol related problems, such as assault, falls, suicide and road injury, which require hospitalisation, are commonplace (Chikritzhs & Pascal, 2004). The consumption of alcohol among the youth is on the increase in Australia. Consequently, there are a significant number of alcoholics among this age group. In addition, binge drinking has made its presence felt among teenagers. The youth unit of the Australian drug prevention authority has disclosed that there is a rapid increase in the number of young people who binge drink (Beaumont, 2003). Furthermore, it has been reported that alcohol dependence has increased among people, as young as 16 years. Analysts claim that the growth of the alcoholic soft drink market has been instrumental in bringing about an increase in alcohol dependence and other alcohol related problems in Australia. The problem is getting more complicated as young people are beginning to drink alcohol at a tender age. The reports state that even 13 year old youth are consuming alcohol. Drinking at an early age increases the danger of affliction with chronic alcohol problems. Thus, young people who drink alcohol regularly are at a great risk of developing such health problems. Moreover, young people are less tolerant to alcohol this makes them dependent on alcohol at an early age (Beaumont, 2003). Moreover, young people are less tolerant to alcohol this makes them dependent on alcohol at an early age. The increase in the number of hospitalisations of young people, on account of alcoholism, indicates the increase in the number of youth who are dependent on alcohol. This increase in alcohol dependency among the young has been disclosed by the telephone counselling services, which have reported that a large number of youth face this problem. Alcoholic soft drinks are gaining popularity among young people, as it is comparatively easier to procure such drinks (Beaumont, 2003). Alcohol is a beverage that is consumed for several purposes. Although it is a recreational substance, it has to be imbibed in safe quantities. Despite these seemingly beneficial properties, alcohol results in a wide range of harmful effects. It directly impairs the functioning of the brain and the central nervous system (Alcohol and your health make informed choices, 2010). It hinders these two functions, which are essential for all. As a result, people who drink suffer from impaired speech, movement, mood and judgement. Alcohol causes intoxication, which promotes the risk of accidents among the drivers of vehicles. Some of the other alcohol related problems are drunken driving, pedestrian injury, unsafe sex, physical assaults, self – harm, and overdose. All these problems are caused due to the impairment of the functioning of the mind, under the influence of alcohol. Studies indicate that alcohol is the most common cause of death among individuals in the age group of 14 to 17 years. Nearly 13% of deaths among the youth can be attributed to the consumption of alcohol (Alcohol and your health make informed choices, 2010). Excessive drinking leads to drowsiness, loss of balance, nausea, and vomiting. As such, the consumption of alcohol results in a number of hazards for the community. These include victimisation and youth violence. Violence perpetrated by youth under the influence of alcohol is in the form of bullying, physical and sexual violence, aggressiveness, and street fights (Youth violence and alcohol, 2006). It has been estimated that nearly 565 people in the age range of 10 to 29 years die every day, on account of youth violence, across the world. Males are at the greatest risk, with regard to such violence. Alcohol is the contributing factor for increased youth violence. In order to reduce youth violence, alcohol use must be restricted among the youth (Youth violence and alcohol, 2006). It is incumbent upon the government to implement measures that serve to discourage youth from consuming alcohol. The government should encourage different agencies to involve themselves in educating the youth regarding the problems and risks that are associated with the consumption of alcohol (Youth violence and alcohol, 2006). Alcohol has a number of harmful effects on health. The imbibing of alcohol results in chronic and acute drug related harm. Young people who drink alcohol are vulnerable to such damage to their health. This problem is endemic among those in the age group of 15 to 34 years. The majority of drug related deaths in this age group are on account of the consumption of alcohol in excess. More than 90% of the individuals in the age group of 18 to 24 years had consumed dangerously high quantities of alcohol (Holt, 2005). In Western Australia, consumption of alcohol by people aged 15 years or older has increased significantly, since 1997. In a survey, Western Australians aged 14 years and above stated that they had suffered from the consequences of consuming excessive amounts of alcohol (Holt, 2005). Some of them had reported that they had experienced long – term harmful consequences. As such, young women who drink to excess are at a high risk of abuse, such as rape, when they are drunk. In Australia, more than 3,300 young people between the ages 14 and 17 years were hospitalised for alcohol related injuries, during the decade commencing in 1999 (Alcohol and young people, 2011). Consequently, it can be surmised that alcohol consumption causes serious problems for the young, such as impairment of the development of the brain. In addition, the consumption of alcohol is the chief reason behind hospitalisations in Australia. Furthermore, alcohol is the major factor that contributes to enhancing the number of road accidents and injuries resulting from accidents among the 15 to 24 year old people. Youth violence resulting from drinking has serious consequences, with a very high level of mortality. References Alcohol and your health make informed choices. (2010, December 28). Retrieved June 8, 2011, from Australian Medical Association: Alcohol and young people. (2011, January 20). Retrieved June 8, 2011, from Children, Youth and Women's Health Service: Beaumont, L. (2003, April 26). Youth and alcohol make a dangerous cocktail. Retrieved June 8, 2011, from The Age: Chikritzhs, T., & Pascal, R. (2004, November). Trends in Youth Alcohol Consumption and Related Harms in Australian Jurisdictions, 1990–2002. Retrieved June 8, 2011, from National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, WA: Desai, A. (2010). Governments confront drunken violence . Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 88(9), pp. 644 – 645. Holt, M. (2005, February). Young people and illicit drug use in Australia. Retrieved June 8, 2011, from National Centre in HIV Social Research, University of New South Wales: Polizzotto, M. N., Saw, M. M., Tjhung, I., Chua, E. H., & Stockwell, T. R. (2007). Fluid skills: drinking games and alcohol consumption among Australian university students. Drug and Alcohol Reivew, 26(5), pp. 469 – 475. Ware, M. (2008, July 15). Australian youth culture suffering alcohol abuse. Retrieved June 8, 2011, from Winter , M. V., Donovan , R. J., & Fielder, L. J. (2008). Exposure of Children and Adolescents to Alcohol Advertising on Television in Australia. Journal of Studies on Alcohol & Drugs, 69(5), pp. 676 – 683. Youth violence and alcohol. (2006). Retrieved June 8, 2011, from World Health Organization: Read More

