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Useful Journals for the Investigation of Terrorism and Counterterrorism - Annotated Bibliography Example

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This annotated bibliography "Useful Journals for the Investigation of Terrorism and Counterterrorism" depicts various studies on the dynamics of terrorism and the ways they can lead to disruption of world peace. Alternatively, they depict some of the measures employed by government agencies…
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Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Introduction The annotated journals below depict various studies on dynamics of terrorism and the ways they can lead to disruption of the world peace. Alternatively they depict some of the measures employed by government agencies to try and curb the heinous acts. Furthermore they focus on the dynamics such as racism in the media and how it can contribute to terrorism. It goes without mention that the journals explore reason why countries attacks each other on the basis of terrorism acts. Alsoannotatedjournal depict some of the reason that lead to individuals committing terror attacks on some states or individuals by citing some past examples. Authors who have written this journals base theirfacts on their own experiences or else some theprevious studies carried out by previous researchers. Notated studies varies from policing and intelligence to causes of Iraq war to media racial double standardsRacial violence and discrimination has been always there especially in Europe and in the America continents (Wilcox,. 1997). The way the media reports the incidences of violence met by different races across the globe depict some form of bias. During the American civil war in1861-1865, both North and South America fought each other because of the slave trade abolishment. Eventually the southern states won and that marked the end of slave trade. That marked the advent of the black struggle against the whites. The idea of equality of all races fuelled racism as blacks were seen as inferior humans as the whites held the upper hand even in the government. That just forms a recap of what we expect from annotated journals. Dorgan, J. (2013). Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism (Doctoral dissertation, Yard University, Bahamas). This journal is based on the journalist matter-of-fact research, Dorgan attempts to look into ways in which states can use national intelligence and policing to combat terrorism. Him being a witness in various recent terrorist attacks, theauthor summarizes his views on how intelligence and policing can be used to prevent terrorist attacks. As a journalist with, experience Dorganis aware of limitations of his research and also the moral implications of her research statistics deemed to be experimental which a reflection of real issues in the text are. The author is bringing new insights and supplemented his thoughts with scholarly academic research on his places of occupation, religion and social status which he depicts as some of the major factors causing terrorist attacks. Dorgan research is well researched, timelyplaced not forgetting its well described. It’sworth noting that the author has identified a model that serve best to suit management of terrorism risks. He discusses Intelligence-led policing (ILP) as model of policing that’s built in such a way it can assess and manage risks. He also outline how the framework works. The journal states that intelligence officer’s roles are modified in a way that intelligence officials act as directors to operations rather than being operations guiding intelligence. The author had witnessed the September 11 terrorist attacks on USA soil, which led him to advocate for this model. He explains in the journal that police to diversify their role from being law enforcers to being spies thus they are able to collect enough information about an eminent attack. According to the author the model urges the police forces and the intelligence bodies such as the C.I.A to spend substantial time providing work for informants and combat criminal terrorist offenders. Hans S., Ramsay, C., & Lewis, E. (2003). Journal of Conflict Resolution: research on war and peace between and within nations the Iraq war. Social justice quarterly, 118(4), 569-598. What were the reasons that led United States of America invade Iraq? Hans has written a journal to try and definer the situation .The question has been asked so many times by opinion makers who sometimes converge or diverge ideally. The US had the notion that Iraq still had weapons of mass destructions which remained after the gulf war in 1991 after Hans’s previous studies. After the war with Kuwait in 1991 the UN had obliged Iraq to get rid of all the toxic and biological weapons it used against Kuwait. Furthermore the United Nations Security Council imposed sanctions to Iraq and demanded the Kuwait independence be restored. The United Nations formed a special commission which was tasked to inspect operations in Iraq to make sure the