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Perspective on Interpersonal Violence - Essay Example

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The researcher of this essay discusses an interpersonal violence and domestic violence as one of those grave issues that have not only captured the news headlines of the modern eras but also portrayed a concern that needs serious attention. …
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Perspective on Interpersonal Violence
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?Running Head: Perspectives on Interpersonal Violence Perspectives on Interpersonal Violence [Institute’s Table of Contents Introduction 3 Definitions 5 Literature Review 6 Discussion 10 Conclusion 12 References 13 Introduction As the world has crossed the threshold into the twenty first century where scientific innovation and technological advancement has become the highlighting feature of the contemporary world, yet quite a few concerns still exists that can give goose pimples when looked into. Interpersonal violence and domestic violence is one of those grave issues that have not only captured the news headlines of the modern eras but also portrayed a concern that needs serious attention. Interpersonal violence can take several forms that include family violence, intimate violence, child maltreatment, woman battering, and elder abuse. However, few other forms of interpersonal violence on a broad spectrum comprise of community abuse, school violence, gang violence, hate crimes, and mob behavior (Shipway, pp. 1-10, 2004). Domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering, family violence and intimate partner violence are few of the common terms associated with domestic violence. The history of domestic violence provides with the information that it dates back to several centuries, and had always been an issue that did not came into sight and has been overlooked, excused, or denied (Shipway, pp. 1-10, 2004). While looking at another imperative side, race, class and culture is again another concern of prime importance that cannot come under ignorance as it leaves a huge impact on people, particularly the Black and minority ethnic women. However, numerous research have come under study, which exhibit that race, class and culture does not have any relation to the Black and minority ethnic women experiencing domestic abuse and anyone can come under its drastic impacts (Archbishops' Council, pp. 4-8, 2006). With the growing awareness and emerging incidents of domestic abuses and violence, a number of organizations have come under establishment that is not only elevating awareness about the domestic violence against Black and minority ethnic women but also providing them support in every way. These institutions and organizations have come under development only in UK but also around the entire globe. Besides, these organizations are also working with the governments to form and develop strategies on a national and international platform so that all the victims and their family members can get assistance and support to live their lives in a better and peaceful way (Hague & Malos, pp. 14-20, 2005). The institutions prime focus is on the safety and well-being of vulnerable groups, principally children and women of all color and ethnic groups. They even offer the victims with education, training, and opportunities employment particularly in research based activities. Even though the institutions exist for the support, yet the victims mainly the Black and minority ethnic women are still suffering from domestic abuses and violence that is rising on every day basis. This is because evidences have come under finding that expose the fact that Black and minority ethnic background people face difficulty and trouble to get access to such services and are less likely to be aware of the options available for them (Hague & Malos, pp. 14-20, 2005). Additionally, Black and minority ethnic women have come under consideration as frequent victims of domestic abuse due to numerous reasons. However, considering the situations of such domestic violence with Black and minority ethnic women, queries related to their protection, security and improvement in such services arises. Therefore, the hypothesis in this regard for the thesis is “how can domestic abuse services to Black and Minority Ethnic women be improved”. Definitions Domestic Violence: Domestic Violence or abuse is a word that has a very vast definition and covers several aspects of violent behavior. However, According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition, domestic violence is "the inflicting of physical injury by one family or household member on another; also a repeated or habitual pattern of such behavior” (Merriam-Webster, Inc, pp.371, 2003). According to some other definitions domestic violence or abuse includes violent behavior by one partner in a relationship in order to attain control, supremacy, or authority over other intimate partner. Domestic abuse can take forms such as physical assault that embraces hitting, kicking, burning, shoving, slapping, and throwing objects in which the victims may get physical harm or injury. Other forms include sexual violence, emotional exploitation, verbal abuse, financial misuse, and psychological mistreatment. Domestic violence includes behaviors that “frighten, threaten, terrify, scare, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, injure, or wound the weaker partner” (McCue, pp. 1-9, 2008). Interpersonal Violence: Interpersonal Violence has come under definition as “to include violence between family members and intimate partners and violence between acquaintances and strangers that is not intended to further the aims of any formally defined group or cause” (Cavell & Malcolm, pp. xv, 2007). Domestic abuse services: Institutions or non-profit organizations that provide complete and widespread support and help in the form of safety or recovery to any victim who suffered from domestic violence regardless of their race, religion, ethnic background or gender. Literature Review Several records provide with the fact that domestic abuse and violence comes under minimization, but it leaves deep, callous, and lasting scars on to the victims. In fact, records also exhibit that domestic violence is a pattern of violent activities on a recurring