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Marital Infidelity - Research Paper Example

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This study is important because it focuses on the incoming trends on marital infidelity. Through this research, one is able to know the problems that are constituted in marriage, what cueses them and what can be done to solve this problems. …
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Marital Infidelity
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?A RESEARCH PROPOSAL ON MARITAL INFIDELITY STEPHANY GAVIRIA HODGES JACKREECE SOC 3502 DATE OF SUMISSION: Abstract This research paper will focus on marital infidelity, types of marital infidelity, and the causes and effects of marital infidelity in a married couple. I am interested in this topic because it seems like extramarital infidelity, affairs, and extramarital sex (EMS) are a major leading cause of marital deterioration or dissolution. By conducting this research I intend to find out if indeed extramarital affairs or infidelity reduces consequent marital happiness, increases consequent divorce proneness, and heightens the odds of divorce. Researcher–administered semi structured questionnaires will be used to collect data on causes and effects of marital infidelity in married people. Marital infidelity may be classified into: obligatory, opportunistic, romantic, conflicted romantic and commemorative infidelity. However, other researchers have classified them into more other categories such as one-night-stands. Its prevalence varies with gender and the different type of commitments that one engages in. men are said to be engaged in marital infidelity than women although some researchers suggest that the percentage of both men and women who engage in it is almost the same. For example in USA 25 percent of married couples engage in infidelity with the men holding the highest percentage of infidelity. Infidelity is caused by either unhappy marriage or a bad sex life. Infidelity due to sex is termed as sexual infidelity. Men are known to engage in sexual infidelity while women mostly cheat because of emotional reasons. Researchers have shown that women between age 40-45 years are the most affected while men mostly affected fall under the age bracket of 55-60 years. In this article, I have highlighted the effects of infidelity in marriage such as divorce and children outside marriage. The no of divorce due to infidelity is rising and hence as suggested more research need to be done and come up with solutions. Infidelity is among the most complex problems to treat in couple’s therapy. It’s indicated in this article how to treat it. Once the couple is willing to reconcile there are phases for the healing process. As indicated the researches done most lack strong grounds and others are contradictory hence the need to do more research on the subject and extensively. Abbreviations EMS- extra marital sex GSS-general social survey Table of content Abstract………………………………………………………………………………… Abbreviations …………………………………………………………………………. Table of contents………………………………………………………………………. 1.0 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………….. 6 1.1 Background information………………………………………………………….… 6 1.2 Statement of the problem…………………………………………………………... 7 1.3 Purpose of the study ………………………………………………………………... 7 1.4 specific objectives…………………………………………………………………... 8 1.5 Research questions …………………………………………………………………..8 1.6 Rationale of the study/ justification………………………………………………… 9 1.7 Ethical considerations………………………………………………………………. 9 1.8 limitations………………………………………………………………………….... 9 1.9 basic assumptions…………………………………………………………………...10 1.10 definitions of terms…………………………………………………………………10 2.0 Literature review …………………………………………………………………..11 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………...16 3.0 Methodology……………………………………………………………………….. 17 3.1 study design………………………………………………………………………… 17 3.2 study area…………………………………………………………………………… 17 3.3 sampling procedure………………………….……………………………………... 17 3.4 target population……………………………………………………………………. 17 3.5 data collection tools………………………………………………………………… 17 3.6 sampling frame……………………………………………………………………... 17 3.7 pretesting…………………………………………………………………………… 18 3.8 data and statistical analysis …………………………………………………….….. 18 Appendices…………………………………………………………………………….. 19 Appendix I: Questionnaire……………………………………………………………... 19 Appendix 2: Work Plan ………………………………………………………………... 23 References ...................................................................................................................... 