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The Social Impact of the Sims on Young Malaysian Adults Aged 18-25 Years - Term Paper Example

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The study "The Social Impact of the Sims on Young Malaysian Adults Aged 18-25 Years" examined the gaming habits of the audience and their motivations for avidly playing the Sims. A survey and participant observation were the three methods used in this study to establish the findings…
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Audience Analysis Research Paper The Social Impact of the “Sims” on Young Malaysian Adults aged 18-25years Student Name Course Tutor Date Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 1.1 Introduction 4 1.2 Audience Background 5 2.1 Survey 7 2.2 Why do a Survey? 7 2.3 Implementation 8 2.4 The Findings 9 3.1 In-depth Interview 11 3.2 Why do an In-depth Interview? 11 3.3 Implementation 11 3.4 The Findings 11 4.1 Participant Observation 13 4.2 Why do a Participant Observation? 13 4.3 Implementation 13 4.4 The Findings 13 5.1 Analysis 14 6.1 Research Proposal 17 Appendices 19 Appendix 1: Survey 19 Appendix 2: In-depth Interview Transcript 22 Appendix 3: Participant Observation Transcript 25 References 27 Executive Summary This research paper has examined some of the social impacts of the “Sims” on young Malaysian adults aged 18-25years. In order to establish this, the study examined the gaming habits of this audience and their motivations for avidly playing the Sims. A survey, an in-depth interview and a participant observation were the three methods used in this study to establish the findings. Some of the key findings established through these research methods include; Most participants used the Sims due to its interactivity, open-endedness, vividness and its overall applications. Motivations of using the Sims as cited by most respondents in this audience, include the fact that they use the Sims for entertainment purposes, to express their creativity and so as to get a sense of achievement. Some of the positive social impacts associated with the use of the Sims in this audience include the fact, it helps users learn how to build their interpersonal relationships, learn organisational skills, improve on their time management and relieve stress. On the other hand, some of the negative impacts associated with the use of Sims is that it promotes antisocial behaviour and consumes a lot of time that could be used for social interactions. Audience Analysis Report: The Social Impact of the “Sims” on Young Malaysian Adults 1.1 Introduction Over time, the video game industry around the globe has experienced steady growth and expansion. The findings of a study conducted by the PricewaterhouseCoopers’ shows that the gaming industry is a strong financial force that should be reckoned with since it is expected to expand with an annual growth rate of 6.4% from $52 billion in 2009 to $ 86 billion by 2014. The steady expansion and growth of this industry can be attributed to the increase of avid video game players and addicts (Usher 2011). Due to the development of customised and interactive gaming applications, the numbers of avid video game players has steadily increased with time. The Sims is a good example of a video game with a wide global audience of avid players and addicts. Basically, “The Sims” is a simulation video game or a digital play space developed by Electronic Arts that allows its users to strategically simulate events. Following its launch into the market in 2000, it has become a crossover hit and a global cultural phenomenon. It is considered as one of the most successful video games in history and can be ranked as the third best selling video game in the world. What makes the Sims to stand out from other video game applications, are its interactive and customised applications that enable users to be totally in control. In addition to this, the Sims incorporates a combination of 2D and 3D graphics that further exhilarate the experience of users (Sihvonen 2011). Malaysia is one of the countries around the globe with a wide audience of avid players and addicts of the Sims. The audience of avid Sims players in Malaysia mainly comprises of young adults between the ages 18 to 25 years. Generally, Malaysia has a multicultural and multi-ethnic society with different values, expectations and practices. As a country, Malaysia is up to date with current technology. Its economy is based on high-tech and technology driven productions (Mani, 2000). The youth in the country have efficiently embraced technology for educational and social purposes like research, communication and entertainment (Saw & Kesavapany, 2006). Most youths in Malaysia are self-driven, self-oriented, pleasure seeking and posses a strong need for self-expression and freedom (Zajda, 2010). The Sims provides a platform for the youth in Malaysia to realise these needs hence there are many avid Sims players in Malaysia. As a result, it is worth questioning, the social impact that the Sims has on this audience. Numerous studies have been conducted to examine the general impact that the Sims has on its users nevertheless, no studies has been conducted to examine the social impact that this simulation video game has on young adults in Malaysia