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SOCIOLOGY 100A: WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS WINTER of the article: Erfani, A., and Beaujot, R. (2009). “Attitude toward Childbearing outside of Marriage in Canada.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies 40, 5: 759-773. 1. What is the main argument presented by the author? (This is not a summary of the article; this is not what the article is “about”; it is the KEY ARGUMENT being communicated by the author based on their research). (3 marks)In this article the authors acknowledge the changing attitudes towards family, gender and childbearing in the contemporary world.
The study provides an insight to the factors contributing to the increased rate of non-marital childbearing in Canada. Among the three factors analyzed cohabitation in the first relationship and the employment status of women have greater influences on childbearing outside marriage. Women who are employed have a more favorable attitude to childbearing outside marriage while on the contrary both married and non-married men are less favorable for having children outside wedlock. The other factor which did not show any significant effect on the attitude towards non-marital childbearing was parental cohabitation or divorce. 2. What is the author’s research method? (i.e.
how does he/she obtain the evidence for his/her argument?) (2marks)The study used samples from the Oxford and Middlesex counties in Ontario, Canada and a stratified-cluster random sampling method to select sample households on the basis of areas and income levels. Majority of the sample was from metropolitan regions (63%) while 20 and 17% of the study households belonged to smaller towns and rural areas. People aged above 18 in each household were administered questionnaires that included items regarding marriage and childbearing, division of work within the family and other programs and policies pertaining to family and children. 3. List two pieces of data/information that the author uses to support his/her argument that is drawn from his/her research (Not just 2 random facts from the article - these must be facts/data from the research that the author uses to support the main idea that you identify above.). Explain how the evidence is related to the main idea.
(2 X 2 = 4 marks) The study found a strong and significant relation between cohabitation in the first relationship with a partner to a positive attitude towards childbearing outside marriage as they tend to have a less positive attitude towards marriage and favor divorce and having children within the cohabitation union. “Respondents who began their first relationship as a cohabiting union tend to hold more positive attitudes to childbearing outside of marriage” (765) The study also found that employment of women fostered non-traditional attitudes such as childbearing outside marriage as with a steady income women gained confidence to support a family and hence had a more positive attitude towards non-marital childbirth.
“the striking result is that women working in a full-time job hold positive attitudes to having children outside of marriage” (765)4. Is the information provided verifiable and well-researched? How do you know? List the factors that you used to make your evaluation. (3 marks) The study is based on a clearly defined hypothesis (conceptual model) but however the data used for the study was taken from a previous survey. The hypothesis proposed in the study has been duly tested using statistical methods.
The study can be considered reliable based on the following factors.The authors have good credentials as they work in the Sociology Departments at Universities in Canada. The authors have based their hypothesis on the conceptual model of social learning, past behavior and socio-demographic status to study attitudes towards childbearing outside marriageThe influence of all the three factors has been clearly explained by the authors in their literature review. Though the data was taken from a previous survey, the authors have used regression method to analyze the data to test the conceptual hypothesis using six items.
In order to determine the direction of the attitudes Likert scales were used for four items and factor analysis revealed that all the six items relied on one single factor, i.e. having children outside marriage. The results have also been compared to the hypothesis and the attitudes of the respondents across the three explanatory variables have been well explained. The study also included two separate models to study the attitudes of men and women along with their employment and marital status on childbearing outside marriage.
The authors have further predicted a positive trend towards bearing children outside marriage especially among the younger generation and have also acknowledged the transition of family values towards alternative forms of family life. This they believe will help societies with low fertility rates and also help to improve the economic status of lower income families. KiB)
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