24 CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background information Marital Infidelity refers to a breach of trust and expectations of sexual exclusivity. It’s colloquially known as cheating. It can occur in the forms of physical intimacy or emotional intimacy (Jayson 2008). When a marriage partner commits infidelity this is called philandering or an affair. Physical intimacy involves having sex outside marriage or the relationship. On the other hand, emotional intimacy involves one partner providing emotional resources like time, attention and romantic love to someone else. Many factors contribute to marital infidelity. They range from unsatisfaction from marriage, low self esteem to addiction to sex, love or romance. There are various types of infidelity, they include; conflicted romantic, opportunistic, obligatory, romantic and commemorative infidelity. Marital infidelity is difficult to research on because people deny it. A research done by Michael (2009) showed that only a tiny percentage of spouses cheat but this was wrong as the interview was conducted with their spouses present. In our culture, men with many sexual partners are viewed as studs but women with many partners are viewed as sluts. According to Jayson (2008), there is a 50-50 chance of cheating in today’s marriages. Research done in the USA shows that approximately 30-60% of married persons engage in infidelity in their marriage life. Many cases of marital infidelity often lead to divorce. A research done by Kristina Gordon showed that more than half of the marriages affected by marital infidelity ended up in divorce. With globalization, infidelity has gradually developed from in person involvement to online affairs. This is triggered by improved technology and internet services. 1.2 Statement of the problem Marital infidelity is a hard task to research on because most people are reluctant to admit it. However studies have been done and as they indicate it is a problem that needs to be addressed. Sexual infidelity is positively associated with marital unhappiness, low emotional satisfaction with the union, women reports of marital inequality and men’s sexual dissatisfaction. A recent survey accomplished by the National Opinion Research Centre at the University of Chicago revealed that 22 percent of men have had a sex partner other than their spouse while married, as compared to women who account for 13 percent (Caprio, 2007).The samples used were of married couples. Individual research studies vary significantly however, research indicates that about half of all married people have an affair and about three quarters of all marriages experience it. More women in the past were reported being unfaithful though recently studies show that there is little gender difference. Peggy Vaughan, author of ‘the Monogamy Myth’, argues that there is an estimated 60 percent of husbands and 40 percent of wives who will have an affair at one given point in their marriage, however less than 10 percent those who have affairs may divorce and marry those that they love. Studies reveal that about 20 percent of divorces come about due to an affair as most marriages fade away since people who are involved in the affairs tend to turn away from their spouses. These affairs may lead to outcomes such as children, and according to a scientific review of International Published Studies of Paternal Discrepancy (2005) “2-4 % of children conceived are as a result of sexual infidelity” (Michael, 2009). 1.3 Purpose of the study The main reason why I decided to conduct this research is to acquire and expand my knowledge on marital infidelity, know the various types of marital infidelity, and the causes and effects of marital infidelity in a marriage. Through this study I will also be able to address issues 1.4 Specific objectives 1. To find out if act of infidelity shatter the trust between the married couple and whether it leads to divorce. 2. To find out whether infidelity is itself a cause or an outcome of poor marital quality. 3. To investigate whether infidelity causes intense emotional pain. 4. To assess whether infidelity leads to marital dissolution. 5. To find out if men and women have different perceptions as to what constitutes marital infidelity. 6. To find out the particular stage in marriage that marital infidelity is committed. 7. To find out whether marital infidelity necessarily means divorce. 8. To investigate whether men are more likely than women to engage in acts of infidelity. 9. To find out the particular age in which marital infidelity is most prevalent. 10. To find out the major cause of infidelity in a marriage. 1.5 Research questions 1. In a marriage, do acts of infidelity shatter the trust between the married couple, and does it lead to divorce? 2. Is infidelity a cause or consequence of poor marital quality? 3. Does infidelity cause intense emotional pain? 4. Does occurrence of infidelity lead to marital dissolution? 5. Do men and women have different perceptions as to what constitutes marital infidelity? 6. Is marital infidelity committed at a certain stage in a marriage? 7. Does marital infidelity necessarily mean divorce? 8. Are men more likely than women to engage in acts of infidelity? 9. At what age is infidelity most prevalent? 10. What exactly causes infidelity? 1.6 Rationale of the study/ justification This study is important because it focuses on the incoming trends on marital infidelity. Through this research, one is able to know the problems that are constituted in marriage, what cueses them and what can be done to solve this problems. This study is also going to give the healing process when a partner finds out that his other partner is cheating on him or her. 1.7 Ethical considerations a) An informed consent will be obtained from those who will be willing to take part in the survey. Therefore participation in the study will be voluntary. b) The study will ensure privacy, anonymity and confidentiality of the respondents. 