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Personal Behavior Change Model on Smoking Cessation and Increasing Physical Activity Smoking and physical inactivity are the two (2) health behaviorsthat I, personally, would like to modify. The primary goal is that, in one year, I should be able to quit smoking through involvement to physical activities. Smoking cessation can be attained through decreasing the number of cigarette sticks consumed each day, while increasing physical activity can be accomplished through incrementallyincreasing the time doing different types of physical activities, such walking, jogging, swimming, outdoor recreation and/ or sports.
Among the theories that would be applicable for the aforementioned desired behavioral change are the Social Cognitive Theory by Albert Bandura, Theory of Planned Behavior and Transtheoretical model. The Social Cognitive theory recognizes the role of environment in an individual’s behavior modification. It shows that the interaction between environment, cognition and behavior is the primary factor influencing the initiation and maintenance of a behavior change. With this theory, smoking cessation can be initiated by lessening one’s exposure to environmental factors that encouragessmoking and increasing physical activity can bethrough integrating oneself to environment which would promote physical activity.
The latter could be through involvement to fun runs, sports clubs, and the likes. Theory of planned behavior, on the hand, highlights the individual’s intention as the primary control in doing a certain behavior. The intention of an individual identifies the density of self-control that he/ she can exert in order to modify a certain behavior. The model also shows that an individual’s intention is affected by several internal and external factors.As such, clarity and strength of one’s intentions are crucial in order for the change in behavior to occur.
Finally, the Transtheoretical model helps an individual identify the stages of a behavior change. It provides an individual an idea on the progress of his/ her behavior modification. In the case of smoking cessation and increasing physical activity, this theory can help in providing an overall view of one’s progress in attaining his/ her predetermined objective.The plan of action as well as the supporting theory for the predetermined objective is shown in the framework below:Desired Behavior ChangeSmoking CessationIncreased Physical ActivityTheory of Planned BehaviorConsult a coach or instructor to get guidance in doing physical activities.
Write down desired goal and checklist of planned progress then post it to a place where one can always see it.Transtheoretical ModelSocial Cognitive TheoryInvolve friends and family members in behavior modification.Decrease cigarette breaks as well as the number of cigarette sticks consumed each day and opt to another alternative to relieve the desire to smoke.Increase time and type of physical activity by increments. For instance, as a starter, walking early in the morning or before going to bed for 15 to 30 minutes.
Increase the time in increments of 15 minutes every other day. The type of activity can be changed from light to moderate to heavy.The measurement of progress can be done in a form of diary or calendar showing the length in time of physical activity involvement for a certain day as well as the number of cigarette consumption on the same day. The incremental progress in the type of physical activity can be monitored together with the physical activity coach or instructor.
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