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Sociological Methods - Research Paper Example

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Sociological research aims at understanding certain aspects of the society and many research designs can be used to achieve this depending on the environment. I prefer the use of interview as a method of research design since it is interactive. Through interviews it is possible…
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Sociological Research Methods
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Running Head: Use of Interview as a Method of Research Design. Sociological research aims at understanding certain aspects of the society and many research designs can be used to achieve this depending on the environment. I prefer the use of interview as a method of research design since it is interactive. Through interviews it is possible to describe important aspects of the topic of study and can help understand the topic at both meaning and factual levels. Interviews can of particular use when in understanding the entire stories behind experiences of participants.

It is for such reasons that I prefer interview method as my best sociological design. Through the use of interviews the researcher has the golden opportunity of pursuing in-depth information on the topic of interest as he is directly engaging with participants either through telephone or one on one conversation. As search interview can also be used as a follow-up to further investigate responses by some participants obtained through questionnaires. The interaction between the researcher and participant is more personalized and the researcher can tailor questions in a manner that allows the participants share as much information as possible.

He can probe for finer details by asking follow up questions based on responses received. Interview method is also makes the respondents work of explaining easier especially in events where the kind of information sought requires impressions and options. Therefore with well trained interviewers, properly planed and well timed interviews a lot of information can be obtained on the topic of research. In conclusion therefore through the use of interviews which may be face to face or over the telephone researchers are able to obtain in-depth information about the research topic.

Direct engagement with respondents allows for research to probe as much as possible, tailor their interviews in manners that allow respondents share a lot and obtain information in terms of both facts and meanings for concepts. Through personalized engagements researchers can understand the real experiences of respondents and make accurate conclusions.

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