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Why Are Young People Drawn towards Crime - Essay Example

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"Why Are Young People Drawn towards Crime" paper focuses on groups of young people referred to as gangs which are more prevalent in the UK. Crimes such as robbery sexual offenses and extortion are now considered a far more great threat in the streets of Britain…
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Why Are Young People Drawn towards Crime
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Why are young People drawn towards Crime Introduction A researcher working in the field of criminology may befaced with variety of sources when conducting work that has been previously reviewed. This is because both quantitative and non quantitative methods of conducting the research vary. This report aims to find out the factors that contribute to young people being compelled and thereafter engage in crime. Various methodologies employed includes semi-structured interviews, focus groups discussions, field notes and documentary sources to get the data .To add on to this there are a number of online resources with useful information that helps us to broaden our understanding when this topic is concerned. The research focuses on individual young people and also groups of young people referred to as gangs which are more prevalent in the UK.Crimes such as robbery sexual offences and extortion are now considered a far more great threat in the streets of Britain, this is according to the statistics from the Governments youth crime adviser. Growing gang culture has drawn thousands of youths into making this behavior a lifestyle choice, mugging and bullying has become rampant especially from young people from the age of 15 years (Fleisher, 163). Though many of this cases go unrecorded for most of the victims are underage. It is estimated there are 400 estates in Britain exposed to this vice each with gangs of up to 60 kids with a high likelihood of developing into hardened criminals. About 4000 students are expelled from schools and consequently 40000 youngsters are frequently absent from schools registers where they are recruited into potential gangs. Thee culture of bullying and intimidation is also immense where in most cases goes unnoticed where adults are concerned (Cleckery, 153). Among other prevalent crimes that young people engage in include: Burglary which comprises domestic burglary and commercial burglary. Vehicle related thefts which comprises thefts of vehicles, parts of vehicles ,things inside the vehicles Other thefts for example from place of work ,from school ,shops and other miscellaneous thefts Criminal damage including damage of vehicles and damage of properties. Assault both injury and non injury assault. Drug sale and abuse. Class A drugs among other drugs. The report discusses and examines various factors that lead to crime especially among the young people. It also examines various crimes commonly rampant among young people and their effects to individuals and the larger society. It also tries to see the underlying issues that may lead these young people to engage in such vices and what can be done to create more awareness and change of attitude and behavior. It is observed that most young people are not involved in criminal activities for the benefits attained but rather because it is fashionable and provides a sense of identity. However there are social and economic factors that may lead to them being drawn to crime (Arrigo, 156). It is in this quest that this discussion tries to unveil the causes, factors and remedies to this mode of behavior among the youth. Consequently the issue should be addressed because this criminal activities leads to injury to others, loss of property, destruction of property, death, threat to security, social disorder among others. Those who engage in these activities are also prone to become hardened and dangerous criminals during their adult hood Crime has become a major challenge today among young people thus increasing the risk of these youth developing to adult's criminals and also increment of the crime rate. Among the crimes that receive most attentions will include burglary assault and robbery (Renzetti, 79). Findings One of the factors that lead young people is poverty and level of inequality. Young people are compelled to crimes such as robbery and burglary to their inability to afford those things they deserve to have .Children from poor family may will move on to use criminal ways to acquire what they don't have or what their parents can not afford to buy them. It should be noted that when this young people come together for example In schools or other social institutions they are able to notice the inequality gaps between their counter parts who come from well off families and thus may feel inferior and repugnant to the societies norms and rules. This causes them to develop deviant behaviors that do not conform to what is expected by engaging into criminal acts (Fleisher, 160). Young people try to identify themselves with particular individuals or groups of people to feel a sense of belonging and have both emotion and physical security. Unfortunately most of this groups especially those formed by young people of lowers class status, this groups are mainly composed of radical kids who engage in criminal activities .The young people will there fore be forced to engage in this criminal activities in order to fit and gain acceptance in this groups (Cleckery, 153). This leads to formation of gangs which may have a large number of people thus pausing criminal threats to all. Others will join in these gangs in order to gain protection that is given by members of these groups to avoid them from behind bullied intiidatedation among other and consequently they engage in criminal acts in order to conform (Renzetti, 79). Although the media plays a major role in making the young people on the dangers of crime it can also in the other hand a perpetrator of crime in young people through materials they disseminate. Young people take what they see and hear as a learning process (Bowlby, 69). It becomes a problem when they are