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The Development of Individuality as Highlighted in The Art of Loving - Essay Example

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This paper 'The Development of Individuality as Highlighted in The Art of Loving' tells that Erich Fromm authored an intriguing text titled The Art of Loving. Fromm explores some of the themes related to love. He focuses on describing the different types of love, as well as the perception of people concerning the different types of love. …
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The Development of Individuality as Highlighted in The Art of Loving
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The Development of Individuality as Highlighted in The Art of Loving Introduction Erich Fromm ed an intriguing text titled The Art of Loving. In his text, Fromm explores some of the themes related to love. More specifically, he focuses on describing the different types of love, as well as the perception of people concerning the different types of love. Most importantly, Fromm explores the reasons why people should take time to learn more about love because it is an art and not just a feeling. This paper seeks to assess some of the themes presented by Fromm in his text critically. The paper will adopt a specific approach. Therefore, the paper will evaluate Fromm’s work by specifically analyzing how the main themes and arguments presented with the text help in understanding what being an individual or possessing an agentic personality really means. After considering the different themes that Fromm discusses, the paper will address two critical questions. One of the questions is, “does Fromm provide us with any insights into how we might develop a defensible notion of the individual/ the agentic personality?” the second question will be “does Fromm suggest any processes that may function to get in the way of the formation of the individual/ an agentic personality?” Definition of the Individual/ Agentic Personality Different authors have sought to define the agentic personality, as well as the individual. Agentic personality focuses on different concepts centered on self-esteem, ego strength, individual’s purpose in life as well as having the internal locus of control. Evidently, authors that have explored the agentic personality have given different levels of attention to each of these concepts. Worth noting is the fact that all these concepts have a direct link to an individual exploration of self-identity. Individuals who are able to have an agentic personality are able to make decisions and focus on their lives as independent agents. More specifically, they are able to prove themselves as autonomous individuals (Von der Haar 67). People who have an agentic personality have successfully developed a self-identity and have attained a measure of maturity and stability in different aspects. For example, such individuals are able to develop effective frameworks that determine the kind of life choices they make. Being able to develop an agentic personality allows an individual to develop a solid reputation that is identifiable by other members of a certain group. Notably, the development of a solid reputation and identity does not occur on a single day. It involves a long process with many barriers that the individual must overcome. Unfortunately, only a few people are able to understand and define their self-identity as well as their purpose in life and have full control of different aspects of life. Some people are likely to be carried away by the beliefs of social groups, a factor that alienates from their true self. The development so an agentic personality depends on the successful transition from childhood to adulthood, through different cognitive processes. Understanding the development of individuality has been a focus for many psychologists. Worth noting is the fact that only people with an agentic personality have the capacity to register high levels of self-actualization. Such people are likely to make decisions and avoid being swayed by common belief systems in the society. Therefore, the development of individuality is a critical aspect of the life of any individual (Von der Haar 79). How Fromm’s Arguments Help in Understanding Individuality and Agentic Personality In the foreword, Fromm highlights that the main purpose of developing his text was to reveal that only a few people are capable of loving others successfully. In his own words, Fromm said that the book, “… wants to convince the reader that all his attempts for love are bound to fail, unless he tries most actively to develop his total personality, so as to achieve a productive orientation; that satisfaction in individual love cannot be attained without the capacity to love ones neighbor, without true humility, courage, faith, and discipline” (Fromm xix). From his statement, he makes it evident that it is impossible for one to love successfully unless that person tries to develop his total personality. In this case, developing one’s total personality brings into concept the aspect of individuality/ agentic personality. Worth noting is the fact that an individual who has not explored his self-identity successfully and who has not developed appealing qualities such as humility, faith, discipline and courage is unable to experience loving someone successfully. According to Fromm, the lack of individuality in the modern society explains why the capacity to love someone remains very rare. From this introduction, Fromm takes the reader into a deeper understanding of the purpose of exploring one’s identity and the agentic personality. The fact that Fromm highlights that an individual can only love successfully by developing a total personality highlights the purpose of an agentic personality. It helps the reader realize that the agentic personality is what enables an individual to commit himself to loving someone else. In addition, the agentic personality enables an individual to develop desirable qualities such as courage and discipline as well as humility and faith, which are of critical significance in achieving the true capacity to love. Therefore, Fromm helps the reader realize that having an agentic personality translates to certain traits that help an individual exhibit a measure of discipline when it comes to love (Von der Haar 89). From the onset, Fromm challenges the reader to recognize the importance of the agentic personality. As mentioned above, the agentic personality reflects a full understanding of one’s identity and involves having the right measure of control over one’s life. One’s identity determines the kind of decisions the person makes. Therefore, understanding an individual’s identity is a precondition for developing the true capacity to love someone. Unless this happens, it becomes impossible to love anyone successfully (Fromm 120). In his text, Fromm places emphasis on the fact that the element of love