conditions that were to be met for peace agreement were followed. However the inspectors were ejected in December 1998 by the Iraq government as page 94 of the journal depicts. Following that security and Military targets we bombed in Iraq to try to dismantle the industries where this weapons were being, manufactured. UN viewed the weapons as a threat to world peace. The US viewed Iraq as a potential aggressor thus there was a need to attack Saddam Hussein government to try and dismantle the weaponry. Josef, F. S., Terrorism in United States of America. (2008). Leadership and counterrorism59(2), 7-10. The United States had faced a lot of terrorism attacks. The most memorable incident is the 11th September 2001(Hans 2012).The series of well-coordinated terrorist attacks that were launched by Al –Qaeda an Islamite group that led by Osama bin Laden, in New York City and metropolitan area in the US. Hans estimated that over 2990 people died during the incident and property of at least 10 billion US dollars was destroyed .19m al-Qaeda terrorist hijacked four passenger airliners and intended to fly the planes into the buildings in a suicide attacks style. Time was running for the US government hence the need to attack promptly .Great Britain, for; many years had been a great ally to the United States,(Lewis 2003)Prime Minister Tony Blair delivered a similar speech the same as for Colin Powell the US sectary to the State .Britain and US unanimously resolved that attacking Iraq was nearly inevitable. The attack according to Hans was one way of stumping out terrorism. Gill, H. A. (1997). Media Racial double standards: Resistance and the pedagogy of whiteness. Cultural Studies, 11(3), 376-389. Gill in his journal depict for instance if a white person was offended by a black person the media tend to overlook the issue and they don’t report with such intensity and magnitude. Considering then a black was offended by a white person all the news rooms would be filled with the breaking news and report the news with so high magnitude and intensity. This depicts high double standards of the media. The racial double standards don’t only occur for white and black only as Gill puts it in the second chapter. It also occurs in the people of same lineage but of different beliefs and culture as evidenced in the Middle East Palestine whereby the Israelis are in conflict with the Palestine’s in Gaza strip. The large broadcasting corporation tend to show how much the Palestine’s are suffering forgetting even hoe the Israelis have been killed by the Hamas who fire rockets in Israel. This clearly depicts the media report the news with a kind of bias towards a certain race which fuel terror attacks on both conflicting sides Some of the harsh headlines in the news room tend to show clearly the media only focus one side of the story .It not a wonder to see headlines like this in the television ‘Israel army kills 200 children in Gaza’’ but they don’t bring news on how many Israeli soldiers are killed when fighting (Gill 1997).This bring s about disparity in reporting and according to Gill it’s one of cause of disabilities in the region. In the US hatred of the whites will surely become the next day large scale unstoppable act of victimization. When measured with the most present events the most definite and elite opinion in the States which is of course depicted and more so depicted in the mass media and also the political establishment is bringing more and more hostility towards the whites which are the traditional in the US as illustrated in Chapter four of the journal. Davison, W., & James, L. (2001). Terrorism and democracy: Culprits and victims. Terrorism and Political Violence, 13(1), 155-164. Davison journal provides an in-depthinvestigation on how terrorism and political violence may be a threat to international security. TheAuthor discusses relevant examples from his own experience and also from research done previously thatdepict that political violence can be a menace to international security. Taking astringent approach to the real concept of making of a terrorist it’s worth noting that joining the cause in a form of comradeship is the goal of any cohesion group that focuses on military training and this forms the basis of terrorism violence against particular states .Dynamics of radical group going underground to surface as a terrorist group is well illustrated by the author in the second and third chapter of this journal. Socialfactors are the eminent factors that definitely lead to emergence of terrorism and political violence. Theauthor notes that combination of threats outside and isolation are some of pertinent factors that contribute toterrorism. It’s evident in the journal that empirical evidence have been given to support this notion. Theauthor gave an example of attacks of terror aimed at the Turks by the Armenian army (Davison 2009) TheArmenian secret army for Liberation of Armenia gained outsides support by attacking the Turkish government at the same time when civil societies werecondemning attacks of Turkish regime towardsArmenia. Similarly