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Globalization Narration - Research Paper Example

The discourse assessment of the globalization narration as per the interview unveils support and a little controversy. This paper “Globalization Narration” endeavors to cover what, how, and why the narration aims to achieve in the different discourse illustrates in the examples of globalization…
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Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 1.0Introduction 1 2.0Literature review 2 3.0What does the narrative text aim to achieve? 4 4.0How does it achieve? 5 5.0Why does it aim to do? 7 6.0Conclusion 9 1.0 Introduction Many individuals have experienced globalization in economic, political or social aspects. In the economic issues, things like prices of goods as well as job opportunities have been made available to many individuals irrespective of their physical location. Since the early 1990s, the word globalization has increasingly. Following its first use in the Oxford Dictionary in the year 1962, much effort has been put up to encourage governments to undertake foreign investments in light of liberalization of economies (David Held et al., 1999). It is clear that most individuals have encountered the negative effects of liberalization like decreasing salaries when work pressure increases. In the same line, some aspects of globalizing into one world economy has been shaped by communication in form of technology advancement and spread of social media through the internet. In addition, scientific approaches in this context are important in helping comprehend the different highlights and approaches the globalization phenomenon. The discourse assessment of the globalization narration as per the interview unveils support and a little controversy as discussed. As such, this paper will endeavor to cover what, how and why the narration aims to achieve in the different discourse illustrates in the examples of globalization (Eswar Prasad et al., 2003). According to Giddens (1995), globalization in theory of structuration in the interlinking of sociopolitical, economic and cultural aspects into one global village. This integration also includes the technical, iconological and institutional levels of globalization. As such, in an effort undertake a discourse assessment on globalization, this paper will use the definition of globalization as the increasing interlinking of people and activities as a result of everyday businesses or actions. In this process people’s lives and economic activities are directly, indirectly or virtually connected. 2.0 Literature review principle of critical discourse, text types, intersexual, framing, theme and background. One important feature of the principles of critical discourse is the focus on explicit sociopolitical stance in terms of formation and analysis of the political formation. According to Noam Chomsky, these political groups evolve by the critical understanding of the different perspectives in the inequalities of dominance to powers clung-on. As such, the main critical discourse is the power elites who tend to dictate the decision of the citizens. This is also shown by their desire to close out the citizens from key decision making endeavors backed by their political frameworks and intersexuality. The critical problem becomes the discourse structure that only includes few powerful elites making decision for the majority. Subsequently, the problem of discipline presents a challenging background to offset. In the light of critically analyzed globalization, Noam explains that the elites represent the notion of old wine in new bottles where the motives remains the same irrespective of representing the general population through isolation from decision making processes. Noam contends that transnational corporate power is evolving into an organization governing the globe. The main strategy undertaken by the elite has been through co-opting international economic organization which such as the International Monetary Fund as well as the World Bank. These institutions established during the end of the Second World War have adopted the Washington Consensus that that calls developing nations to adhere to structural adjustments that include cutbacks in social and welfare programs. These constructions and frameworks are new ways of getting the powerful political elites to privileges that undermine global democracy. Noam understands that such austere as well as neoliberal institutions lead developing countries merely to undertake activities that provide cheap labor, cheap raw material while wide investments opportunities to the developed economies. In addition, this gives the assumption that it threatens the success and independence of the developing countries. It is therefore critical, as illustrated in this paper, that discourse of globalization unveils a new dimension that endeavors maintain a corporate initiated economic integration that fosters major aspects of any country turning international. Noam Chomsky (2006) illustrates that free trade consists of a combination of mixed liberalization as well as protection of designed policy architects serving the interests of a particular period and region. As illustrated above, Noam puts out a good resistance movement that is geared criticizing the multilateral agreement on investment as well as that reported on initiatives that might lead to its defeat. 