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Personally, the death penalty is unacceptable for it is not the man who made his fellow men so that each has no right to take the life of another. If a man kills another individual and the criminal is punished through death, would not the man who implements the law become a criminal and thus should be killed as well? This makes the death penalty erroneous because no one is authorized to kill any human being, whether he is a good person or not. When the law is inaccurate, should it not be dissolved?
Another matter always considered about the death penalty is the accuracy of the accusations. There are times that the wrong persons are accused and still are found guilty, suffering the punishment they do not deserve. If death is the answer to lessening, if not stopping crimes, then finding the right criminals should be assured first. However, when such cannot be made certain, there is no use in killing an innocent person when the guilty one is on the loose. The death penalty, whatever angle it is seen, can never be right. As they say, one can never right a wrong with another wrong.
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