the author notes the same phenomena was the one experienced when Hamas militants in Palestine attacked Israel by projecting missile into Israel. Chapters in this text clearly depict that political violence can bring instability to a region. Abdul Raza, W., & Jamal, L. (2004). Terrorism in North Africa: Costs and losses. Terrorism and Political Violence, 13(1), 155-164. The Author gives an empirical example of the Arab spring that spread from Tunisia proceeded to Libya, spread to Egypt and Syria. North Africa region wasdevastated, lost many lives and this lead to slump of the economies of those particular states. As the author depicts the aftermath war economic effects affected the whole as even the price of oil rose during the Arab spring. TheAuthor doesn’t leave the fact that its matter of fact that countries faced with terrorism face hard economic times which may have spill over effects even to other world countries. The journal gives a better illustration of the insurgency witnessed in Nigeria by the Boko Haram in Nigeria has destabilized the whole western Africa region. The author depicts of the evolution that transforms social injustices to large scale terrorism. Individuals tend to move from being a sympathizer to an activist then all over a sudden he takes a major sacrifice and risk such as suicide attack. The journal gives an example of Wafa Idris the first female suicide bomber in Palestine who became a suicide bomber basically two years after becoming member of Hamas .It’s from this journal perfect examples are given that makes a firm stand that terrorism can be a threat to international security and peace. Benjamin, E. (2003). Security Council resolution 1373, the counter-terrorism committee, and the fight against terrorism. American Journal of International Law, 333-341. Benjamin journal offers honest challenges that face the fight against terrorism with references to Israel. All through the chapters it’sworth noting that geographical position of Israel makes it vulnerable to terrorist attacks. The journal is very descriptive in that it outlines challenge after challenge that face Israel as a state and also as a religion. Benjamin includes all the previous history and studies and combines personal experiences since he was born and raised up in Jerusalem. The journal describes waves of terrorism of various intensities and types that affected Israeli nation since its inception. NeverthelessBenjamin cites variousterrorists’ organizations that attack Israel (Shi’ite and Palestinian) in different platforms such as shooting, bombing and suicideattacks. The author gives us a vivid picture in chapter four wherebyit’s by observable facts that since Yasser Arafat died, the wave of suicide attacks that gripped the nationsubsidised. On the other hand there have been increase of threats front them (Benjamin 2003).Northern frontier brought aboutby Hezbollah while the Southern sidechampioned by Gaza militants. Benjamin gives a description of the Arab spring that prevent Israel with a new security concern due to the fact that Israel is surrounded by Arab countries. Yosef K. (2003). Gaza conflict resolution 1353, the counter-terrorism committee, and the fight against terrorism in Palestine. Middle East Journal of International Law, 333-341. Chapter 2 describes how Isla mist –jihadist’s radical individuals create anarchy leading to governance crises along territories that surround Israeli nation. He further explains this hard-lineIslamist export terrorism to the neighbouring nations such as Israel and then whole world. Benjamin has cited another reason for the failure to combat terrorism is the recent development of strength accorded toShi’iteMuslimpopulationled by Iran which the union is striving to make mass nuclear weapons.The journal continues to illustrate that Israel and the USA have killed top Iranian scientist and Hezbollah top officials. When these claims surface, it’s likely to lead to attacks on Israel, the USA and their backer’s thus bringing insecurity in the whole world .Negotiations have been on between the Palestinian government and the Israel government brokered by the USA.Some of the recommendations outlined in the agreement is to release Palestinian prisoners held in Israel. The factis, according to the journal the released prisoners resurface again and return to the cycle of terror attacks after their release. Failure to reach a consensus by both parties lead to wave of violence and masskilling in the Gaza strip coupled with various acts of terrorism. In the year 2005 Israeligovernment disengaged from Gaza strip in 2005.Bejanamin postulates this was one of the reasons that led to bled of Hamas and other terror groups building a rocket system that was key to attacks on the Israeli population. Benjamin concludes by depicting the fact that attacks on Israel soil is threat to peace of Middle East which can escalate far and wide to the whole world thus threatening global peace. Punch, M. (2011). Racial corruption: racism as a form of terrorism, accountability and reform in policing. Routledge. According to (Punch 2011) even