enables an individual to develop a closer understanding of the self, become more aware of his or her own individuality and define one’s identity. Fromm ties the theory of love to the theory of human existence. Therefore, he highlights that it is only through understanding human existence that one may begin to understand and practice love. Fromm states that an individual can only understand the theory of love if he or she successfully develops the power of reason and finds a human harmony with nature. Understanding human existence means that an individual must consider the concepts of the past, as the well as possibilities of the future. Notably, understanding the realities of life such as the process of birth and the inevitable reality of death are some of the factors that help individuals define self-purpose (Fromm 78). Although everyone recognizes the reality of death, it is logical for people to separate themselves from all the anxiety and give love a consideration. According to Fromm, recognizing the reunion by love can serve to satisfy the basic needs of human existence. However, one must become aware of the need for the reunion by love. Such awareness only results from developing an agentic personality, which is a thorough exploration of one’s identity. Fromm argues “…love is the main key to open the doors to the "growth" of man. Love and union with someone or something outside of oneself, union that allows one to put oneself into relationship with others, to feel one with others, without limiting the sense of integrity and independence. Love is a productive orientation for which it is essential that there be present at the same time: concern, responsibility, and respect for and knowledge of the object of the union” (Fromm 68). Therefore, he opines that personal growth can only result from understanding the value of love. Notably, personal growth is of critical importance to the development of the agentic personality. The growth that Fromm references in his text is the exploration of one’s identity and the development of personal traits that define and individual’s personality. In addition, growth also brings into concept the increment of self-awareness, which is of critical importance in individuality. According to Fromm, the development of a proper understanding of the self, enables an individual to love the other person while exercising the personal sense of integrity and independence. Notably, individuality has a close association with the application of an individual’s integrity, autonomy, and independence (Fromm 130). Therefore, Fromm indirectly highlights that the agentic personality is of critical importance in experiencing love. People who are not able to undergo the required growth and develop the agentic personality may not be able to develop successful love relationships. In his discussion about erotic love, Fromm highlighted that relationships should reflect a definite expression of the real individual as well as one’s object of the will. Therefore, only people with an agentic personality are able to commit themselves out of their own will and love someone. According to Fromm, being an independent individual is a precondition for any mature and successful relationship. Two individual in love must each express their individuality. Fromm goes ahead to mention that love is a choice and a promise. Notably, many people have been unable to keep the promise. The most logical explanation for this is the fact that such individuals have not successfully developed the agentic personality. Individuals with the agentic personality are able to make a decision of loving someone out of their own will and making decisions that conform to the promise made. Evidently, it is impossible for people that have not developed their individuality to love someone and exhibit the required level of commitment. In essence, Fromm highlights that love is an “act of will and commitment” (Fromm 130). Without doubt, only individuals with an agentic personality have the capacity to make such a decision. Fromm also explores motherly love and the process of human development. Notably, infants are unable to make any decisions on their own. They are completely dependent on their mothers. According to Fromm, infants are recipients of the unconditional love from a mother. However, as the child grows up, an appropriate time for separation comes. Worth noting is the fact that the mother and father make all the critical decisions regarding the life of a child I the early years of life. However, as children grow up, they begin to experience personal growth as well as cognitive development, which facilitate the eventual development of the agentic personality. Notably, when children undergo such processes, parents should allow them to exercise a measure of autonomy and individuality. The fact that such children begin to develop the capacity to love and to make decisions is a critical demonstration of the emerging agentic personality (Fromm 140). Therefore, Fromm helps the reader recognize how individuality develops and children become mature enough to make decisions and develop the capacity to love. When discussing on how to practice love, Fromm is keen to highlight that the capacity to love someone “…depends on our capacity to grow, to develop a productive orientation in our relationship toward the world and ourselves” (Fromm 121). Notably, love is one of the character traits exhibited by individuals who have successfully developed an agentic personality. Individuals who have developed the agentic personality have acquired a measure of objectivity. In addition, they are able to utilize their power of reason in different situations. Since they understand their limitations and strengths, such individuals are more likely to express the outstanding character of love. Notably, objectivity only emerges in individuals who have developed humility, which is a critical emotional attitude that defines the power of reason. Without doubt, Fromm explores critical aspects that define the agentic personality when describing how love is practiced. Notably, Fromm makes it clear that without objectivity and rationality, it is impossible for one to practice love. In addition, practicing love involves faith. Fromm mentions that faith begins by having self-belief. Such self-belief is a critical aspect of the agentic personality. Therefore, being able to express love is a product of the agentic personality. Processes that get in the Way of the Formation of an Agentic Personality as Highlighted by Fromm Fromm discusses some of the factors that have hinders people from seeking advanced knowledge on how to love. One of the processes he describes is conformity. Conformity involves the adoption of thinking perspectives exhibited by a social group. Conformity can prevent an individual from developing an agentic personality. Worth noting is the fact that people who conform to social norms and beliefs do not undertake critical reflection on a