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Classical Sociological Theory by Ritzer and America by John DeBrizzi - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Classical Sociological Theory by Ritzer and America by John DeBrizzi " highlights that the novel applies the theories and concepts of sociology while the ‘Classical Sociological Theory’ shows the finding and the basis of the theories and concepts used in sociology today…
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Classical Sociological Theory by Ritzer and America by John DeBrizzi
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Preffesor’s The essay will attempt to analyze, define concepts and theories of sociology in order to offer clarity and understanding in the genesis of these concepts. Sociologist are scholars who try to study the development, structure, and functioning of the society. The complexity of human behavior has made the society complex (Scimeca and Godwin 8). It is interesting to see what scholars consider concepts while others dismiss these concepts when coming up with new concepts. Scholars has points of convergent and divergent when they are discussing these theories and concepts when they are offering evidences of their theories. Scholars such as Comte and Karl Marx are credited with their open and clear views on sociological theories. The two of them, are considered the fathers of sociology because of their epistemology and positivism views of sociology. After their deaths, some sociologists tried to dismiss their theories while others modify their theories. Thesis statement The analytical essay will try to discuss the novel ‘America’ by John Debrizz and how those theories are explained a text book ‘classical sociological theories’ by J.A. Scimeca & Goodwin G.A. (2003). It will discuss the concepts, agreement and disagreement on these concepts by various scholars (Scimeca and Godwin 14). The book Classical Sociogical Theory by J. Scimeca and G. Godwin discusses various views from different scholars such as Karl Marx, Comte among other scholars. He discusses a wide are of sociology and their genesis. He offers a biography of each scholar in the book and their work, assumptions and concepts arises. The essay will discuss the concept of social science, knowledge, feminist grounds, pragmatists and the promise of sociology. The essay will also attempt to show the application of sociological concepts in the novel America by John Debrizz.These concepts will also be accompanied by examples in the novel for clarity on their application in the society. Social science has always been an interesting topic. It is revealed in the novel America by John DeBrizzi. Most scholars argue that social science is a combination of social and scientific methods. Social, in Aristolean model, was viewed as an entity that is found within the human body. The entity observes what is going on in the world as a spectator and forms a picture of the world. The perceived picture of the world is seen as experience (Scimeca and Godwin 17). Science was pioneered by Newton and other scientists. Science, in Aristolean model, was deemed as the observation process which were thought to be conceived in human mind. Newtonian science, however, believed that the world is understood in terms of mathematical equations and axioms that enables the mind to picture the reality. The science also believed that reality is created by God. Social science is generally considered to be the picture of the world through each individual in the the novel, new jersey is considered is depicted as the world while workers in the farms are the individual in the society. The incorporation of social and science has eliminated the elements of laboratory testing because the picture of the world varies through different people. The new concept of knowledge was started in the early scholars. After the discovery of social science, most scholars wanted to know what is knowledge and what causes. Knowledge existed way before life existed but scholars have interesting views on how knowledge came to existence.most scholars believed that knowledge existed after the experience. Interestingly, Scimeca and Godwin (10) argues that the first principle of knowledge was wrong and said that knowledge come from the fact that experience existed. It caused a point of divergence in their argument and modification of the concept of knowledge. John Debrizzi clearly connects early twentieth century social movement relating to workers rights and economic inequality similar to current issues. These issues plague both social and economic landscapes if the twentieth first century America. In addition to the the use Karl Marx’s concepts of surplus value, workers alienation and dialectal materialism in the compelling work of Marxist propaganda, the author uses the concept of knowledge. Jean Baptiste DeBris stated that if problems are repeated over and over, it shows that the society haven’t solved the problem definitively. Until the problem is solved, the cycle will keep on repeating itself (DeBrizzi 155). All these are connected to the concept of knowledge. John Locke’s dilemma came because epistemological generated views that mental was not physical. It proved a snag in his findings and made him think over his views. The epistemological proved that knowledge was located in the mind of people unscientifically. He concluded that the exact science of human behavior was unattainable. The knowledge were arrived at a probability statement and thus knowledge could be used to guide humankind. Some scholars dismissed his concerns and embraced positivism as the cornerstone of the discipline. The concept of knowledge developed differently and was influenced by idealism. Idealism is a philosophical system in which thought gives priority over sensations. The scholars dismissed empirism because they didn’t believe that all knowledge came from experiences. John (24) and (Scimeca and Godwin (11) were the scholars who spearheaded the new concept of knowledge in Germany. The german philosophy uses dialectical reasoning to apply in its findings. G.W. F. Hegel uses the fundamentals of dialectical reasoning through thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Karl Marx advanced the philosophy by using dialectical reasons which focus