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Reasons for Infertile Couple to Adopt or Stay Childless - Research Paper Example

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"Reasons for Infertile Couple to Adopt or Stay Childless" paper is about the various reasons, some simple, some complicated, and some thought-provoking; for the couples who find themselves infertile choose to adopt a child while others choose to remain childless. …
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Reasons for Infertile Couple to Adopt or Stay Childless
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? Reasons for Infertile Couple to Adopt or Stay Childless of the of the Reasons for Infertile Couple to Adopt or Stay Childless [Name of the student] [Name of the institution] [Date] Abstract As the time rolled into an advanced and modernised era, the human civilisation developed into the most advantageous group of individuals. Advanced technology, better living condition, improved transportation, a wide spread network that connects the entire world and dissolves the boundaries, and numerous horizons to explore. As we have progressed and continuing the process to such an era it is not ‘only goodness’, it has its share of darkness too. The human race is plagued with numerous problems, some which can be solved and many that cannot be solved. It is this non-satiable interest and craze for having more and some more that has landed the human race into such problems. The World Health Organisation (WHO) in its various reports and publications indicated the high rate of reported infertility in the developing countries. Unfortunately a huge number of people are affected by infertility. Infertility is not only a problem with women but also of men. The issue of infertility is a major concern for most married couples. Child adoption is the most accepted solution for infertile couple to have children. There are even cases when couples choose to remain childless if they cannot have their own progeny. This paper is about the various reasons, some simple, some complicated and thought provoking; for the couples who find themselves infertile choose to adopt a child while others choose to remain childless. INFERTILITY Infertility is the inability of a living being to reproduce their progeny. Clinically defined, it is a type of disease that affects the reproductive system due to which female beings fails to achieve pregnancy in spite of a year or more of unprotected regular mating. Infertility is also termed as impotency of one partner in a couple either in conceiving a baby or in donating the required sperm within one year of their conjugal life. This can occur in one couple out of six and around 3.5 million people in United Kingdom (UK). Within one year of unprotected mating about 85% of the couple conceives naturally while others fail to do so due to several biological and some non-biological reasons. Infertility is problem not only with women as it was perceived earlier but also a problem that can be with a male. Infertility is caused due to various biological causes. Infertility being a biological problem affects the social as well as personal lives of the effected individuals and sometimes it can cause dire consequences. According to the medical practitioners infertility is of two types: primary infertility and secondary infertility. Primary infertility is the condition where there is a failure in conceiving a baby in spite of engaging in unprotected mating for a year or even more than that on the other hand secondary infertility is when a couple has had their first child but is unable to conceive their second child. With the dynamic progress of science and technology there various types of treatment that are used to treat infertility in men and women (Altmae, 2010). For treating male infertility medical processes such as surgery, treatment of infections in the reproductive track, treatment for problems with intercourse, treatment and medication for hormone problems, and other Assistive Reproductive Technology (ART) treatments like In Vitro Ferstilisation, Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ISI), Cryopreservation, Testicular Extraction of Sperm (TESE) and Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) (Agarwal, et al, 2005). As per Okonofua (2006) and others, infertility occurs more in men than women. In order to treat the problem of male infertility In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is a widely accepted and applied process where fertilisation of the egg by the sperm is carried outside the body in a laboratory. In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is applied when the other means of assisted reproductive technology have failed. According to the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology, In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) treatment for treating male infertility has increased over the past few years. Infertility is a major issue that continues to trouble couples all over the world. While for treating infertility among women a number of other methods are used such as providing fertility drugs for stimulating ovulation, surgery, and using Assistive Reproductive Technology (ART) like Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) and others (Oyemade, 2004). In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is mostly done to women who have weak ovum for fertilization and Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is done on men having low sperm count (Bagshawe A, Taylor, 2003). Presently, the infertility treatments are popularly used and have been providing successful results. Over 3million babies were born worldwide with the help of In-Vitro Fertilization. Presently 75% couples had undergone the process of IVF for having a baby. Large number of couples was left with no option other than taking help of IVF (Van den Akker, 2001). YEAR WOMEN GONE THRUGH IVF TREATMENT