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Death and Dying - Assignment Example

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A person may take advantage of the older adult’s condition and try to exploit them financially. In this situation, the caregiver exploits an elderly financially in…
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Death and Dying
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Family care affiliation Family care The situation where an elderly person is experiencing financial swindling is a modern trend of exploitation. A person may take advantage of the older adult’s condition and try to exploit them financially. In this situation, the caregiver exploits an elderly financially in return of providing them with care. In addition, they try to force the elderly person to sign off their property. As stipulated in many state laws, the caregiver should only be provided with funds for their services only at their consent or consent of a relative.

Moreover, the effort by a caregiver to obtain ownership of a property from an elderly is punishable by law. In Rhode Island a person is provided with a toll free contact number from which they could access the authorities handling the issue. Moreover, one is given the mandate to interfere with legal approaches to the matter. This is different from other states where a person is limited not to use a toll free contact or interfere with the situation. A person may report the issue and wait for response from social services (Lecture notes, 2014).

Provision of care to elderly people regardless of your relationship with them is ethical and moral (Lecture notes, 2014). However, there are numerous changes that may affect the process of providing care. With a high cost living, it has become expensive for one to provide care. In this situation, the elderly person is my mother and I am not in a position to ask them for payment. For this reason, I am obliged to fund the process as well as provide her with all requirements. This creates a significant financial burden.

However, the benefits of my efforts are based on that my mother would have a comfortable life. In addition, I will have fulfilled a moral and ethical mandate. The modern social services have resulted to changing the approach to care giving. For instance, there is a policy requirement that enables a person seek financial aid if they provide care to an elderly person. The funds should sufficient for both the elderly and the caregiver. Furthermore, for the sake of professionalism and quality care, the social service system should be able to allocate my mother more qualified personnel on the job.

In the journal article on multigenerational families, it is perceived that this type of family is preferred to any other type in the American society. In the years 2011, 51.4 Americans were living in multigenerational families (Generations United, 2011). This is after a 10 % increase from the year 2007. The data obtained further stipulates that, 3.8 % of all American families are multigenerational (Generations United, 2011). The article also creates the assumption that these families are preferable since they provide support to the extended family setting.

Moreover, people living in these families tend to prefer this form of family arrangement. It provides social security for all family members. In addition, situation where the elderly would be in need of care would be easily addressed.ReferencesGenerations United (2011). Family Matter: Multigenerational families in a volatile economy. Washington, DC: Author. Lecture notes. (2014). Family Policy. [Word document]

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