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Policy Alternative Policy alternatives are the determining methods of the policy analysis that are introduced in order to endup achieving particular goals and following the relations that are there between the goals and the policies. The policy analysis comes in two major fields. There is the analysis of the policy where it is descriptive and analytical. The other one is the analysis of the policy that gives the perspective. The policy alternatives help in the formulating of the proposals and the policies.
There are changes that have been put in place to fight the sex trafficking. There is the enforcement of the law. This is under the international law. In the international community, there are different countries and some of them are rich. Countries such as the United States should put pressure to countries on the countries that go through the problem of sex trafficking (Byerely 1992). Such countries should be rewarded for trying to enforce the national laws that have been put in place. These countries should be recognized and more aid should be given to enhance the fight against the sex trade that take place in the borders and also in the country (Craft, 2004).
Most people who are involved in sex trafficking become addicts off drugs. When fighting the sex trafficking, the issue of drugs is solved in the process. These are some of the changes happen. The policy alternatives research and help in the human trafficking which happens for sexual exploitation. The policy alternate has been of great help in curbing the problem and for the project to be successful substantial infusion and resources are needed to be put in place. The policy alternative has been in the forefront to ensure that all the sexual slavery and exploitation is brought to an end.
The national campaign that has been put in place by the policy alternatives has come up with a strategic plan that is aimed to be established locally and also internationally. Policy alternative is similar to the social work since the social work is aimed at promoting the welfare of the society. For the social alternatives, their objectives are almost the same with those of the social workers. The social work ensures that the living conditions are good and the environment. The social work in general monitors and evaluates the policies and to implement the programs that have been put in place.
This also takes place in the policy alternatives case (Hatch, 2005). With the policy alternatives, much can be achieved in terms of administration and when it comes to the economy and also politically. The social people are able to get involved in the political and the social actions that are there to make sure that all the people get all resources and the human rights that are required in order for the humans to have a proper development. This has got a significant impact to the politics and these results to changes in the policy alternatives (Shaw, 1904).
Poverty oppression and discrimination through the sexual harassment brings a significant impact to the social work and, as a result the goals that are set are achieved with much ease. Most of the companies and countries support the policy alternatives and they fund it to help in the eradication of sexual harassment. Most of the criminals object to the policies that are set in place. The governments and many businesses fund the project to make it effective.ReferencesByerly, R., & University of Colorado Boulder (1992).
Space policy alternatives. Boulder: Westview Press. Hatch, M. T. (2005).Environmental policymaking: Assessing the use of alternative policy instruments. Albany, N.Y: State University of New York Press. Kraft, M. E., & Furlong, S. R. (2004).Public policy: Politics, analysis, and alternatives. Washington, D.C: CQ Press. Shaw, B. (1904). Fabianism and the fiscal question: An alternative policy. London: Fabian Society.
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