1.8 Limitations Several limitations have been outlined in the past studies carried out by researchers. David Atkins a research professor at the university of Washington, outlined problems faced by researchers in trying to get accurate information. Reactions to the survey question “have you ever had sex with a person other than your spouse while you were married” confirmed that most people are not honest in answering interview questions in person. However when answering anonymously, some people would admit infidelity. Also, some people understand marital infidelity differently. Some view it as both emotional intimacy and physical intimacy. However a large number of people view cheating as only getting sexually involved with an individual who is not your spouse. This means results from studies done on marital infidelity may not be very accurate. 1.9 Basic assumptions All the information given will be true. The will be minimal biasness by the researcher. Respondents will be cooperative. 1.10 Definitions of terms Marital infidelity- It refers to a breach of trust and expectations of sexual exclusivity. Spouse- is a partner in a marriage. The husband is the male partner and the wife is the female partner. Extra marital sex-this refers to sex outside a marriage relationship. Divorce- it is also known as dissolution o f marriage. It is the final termination of union, cancelling of legal duties and responsibility and dissolving bonds of matrimony between two parties. CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Literature review This literature review is based on past studies and findings on studies carried out by researchers 2.1 Marital infidelity Marital infidelity refers to the breach of expectations of sexual exclusivity. It is often known as extra marital affair. It is most common when a spouse engages in sex outside his marriage. Many people have different perception of what exactly constitute marital infidelity. It can either be emotional or physical infidelity (Baucom et al, 2004). 2.2 Causes of infidelity in a marriage Past studies have cited many factors that may lead a person to committing marital infidelity. The most common factor leading to extra-marital affair is unhappy marriage or a bad sex life. I pose a question, is extra marital affair really an evidence of an unhappy marriage or a bad sex life? Many may agree to it but I differ with that. People begin having affairs outside marriage in order to register a complaint or to force their spouse to end an unhappy marriage. Currently there is no research that shows consistent association between marital satisfaction and the risk of sexual infidelity. Sexual infidelity is often caused by factors such as marital unhappiness, low emotional satisfaction with the union, women’s report of marital inequality and men’s sexual dissatisfaction (Baucom et al, 2004). There are many variables that are associated to infidelity. It can be caused by interaction effects of gender, age, relationship type, and infidelity type. 2.4 Infidelity and age Studies reveal that infidelity is most common between the age of 40-45 years in women and between the age of 55-60 years in men. Individuals outside this age bracket are less likely to engage in extra marital affairs. 2.5 Types of infidelity According to Meyer and Cathy, there are various categories of infidelity and each case serves a different purpose. They are as follows:- i. Obligatory infidelity. It occurs when one surrenders to another person’s sexual advance due to the fear of being rejected. A person commits this type of infidelity so as to get approval from another person. ii. Opportunistic infidelity. It occurs when a partner surrenders to the sexual desire of another person despite being in intense love and attachment to the partner. It is caused by pure lust, risk taking behavior and situational opportunities. iii. Romantic infidelity. It refers to a situation where a person loses commitment to the relationship and has fallen out of love with the partner. iv. Conflicted romantic relationship. Happens when an individual has fallen in love and has sexual relationships with more than one person. v. Commemorative infidelity. Occurs when one falls out of love completely with the spouse though he or she is in a commitment with them. Infidelity may also be generally be classified into different types which include emotional connections, one-night stands, long term relationships, and philandering, Brown( 2007). Infidelity can also be classified as emotional infidelity and physical infidelity. Emotional infidelity consists of work relationship, internet relationship and long distance phone relationship. Physical relationships consist of different activities involving sex outside marriage such as visits to sex workers. 