personal basis. To determine whether the thinking perspectives and beliefs exhibited by the social group are reasonable, instead of using their power of reason to determine what is right and what is wrong, they only copy what the social group dictates. Conformity is one of the processes that may prevent an individual from exploring the identity formation. Many people who exhibit conformity do not recognize themselves as individual agents. Therefore, they do not undergo the growth process required in an effort to develop the agentic personality. Fromm explores the disadvantages of conformity in relation to love. He highlights that people who conform to social norms and beliefs do not take the time to understand love. The concept is similar concerning the development of the agentic personality. Such individuals do not undergo the self-searching process that helps a person define self-identity and develop personal values, as well as self-awareness (74). In addition, modern equality theories have also served as a hindrance to the development of the agentic personality. Equality theories have served to introduce the aspect of “sameness” instead of promoting oneness. With the aspect of oneness prevailing in the modern society, it becomes difficult for individuals to develop individuality. Therefore, equality theories have served as barriers to the development of the agentic personality. According to Fromm, the same theories have inhibited a rigorous search for knowledge concerning love. The pursuit of equality in the modern society has led many people to develop similar traits and imitated others in an effort to promote sameness. On the contrary, individuality seeks to ensure that a person undergoes successful identity formation and is able to make unique decisions depending on personal values. Although the equality agenda is not misplaced in the modern society, emerging theories have served to distort the meaning of equality (Fromm 45). In addition, capitalism has also hindered the development of individuality. Notably, capitalism is an economic system that comprises of two classes. The capitalists represent the modern employers while the workers are responsible for the production in different organizations. Modern employers seek to maximize profits, therefore, in their pursuit of increased profits, they have introduced production systems that limit the creativity of employees. Many individuals report to work on a routine basis, and the working environment does not challenge them to have any initiatives. Workers face the compulsion of handling job responsibilities sin a predefined manner and delivering outcomes within the defined deadlines. In such a setting, workers have no capacity to develop any measure of individuality. It is out of the expectation for them to exhibit creativity. It is also impossible for workers in a capitalist system to express the agentic personality and make personal decisions based on their power of reason. Therefore, their individuality is hindered, and they have to conform to the capitalist system. According to Fromm, capitalism has served to convert human beings into a means and not the end. Therefore, it proves impossible to develop any measure of individuality (Fromm 60). The system expects people to be on the level with economic machines that deliver the expected profits. In addition, capitalism has served to alienate human beings from fellow men and from nature. Most importantly, the process of alienation has extended to separate man from himself. Therefore, it is impossible for men to develop a true identity in an alienated world. Therefore, people are not in touch with their identity and self-awareness is no longer a priority. The economic systems that prevail in the modern society are also integrated with political systems that have robbed people of any opportunity to develop individuality. Capitalism expects workers to exhibit corporation, produce more, and consume more. On the other hand, the modern society has domineering political ideologies that have affected the thinking of people. In the opinion of Fromm, these systems have served to create a high level of alienation. The resulting alienation has disintegrated the modern society. Therefore, people are unable to experience and understand the identity. According to Fromm, the resulting disintegration has prevented human growth. Consequently, human beings have been unable to develop the agentic personality required for them to express love. The industrialized society has introduced common standards that have served to promote sameness. Therefore, human beings have become commodities. According to Fromm, the practice of love requires a connection with the world and involves risk taking. The development of such traits required for the real expression of love should have a basis for the development of the agentic personality. It is unfortunate that capitalism does not encourage the level of uniqueness required for the development of individuality (Fromm 89). The only way in which love can be practiced is by developing the agentic personality, which promotes creativity and uniqueness. Conclusion Evidently, Fromm discusses arguments about love that proves to be highly intriguing. Throughout his text, he makes it evident that not everyone can develop the true capacity to love. He makes it specific that only individuals who understand their total personality can develop the rare capacity of loving others. In this case, Fromm makes an indirect assertion that the development of individuality is critical for the development of the capacity to love. Individuals who can love successfully are those who are able to undergo personal growth and develop certain desirable traits. The development of individuality enables an individual to become self-aware, recognize the purpose of human existence, and successfully form an identity. In the modern society, only a few people are able to undergo such growth and develop the agentic personality. The society presents numerous barriers that prevent the successful development of individuality. For example, capitalism as an economic system has altered the modern society and de-emphasized the value of uniqueness. Notably, conformity to social norms also prevents the successful exploration of the self. Modern equality theories that Fromm discusses have also served to distort the understanding of the uniqueness. Without doubt, Fromm’s text helps the reader to develop a clear understanding of a defensible notion of the agentic personality. In addition, Fromm exposes some processes that prevent the development of individuality as highlighted above. Work Cited Fromm, Erich. The Art of Loving. , 2013. Internet resource. Von der Haar, Christine M. Social Psychology : A Sociological Perspective.Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson Prentice Hall, c2005., 2005. OhioLINK Library Catalog – LR. Web. 12 Mar. 2015. Read More
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