3.0 What does the narrative text aim to achieve? The narration seeks to express the concept of globalization in terms of how best it is justified by the free interconnection of individuals and capital across the world. In essence, the narration advances to justify the fact that globalization is an important aspect of the world today. Noam Chomsky in the interview regards globalization as one that is just or should be a just globalization. It is clear that the interviewee sees globalization as a positive issue in today’s increasingly developing world. In other words, the narrative addresses the benefits as well as advantages of globalization. This is marked by the trend in the free labor movement over the years that have been increasing. Globalization discourse has enabled the enunciation of political as well as social factors that define the breaking of epistemology and knowledge being integrated and shared in these identities. Currently, the native as well as local traditions or cultural traditions have become incapable of meeting people expectations or suiting the society (Tobias, 2010). Various bodies and unions have been pegged with the term ‘international’ to express how important they are, not to mention of being spread across all the corners of the world. Such international bodies have endeavored to provide global justice. For a long time the world has made efforts to increase links between regions through granted as well as written international justice in light of prioritization of all human rights. For instance, the international NGOs are characteristically headquartered in developed county and perform their operations in several countries enhancing globalization and integration of their activities. Again, one important feature that globalization enhances the free trade that is important in reducing monopoly as well as enhancing a good pricing that favors economic and political participation from all regions (David Held et al., 1999). This is because globalization goes with the increase in free movement of people as well as free movement of capital that indicate different levels of movement. For instance, the idea that social sites like Facebook, twitter and Skype encourages globalization of people directly with instant response. Globalization has to be comprehended as the summation of actions called for unintended and intended results. It is worthwhile to point out at this part of the paper that globalization has little to do with goal-oriented or external forces, however, it integrates based on homogenizing a fragmented aspect of the society. 4.0 How does it achieve? In this paper we subject globalization to discourse assessment based on its feature and process is unclear as to what extent it is acknowledged as a just undertaking. Bearing in mind just globalization calls for increased process of free trade and free movement of people. In such an undertaking, much is to be considered on the globalization that shapes the uniformity of different notions. For instance, the best way illustrate how increasing globalization has been achieved is through technological interconnections between different regions. This is best done through internet as a wireless means of compunction. Wireless communication is advantageous to the global village but there are risks involved in the underlining technology. This risk lies in the communication medium which is the airwaves. Airwaves are open to intruders of any kind. This can lead to loss of confidentiality and denial of service. Persons may have access to unauthorized data and network bandwidth. Sensitive data may end up in the wrong hands or be corrupted. Hand held devices on the other hand that use wireless technology are easily stolen. This places information in the wrong hands. With the loss of data people are exposed to risk. For instance individuals may store personal information on their hand held devices. Stolen the intruders may use the information to black mail or even gain access to close family members of the data owner. Family members may be held at ransom due to the information. Free trade between countries has been made possible through multinational corporations as well as non-governmental organizations that have contributed to increasing globalization. For the reason of the nature and quality of each Non-Governmental Organization, it is very problematic to generalize about the sector as a whole with regard to public policy, social issues, and globalization. However, in spite of this diversity, some common strength are associated with most NGOs: strong grassroots links, field-based development expertise, the ability to innovate and adapt, process-oriented approach to development, anticipatory methodologies and tools, long-term commitment and emphasis on sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. However, in an increasingly globalized world in which communities and individuals continue to face great challenges and oppression regardless of the strong array of repressive measures used against them. Operational initiatives of Non-Governmental organizations, which operate internationally, can be well classified into community based, national organizations, and international organization according to the scope of their operation. The international NGOs are characteristically headquartered in developed county and perform their operations in several countries enhancing globalization and integration of their activities. Throughout the mid-1970s and 1980s, majority of the World Bank collaborating with NGOs were international NGOs. However, the change in trend, to increase number of project and enhance efficiency of the UN has called for a great number of community-based organizations being funded by the bank. Global human resource management deals with organization operations that encompass foreign boundaries. As such, the global human resource management goes beyond the local operations to handle overseas responsibilities. The international human resource management prepares the human resource members in diverse international operations. 