Chapter Two: Forgotten Facts As the title suggests, this chapter will present historical facts and events that are considered important for the national identity of Australia. The focus will be on providing information about important days in the history of Australians and what role they played in shaping the national identity. There are several days, events and weeks that mark important dates in the history of the country. These include Australia Day, Labour Day, Remembrance Day and Vietnam Veterans Day among others.
Although the importance of these days in remembering the history of Australia is well known, the focus of the material in this chapter will be placing these events within the right historical context of Australia. It will also take into account the role played by important historical events such as the British influence and the Anzac tradition in forging a sense of nationhood for Australians (Lohm, 2007, p. 3). Part Two: Where am I Now? From the title, this part will focus on providing perspectives about the current state of national identity.
Selected material will be biased towards what is of interest to young readers, predominantly students. Chapter Three: Young Achievers. There are many Australians, from different backgrounds, who have made a mark on both the local and international stage in different activities (Australian of the Year Awards, 2014). This chapter will contain information about young Australians who have made a mark on both the national and international map. Based on the nominees for Australian of the Year Award, this chapter will present background information about other nominees who made it to the final list of the Awards.
Selection will be based on age and heritage as a way of emphasising cultural diversity. Chapter Four: My Australia It has been pointed out that Australia, with its current population of 22 million people, is one of the most culturally diverse societies in the world (Australian Government, 2014). It is also observed that the rights and privileges of citizenship play an important role in shaping the national identity of Australians (Galligan & Roberts, 2004, p. 3). Diversity is reflected in terms of religion, race and language.
Here, emphasis will be laid on the cultural diversity that makes up Australia. The content will be presented to show how typical stereotypes of Australian identity encourage discrimination against minority groups in terms of socio-economic factors. Also, this chapter will present information on what it means to be an Australian citizen. Part Three: Where to Next? Chapter Five: Australian and the World It has been observed that the cultural diversity of Australia, represented in literature and other creative works, plays a key role in fostering national identity (Patterson, 2012, p. 2). On the other hand, it is observed the portrayal of typical Australians in many creative works is stereotypical in nature (Leighton, 2010, p. 237). In this chapter, the perspectives of the author about the role of Australian culture in the world will be presented.
Special focus will be laid on the place of Australian music, film and other cultural productions at the global stage. Reflections will cover the role that such films have had in exporting Australian content to the world. Chapter Six: Future Challenges It is observed that the future of Australian identity lies in developing appropriate policies on multiculturalism (Australian Multicultural Advisory Council, 2010, p. 12). Material in this chapter will seek to present the role that Australian culture plays in shaping the world.
Emphasis will be laid on different ways in which Australia acts as a global hub of cultural values. Target Readership(s) As stated earlier, there are a number of books on the subject of Australian identity that have already been published. Many of these titles have the general public as the primary target readership. Others which take on an academic approach target the academia as the primary readership.
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