between the ages of 18 to 25 years. Therefore, I decided to conduct a study that will illuminate the social impacts that Sims has on this audience. Basically, I am interested in this audience mainly due to its versatile and dynamic nature. I am also specifically interested with this audience so as to understand the social impacts that “The Sims” digital play space has on the audience. In my research study, I want to establish whether there are benefits or disadvantages associated with the use of this digital play space. I will examine how this audience uses the Sims as a platform to learn, develop their personality, escape reality and create their own virtual world to replace the real world.My focus will be directed towards avid Sims players who play for a minimum of 20 hours a week. 1.2 Audience Background According to Hartmann (2009) research into media audiences aims at showing how and why individuals use particular media platforms. Hartmann further notes that these types of studies analyse how and why individuals develop, pursue and implement particular media contents. If researchers are to effectively establish how media choices work, the how and why aspects of research should be closely linked. This will therefore necessitate for the researchers to consider the individual and environmental factors which influence media choices. It will also help researchers to establish the determinants and impacts of certain media platforms (Hartmann 2009). With reference to the sentiments of Hartmann (2009), the focus of this research study was directed towards examining why and how individuals in this audience use the Sims and the social impacts thereof. Some of the specific research questions used for this study include; 1. On average, how many hours per day do participants spend playing the Sims? 2. What is the motivation behind participants’ regular use of the Sims? 3. What are some of the benefits participants experience while using ‘The Sims’? 4. What are some of the negative impacts of playing this game? The target audience for this research study were Malaysian young adults between the ages of 18 to 25 years. This audience comprised of avid Sims players who play for a minimum of 20 hours a week. A total of 24 participants were used for this study. From the research study conducted, a considerable number of the audience are Malaysian students studying in Australia. Most of the students who participated in this study were between the ages of 22 to 25 years and have been playing the Sims for over one year. The findings of this research study depicted that the target audience are mainly students at the university who are acquainted with the use of computers and technology in general. This audience used the Sims for social purposes such as entertainment, self-expression and for the development of one’s personality and creative abilities. From this study, it was also established that the male spent more time playing the Sims than the female participants. Furthermore, it was established that those in the younger age groups spent more time playing the Sims than older participants. These findings echoes the findings of Furlong & Cartmel (2007) who established that the male spent more time playing video games than females and that younger age groups spend more time playing video games than older age groups. 2.1 Survey 2.2 Why a survey? In this research study, a survey was used as a qualitative research method that focused on a particular segment of the population to represent the overall audience. In this case, the survey conducted was used to obtain information from a large sample of the audience. It also helped to gather demographic data and information that effectively described the population of the target audience (McIntyre, 1999). Moreover, survey was used as the preferred method since it is cost-effective, easy to administer and efficient in collecting data from a wide population. Basically, the survey was designed to determine what attracts users to this game, how many hours they spend each week playing this simulation video game and some of the benefits they get from playing this game. Through this survey I also sought to establish the number of Malaysian Sims devotees and whether there are common characteristics among users with regards to their attraction to this video game and the social impacts that come as a result of playing this game. Basically, the key aim of this survey was to establish a better understanding for the audience particularly with regards to their age, the amount of time they spend playing the Sims, their motivations for playing the Sims and their experience while playing the Sims. 2. 