One of the protagonists in this study is Kevin Stewart, who represents a group of workers in a firefighting agency within the New York City. Kevin affirms that several workers continue to experience poor health conditions as a result of exposure to direct fire during the operations. Some of the reasons cited include lack of adequate protection, especially during emergency responses. Rose, equally supports the idea relating to study and exposure to the plight and health risks undergone by the firefighters in performing their roles.
She asserts that many retired firefighters show consistent poor health patterns as a result of constant exposure to smoke and emissions during the firefighting incidents. In fact, she expresses much need and support for such a study in order to unearth the plight of such personnel. Lastly, Steve supports the need to improve the training related to the firefighting operations. He asserts that many people lose their lives during a practical exercise intended to put out the fire as a result of poor operations management and the process of carrying out the incidents.
Therefore, the exposure made by this study intends to point out some of the areas of weaknesses associated with firefighting missions and the need to improve such areas so as to protect the lives of many people. The support roles, however, represents the conflict between the protagonists in light of their perception and involvement in the study of the plight of the firefighters. One of such conflicts expresses itself in the manner of understanding the firefighting mission. Some of the protagonists argue that the operation remains a risky job and should be avoided to save lives of the firefighters.
On the other hand, other protagonists argue that just a well-planned training exercise benefits the workforce and therefore no need to scrap out the roles of the firefighters (Zimmerman 2012). The other conflict arises from the perception relating to the safety standards of the local authorities as well as the fire agencies. Some of the protagonists argue that the duty to maintain the safety standards rests with the local authorities while others assert that the particular fire agencies need to ensure maximum policies and standards to promote safety.
Nevertheless, these protagonists agree on the need for better and improved safety conditions, guiding policies and adequate training to prevent risky exposures to the firefighters and also to save lives. Media Tools The media tools in this section represent the various techniques which aid in representing the information within the study. The concern of the health and safety of the firefighting in the modern societal set up usually relates to the roles and involvement of several regulating agencies.
The structure adopted in this paper articulates the various bodies concerned with addressing the social and economic concerns of the firefighters. In addition, the format adopted in the paper entails the use of case studies with much relevance on the plight of the firefighters. The need to adopt the case study structures and representation of the media concerns relate to the purpose of driving a practical scenario and concept of the study. One of the media tool adopted in the case study involves the use of storyboards to depict various scenarios.
The storyboards provide typical incidents of firefighting missions in which the various personnel involved faced a range of health-related risks. The use of scenarios demonstrates a typical set up of the firefighting ordeal. The intention of using typical storyboards aim at providing a more realistic face to the notion of the risks associated with firefighting. In addition, it also aims at ensuring that the analysis adopts a more critical and realistic approach especially after evaluating the past incidents associated with risk exposure concerns.
This tool provides a more pragmatic approach and relevance to the question of the plight of Peter Michael and the need to seek redress on the exposure.
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