on materials as opposed to metaphysical aspect of reality. In his findings, (Godwin, 22) stated that Marx concepts believed that historical development had nothing to do with God or metaphysical. The findings reflected on the empirical reality as determined by material relationship through history. This development is answered by idealism which stated that empirical phenomena were real. Kant’s views on knowledge helped to answer Locke’s epistemological dilemma about knowledge. He stated that phenomena and things are beyond the experience. Kant was also interested in answering basic questions on how autonomy. He stated that knowledge is determined by free will where possible in a deterministic Newtonian universe. Kant’s views are revealed in the novel when works knows their rights and try to demand their rights. Kant’s views are also depicted in the novel. It shows the ideology and the rise of the labour theory in America. It shows that the workers at standard oil company had knowledge in their mind about their rights in the labor movement. The knowledge wasn’t placed in their mind scientifically. The workers demonstrated that the free will to know their rights in the Newtonian universe. Another concept is pragmatism. Most scholars are pragmastist because they are striving to achieve a goal of studying the functioning of the society problems. they used matter of fact approach in their studies, straightforward and didn’t let their emotions distract them in their studies. Pragmatists provides an epistemological justification for freedom. Freedom is one of the tenets of humanism. The novel America gives the first revolution in the Osiris Oil Labor dispute uses the concept pragmatism enhanced by material relationship which is propagated by Karl Marx. The uprising of employees of standard oil establishes the credulity of the story. The concept of pragmatist is also highlighted as the employees choose not to be distracted in their quest for equality. The story is a fictional count about the U.S. economy and America Society which portrays the real situation in America. The book shows the real world political revolutions such as strength in numbers, the potential in organization and unionization and faith in charismatic leaders. The climax of the story is depicted when Moses Shabalala is elected the president of the U.S is used to show the election of Barack Obama Scimeca and Godwin (62) believed that the ultimate truth is freedom by showing that the mind needs freedom to develop into social context. He argued that pragmatist can be adapted into the social in order to encourage people to be free in the society in order to understand their problems. The pragmatists were important in the study of society because it helped the society to know their problems without letting their emotions distract them.The concept is highlighted when works at oil drills try to demand their rights through revolution. Pragmatists, in the formation of epistemology and freedom, via the social determinants of mind to provide a solution for the apparent incompatibility between the instruments used. It enables them to solve societys problems which were solved during the experimentation. Social determinants such as form and language were never information on the society. Most societies used different language, however, a matter-of-fact approach used by pragmatists helped them to adapt and learn new languages to understand social problems (Georgy and Godwin 45). The promise of sociology refers to the historical emergence of sociology as a distinct discipline. The promise of sociology stated that reason and science must be used in the service of human needs. It has increased the dignity and freedom of human. It promises to recognize the fallacy of the positivists position that the fact exists independently of the observer. It doesn’t punish or judge the sociologist of their findings since it is independent of their observations and findings. The whole novel by John Debrizzi is about rediscovering the promise of sociology. The study of society should begin with the promise of life to people. The promise to life means doing things that promote human existence. Human beings are free to create their social world in any other place they wish. The freedom is a basic tenets of humanism thus it is the cornerstone of sociologists. The promotion of freedom should be positivist and any negative freedom should be punished or corrected. It promises to create order in the society for peaceful co-existence.The uprising of employees and the conflicts portray the promise of sociology which is better living conditions. The novel is an interdependent between mind and consciousness and the society. John DeBrizii (129) suggested social psychology, which encourages generation of ideas. As soon as conscious appears, it introduces judgement which becomes the generator of acts that changes the character of future reality. Beliefs create reality itself that links the action, in a sense, to create reality itself. The promise of sociology is depicted in almost the entire novel. A good example is when Moses Shabalala makes a decision that would move the nation in the unanticipated directions when she meets America Huerta. America is a daughter of a Mexican immigrants who have values and ideals that promises a better lives for the society. America inspire Moses, the first black president, towards audacious action to solve the crisis affecting the country. It leads to the rebirth of the nation and the dawn of a new society. Comte (20) is considered the father of sociology alongside Karl marx, rejected most of the values and principles of the philosophes. Conte’s ‘Law of Three Stage believed in necessarian version of the natural law. It recognized the influence of the natural law on human existence and moral responsibility of each person in the society. The necessarian version of natural law thwarted the use of those with no power to overcome their domination. It gave power to the minority in the society in order to give equity in the society. Sociology provided a means for understanding social justice denied to the minority. It provided power to the minority to overcome their domination. It also involved the use feminist justice in order to give women a voice in the society. The feminist grounds promoted