not able to choose between what they should or should not embrace. Movies and programmmes showing violence and crime in a positive dimensions end up affecting this young people negatively. Some tend to pick up this movie characters thinking they are fashionable. This lead them to do such criminal acts or act in criminal acts similar to those perpetrated in the media.Programmes showing explicit materials also causes the young people to engage in sexual crimes among others. Such mediums such as music showing particular lifestyles beyond their reach also makes them to do criminal acts in order to try and copy these cultures in order to fit in what they think is modern and desirable (Arrigo, 163). Another cause of crime in young people is because of inappropriate parenting. Children from families with low morals and bad parenting will tend to engage in criminal acts more oftently.This is because they lack proper guidance and advice to nature them to responsible people .Children from broken families will also fell alienated and seek identity in criminal gangs. Young people emulate what they see adults do, if the parent s or guardians are also involved in criminal activities then this provides a good justification for them to act in a similar manner. Bad relation between parents and their children contributes to them acting in a repulsive manner as a means of protest (Bowlby, 153). The young people will go contrary to their parent's expectation in order to command attention and thus in most cases will engage in criminal activities. According to Cleckery on sociopathy describes a cycle of violence or a pattern found in family histories. Cycle of violence is where people grow up mostly abused and mistreated; it is found that these children are mostly likely to adopt the same behavior when they grow up. Children who have undergone child abuse and neglected likely to commit crimes later in life compared to others (Cleckery, 153). Sexual abuse to children transforms most of them to sexual predators when they are adults, this can be seen as true because it is observed that many inmates on death row have histories of severe abuse .The pattern of abuse and sociopathy keeps recurring, neglect and abuse of children in most cases progresses through many generations (Arrigo, 96). The cycle of violence is based on the quality of early life relationships; it has its positive counterpart however. Supportive and loving parents who are responsive to basic needs of their children instill them with self confidence and an interest in the social environment .These young people are thereby well adjusted to relate with others and are far less likely to commit crime. During the late twentieth century the public had not embraced the idea of crime as a result of psychological behavior but rather due to willful doing. This led to tougher sentences and more imprisonment as opposed to rehabilitation and treatment of criminals, research in the 21st century has however continued to look at psychological stress as a driving force behind various crimes (Cohen, 139). Lack of facilities for leisure and co-curriculum activities may also contribute to crime .Those with no access to sports facilities, music and other recreation facilities form gangs that are geared towards negative motives. These young people tend to direct their energy to criminal activities as an alternative to their leisure or recreation (Bowlby, 69). Peer influence is another factor that contributes to young people being more compelled to crime When these young people meet there is exchange of values, ideas, culture among others, this include both their negative and positive aspects. Children with low moral values will therefore be drawn towards doing criminal acts. Others are forcefully dragged into crime unknowingly because they only want a sense of belonging without knowing the consequences.Pers who engage in this vices are at many times viewed as superior by other young people and so they strive to get in this status thereby involving themselves in this acts (Arrigo, 236). Violence among young people is also prevalent. It can be related to non acceptance in communities living together for example the racial difference among young people. Children who face rejection in their homes among the peers also seem to adopt violent characters. This may become serious if these conditions are prolonged and they may end up doing bigger acts of violence or crimes because of their mental state (Curran, 23). Deprivation o social amenities to young people also contributes to crime .Those who do not have proper homes and are exposed to poor living conditions engage to crime s more. The negative feelings that emanate from deprivation lead the young people in developing negative attitudes towards the society. They consider themselves as social misfits and thus are bitter and will strike at any opportunity. Lack of good parental care will also lead to deviant behaviors which in most cases are criminal (Arrigo, 179). Conforming to Merton's theory a survey on inmates showed that most of the inmates had low level of education. Most of this inmates had committed crimes such as robbery ,burglary, car theft ,drug trafficking and shop lifting .Because of poor education these people recorded low wage paying jobs or unemployment. Employment below living standards helps to deter criminal activities among those affected (Renzetti, 45). Because these people are not able to afford such things such as decent housing, medical care among others they are forced to make a decision between a continued life of poverty or doing a profitable crime .Gaining further education becomes and option but in most of the time s is expensive and time consuming .This makes them to engage to criminal activities as an alternative. Although education can provide greater chances of getting a better job it does not always overcomes the effects of abuse, poverty and other limiting factors (Cohen, 186). According to a study done on twins in 1980 the search was aimed to find the sources o f antisocial behavior and their influence on personalities in crime studies. It is noted that identical twins have the same genetic make up; it was observed that identical