NUMBER OF BABIES BORN 1985 3717 513 1995 22647 5791 2005 32626 12000 As infertility remains a major issue of the modern society, the reasons of infertility or the increase in the rate of infertility needs to be studied in detail. Apart from biological causes there are several other social, behavioral and attitudinal reasons which lead to male and female infertility. They are mainly behavioral and psychological factors. The non-biological reasons that cause infertility in men and women are as harmful and serious to be considered as other biological complications. The modern day lifestyle is an undisciplined one, an individual has hardly any time to look into the hazards caused by his or her undisciplined life, the stress that one brings upon himself or herself due to such a lifestyle, work pressure, improper and unhealthy food habits, consumption of alcohol, frequent smoking, addiction to intoxicating drugs also adversely affect the reproductive process and results into infertility. The overstressed lives of the individuals keep them away or less interested in mating among the couples. Being overstressed also results in lower sperm count among men that ultimately results in male infertility. In developed countries like United Kingdom (UK) infertility is an issue that is gaining importance with time. Earlier experts were predicting an increase in world population but the situation is much different in Europe because the infertility rate has increased in the United Kingdom (UK). Every one in six to seven couples are facing problems in conceiving and are resorting to medical help. Around 30% males in Britain face infertility problems like women. In the past 60 years the sperm count in men has fallen and the experts blame it on the increased level of usage of environment chemicals like DDT which affects the estrogen. Not only the sperm count is fallen in a faster rate but there is more number of men who are producing abnormal sperms. Prevalence of a situation will lead to a large number of infertile men. Around 2.5 million are facing infertility in Britain and it is believed that work stress, smoking and drinking habits are to be for it. But men denied this fact by blaming women to be infertile. Men defined it as “faults” of women. Based on a recent survey on GPs and male patients it was found that men are unaware as well as they do not believe that they can be infertile whereas doctors were seen concerned about the depth of this infertility problem (Collins, 2004). Around 30% of the GPs were found concerned about the decrease in the male fertility rate. More than a quarter expressed that unless men changes their lifestyle there will be low male fertility rate which is likely to cause a negative impact on the population. Doctors also said that 9% of the male in Britain are going through lower fertility rate. Both number as well as quality of the sperm count in men has decreased in the last 30 years in Britain (Land, et al, 2007). Infertility being a biological problem caused by several biological as well as non-biological factors affects the psychological spectrum of an individual, a family and on a larger aspect the society. Having a progeny is a very common and usual wish of an individual but not being able to have one is very traumatic (Land, et al, 2007). Previously, women were blamed for not being able to conceive a child; she was not only blamed but also rebuked and humiliated for being infertile. She was attributed as an ill omen subject to everyone’s rebuke and even torture, this holds especially true for developing and under developed countries, but the scenario was not much different in developed countries as well (Brandes, et al, 2009). The women suffered her own agony for not being able to have a child and others hatred for the same. Gradually, with the scientific developments and revelation of the same it came to the fore that infertility is not the sole problem of females but also of male individual. Only women cannot be blame for not being able to conceive. Men were equally responsible for the inability to conceive. Being infertile was also a matter of great discomfort and disappointment. In men, infertility creates psychological repercussions and it raises questions of their masculinity and it gives them a sulking feeling which is very unwanted and harmful in the long run (Leridon, 2004). In many cases where medical science failed, couples turned towards adoption so that they can minimize their emotional stress for not having a baby naturally. Having a baby is mostly related to the emotional quotient of the couple. Adopting a child helps infertile couples by serving them happiness of having a complete family and strengthens their relationship. Societal taboo, questions of masculinity, self esteem, and having a future generation might be the other reasons for opting for an adoption by the couples. Adoption benefits infertile couple as well as an orphan because besides providing a child to childless couples, an orphan child gets parents and home. Around 11 -24% percent of couples opt for adoption in US. There are couples who choose to remain childless. Reasons that lead couples to remain childless are their life style, work pressure, fear of taking a child’s responsibility and also apprehensions about the society’s reaction to it. There is another existing scenario. In the UK, one out of six women stays childless due to their lifestyle. The modern day demand of dynamic career and a great working record have brought the couple to the situation where they decline to have a child. They choose a childless happy life for themselves. The reaction and the behavior of the society in which a particular couple live in is also counted upon while deciding to adopt a child. On various occasions, the society and its conservatism doesn’t accept an adopted child in a positive light. This could also be counted as another reason for which couple remains childless. On the other hand