The Idea and Philosophy of Classless Society Essay.
The Idea and Philosophy of Classless Society Essay.
The people need to change the concept of an individual’s status determined by his/her birth. To establish a genuinely classless society, an individual may be given the chance to rise from the lowest level to the highest if he/she can. I also feel that a classless society may be established when people determine to be axiological neutral and avoid all the ethnocentric biases. If the people always remain fully prepared to receive only the results of the works done by them, the wealth will not be accumulated and the classes will not arise.
The establishment of a truly classless society is possible if the production and distribution are fully checked and controlled by the people. They will have to get rid of the government and manage all the institutions controlling the collective issues of the societies. I guess that a utopian society is not possible where the people are unwilling to do so by heart. That is why classlessness is absent even in democratically mobile societies such as the United Kingdom. The upper classes are not ready to share their benefits with the lower classes, this is the reason that the upper classes perpetuate and the classless society cannot be established.
The minority is not ready to do work but gets benefits from the results of the majority’s work. People are not ready to abolish the governments because the owners of immeasurable properties are well protected by the laws of the governments. (Kingston, 2000)
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