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Inserts His/her Inserts Inserts Grade Inserts Here (Day, Month, Year) "The abused Defense balances the justice system". Abuse defense is a criminal law in which the criminal argues that he is justified with his violent behavior just because he had been a victim of some crime in past. I don’t agree with this argument because if in some period of your life you were hurt than it is not justifiable that you adapt an improper behavior towards others in order to overcome your loss. Everyone has a different perspective of handling problems: some people overcome the major difficulties and problems within a passage of time while others keep on lingering to their past experiences which in turn changes their behavior and attitude towards others.
This change in attitude is basically violent and it affects ones relationships greatly. If a person had been a victim of child abuse in the past and if he makes that abuse an eternal part of his life than this surely is hazardous for him. This past experience will make him skeptical and distrustful of others. He will think that all the difficulties in his life are either caused by of his surroundings or are because of the circumstances which he cannot control. This will result in the violent treatment which he will adapt against others who according to him are the reason of his stress.
But in the end the only person who will suffer because of this attitude would be he, himself. As such people are unaware of the fact that their behavior and patterns are unsuitable; they neglect the point that they create problems for others as well as for themselves while seeking vindication in their aggressive and brutal manners. These people think that others always have spiteful intentions; they easily blame others because of very little or no confirmation. They think that their hostile and destructive attitude is justifiable retribution while others find it inexplicable.
Such patterns become a major reason of rejection by others. Just because one has suffered a lot in past does not warrants his brutal and negative approach towards others. By adapting such behavior one only harms oneself and the people who are related to him either professionally or personally. Reference Abramson, L. Abuse Defense Balances the Justice System, Online (1996).
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