2.6 Prevalence of infidelity Research studies done attempts to explain exactly how many people engage in infidelity. The study may be reliable if it is done on heterosexual couples, focuses on sexual relationship and drawn from large representative samples. The recent General Social Surveys (GSS) report based on previous findings of different researchers gives us a detailed report on the prevalence of infidelity. It reports that in the USA, extra marital sex (EMS) occurs in less than 25%of committed relationships and more men than women are involved than women. Reports in other countries show that infidelity rates are higher in other areas than others and gender differences vary accordingly (Baucom et al, 2004). Data on prevalence usually vary greatly in studies with broader definitions and population of interest. It is therefore important that future surveys be conducted from large samples of people who are in different types of commitment in the relationship. That is, people who are dating, cohabiting, married and also people from divorced relationships which was as a result of infidelity. Also, prevalence data gathered from diverse individuals in terms of socioeconomic status, ethnicity, employment type and sexual orientation may show striking differences between groups (Blow, 2005). 2.7 Gender differences on marital infidelity A marriage relationship constitutes of two parties, a man and a woman. Either of the parties can engage in marital infidelity. Research generally indicates that women engage in extra marital affairs as a result of emotional dissatisfaction while men engage in affairs due to sexual dissatisfaction. Gender is the variable that has been studied most often in relation to infidelity. It is however difficult to determine who between men and women are more prone to engage in infidelity. According to Baucom et al (2004), it is true that more men than women have partners outside marriage. This is because men have a stronger desire for sex than women and therefore are more prone to engage in sexual infidelity. Other researchers such as Duncombe (2004), disagrees with Baucom et al (2004) and they hold that men are only somewhat more likely than women to engage in extramarital sex. He holds that men and women are not different in their behavior and there are no differences in frequency and types of infidelity for men and women under the age of 40. Research has shown that gender appears to interact with types of infidelity and the meanings attached to their behavior. In this case we can say that women exercise emotional infidelity more than men while men engage in sexual/physical experiences more. The rates of infidelity between different genders depend on the type of relationship. This refers to the type of commitment between the two parties. It may be cohabiting, dating or marriage. A study on dating relationships showed that less women than men are likely to cheat. 2.8 Educational levels and infidelity According to Baucom, highly educated people are likely to engage in extra marital sex. According to his research findings, participants with graduate degrees are 1.75 times more likely to have affairs as compared to participants with less than a high school education. He concludes that there is a significant interaction effect between divorce and educational levels. According to Treas & Giesen (2000), a study on married, cohabiting and married women showed that education highly correlates to infidelity in married women but only to the degree that her and her partner’s educational levels differ. They suggest that a woman who is more educated than her partner is more likely to have sexual relationship outside her marriage. This reveals that higher education leads to more liberal attitudes towards sexuality. 2.9 Income levels, employment and infidelity According to research, income and extra marital sex have a positive relationship. Atkins (2008) found that individuals who earned more than $30,000 annually had a higher probability of cheating than those who earned less. He suggests that it may not be the money that makes them cheat but factors such as education, stress levels, entitlement and opportunity. The distribution of income between the partners may also influence the likelihood of infidelity. For example, when both partners are unemployed the possibility of cheating is lower than when one partner is working (Atkins and Kessel, 2008). Research has proved that employment greatly influences infidelity. This is because the work environment provides an opportunity where individuals can meet potential partners and spend a lot of time with them. 2.10 Individual characteristics and infidelity Individual characteristics here refer to interest in sex and prior sexual experience. According to Treas & Giesen (2000), people with strong sexual interest have high chances of engaging in sex outside their main relationship. Prior sexual experiences are positively associated with cheating. Treas & Giesen (2000) point out that “married and dating women with four or more sexual partners prior to their primary relationship are more likely than other women to engage in infidelity”. Study shows that parental divorce leads to one engaging in marital infidelity (Atkins and Kessel, 2008) .Past divorce and remarriage also are factors that influence infidelity. The age at which couples enter into a relationship also influences infidelity. According Blow (2005) the younger the couple is when starting a relationship, the higher the chances of experiencing infidelity. 