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Ethical Dilemma versus Ethical Lapse - Essay Example

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The essay “Ethical Dilemma versus Ethical Lapse” discusses a conflict between two moral imperatives and any decision undertaken hurts one party. John has been recently voted as a team leader in an organization. John is hardworking, and his output and quality surpass that of his other team members…
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Ethical Dilemma versus Ethical Lapse
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An ethical lapse is where the concerned individual makes wrong decisions that result in a negative outcome (Kurtz & Boone, 2011). An example of a situation that focuses on ethical lapse is discussed below.A friend of mine (Mark) worked in a company that deals with the provision of a mobile service network. He got information that the company was experiencing financial problems, and they were being forced out by the competition. Talks about the company being sold out to another service provider were undergoing.

Mark informed his friends and relatives of the situation of the company and urged them to sell off their stock before the announcement was made public. The decision that Mark made was ethically wrong. Manipulation of stock sales based on internal information is a disadvantage to uninformed parties as they suffer great losses while the informed parties make huge profits. Mark should not have had informed his friends and relatives beforehand. He should have waited for the public announcement so that the losses could be distributed equally among the shareholders of the company.

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(Ethical Dilemma versus Ethical Lapse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 405 words, n.d.)
Ethical Dilemma versus Ethical Lapse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 405 words. Retrieved from
(Ethical Dilemma Versus Ethical Lapse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 405 Words)
Ethical Dilemma Versus Ethical Lapse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 405 Words.
“Ethical Dilemma Versus Ethical Lapse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 405 Words”, n.d.
  • Cited: 5 times

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