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Terms of Use of the English Language - Essay Example

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The paper "Terms of Use of the English Language" discusses acting as an introductory morpheme for the entire sentence. It could be observed that the other sentences that have not any of these morphemes were considered incomplete when translated to English…
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Terms of Use of the English Language
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LANGUAGE WORK PART A Task 2 Below is a set of 20 sentences in a language which we shall refer to as Language X with their equivalents in English (in italics). (Note: Language X is based on a real language but for the purposes of this assignment some of the structures have been modified and the forms of words changed.) Use this data to answer questions 2.1 and 2.2. a Ga an du lub. The dog was black. k letdun more large men b Ga an dat ban. The cat was white. l letdat ban white cats c Ga mi gith. I was tired. m letdu lub black dogs d Ga an du gith. The dog was tired. n Gade Meri anns an akad. Mary is in the garden. e Gade Meri gith. Mary is tired. o Ga daten lub anns an akad. A black cat was in the garden. f Gade an haig bag. The house is small. p Ga mi anns an akad. I was in the garden. g Gade an dun more. The man is big. q Ga duen lub aig an dun. The man had a black dog. h daten ban a white cat r Ga haigen more aig Meri. Mary had a big house. i duen lub a black dog s Ga peanen lub aig mi. I had a black pen. j dunen more a large man t Ga daten ban aig mi. I had a white cat. Question 2.1 10 marks Language X has both free morphemes and bound morphemes in its grammar. List 5 examples of free morphemes, and give their meaning. Then identify all of the bound morphemes that are used in the sample of 20 sentences. List them and explain their meaning and function in Language X. For each bound morpheme, write a rule showing how it is used in Language X. (Imagine you are a teacher of Language X and your learners have asked you to give them some grammar rules.) Ga: This morpheme is naturally used to introduce a sentence. Perhaps acting as an introductory morpheme for the entire sentence, it could be observed that the other sentences that have not any of these morphemes were considered incomplete when translated to English. An: Most likely as observed, the morpheme "an" actually stands as a linking verb that also serves as a completing aspect of any sentence made. From observation it could be noted as the x language's substitute to the forms of the linking verb "is" in English language. Question 2.2 10 Marks All languages have rules for the order of elements in sentences. Describe TWO differences between the rules for order in English and order rules in Language X. Refer to the Language X sentences and their English translations as examples of the rules. As observed from the given samples, the English language simply requires the necessary elemental factors [which may refer to the main subject and the predicate of the statement] to be able to create a complete sentence that would denote meaning and sense to the said statement. Meanwhile, in the rules of sentence completion in language x, there is a sentence completing agent which is the morpheme "ga" which perhaps gives an essence to the entire sentence. Moreover, the use of linking verbs within the sentences is also noted to have a great impact with the creation of a centralized sense for the idea being sent through the said statement. Part A Task 3 20 marks Required Length: 350-400 words A prominent linguist has said that the meaning of a word is its use by speakers of a language. Discuss the meaning of the English word 'cold'. In your discussion you should include denotational, connotational and collocational meaning. You must give evidence and examples in your discussion. You should select some of your examples from the list of sentences given below. You can also consult dictionaries and/or other speakers of English. If you decide to do this you should acknowledge that you have done so, giving a reference for the dictionaries, and 'personal communication' for the speakers. 1. The lecture theatre was so cold that everyone kept their coats on during the presentation. 2. Would you like tea, coffee, or a cold drink 3. I've just met our new manager, and unfortunately she seems very cold and formal. I hope this doesn't ruin the good atmosphere around here. 4. He planned to ask a question at the public meeting, but he got cold feet. 5. He was murdered in cold blood. 6. Ever since we saw to her at the party, she has given us the cold shoulder. 7. I don't understand how he could say such an awful thing to his sister; he must be so cold-hearted. 8. Because reptiles are cold-blooded, they must bask in the sun for a few hours in the morning. 9. I think I'm getting a cold. 10. I have just read a really interesting book on the cold war of the 1950s and 60s. The word "cold" appears in the sample sentences above in such manner that it is used as a major adjective that describes the weather, a world that denotes emotion and one that denotes illnesses. It could be observed that through the sample sentences given above, it could be seen that the word "cold" is rather considered reflexive and applicable to many terms and meanings based on the utilization of the said word in different approaches to communication as noted through the sentences given as samples above. Most often than not, as described through language studies, like the word "cold" other words are also used in multiple sentences to give different sets of meanings. This characteristic of the word "cold" makes it versatile in being used through different matters of definition based on the language known to the user of the said language. Considerably, the usage of the usage of the word "cold" as an adjective makes it effectively utilized to describe the state of the weather in a certain chosen area at a chosen time. Meanwhile, as a source of describing emotional standing of a person, the word "cold" gives the