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Compare and contrast traditional female sexual scripts and contemporary sexual scripts - Essay Example

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Asexual script can be defined as a set of guidelines used by a group of individuals to define their sexual role, orientation, behaviors, and evaluate their sexual desires. Both in the traditional and contemporary societies, female sexual scripts play a great role on how females…
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Compare and contrast traditional female sexual scripts and contemporary sexual scripts
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Comparison of Traditional Female Sexual Scripts and Contemporary Sexual Scripts Asexual script can be defined as a set of guidelines used by a group of individuals to define their sexual role, orientation, behaviors, and evaluate their sexual desires. Both in the traditional and contemporary societies, female sexual scripts play a great role on how females define and explore their sexuality. However, most female sexual scripts, especially the traditional ones fail to address contextual sexual issues that are relevant to women particularly young girls.

This essay is a comparison and contrast of traditional female sexual scripts and contemporary sexual scripts.In the contemporary society, most females learn their sexual scripts from concepts such as images and ideals in the media. In both contemporary and traditional societies, the issue of female sexuality evokes many controversies as demonstrated in most scripts. For most religious scripts, females who engage in sex before marriage are a shame to their families. However, secular scripts vary on their opinions regarding female sexuality.

Contemporary female sexual scripts are increasingly making females believe that are entirely different from men. This is depicted by the argument that men are from mars while women are from Venus, which is increasingly becoming popular. However, the traditional view that men are sexually superior to women is diminishing. Traditional female sexual scripts make assumptions that women are not supposed to enjoy sexual experience. However, contemporary ones posit that both male and females are supposed to communicate their feelings honestly and openly.

Another difference is on meeting sexual desires. Traditional female sexual scripts assume that female’s sexual intercourse always leads to a woman’s organism, which is a proof that man is an effective performer. Conversely, contemporary sexual scripts assert that men and women as should learn to meet each other sexual desires.

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