basis. Survey analyses indicate that the ratio of women witnessing domestic violence is relatively higher in comparison to the men and women are at much greater risk of repeat victimization or persecution. Furthermore, crime statistics also depicts that women are the most frequently experienced victims of domestic violence regardless of their race, class, ethnic group, and culture, and thus, domestic violence is gender-specific (Sines & Saunders & Forbes-Burford, pp. 42-48, 2009). In addition, research studies have also demonstrated that Black and minority ethnic minority women are subjected to extreme levels of sexual and gender-based violence. However, it is also prudent to note that it has become an innate perception that women who are from black and ethnic minority backgrounds have come under consideration as not fit within the normalized or accepted categories. Therefore, they are regardless of their race or culture, experiencing domestic violence at a much greater rate (Sines & Saunders & Forbes-Burford, pp. 42-48, 2009). However, support services is the term that various organizations provide to the victims of domestic abuse that covers an assortment of support options or services which enable women to name violence, create safety, seek for justice and undo some of the harms (mental and psychological). The options or the services that such organizations provide engage listening, providing information, advising, supporting, counseling, providing shelter, offering self-help, and access to activism (Sines, Saunders & Forbes-Burford, pp. 42-48, 2009). In fact, at present several organizations have instituted that is raising more and more awareness about the domestic violence against Black and minority ethnic women in all its forms not only in UK but also to the entire populace of the world. In fact, these organizations are also enforcing the governments to form and develop strategies that can address the causes of such domestic and interpersonal violence and provide services to support the victims and their other family members (Sines & Saunders & Forbes-Burford, pp. 42-48, 2009). Since the Black and minority ethnic women are not completely aware of the housing and other options available for them, therefore, they find it complex and difficult to get access to these services. Therefore, measures must come under implementation so that the Black and minority ethnic women who are suffering from domestic abuse ought to have support from such institutions. Empirical studies signify that Black and minority ethnic women lacks clear guidance and assistance, as they do not have proper consultations, therefore, they must come under provision with awareness programs where they can get appropriate consultation by the legal services (Davis, pp. 32-38, 2003). Research also shows that women from Black and minority ethnic groups are less likely to have the access to existing services coupled to the low level of awareness of support services. This becomes one of the leading reasons for women to undergo and suffer from domestic abuse for much longer periods. In addition, inadequate knowledge and false impression or misunderstandings about refuges along with insufficient help from organizations often become the primary causes for women to suffer from long periods of domestic abuse. However, by taking measures to create awareness amongst the black and minority ethnic women, the level of awareness would increase (The Women's Health Council, pp. 24-30, 2009). Numerous sources of information also reveal that Black and minority ethnic women have low recognition of domestic abuse within the housing policy, which gives immense rise to the need to look into the housing needs of them. Based on the housing needs, an evaluation outlines and structures needs to come under development that should review or assess the housing needs of the women, how the needs should come under fulfillment and the ways to sustain or maintain the housing. The housing laws must come under proactive reinforcement that can provide with access with housing to the Black and minority ethnic women on equal basis (The Women's Health Council, pp. 24-30, 2009). Displaying of posters and leaflets that incorporate advices, instructions, and information to contact the organizations is another significant method to create awareness to Black and minority ethnic women undergoing domestic violence. Governments must also work in association and alliance to the organizations that support the victims of domestic abuse. In addition, the government must develop a funding strategy for specialized support services for the Black and minority ethnic women. The funding strategy should be compliant with the agreement funding cycle principles. This is essential due to the reason that because of lack of funds, either numerous organizations have been closed-down or they have moved their locations (Great Britain Parliament House of Commons, Home Affairs Committee, pp. 184-188, 2008). Extensive research studies have also show evidence that language is one of the very crucial and critical facets for any individual. Moreover, language barrier makes Black and minority ethnic women reluctant and hesitant in accessing or approaching services after experiencing domestic abuse. Indeed, it has also come under observation that women have also been reluctant to recount their abuse to a stranger, especially with whom they do not have any relationship of trust. The simple and easy solution to this is to employ interpreters who can understand the local language of Black and minority ethnic women. Moreover, it also develops a sensitive and sympathetic support work from the organizations’ that can help the women in rebuilding their lives (The Women's Health Council, pp. 24-29, 2009). Discussion The domestic violence can leave its radical and far-reaching effects on to the victims in a number of ways. The victims may experience isolation from friends’ circle and family unions, lack of self-esteem, loss of job and income, career loss, homelessness, poor health, physical wound or injury, emotional and mental or psychological exploitation including depression and anxiety, miscarriage, financial insecurity, and may even cause deaths to an extreme level. Homelessness and loss of job or employment are the two imperative aspects that are the harsh consequences of domestic and interpersonal