emotion a rather superior state that makes it appear negative as well. Obviously, language as used in many ways is also able to make a great impact on the meaning of the word through mixing it with other words that are aimed to make a different approach in explaining how the word affects the entire statement. In the same manner, the word "cold" is indeed utilized to make different statements having different meanings. PART B task: Short essay Required length 900-1000 words (50 marks) Using examples from the texts provided (see below), write an essay on the following topic: What do we mean when we say someone 'knows' a language Here are two short texts for you to exploit. You may use either one or both of the texts for your examples. You may include examples from other sources if you wish; however, the majority of your examples should be from the texts provided. If you do use examples from other sources, then you must give full details in your list of references. When you use an example from one of the texts, you can refer to it with line numbers, instead of copying out the words, for example '... In text A 4C there is an example of ' LANGUAGE and Knowing IT Introduction With the growth of worldwide globalization systems, it could not be denied that many people are transferring from one country to another. Some for business reasons, some for educational reasons and others just transfer for tourism purposes. Whatever it is that the different races transfer places, it could not be denied that in many ways, the said progressive movement of the human society towards the future raises several points of consideration in the human identity belonging to a certain ethnic group. Along with the global development comes the exchange of culture and other aspects of racial contributions such as language have been exchanged through immigration activities. This is the reason why it is very important for people to see to it that even though there is so much diversity in the world, language is still one of the keys by which a certain race's ethnicity could be identified amidst diversity. Languages are sourced out from the historical background of each country. The stresses and the tenses of each language actually differ from each other primarily because of the fact that different nationalities around the world have different perceptions with regards life and living. It could be observed that such linguistic assessments had been based upon their realization of how life's elements should be perceived. Taking the sound of the nature and the environment in use through language had been the main feature of such languages as they are profoundly used around the world. Hence, someone who knows a language suggests that that one has some definite command of the language that he uses. May it be his first language or a second language, one who knows the language could certainly master the different elements making up that particular language thus making a great definite meaning to whatever he says using the said language. Hence, through this enters the issue of having the chance to become bilingual. Having a bilingual education opens an individual to understanding how other nations actually understand nature and how much they give importance to the elements making it up. Likely, the process is more complex than actually expected. With one's ability of identifying one language from the other, he is also able to identify one culture from another as he tries to evaluate the different elements of language that each culture recognizes through speech. Through this, the person having a bilingual capability shall have a better mirror of the world through spoken tongue. It depends on one's view of cultural connection in the world that the possibility of learning another language lays. Likely, the idea is to help a person understand different cultures through the existence of different languages. Most often than not, one's disposition about the said idea of cultural connection actually increases or decreases the capability of one to accept learning other languages from other nationalities, moreover, such disposition would give them either a better or dimmer chance of accepting other nationalities as part of the one whole wide world community of humans trying to cope up with the changes of the world. When Knowing a Language Means Communicating Well Globalization have opened the ways by which people tend to re-invent themselves as they tend to continue in making it possible for them to allow themselves the chance of progressing as individuals who are trying to compete with the progress of the entire society (Bonvillain, 2002, 32). Most likely, it could be observed that through the systems used in global connection, there is a certain identification of the issue that primarily affects the human progress in connection with the communication progress that happens between people of different races in the society. As mentioned earlier, globalization movement affects most of the activities of the human society today. As a result, communication too is being dreadfully affected by the said cultural interconnection between different countries around the world (Zanger, 1993, 21). The ways by which people try to instill a fine bond between themselves for the sake of establishing an effective way of communicating outside the country have been noted to have a strong effect with the way the people begin to realize the fact that there is a need for understanding cultural diversity for the sake of establishing fine relationship between people of the different countries around the world. To be able to understand the role of communication in this particular global situation, this paper shall instil the values and the elements that include communication as either the connector or link between people or the breaking factor among humans in the global society. Communication: The Key to Understanding or Breakage Communication through written or oral procedure both affects the present global connection of people around the world. It has been noticed that both procedures of communicating across the regions of the