5.0 Why does it aim to do? Globalization is an increasingly integrated aspect in the world today. Many theories have been developed and argued to support the notion of globalization in distinct scopes. The aim it to exhibit the competition of discourses that seem to dominate in light of discursive analysis of globalization (Murray Scot Tanner, 2001). According to discourse theory, the concept of globalization endeavors to redefine the human life in terms of signs, objectivity and new concepts of articulation (Murray, 2001, p.123). As such, globalization seeks to assume new meaning in the society that mark a change in economic, cultural, social as well as political interactions. In addition, globalization endeavor to bring things to normal and enhance concepts to be comprehendible by articulating objectively in renewed life. As such, the discourse of integrating the through free trade and free movement of capital and people is a multiprocessing endeavor that includes hegemonic as well as dominant discourse. For instance, international Human Resource management acts as a conduit between multi-cultural environment and the global elements in an official context of the cultural differences. This management encompasses an intensive and extensive awareness program that advances to make provision for global market, e-commerce and other cultural specific requirement. In the political or leadership interaction, the concept of globalization is critical in peace and conflict reconciliation. Ultimately, continuous globalization leads to global transformation that advances to bring efficient political power and financial stability in the global economy. This also ensures that every state will not be subjected to world decision or decision making rather will be determined from regional and other global levels. The discourse of globalization advances to weaken the period where language was a significant factor in negotiating between countries. This fact has been regarded as a fundamental giddy that explains the present-day epoch of millennial terms and treaties. Nevertheless, free trade and free movement of people in political and economic diverse have been incorporated to help in global transformation of the 21st century. This topic, therefore, offers the explanation for the introduction of international actors in domestic, regional or national levels which endeavor to bring democracy. In the same line, many theorists and commentators have tried to explain that globalization discourse (assessment) is a symbol of economic and political scopes that are relevant in bring social aspects of the world together. As such, globalization is a concept that concentrates in bringing a new world order. This submission gives the implication that the discourse endeavors to offer a sense of meaning that shows the real ties between global and universal concepts (Thomas, 2007). Today, most people in the world change their problems and subjects based on global trends. This change that comes in political, military, economic, cultural and social aspects are made based on information that is facilitated by the global system. The favor for globalization does not dismiss the topic of pollution that also spreads globally from region to another. Globalization discourse has enabled the enunciation of political as well as social factors that define the breaking of epistemology and knowledge being integrated and shared in these identities. Currently, the native as well as local traditions or cultural traditions have become incapable of meeting people expectations or suiting the society. On the other hand, the world is getting to know how to communicate and integrate information systems into their ways of life in light of political, economic and social knowledge (Maurice and Alan 2002). As such, globalization has escalated to critical contexts where the weaknesses of identify structures show the discourse significance in the society of humans. Globalization has escalated to incorporate wireless communication and advanced technology that increase competition in all diverse of economic, social and political aspects. Therefore, the creation of world economies includes discursive elements of both Europe, Arab as well as American economies in light of capitalism. 6.0 Conclusion Since the early 1990s, the word globalization has increasingly. Following its first use in the Oxford Dictionary in the year 1962, much effort has been put up to encourage governments to undertake foreign investments in light of liberalization of economies. Aspects of globalizing enhance a one world economy that is shaped by communication in form of technology advancement and spread of social media through the internet. According to Prasad et al. (2010), globalization theory of structuration in the interlinking of sociopolitical, economic and cultural aspects into one global village is a significant consideration in this discourse. This integration also includes the technical, iconological and institutional levels of globalization. The narration seeks to express the concept of globalization in terms of how best it is justified by the free interconnection of individuals and capital across the world. Various bodies and unions have been pegged with the term ‘international’ to express how important they are, not to mention of being spread across all the corners of the world. Such international bodies have endeavored to provide global justice. This is because globalization goes with the increase in free movement of people as well as free movement of capital that indicate different levels of movement. The best way illustrate how increasing globalization has been achieved is through technological interconnections between different regions. This is best done through internet as a wireless means of compunction. The aim it to exhibit the competition of discourses that seem to dominate in light of discursive analysis of globalization. Continuous globalization leads to global transformation that advances to bring efficient political power and financial stability in the global economy. Today, most people in the world change their problems and subjects based on global trends. This change that comes in political, military, economic, cultural and social aspects are made based on information that is facilitated by the global system. References David Held et al., 1999, Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture, Stanford: Stanford University Press.  Eswar Prasad et al., 2003, Effects of Financial Globalization on Developing Countries Some Empirical Evidence, Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, pp. 6, 58 Maurice O and Alan M. 2002, Globalization and Capital Markets, Cambridge, Mass, National Bureau of Economic Research, pp. 58–9. Murray Scot Tanner, 2001, Cracks in the Wall China’s Eroding Coercive State, Current History 100, no. 647, p. 245. Prasad et al. 2010, “Effects of Financial Globalization”, pp. 7, 55–8.  Thomas Barnett, 2007, The Pentagon’s New Map, Esquire. Tobias B, 2010, EU Reform Cuts CAP’s Subsidy Link to Output, Financial Times. Read More