2.11 Justifications for engaging in infidelity Cheating individuals tend to defend their extramarital behavior in many ways. The justification concerning physical/sexual relationships includes sexual curiosity, excitement and enjoyment. Justifications concerning emotional relationships include intellectual sharing, companionship, bolstering of self-esteem and understanding. People may also engage in EMS so as to obtain career advancement and to get equal to a spouse (Treas & Giesen, 2000). According to Glass and Wright, men were the most who justified themselves on sexual dimension while women mostly justified themselves with emotional dimension. 2.12 Aftermath of infidelity The aftermath of infidelity may either be positive or negative. According Caprio (2007) there some unintended positive outcomes of infidelity; they include increased assertiveness, closer marital relationships, taking care of one-self, placing higher value on family and the realization of the importance of good marital communication. According to Michael (2009), the negative outcomes entailed: anger, loss of trust, reduced sexual and personal confidence, dented self esteem and a rush of justification to leave a spouse. A study conducted on people engaging in EMS showed that 25%of those partners who had cheated and 60% of their main relationship partners alleged that they experienced depression and emotional problems following revelation. Other consequences comprise harm to other relationships for instance those with parents, children, and friends, legal and financial consequences. 2.13 Infidelity and divorce According to Atkins and Kessel (2008), infidelity contributes to divorce not considering who among the spouse was alleged as having presented the trouble. However, Caprio (2008), dispute that and holds that the infidelity’s negative outcome on marriage is determined by how concerned partners are in the infidelity relationship. Jayson (2008) holds that extra marital affairs themselves do not cause relationship dissolution. He however maintains that the general intensity of relationship satisfaction, the intentions ascribed to infidelity, the disagreement levels caused over the infidelity and thoughts held about infidelities play a significant part in couple’s decision to part in a relationship. A sample of 205 divorced individuals done by Spanier and Margolis showed that about half linked their marital problems to infidelity amongst their spouses. Merely 6% of the 79 individuals who involved in EM relationship blamed their marital problems on their infidelity. Women who are infidel will tend to fault themselves for the ending of their marriages as opposed to divorced ones who are not engaged in infidelity. Men on the other hand, often blame their relationship dissolution on their partners. According to Spanier and Margolis, when couples marriage dissolves due to infidelity, the faithful spouse may experience low self esteem if they strongly disapproved the partners’ infidelity. They also engage in future relationships in fear that they may be hurt. Research also shows that individuals who initiated divorce as a result of their partner’s infidelity in reality encounter less depression in relation to those who initiated divorce for other reasons (Caprio, 2009). 2.14 The Healing process for couples who have experienced infidelity Disclosure is an important factor to consider when it comes to assessing how couples recover from the damage caused by infidelity. It is useful for couples to appreciate that disclosure is a procedure not an immediate event. According to a study by Atkins and Kessel (2008), which looked into the treatment progress of couples affected by infidelity, couples who kept infidelity as a secret did not have a positive progress in the treatment and in some occasions deteriorated as compared to those who disclosed. This was a pilot study and the data collected after analysis convinces that disclosure of infidelity is an important component of the healing process. Olson study gives a three phase model in relation to the outline of experiences among the participants who came to know of their partners infidelity act. Phase one, roller coaster, is manifested through turmoil within the early stages of detecting infidelity. Among other things as Michael (2009) puts “negative outcomes, strong feelings oscillate among anger, self-blame, ambiguity, introspection, deepened appreciation for spouse and family, awareness, desire to give-up and even desire to work on marital relationship are common. Second is the moratorium stage whereby there is an occurrence of emotional flare-ups, although less emotional reactivity in general. By the end of this stage, couples who live together are determined to make marriage work and have a strong commitment to their marriage and family which is a vital factor for healing at this stage within the relationship. The final stage is the trust building and it entails taking responsibility, improved communication, guarantee of dedication and forgiveness. This stage calls for couples opening up and concentrating on problems resulting to infidelity. 