3 Implementation The survey was administered online, in form of a closed-ended questionnaire questions. The survey incorporated eight close-ended questions with standardised multiple choices. Respondents were expected to answer the various survey questions using the provided multiple choices. (See appendix for survey questions). In order to encourage the participation of the target audience, I had to advertise the survey on social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. In the advertisement, I clearly indicated the purpose of the survey and ethical considerations such as confidentiality that will be upheld. Furthermore, I provided a link that would easily link interested participants to the survey questions. My target was to get at least 20 participants to participate in the survey. In addition to this, I used word of mouth to encourage some participants who I am acquainted with to participate in the survey. The total number of participants who answered the survey questions was 20. Most of these participants were students between the age group of 18-25 years. All participants were avid Sims players who used this digital play space regularly. Participants responded to this survey autonomously at different times and places. Each participant was given a maximum of 15 minutes to complete the survey. Most of these participants were students between the age group of 22-25 years. The graph below summarises the age of groups of participants who took part in the survey. Figure 1: Age of participants who took part in the Survey 2.4 Findings Gaming Habits: Questions 2, 3 and 5 of this survey sought to depict the gaming habits of this audience. All 20 participants who took part in this survey answered these questions. A critical analysis of the responses provided by these participants shows that; 40 %( 8 participants) played the Sims every day, 25 %( 5participants) only played the Sims during the weekends whereas 35 %( 7participants) played the Sims once in a while. Moreover, the findings of this survey showed that 90 %( 18participants) had played the Sims for over one year whereas 5 %( 1 participant) had played the Sims for over a month and another 5% of the participants had started playing the Sims recently. The finding of the survey also showed that on average, 35% of the participants played the Sims for 4 to 6 hours every day, another 35% played the Sims for at least 1 to 3 hours everyday, 25% of the participants played the Sims for close to 7-12 hours every day whereas 5% played for less than 1 hour every day. The graph below summarises the gaming habits of the participants based on the findings of the survey. Figure 2: Hours per day participants use to play the Sims Motivation: Question 4 and 6 of the survey sought to establish the motivation of using the Sims among it users. 55% (11 participants) of the respondents claimed that the mainly use the Sims for entertainment purposes, to express their creativity and so as to get a sense of achievement. On the other hand, 30 %( 6participants) of the respondents claimed that they use the Sims for entertainment purposes only whereas 15% (3 participants) indicated that they use the Sims so as to get a sense of achievement. Moreover, 70% (14 participants) of the respondents indicated that they used the Sims due to its interactivity, 15 %( 3 participants) used the Sims for its open-endedness, 10 %( 2 participants) for its applications and 5% (participant) for its vividness. Social impact: Question 7 and 8 of the survey focused on the experience that users have when using the Sims and the impacts. From the responses they gave, it is evident that the Sims helps its users to entertain themselves, learn different organizational skills and channel their creativity. 3. 1 In-depth Interview In-depth interviews with two avid players of the Sims were conducted to establish the social impact that the Sims has on its avid users. Basically, I conducted these interviews so as to gain more insight into the experience that users have when using the Sims and some of the social impacts that comes as a result of using the Sims.When conducting these interviews my main goal was to understand and extract meaning from the information provided by each respondent (Kvale, 1996). Conducting these interviews supplemented the survey, I had just conducted since it helped me to seek for clarifications and efficiently understand the experience that users have while using the Sims. 3. 2 Implementation I conducted the interviews in a relaxed and quiet setting. This enabled the participants to open-up and answer questions with ease.The design of these interviews was semi-structured in nature. In this case, I used a list of questions to guide me through the interviews nevertheless, the interviews were not limited to these set of questions. I asked additional questions based on the response of the interviewees so as seek for clarification and better understanding (see appendix for the used interview questions). The interviews with each interviewee took a maximum of 10 minutes. The questions asked during the interview were open-ended so as to enable participants to respond as they wish and provide new insights into the research (See appendix 2 for detailed interview transcripts). 