some remain childless because they continue taking medical help expecting to get rid of the infertility. In order to have baby couple go further on medical treatment which makes them childless for a longer period of time. Sometimes, in spite of not being able to have a child they do not go for adoption because of conservative attitude of having a baby of same genetic connection by conceiving “naturally”. In certain cases the couples are unsure of providing the same love that they would have provided to their own child so they decide to remain childless (Vayena, et al, 2009). Out of total 1000surveyed men only 12% were aware about their fertility, 5% conveyed about being aware of low sperm count while 59% men believed that only women can be infertile. About 12 % of men who had fathered children said there partners took long than there prediction for conceiving. When the questions on fertility arise, the society always point women but with the changing times doctors have confirmed that infertility can occur to men as well. Infertility greatly affects the lives of people found to be infertile and people related to them. It can be said that infertility bears a greats impacts on the psychological aspect of a human being. Firstly, the inability of having their own child brings them to a place of utter agony and feeling deprived by the cruel act of the Almighty. It is a matter of time depending on the individual’s capability of coming to terms with reality and accepting it (Vayena, et al, 2009).). Secondly, even if the individual and his or her partner comes to term with it and accepts it, it is the society and its norms that keep them in on the questioning grounds like criminals and untouchables. Being a social creature and living with fellow human beings in the same society, they are surrounded by people and their children. This constantly hammers their state of childlessness and they are left traumatized. Infertility is a biological problem that slowly creeps into the psychological front, which needs to be addressed. In order to get out of this state of being deprived from the joy of parenthood, couples affected by infertility decide to adopt. Adoption is a more complicated process and step by an infertile couple than said, discussed or debated. Generally and mostly, couples go for adoption only when they are not being able to have their own children, they are very much aware they are going to adopt ‘other’s child’. Couples desperate to have a child in their family doesn’t consider the factor that the child to be adopted is some else’s. People adopt a child because of several reasons. The reasons can be stated like: (Brandes, et al, 2009). They themselves are disabled of having their own progeny. Every human being wishes to have their own child. It a psychological and emotional demand of one from oneself. When people fail to do so, that is, give birth to their own child it greatly deprives them from one of their rights. So in order to fill the void space of a child in their lives infertile couples tend to adopt a child They want to have their future generation, extend the family. Children, as we say, are the future. Same holds true for the people who unfortunately cannot have their own children but that did not stop them from having a child. Permitted by the law of the countries, one is able to adopt and fulfill the wish of extending their family and have their future generation that will keep up their family names (Leridon, 2004). They feel the family is incomplete without a child. It is said and widely believed that it is the child which makes the family complete, only a married man and woman doesn’t make a family. So it is a very normal and expected desire of a couple to have their children. Due to one of their infertility such a wish would have remained unfulfilled but the policy of adoption is something that enables them to have a child in the family even if they cannot give birth to one. It is more emotional and psychological issue and so it has to be treated in a more sensitivity Sometimes, interference of the society in the lives of couple affected with infertility grows too much too handle and even comes a point when the couple might consider to adopt a child even if it is for the sake of the society or the will of family members or friends. Being childless is in itself a disturbing issue and the problem and psychological pressure doubles up when there is an intervention. In such a scenario some couple even decides to and adopts children When the couple fails to have their own child some of them go for adoption while some choose to remain childless. There numerous cases when childless couple have adopted child and have been a complete happy family but there are people who take a slightly odd route and choose to remain childless than adopt one. There are various reason put forward by theorists, social scientists and normal people for adopting a child but there exists a parallel thought process that dictates not to adopt a child even if the couple is childless and has no possibility of having a child in the near future. The reasons can be slated like: (Robins, et al, 2005). Generally every human being wants to have a child of their own but if he or she cannot, even then they decline to adopt a child because the adopted child won’t b having genetically same characteristics. It is an extremely emotional issue to be decided upon. There are reservations for including ‘other’s child’ in a family. So, when a couple finds one of them is infertile and due to which they cannot have their own progeny they comes to terms with it and accepts to live a childless life On being found that one of the partners among the couple is infertile, some of the couple reconciles themselves and accepts their failure but instead of choosing to adopt a child to fill in the void space they choose to be with one another and be content without the presence of a child (Brandes, et al, 2007) As discussed