by John Bebrrizzi (70). It helped to define the role of women in the society from just mere helpers to equals in the society. Martineau (62) believed that women could read and write and thus could be consulted in decision making. The perceived view that woman were slaves in their own gender. She promoted giving equal opportunity to both male and female in the society. Martineu’s ideologies are shown in the novel, when the minority struggle to get their rights. The revolution of workers is a testiments of her ideologies. Associationism theory was developed by David Hartley (57). The associationism is a system of though based on human sensation which comes from external. It stated that people were attracted to others in order to be associate in terms of business and relationship. Associationism is the basis of any relationship in the society and sensation is the basis of feelings and emotions. Associationism allowed people in the society the freedom of association in the society. Associationism is shown when a black person marries a Mexican lady. The marriage between Moses and America is depicted as one Big Union which spread an eerie of silence across the land.Associationism is seen through the conversation between America and Moses: ‘Moses, since we’ve dispensed with formality, may I ask that you come from behind that desk and sit nearer me…. I promise I won’t bite.’ Associationism have been fundamental in the struggle for equality and democracy in the society. C. Wright Mills’ concepts of sociological of imagination is used to describe the class struggle immigrants and their employers. The concept permits people to understand the lives of individuals within a larger context of history and social structure. America is perceived to be a person who cares more for her people more than herself. The interest of the people comes first before the interest of an individual and how struggles in the social struggle are solved (John 89). Marxist revolutionary movement set in present day America. The author, John DeBrizzi shed lights on the reoccurring themes that have dominated capitalism in America since the industrial revolution. The discrimination of people in the industries has been in America for a long time. Marx believed that class struggle was inevitable in the capitalism systems because of conflicts and contradictions of people. It made material relationship complex. The history of material relationship throughout history had the seeds of conflicts and contradictions. It is because selfish interest of individuals in the relationship. Marx states that the conflict of contradictions would eventually end to the revolution. The source of contradictions provoked social movement as people try to challenge the status quo. The revolution has been a necessary evil in a bid to adjust the equilibriums of the society. The author links the social welfare of American well in the early twentieth century. It is interesting to note that the issues discussed in the novel still affect America because of their capitalist economic system. The liberation of American societies has made people have a voice in the matter of national interest and ensure transparency in any material relationship. The concept of knowledge which is advanced by John Locke (17) also helps the citizens to know and understand their rights and privileges in the society. The material relationship troubles are answered by German idealism which was interested answering how autonomy and free will in a deterministic Netwonian universe. The concepts tried to answer Locke’s epistemological dilemma and stated that knowledge is a phenomena and things are beyond experiences. The experiences and suffering helped to cause a revolution in American. Workers discrimination and conflicts in material relationship were the cornerstone of the revolution. Throughout the story the author (DeBrizii) tries to work us through imagination of the early twentieth century conditions in America. The revolutions and uprising are credited to the awareness of people to their rights and freedom. The story uses a lot of sociological work of imagination, to the concept of knowledge, promise of sociology and concept of imagination. The reader is taken through the journey of social revolution in a fictional work (DeBrizii 151). The first chapters are set in the early twentieth century in the Northern New Jersey, where it is documented struggle for better pay for the workers. The workers are paid meager salaries, which are not enough to cater for their needs, thus decide to uprise in order to get better pay. The workers are fully aware of their rights and privileges. The opening chapters uses the concept of imagination and the concept of knowledge. These concepts lead to the development of the plot in the opening chapters (DeBrrizii 79). The books gives reader important history lessons that mostly goes unlearned and how these concepts were developed. DeBrizii ( 134) states that today is never a precise copy of yesterday. The quote says that today might be a copy of yesterday with slight modification. History normally repeats itself with modification because of unlearned lessons from yesterday’s mistakes. The social and economic landscapes of the twenty first century differ from those of a century ago. However, unlearned lessons haunt the present when they were not addressed properly (Georgy and Godwin 111). The problem resurface with a slight modification and people can think it is a new problem. Conclusion The book ‘Classical Sociological Theory by Georgy Ritzer and the novel the America by John DeBrizzi are similar because of the use of sociological theories and concepts to enlighten the readers. However, the novel applies the theories and concepts of the sociology while the ‘Classical Sociological Theory’ shows the finding and the basis of the theories and concepts used in sociology today. The books offer a thorough analysis into concepts and theories of sociology which are slightly modified to help us understand social problems and structures and ways to solve these social evils. Work cited John DeBrizzi (2009). America. Outskirt press J.A. Scimeca & Goodwin G.A. (2003). Sociological Theory. McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages Read More
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