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Harlem Childrens Zone - Essay Example

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In the paper “Harlem Children’s Zone” the author evaluates the social organization, which was to work with poor families with special attention on children in Harlem. Harlem is a borough of New York City. The social organization aimed at saving thousands of children…
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Harlem Childrens Zone
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The first goal of HCZ was to set up a seamless system with the necessary support to the child before birth through to adulthood in college. The goal was to have a best-practice conveyor belt. The biggest problem faced by the social organization was evaluating and measuring the success of the same. Secondly, the top management at HCZ aimed at helping children from humble and troubled backgrounds to grow actively and become healthy adults within their respective communities. HCZ aims at building a society with healthy children and the community simultaneously.

In the process, the focus of the institution went on important groups and frequency. Question 3To help children grow into responsible adults, HCZ attached two strategies to this goal. Children remained under the watch of responsible parents. It was expected that caring parents would be ideal models for children to learn from as they grow. The second strategy was exposing children to the right healthcare, social stimulation, intellectual ascendancy, as well as continued guidance. To run the project effectively, the management integrated the two strategies into the overall model upon which the institution ran.

In his opinion, the president and Chief Executive of the social organization felt that pursuing a zone approach stood out as the best framework for the development of the entire project. In its design, the methodology meant the project will have cumulative and a scalable influence on the sampled population. Furthermore, the management at HCZ put in place strict geographical boundaries that guided the delivery of services. Question 4The success of the zone approach relied on obtaining sustainable funding.

Sourcing for additional money was important to achieve meaningful growth. In the process, HCZ received $ 250,000 from EMCF. Other services from the firm were providing strategic consulting services to HCZ. The social organization rescheduled the program in the form of a continuum with the lowest rank being Baby College through to TRUCE. Teachers in the Baby College deal with parenting skills while those in Truce handle youths between the age of 17 and 18. HCZ drives its efforts at helping children from humble backgrounds to grow actively into healthy adults.

By doing so, the social organization expects that they will become responsible as well as fulfilled members of society. Achievement of this requires two things: Ensuring that a crucial group of caring adults surround children throughout their growth. The second requirement is exposing children to sound health care throughout their early lives (Grossman, Allen, & Curran, 2004, 17). Other aspects included in the second requirement are social and intellectual stimulation as well as guidance that come consistently.

The twin principles constitute an integrated scheduling framework that drives HCZ programs.

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