to the most respected an iconic media personalities in the US, they admit that America is still in the shackles of racism despite the progress that was well made it the most ever destructive civil war in the US. The most influential black media personalities in the US have already admitted that the white old racists have to all die for the country to have a racist free nation. They also point out during interviews that the much level criticism directed at the president Barack Obama and also the kind of disrespect levelled against the office of the presidency since his election in office is because of the fact the President is a black man. The media personalities who even own their shows watched all over the globe claim have a lot of wealth in the same country the y depict as a racist country. .Oprah Winfrey one of the elite media personalities say that critics of President Obama are all, racists and also she argues that all the racists have to die and perish, illustrates deep detestation towards the whites When Gordon Jekinns the black mayor of Monticello, New York was of recently arrested for drunk driving he went overboard and chanted anti-white slur which was clearly captured on video. He consecutively and repeatedly chanted and called the white police officers manning the station ``crackas’’ and also was heard characterizing the black police officer who busy processing his warrant of arrest as a traitor (Jorge&Witte, 1993 ) He wanted the Black cop to let him off the hook. The situation could have been different if Mr.Jekinns was a Whiteman chanting those slurs loudly. Lederman, D., Loayza, N. V., & Soares, R. R. (2009). Corruption in shape of terrorism: Political institutions matter. Economics & Politics, 17(1), 1-35. The author depicts corruption as generally the most heinous obstacles of development. It’s always associated with negatively related economic consequences. This is through reduction of private investment, limiting growth and development thus limiting application of macro and microeconomic policies (Soares 2011). The authors present study depict that political institutions play an important role in shaping arrays in government corruption. Provision of public goods and political accountability are the main channels in which political institutions influences corruption. Political institutions that appraise political accountability either by championing prosecution of corrupt officers tend to be in the course of reducing corruption incidence. In relation to this the institutions that generate an environment that’s competitive in provision of services and public goods reduce extraction of bribes thus encouraging accountability, definitely reducing corruption (Soares 2009 Conclusion All the annotations above depicts a picture on how dynamics of terrorism can disrupt world’speace. It’s worth noting that the from media racial double standards to attack in Iraq and the campaignagainstIsrael, they all depict terrorism disrupts global peace. The effects of terrorism are devastating starting with loss of lives and property, maiming and injuries and the trauma faced by the affected population(Benjamin 2003) World leaders need to step up their security systems to keep off terrorist threats .We have observed fromthe first annotation that policing and gathering of intelligenceserves as one of the best ways to step up the fight against terror attacks .In another arena we have seen that the media need not to harbour any bias against a particular race to reduce the escalation media racial discrimination that eventually turn out to form a terrorist grouping. All the Authorsjournals have been well researched and their thoughts are in form of their own experiences and previous studies done earlier. References . Benjamin, E. (2003). Security Council resolution 1373, the counter-terrorism committee, and the fight against terrorism. American Journal of International Law, 333-341. Davison, W., & James, L. (2001). Terrorism and democracy: Culprits and victims. Terrorism and Political Violence, 13(1), 155-164. Dorgan, J. (2013). Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism (Doctoral dissertation, Yard University, Bahamas). Gill, H. A. (1997). Media Racial double standards: Resistance and the pedagogy of whiteness. Cultural Studies, 11(3), 376-389. Hans S., Ramsay, C., & Lewis, E. (2003). Journal of Conflict Resolution: research on war and peace between and within nations the Iraq war. Social justice Quarterly, 118(4), 569-598. D CHAPIN, F. S., terrorism in United States of America. (2008). Corruption and Accountability. Public Management, 59(2), 7-10. Lederman, D., Loayza, N. V., & Soares, R. R. (2009). Corruption: Political institutions matter. Economics & Politics, 17(1), 1-35. Mungiu-Pippidi, A. (2010). Culture of corruption or accountability deficit. E. Eur. Const. Rev., 12, 80. Pincus, J., & Winters, J. A. (Eds.). (2012). Reinvention of terrorism Cornell University Press Punch, M. (2011). Criminal terror: Deviance, accountability and reform in policing. Routledge. Read More
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