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Literature Review Up Research question In deviant adolescents, what is the effect of poor parenting having on their alcohol compared to good parenting for six months?MemoFrom:To:Date: Subject: Literature Review Update The article ‘Friends as a Bridge to Parental Influence: Implications for Adolescent Alcohol Use’, seeks to explore the likelihood that a network of friendship links adolescents to influence from a wider group of adult beyond their families. Regan, Osgood and Feinberg (2014) in an attempt to find a solution to this question, combine two distinct, rich traditions of investigation on adult influence on adolescent and children.
As suggested by a number of family research, several ways exist in which effective parenting is useful in reducing deviant behavior among adolescents. In addition, other existing studies focused on neighborhoods extended the concept that adults that are distant from the immediate family can indeed exert social control that lessens deviance. Regan, Osgood, and Feinberg make use of a longitudinal social analysis in examining data obtained from Prosper Peers Project. The Prosper Peers Project is also a longitudinal investigation that based on more than twelve thousand students, who were from twenty-seven different non-metropolitan communities as they transit from sixth through ninth grade.
In their study, Regan, Osgood and Feinberg (2014) demonstrate that the conduct of friends’ parents has an indirect and direct correlation with adolescent alcohol use. Additionally, their outcome posits that peer behavior mediates much of the influence from friends’ parents. In addition, the findings point that adolescents have the tendency to associate with friends that display similar parenting as themselves. This article relates to my topic and addresses the pertinent questions that I will seek to find their answers.
Besides that, I find this article very much informative. ReferenceRagan, D. T., Osgood, D. W., & Feinberg, M. E. (2014). Friends as a Bridge to Parental Influence: Implications for Adolescent Alcohol Use. Social Forces, 92(3), 1061-1085.
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