earlier, excessive work pressure and related stress are some of the reasons for causing infertility among present day couples. Once they find one of them is unable of giving birth to their child then out of sheer agonized disappointment, or withdrawal, they choose to remain childless. It seems unnecessary for them to adopt a child because work is their priority. They do not want to adopt a child but instead concentrate more and more on their respective careers There are even situations when a couple once found to be infertile they try various and even every possible treatment in order to treat their infertility so that they can have their own child. Unfortunately, there are certain kinds of infertility that does not respond to any treatment. Infertility treatments are expensive, so couples going through infertility treatment bear huge expenses but the expectation of getting cured and having a baby makes them bear such expenses. As said earlier that there are certain kinds of infertility treatments which do not respond to treatment, if the infertility turns out to of such kind then the couple renders huge expenditure without having the desired results. In such a scenario there are couples who decide to remain childless because such heavy expenditures are not always affordable. It is also because the patients run out of patience waiting for the day when they will be cured and incurs huge expenses in the mean time (Vayena, et al, 2009) There are instances when the couple resorts to deny coming under the “social compulsions” of having a child by other means just for the sake of having a child when they are able to have their own. The society has a tendency to underline the importance of having a child even when the couple has a complete understanding of the matter. The society even tends to decide ways that would enable them to have a child when they cannot reproduce their own progeny. Some people surrender to such compulsions in regard to their seniority, being a well-wisher or whoever wants them to have a child ‘more than them’. The couples resign from the rising debate and suffocating concerns of the “well-wishers”. There are instances when they do not get subdued or overpowered by the anxious well-wishers but instead strongly make their choice of living childless when they cannot give birth to their own child CONCLUSION There are attached disadvantages with every development that are taking place. We are moving from a good to a better living condition and a more civilized era with better technologies and multiple solutions for varied problems. As the human civilisation continues to progress it is being affected by the residual of its benefits. The effort and hard work of every individual have resulted in bringing such massive and dynamic changes for which we can boast to call ourselves developed but meanwhile it had to pay certain costs which don’t have a match and which are not irreversible. In a bid to excel and move from good to better living condition and achieve more a considerable number people have lost the ability to create their own progeny, give birth to their future generation. In order to build a better future we have virtually destroyed the means to have a future at all because a huge number of people suffer with infertility. Infertility as assumed earlier is not a problem with the female individuals but even with men. The latest scientific developments and discoveries have proved time and again that presently, more men are responsible for failure in conceiving than women. The changing lifestyle, surmounting work pressure and rising stress levels in the individuals are responsible for present day cases of infertility. Besides biological reasons like damage of the fallopian tubes, cervical problems, hormonal issues, and uterine abnormalities in case of women and over exposure to radiation, chemicals, intoxicating drugs, abnormal production of sperm and problem with the delivery of the same in men, are some of the problems that causes infertility in women and men respectively. Excess of work pressure for ambitious individuals and related stress that reduces their desire for sharing personal time or even mating and this adds to the reasons for causing infertility in men and women. There are available treatments for infertility but there are certain kinds of infertility that does not respond to treatment. In such cases the couples have to resort to alternatives. Adoption is the most common and accepted alternative over ages but with emerging liberal thoughts and liberal outlooks couples even choose to remain childless when they cannot give birth to their own progeny. The problem of infertility though is a biological one yet it renders a lot of psychological pressure and needs to be handled with great sensitivity. The sensitivity is required from all the involved stakeholders that is, from the other partner, friends and relatives and the society. This paper made detailed about the issue of infertility, its causes and consequences and the remedies adopted by the infertile couples for a better life according to their own conception, conceived by them (Seino, et al, 2008). References Agarwal A, Prabakaran SA, Said TM 2005. "Prevention of Oxidative Stress Injury to Sperm". Journal of Andrology 26 (6): 654–60. Altmae, S.; Stavreus-Evers, A.; Ruiz, J.; Laanpere, M.; Syvanen, T.; Yngve, A.; Salumets, A.; Nilsson, T. 2010. "Variations in folate pathway genes are associated with unexplained female infertility". Fertility and Sterility 94 (1): 130–137. Araoye MO. 2003. Epidemiology of infertility: social problems of the infertile couples. West Afr J Med; 22(2):190-6. Balen, A. H; Dresner, M; Scott, EM; Drife, JO 2006. "Should obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome receive treatment for infertility?". BMJ 332 (7539): 434–5. Bagshawe A, Taylor A. 2003. Intractable infertility. BMJ; 327(7423):1098-100. 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