violence. According to one of the researches conducted on the subject matter homelessness, a shocking analysis came under vision that domestic violence is “the single most quoted reason for becoming homeless” (Great Britain Parliament, House of Commons, Home Affairs Committee, pp. 268, 2008). Furthermore, this study also reveals the fact that a significant proportion of the victims of homelessness declared that domestic violence has been the prime and leading cause that made then homeless. Nevertheless, another vital aspect to which domestic violence is a major contributor is employment. Extensive research also exposes the piece of information that more than twenty percent of the women who suffered from domestic violence took their off time from work due to which many of them had to lose their jobs. Additionally, performance deterioration, escalated absenteeism, poor time management, and decline in productivity are quite a few of the outcomes of domestic violence. Therefore, it can come to conclusion that domestic violence leaves an unfavorable and detrimental impact on employment as well (The Women's Health Council, pp. 39-40, 2009). With respect to all the consequences that domestic violence leaves on the victims and their other family members, numerous steps have come under implementation that provide the black and minority ethnic women a safe and healthy environment. Safe and good quality housing is one of the pivotal facets that women must have in order to secure their safety, protect their children, and rebuild their lives. Therefore, adequate policies and laws with reference to housing for all women including the Black and minority ethnic women going through the misery from domestic violence would ensure the victims to have a safe life. This is because the proofs and evidence propose that secure housing and surviving domestic violence have a direct and undeviating correlation between each other (Vostanis & Cumella, pp. 71-76, 1999). Much of the research on black and minority ethnic women illustrates that such women often require a much higher level of support and over a much longer period of occasion in comparison to the white women. The support even include advocacy with legal organizations, specialist counseling, general emotional and practical support. However, a common observation has come into notice that isolation from home and networks ought to be a greater issue for black and minority ethnic women as leaving home and their support networks makes them weaker and vulnerable which takes longer to move on (Mawby & Yarwood, pp. 161-169, 2010). Empirical studies have also highlighted the fact that numerous black and minority ethnic women encounter the problem of racism from other residents or workers in mainstream refuges, in localities while living in refuge or when re-housed, and the feeling of rejection from their own community. This increases the likelihood amongst the black and minority ethnic women to become or feel more isolated, and hence, need more intense support and for a longer time duration (Mawby & Yarwood, pp. 161-169, 2010). Conclusion From the above dissertation, it has come to analysis that domestic and interpersonal violence is one of the issues that have come under numerous debates and arguments over the period of instance. Indeed, various aspects and variety of perspectives of this crucial and critical issue has been a part of discussions particularly from the legal angles and viewpoints, the psychological impacts on women, the housing perception and from many sociological and feminist perspectives. Although a reluctance and unwillingness to admit or acknowledge the existence of domestic violence with Black and minority ethnic women have come under notice, yet, remarks have come under statement that these are the most abused victims regardless of their race or culture. The studies have also provided sufficient evidences about the drastic impacts that domestic violence can leave on to the black and minority ethnic women with a long-term effect. However, with constant efforts of government agencies and other non-profit organizations, the victims of domestic abuse can come under proper advocacy and support that can lead them to have a better and secured life. Even though the researches have materialized a number of issues that can come across in providing support to black and minority ethnic women that include language barriers, isolation, homelessness, and several others, yet by having appropriate measures, this can overcome. Ongoing and enduring support, advocacy, help, and sufficient awareness programs would lead the organizations to have more victims predominantly the black and minority ethnic women suffering from domestic abuse build trust in them. This trust would eventually lead the victims to have a secured life. References Archbishops' Council. (2006). Responding to domestic abuse: guidelines for those with pastoral responsibilities. Church House Publishing. Cavell, T. A. & Malcolm, K. T. (2007). Anger, aggression, and interventions for interpersonal violence. Routledge. Davis, C. (2003). Housing associations - rehousing women leaving domestic violence: new challenges and good practice. The Policy Press. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Home Affairs Committee. (2008). Domestic Violence, Forced Marriage and 'honour'-Based Violence: Sixth Report of Session 2007-08. The Stationery Office. Hague, G. & Malos, E. (2005). Domestic violence: action for change. New Clarion Press. Mawby, R. I., & Yarwood, R. (2010). Rural Policing and Policing the Rural: Constable Countryside? Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. McCue, M. L. (2008). Domestic violence: a reference handbook. ABC-CLIO. Merriam-Webster, Inc. (2003). Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary. Merriam-Webster. Sines, D., Saunders, M. & Forbes-Burford, J. (2009). Community Health Care Nursing. John Wiley and Sons. Shipway, L. (2004). Domestic violence: a handbook for health professionals. Routledge. The Women's Health Council. (2009). Translating pain into action: a study of gender-based violence and minority ethnic women in Ireland. The Women's Health Council. Vostanis, P. & Cumella, S. (1999). Homeless children: problems and needs. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Read More
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