These practices have become a common feature of the lifestyle of young Australians. According to the Australian Secondary Students’ Use of Alcohol Report 2005, the use of alcoholic drinks has increased among a large number of students. This report further states that more than 86% of all secondary students had consumed alcohol by the age of 14 years. This report also states that more than 70% of those in the age group of 17 years were consuming alcohol on a regular basis (Ware, 2008). Youth in the age group of 12 to 17 years regularly purchase alcoholic drinks, which is an alarming trend.

The Alcohol Education & Rehabilitation Foundation found in its studies that more than 35% of Australian youth, in the age group of 18 to 24 years were binge drinkers. This agency states that binge drinking is a community problem in Australia. It provides counselling services and help programmes to young people who are desirous of getting rid of their drinking habit. It has also introduced a number of programmes to make youth aware of the problems that arise, on account of the consumption of alcohol (Ware, 2008).

This agency has requested several industries to promote nationwide campaigns against the consumption of alcohol. Most of these programmes are aimed at the 18 to 24 year old people. The Government of Queensland implemented the Queensland Drug Strategy 2006 to 2010 to mitigate the health risks, consequent to the abuse of alcohol and drugs (Ware, 2008). Advertising influences the impressionable. This has been ruthlessly exploited by alcohol marketers in Australia. These entities focus to a major extent on adolescents and it has been observed that children below the legal drinking age are exposed to a surfeit of such advertisements.

Such advertisements proliferate on the television (Winter, Donovan, & Fielder, 2008, p. 676). The need of the hour is to drastically reduce such advertisements, in order to safeguard the interests of the Australian youth. The international community has been seized with the gravity of the situation relating to the consumption of alcohol among the vulnerable groups of society. Thus, the WHO’s global initiative in this regard was endorsed by in May 2010 by the World Health Assembly. This intervention exhorts the various nations to adopt measures that will make it difficult for these vulnerable groups to procure alcohol for consumption (Desai, 2010, p. 245). Moreover, these nations have been asked to enact laws that will restrict drinking in public places, and reduce the flow of illicit liquor.

Considerable emphasis has been placed on controlling the sale of alcohol to the young. This endorsement has been deemed to be of considerable significance in mitigating the harm associated with binge drinking amount the youth of Australia (Desai, 2010, p. 245). The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) had published guidelines for safe drinking. However, it is an established fact that a majority of the young people drink in excess of the quantities recommended by the NHMRC. According to the National Drug Strategy Household Survey of 2001, around 23% of the youth in the age group of 14 to 17 years and 45% of the individuals in the age group of 18 to 24 years were drinking alcohol that was more than the limits prescribed by this survey (Chikritzhs & Pascal, 2004).

In Australia, non – pedestrian road injury resulting from high risk drinking is the cardinal cause of death. Most of these accidents are caused by young people in an intoxicated condition. The other common cause for alcohol related death is suicide. Another outcome is the proliferation of death from violent assault among young women. Alcohol related problems, such as assault, falls, suicide and road injury, which require hospitalisation, are commonplace (Chikritzhs & Pascal, 2004). The consumption of alcohol among the youth is on the increase in Australia.

Consequently, there are a significant number of alcoholics among this age group. In addition, binge drinking has made its presence felt among teenagers.

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