twins are more likely to have similar criminal behavior compared to fraternal twins who have similar but not identical gene. It was also noted that adopted children also have more similarities of crime rates to their biological parents as compared to their adoptive parents. This suggests genetic basis of criminal behavior among specific people .A psychologists Robert also found a relationship between a particular brain activity and crime and antisocial behaviour.Criminals experienced less brain reaction to dangerous situations according to his studies, this means some criminals will not fear punishment compared to others and thus easily engage in crime .Studies related to crime and brain activity have advanced in the 21st century. Testing carried out with advanced instruments and computerized techniques such as CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging all reveal brain activity. Crime can therefore relate to genetics and thus unlikely to stop though it can be controlled (Curran, 321). Social factors are known to impose a great influence making of choices is considered; drugs and alcohol are major factors. The urge to commit crime in order to support this drug and alcohol habit .Alcohol and drugs defies socially defined norms and impairs judgment of an individual giving him a greater courage to commit crime (Renzetti, 102). Deterrents such as punishment or imprisonment are of little significance to a high person or drunken persons. Abuse of alcohol triggers violence in conditions mainly where the person has nore4lation with the one he attacks or the attacker. Criminologist estimates that 30 to 50 percent violent crimes are committed among drug users and drunken people; they include murder, sexual assault and robbery. Moreover use of this drugs and alcohol may make one vulnerable to criminals by being less attentive to activities happening around him (Cleckely, 68). Access of things that may lead to crime also contributes to crime in young people such as money to buy alcohol, drugs, and hand guns among others. Firearms used for crimes are purchased illegally which provides an easier way of committing crime allowing offenders a distance of detachment between them and the victim.Availability and access of free information especially through the internet make s it easier for people to commit specific crimes. Websites provides information such as how to make hand made bombs or buy poisons; all this information is available at comfort at one s home. Negative information that may lead one to be compelled to crime is also availed and can be accessed through the internet. This information does not influence one to commit crime directly but may trigger the idea of doing so (Bowlby, 79). Recommendations Crime among young people is prevalent and though it can not be completely eliminated measures of control may lead to greater improvement. The government, parents and concerned parties should device means and ways to provide basic and essential needs to young people irrespective of their social economic status. Improvement of living standards and reduction of inequalities would help in alleviation of crime among the youth (Karr-Morse, 129). Guidance and counseling should be availed to young people to teach them on the importance of good morals and values. Parental care and a sense of identity should also be instilled. Young people should be guided on the dangers of associating with wrong company and consequences that may be faced (Lombroso, 153). Young people should be made aware that not all material they pick from media is positive. The media should also have a form of regulation on the materials they broadcast. Programmes that may lead to criminal sentiments should be stamped out. Parents should also control and monitor information that their children get exposed to and emphasize on what would shape them in a positive way (Fleisher, 158). Rehabilitation of those who engage in these criminal activities should also be improvised before punishment is induced to young criminals. This will help to reduce recurrence of crime (Renzetti, 78). Provision of leisure and recreational facilities such as sporting should also be provided adequately across the country. This will preoccupy them with more creative activities thus they will not have time to engage in criminal activities. It also contributes to cohesion among them and improves their interaction (Gottfredson, 123). Peer counseling should be availed and good morals and value emphasized. Parents should warn their children against bad company to avoid getting themselves in trouble. Teachers in school should try to identify gangs that engage in criminal activities and improvise ways to dissolve them. Groups of young people should be encouraged to involve themselves in positive behavior (Gottfredson, 124). Alcohol and drugs should not be availed to young people and parents should not avail cash or resources that may enable their children access them. Those who sell alcohol and drugs to minors should also be a apprehended and punished (Renzetti, 79). Works Cited Arrigo, Bruce A., ed. Social Justice, Criminal Justice. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1999. pp Bowlby, John. A Secure Base: Parent-Child Attachment and Healthy Human Development. New York: Basic Books, 1988. Cleckely, Hervey. The Mask of Sanity. New York: New American Library, 1982. Cohen, Albert K. Delinquent Boys: The Culture of the Gang. New York: Free Press, 1955. Curran, Daniel J., and Claire M. Renzetti. Theories of Crime. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. Fleisher, Mark S. Beggars and Thieves: Lives of Urban Street Criminals. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1995. Gottfredson, M., T. Hirschi (1990). A General Theory of Crime. Stanford University Press. Karr-Morse, Robin, and Meredith S. Wiley. Ghosts from the Nursery: Tracing the Roots of Violence. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1997. Lombroso, Cesare. Crime: Its Causes and Remedies. Montclair, NJ: Patterson Smith, 1968. Renzetti, Claire M., and Lynne Goodstein, eds. Women, Crime, and Criminal Justice. Los Angeles: Roxbury, 2001. Read More
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