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Article questions - Assignment Example

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The author states that marriages can be saved if the overall society as well as the individuals involved in a marriage tries different ways to save it. The…
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Can Marriage Be Saved Article The article d “Can Marriage Be Saved” was authored by Frank Furstenberg during the period of 2005 (Furstenberg 76).Overall MAIN Point(s) of the Article: In this article, the author tries to make a point that marriages can be saved when they are on the verge of breaking down. The author states that marriages can be saved if the overall society as well as the individuals involved in a marriage tries different ways to save it. The author states that the institution of marriage has changed over time and the previous ways of running a marriage and running a family were more successful than the current ways.

MAJOR examples the Author uses to prove his point(s): The author uses several examples to prove his point that if marriages start operating the way they used to be during the 1950s and the 1960s; the possibility of successful marriages will increase. The author states that previously, divorce was considered as a taboo by the entire society and that is one reason why those involved in a marriage could not even think of getting a divorce. Did you notice any faulty logic in the author’s argument?

Overall the article has made a good comparison of the period of 1950s – 1960s and the period of 1960s – 1970s and the role that society played in saving marriages. But the problem is the society has changed. Now the concept of one man brining food on the table is no longer applicable. Things have become expensive and to attain a better lifestyle women are even becoming a part of the workforce which makes it difficult to run a marriage as it used to be during the 50s and 60s. New Terms to Remember: Nuclear family, normative arrangements, cohabitation and biological parents.

Works CitedFurstenberg, Frank F. "Can Marriage Be Saved?" Dissent. 52.3 (2011): 76-80. Print.

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