2.15 Suggestions for Future Research Future research need to be improved in various points of the research so as to improve the knowledge on understanding infidelity. Our research is by no means a comprehensive list though and hence more research needs to be done 2.15.1 Vulnerability to Infidelity Researchers need to look at the factors that make people more vulnerable to infidelity into details. Further research concerning infidelity and adult attachments styles could lead to appealing data to be carried out researched on. 2.15.2 The Decision to Enter into Infidelity This will help elucidate the process through which people engage in infidelity relationships notwithstanding their best intentions. This is because it affects even high profile leaders and individuals with deep religious convictions. 2.15.3 More qualitative analysis on infidelity To understand the process of infidelity, its consequences into depth and how it correlates a dynamic interchange needs to be put in place between quantitative and qualitative studies whereby detailed explorations are obtained in qualitative studies and claims falsified in quantitative studies. CONCLUSION To conclude, according to this review, there are contradictory finding on infidelity. This is because many researchers have not done an in depth research on the subject and so many questions remain unanswered. Infidelity is a sensitive issue that needs to be addressed to in depth. As we have seen it leads to many things for example divorce and the cheating may be due to a very simple issue that if addressed to can make spouses to be faithful to one another (Duncombe, 2004). Research also need to be done on other categories of people apart from married people as they are also affected and if the issue is not addressed then this can be carried on into marriage which will in turn lead to the consequences we have seen. The number of divorce and children outside marriage is increasing and hence the urgency to do more research and come up with solutions of combating the issue of infidelity. CHAPTER 3 3.0 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Study design A cross-sectional survey will be carried out to assess causes and effects of marital infidelity in marriage in California State. The reason for choosing the design is that it covers a large population in a short time. It will be done in a specific time frame during which a community wide survey will be conducted. 3.2 Study area The study will be carried out in Yorba Linda city in the southern California state coastal region. Its located 25 miles southeast of Los Angeles and 95 miles north of San Diego. 3.3 Sampling procedure Purposive non-probability sampling will be used whereby all married couples will be eligible. 3.4 Target population The target population is of this research are married people living in Yorba Linda city. 3.5 Data collection tools Researcher–administered semi structured questionnaires will be engaged for required data collection 3.6 Sampling frame The sampling frame will involve all married couples. The sample will be determined as follows;        n=Z2.p.q         d2              Where: n= sample size Z=standard normal deviate at required confidence level P= proportion in the target population estimated to have characteristics being measured. Q= 1-p d= level of statistical significance Given p is at 47% At 95% confidence level, Z ? =2.36 d= 100 – 95% =   5    =0.05         100             100               q= 1-p =1000 – 47 =   953 = 0.953                                   100 P= 0.047 Hence; n=Z2pq d2 n= l .6452x0.047x0.953 0.052 =41 respondents. 3.7 Pretesting Pretesting will be done in Anaheim city which is located to the south of Yorba Linda city. 3.8 Data and statistical analysis Data collected will be analyzed by a team of experts. Cross tabulations will be calculated and Pearson’s chi-square test employed to test implication of relationships linking categorical variables. Pie chart and graphs will be used to present the results found after analyzing the data collected. APPENDICES APPENDIX I: QUESTIONNAIRE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF MARITAL INFIDELITY IN MARRIED COUPLES INTRODUCTION The data collected will be used in carrying out research to assess causes and effects of marital infidelity in married in Yorba Linda city. You are kindly requested to answer the following questions in this questionnaire. Thereafter, the information obtained will be used in planning of intervention programs and educating couples on infidelity and its consequences and on how to avoid it. In addition the collected information will be used to rank the reliability of sources of information on marital infidelity in married couples. The researcher therefore assures the respondents of complete confidentiality and ethical consideration during the study period.   INSTRUCTIONS Circle the appropriate answer Code……………………………………..     