The critical problem becomes the discourse structure that only includes few powerful elites making decision for the majority. Subsequently, the problem of discipline presents a challenging background to offset. In the light of critically analyzed globalization, Noam explains that the elites represent the notion of old wine in new bottles where the motives remains the same irrespective of representing the general population through isolation from decision making processes. Noam contends that transnational corporate power is evolving into an organization governing the globe.

The main strategy undertaken by the elite has been through co-opting international economic organization which such as the International Monetary Fund as well as the World Bank. These institutions established during the end of the Second World War have adopted the Washington Consensus that that calls developing nations to adhere to structural adjustments that include cutbacks in social and welfare programs. These constructions and frameworks are new ways of getting the powerful political elites to privileges that undermine global democracy.

Noam understands that such austere as well as neoliberal institutions lead developing countries merely to undertake activities that provide cheap labor, cheap raw material while wide investments opportunities to the developed economies. In addition, this gives the assumption that it threatens the success and independence of the developing countries. It is therefore critical, as illustrated in this paper, that discourse of globalization unveils a new dimension that endeavors maintain a corporate initiated economic integration that fosters major aspects of any country turning international.

Noam Chomsky (2006) illustrates that free trade consists of a combination of mixed liberalization as well as protection of designed policy architects serving the interests of a particular period and region. As illustrated above, Noam puts out a good resistance movement that is geared criticizing the multilateral agreement on investment as well as that reported on initiatives that might lead to its defeat. 3.0 What does the narrative text aim to achieve? The narration seeks to express the concept of globalization in terms of how best it is justified by the free interconnection of individuals and capital across the world.

In essence, the narration advances to justify the fact that globalization is an important aspect of the world today. Noam Chomsky in the interview regards globalization as one that is just or should be a just globalization. It is clear that the interviewee sees globalization as a positive issue in today’s increasingly developing world. In other words, the narrative addresses the benefits as well as advantages of globalization. This is marked by the trend in the free labor movement over the years that have been increasing.

Globalization discourse has enabled the enunciation of political as well as social factors that define the breaking of epistemology and knowledge being integrated and shared in these identities. Currently, the native as well as local traditions or cultural traditions have become incapable of meeting people expectations or suiting the society (Tobias, 2010). Various bodies and unions have been pegged with the term ‘international’ to express how important they are, not to mention of being spread across all the corners of the world.

Such international bodies have endeavored to provide global justice. For a long time the world has made efforts to increase links between regions through granted as well as written international justice in light of prioritization of all human rights. For instance, the international NGOs are characteristically headquartered in developed county and perform their operations in several countries enhancing globalization and integration of their activities. Again, one important feature that globalization enhances the free trade that is important in reducing monopoly as well as enhancing a good pricing that favors economic and political participation from all regions (David Held et al., 1999).

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