earth have been used by many people to be able to connect themselves with the systems that are recurring in the other countries. The motive behind the said connections could be identified as for business or political connections (Keyton, 2004, 32). For many years, communication has served as the best way of connecting people from different races. However, today, communication is at some point viewed as one of the largest hindrances that people particularly need to deal with when they are trying to make connections with those form other countries possessing other cultural divisions (Lull, 2000, 24). How is this possible As known to many, there are hundreds and thousands of different dialects around the globe. Most of these dialects serve as the mother tongue of the people who are further able to progress in their lives and thus afford to move to other countries later on. It could not be denied that as they transfer to other countries, they still carry with them their mother tongue. Hence, the tone, the rhythm of the speech, the strength of the language and the terms used by the said people in using a foreign language would actually be based upon their own understanding of the grammar of the language in connection with their own language's grammar arrangement. Hence, as a result, the conversation procedure may not come out as furnished as it should be compared to someone native of the land who would be speaking the language (Samovar, 2006, 54). This particular situation then aggravates the fact that language at times makes it harder for people to reconnect with each other because of the differences that each culture has against each other. How could this be proven Culture and Communication: The Connection As mentioned earlier, most of the people who are new to a foreign land would not easily be able to grasp the basics of the communication procedures used in those particular areas of the world. Mostly, people who are native and those who are foreign in a certain land would decode the messages that they receive from talking with others through the use of their cultural lenses. This is the way that indicates how they should interpret a certain message based form the body language, the facial expression and the tone of the one speaking the message. Most often than not, as the cultures are different among many nations, the ways of communicating with each other also differ so much in terms of the delivery of the message (Gudykunst, 1988, 21). Because of the said differences, there occur some problems of understanding what the message really is all about. As for example, in America alone, there are different races of people who are living in a particular community. At some point when someone says "Shut-up", the idea is not the same as to how the language itself posts the theme of the sentence or the phrase. To some, this means a way of reacting when he or she is surprised by certain news, while to some, this may appear as a way by which he or she is being stopped or ceased from speaking, which simply denotes disrespect. From this example, it could be noted that the judgment of the listener upon what has been suddenly told him would be much depending on how he has been particularly used to in using that particular language. Conclusion To be able to deal with the problem, it is necessary for the conversant to particularly see to it that the major elements of communication are being addressed within the changes that need to be applied in communicating with other people. The said elements may include tone, the regional defect of speech and grammar, the rhythm of the speech, the strength of the stressing points and the original culture of the person being talked to. It should be noted to that the following practices be carefully given attention to: (a) Listen Closely to what is being talked about (b) Consider adjusting to the regional or the national language of the other person (c) Allow some time for the other person to respond to what has just been related to him. The time will allow him to reconstruct the message he wants to convey to be able to avoid misunderstanding later on. (d) Look in the eyes and not on the expression of the face or the body language of the person as they may convey a different message that might cause the problem From the four-point reminders presented herein, it could be observed that there are certain factors of communication that needs to be taken careful addressing when handling a conversation with another person. The idea is to really take responsibility of the adjustment and the wide-range understanding on what the other has to say regarding the issue being discussed in a particular conversation. This would help both parties establish a fine relationship between each other through the effective use of communication (Bonvillain, 2002, 27). Certainly, someone who knows the language would be someone who understands the correct use of the definite issues that recreates the sense of understanding the said language. It could be noted that through effectively making a great sense of understanding and application of the language it is sure that one who knows a language may be someone who can both understand and use the language effectively in different forms of communication. References: References: Nancy Bonvillain. (2002). Language, Culture, and Communication: The Meaning of Messages. Prentice Hall; California; 4th edition. Larry A. Samovar. (2006). Communication Between Cultures (Wadsworth Series in Communication Studies). Wadsworth Publishing; Arkansas; 6 edition. Joann Keyton. (2004). Communication and Organizational Culture: A Key to Understanding Work Experiences. Sage Publications, Inc; Oklahoma. James Lull. (2000). Media, Communication, Culture. Columbia University Press; California; 2 edition. Virginia Vogel Zanger. (1993). Face to Face: Communication, Culture, and Collaboration, Second Edition. Heinle & Heinle Publishers; California; 2nd ed Rev edition. William B. Gudykunst. (1988). Culture and Interpersonal Communication. Sage Publications, Inc; Arkansas. Read More
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