Date of interview…………………………   A. DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION 1. Sex                  a) Male                    b) Female 2. Age               a) 17-25 years            b) 26-34 years              c) 35-43 years d) 44-52 years e) 53 years and above 3. Age of the husband/wife……………………………………………………………                       4. Residence……………………………………………………………………………………. 5. Number of children in the household under ……………………………………. 6. Level of education     a) Never attended school        b) Primary  c) Secondary                        d) college e)university 7. Economic activity ………………………………………………………………………… 8. How much do you earn in a month a. 0 – 50$ b. 50 – 100$ c. 100 – 150$ d. 150 – 200$ e. Above 200 $ B. relationships 9. For how long have you been married?... 10. Have you ever been married again?... a)yes b)no 11. If yes, what happened? .... 12. Have you ever cheated on your partner? A) yes b) no 13. If yes, a) when….. b) How many times… 14. What made you to cheat on your partner?………….. 15. Do you still cheat?... 16. Do you suspect that he/she cheats on you?...... D. Causes 17. What triggered you to cheat? ........ 18. Has it been the same reason for you to continue cheating? ...... a) Yes b) no 19. If no, give reasons…… 20. Have you ever tried to talk to your spouse about the problem? ........ . a) yes b) no 21. If yes, how was the response…. 22 Are you satisfied with him/her being your wife/husband? ........ a) yes b)no 23. If no, why? .............. B. Effects 24. After you have cheated, how do you feel ? .... 25. Do you still have the same feelings towards your partner?...... 26. Have you ever been caught?...a) yes b)no 27. If yes, how was the outcome?.. 28. Have you ever contracted a disease from the affairs outside your marriage?... a) yes b) no 29. If yes, which disease? 30. Do you have children outside marriage?..... F. healing process. 31. How do you feel about it?... 32. Do you ever feel guilty?.. 33. Do you think you can apologize?... 34. Do you consider reconciling?......... 35. What is your opinion on the way forward? 36. When you were caught, did you reconcile?..a) yes b)no 37. If yes, how did you go about it?.. 38. How is it working after reconciling?..... Appendices 2: Work plan    Time Frame   Activity 20th Nov - 5th Dec 6th - 16th Dec 18th- 24th   Dec 2nd  – 15th Jan 17th  – 25th Jan 30th Jan Preparation to go to   The field               Pre testing               Data collection               Data analysis and interpretation             Report  writing               Presentation of the results               REFERENCES Atkins, C and Kessel, E. (2008) Religious and Infidelity: Attendance, but not Faith and Prayer, Predict Marital Fidelity. Journal of Marriage and Family, 70 (2):407-418. , G., Kristina C., Donald, S., Douglas, K. (2004) An Integrative Intervention for Promoting Recovery from Extramarital Affairs. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 24 (8): 123-150 Blow, J. (2005). Infidelity in Committed Relationship II: A Substantive Review. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 7 (12): 45-58 Caprio, F. S. (2007). Marital infidelity. New York: Citadel Press. Duncombe, J. (2004). The State of Affairs: Explorations in infidelity and Commitment (LEA's Series on Personal Relationships). New York: Psychology Press. Jayson, S. (2008). Getting reliable data on infidelity isn’t easy. California: University of California Press. Michael, C. (2009). Marital Infidelity: How Common Is It? Retrieved 16 Nov. 2011 from Treas, J., & Giesen, D. (2000). Sexual infidelity among married and cohabiting Americans. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 62, 48-60. Read More
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Confidentiality in Marital and Family Counseling

125) pointed out that one challenge facing marital and family therapists is whether to facilitate partner disclosure or accommodate nondisclosure after the revelation of Marital Infidelity by one of the couple to the therapist.... many therapists housed the infidelity secret because doing so is both “efficient” and “compassionate” given the possible repercussions of a revelation on the couple's relationship (p.... They concluded that facilitating voluntary disclosure of infidelity is the most honest response to the revelation done confidentially (2009, p....
6 Pages (1500 words) Essay

Treating Infidelity - Hope and Justification

This paper "Treating infidelity - Hope and Justification" suggests a number of annotations for the articles on the subject outlined in the headline.... Therapists often face the conflicting issue of whether to help the straying partner move toward renewed fidelity by disclosing infidelity to the marriage partner or whether to support keeping it a secret and move on from there.... The conclusion of the article is that therapists should facilitate voluntary disclosure of the infidelity as that has the best possibilities for increased attachment intimacy outcome, and is the most ethical course of action....
9 Pages (2250 words) Annotated Bibliography
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