3.3 Findings From the interviews conducted, I was able to gain insights on the social impacts of the Sims on its users. Both interviewees were cooperative and helpful in providing the required information. From my interview with the first respondent (Lenah), I was able establish that she plays the Sims everyday during her free time. She has been an avid player of the Sims since it was launched in the market in 2000. What Lenah likes most about the Sims, is that she gets to control what happens like her virtual family, what they look like, when they get married or have children and every other feature. In this interview, Lenah points out her experience while using the Sims is that, it takes up a lot of her time. Sometimes she gets so into the game such that she forgets about reality. Although she plays other video games, she finds Sims to be a bit different since it is so real and it enables one to channel their creativity. With regards to whether the Sims has helped her improve on her academics, Lenah claims that the Sims motivates her and helps her to become creative. On the other hand, she claims that the Sims has not helped her to improve her social skills since it takes her away from reality and the social scene. As a result, she is unable to communicate and interact with others. Nevertheless, the Sims has helped her learn how to build relationships and manage stress. From my interview with the second respondent (Serah), I was able to establish that she plays the Sims everyday and has been an avid player of the Sims since it was launched in the market. One of the aspects that Serah likes most about the Sims is that it provides a platform for her to escape from harsh realities in life. She notes that the difference between the old editions and the new edition of the Sims is that the new edition has a different interface, its graphics are extremely good, it has more options and it is more realistic. According to Serah, playing the Sims has helped her to improve her social skills by helping her to know people and make friends. By playing the Sims she has also learnt nurtures her relationships and connects with others. Moreover, playing the Sims motivates Serah to read books, work hard and achieve her goals. It also helps her to improve her time management. One of the negative aspects that Serah attributes to the Sims is that it incorporates uncouth behaviour such as killing so as to achieve a goal. 4.1 Participant Observation 4.2 Why conduct a participant observation? Conducting a participant observation exercise gave me additional insights on the experience that avid Sims users undergo when playing the Sims. This exercise gave me a suitable opportunity to examine how users immerse themselves into a virtual world and control the events around them. 4.3 Implementation In this process, I keenly observed two participants as they take part in Sims simulation video game. The setting of this observation was in a relaxed home atmosphere .While observing these participants, I tried not to be obtrusive so as not to obstruct the concentration of the participants while they play the game. I sat behind the participants and keenly observed their experience and the moves they made as they took part in the game. I observed each participant for at least 15 minutes. 4.4 Findings Participant 2 When observing, participant 1 while playing the Sims, I noticed that her initial move was to design how she looked , how her family looks like and the environment and house that her family lived in. She explored several options particularly those relating to physical features such as the face, hair colour and the type of dress that her family members wore. She also explored various features or options relating to the design of the house where her virtual family lived. Participant 1 seemed to be in total control and knowledgeable about the features and various applications in the game. Participants 2 The setting of this exercise took place in the participant’s hostel room. Observing participant 2 playing SimCity 4 was very intriguing and entertaining. He had created interesting and loud characters that made the whole experience thrilling. The participant had designed a very post-modern house with a bath tub, stereo system, a study room and a well equipped kitchen for the characters in the game. He made the participants take a shower, sleep, clean up the house, picking their mails from the mail box and even going to the toilet. The participant is also able to play music through the stereo in the house. With time the participant begins to make the characters interact with one another. Generally, the participant seems to be enjoying his experience, he seems to be fully occupied by what is going on in this simulation video game. Although, I cannot really tell the participants plans are with each character and the events taking place, it seems that the participant is experimenting on his imagination and channelling his creativity. 5.1 Analysis The three research methods that I used for this study namely; survey, in-depth interview and participant observation have played an invaluable role in helping me to realise the objectives of this research study. Basically, the key aim of this research study was to establish the social impact of the Sims on its avid users. Based on the findings obtained from the various research methods used, it is evident that there are both positive and negative social impacts that the Sims provides for its avid users. From the survey conducted, I was able to get a generalised outlook on the social impact of the Sims. Through the survey, I was able to get a general outlook on the gaming habits of this audience, their motivation of using the Sims and the social impacts that they experience. The findings of the survey revealed that most of the participants used the Sims due to its interactivity, open-endedness, vividness and its overall applications. These findings are in line with the sentiments of Tamborini and Skalski (2006) who note that electronic simulation video games provide users vividness and interactivity. Moreover, other motivations of using the Sims as cited by most respondents in this audience, include the fact that they use the Sims for entertainment purposes, to express their creativity and so as to get a sense of achievement. From these responses, one is able to see that the Sims as social platform whereby individuals can interact, entertain themselves, express themselves and gain a sense of achievement. In addition to this, the survey provided some additional insights on the social impacts that the Sims provides to its avid users. Through the survey, I was able to establish that Sims enables its users to learn various organisational skills and channel their creativity. These findings echo of Kirriemuir & McFarlane (2003) and Griebel (2006). In this research study, the conducted in-depth interviews played a critical role in illuminating both the positive and negative social impacts that the Sims provides for its avid users. The two participants were very cooperative and provided insightful information for the research. For instance, the first participant revealed that playing the Sims enables her to be in control and makes her feel that she is in control of things. The Sims also motivates her and makes her want to pursue a career in interior or exterior design. In addition to this, playing the Sims has over time helped her to learn how to connect with others and build her social relationships. On the other hand, this participant admits that being an avid player of the Sims has made her become somewhat antisocial since it takes her way from the real social scene. Playing the Sims also takes up a lot of her time thus limiting her interactions with others. The second participant revealed that some of the benefits associated with playing the Sims are that it provides place of escape from harsh realities. For her, the Sims gives her an avenue of reliving stress. The Sims also helps her to become goal oriented, hardworking and a better time keeper. Additionally, it has helped her improve her interpersonal relationships. By observing the two participants while they played Sim2 and Sim 4 respectively helped me to get a clear perspective of the experience that users have when playing the Sims. Although, I could not tell or understand what the participants were planning with each of the characters, I was able to see that participants were experimenting on their imagination and channelling their creativity. They also seemed to be fully occupied with simulating events in the game and enjoying this experience. The findings established through the three research methods used in this study reveals significant aspects about this audience. Foremost, from the findings established, it is evident that this audience comprises of individuals who are generally addicted to playing the Sims. This audience not only uses the Sims as an entertainment tool but also as a way of meeting their social needs. Through the three research methods used, it is apparent that this audience comprises of youths who are self-driven, self-oriented, pleasure seeking and posses a strong need for self-expression and freedom. Thus they use the Sims to meet their social needs for control, freedom and achievement. Moreover, the findings of this study resonate with Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory of mass communication. This theory suggests that people are generally self-organising, self-reflecting, self regulating and proactive and not just reactive beings who are shaped and affected by inner forces and environmental forces. Hence, based on this theory, people learn or adopt behaviours by observing other people performing certain behaviours and then imitating them. This theory also portrays the media as a key influencer and motivator of behaviour (Bandura, 2009). The results obtained from this study shows that participants have learnt how to build connections and social relationships by playing the Sims. By creating, coordinating and controlling characters and events in the Sims, users gradually learn to emulate or apply some lessons, they learnt in this virtual world to real life events. Playing the Sims has also motivated the users to become hardworking , goal-oriented and good time keepers. It has also influenced some of them and made them antisocial. In essence, the findings of this study confirm the validity and practicability of the social cognitive theory of mass communication. Based on the findings of this study, it is plausible to conclude that the Sims has both positive and negative social impacts. Nevertheless, the positive social impacts outweigh the negative. 6.2 Research proposal Although, several studies have been conducted on the impact of the Sims on young people, most these studies are generalised in nature. As a result, they fail to capture specific element about particular audiences. This study has attempted to examine the social impacts that the Sims has on young Malaysian adults between the ages of 18 to 25 years. The findings of this study distinctively show that this audience comprises of youths who are self-driven, self-oriented, pleasure seeking and posses a strong need for self-expression and freedom (Zajda, 2010). Hence, they use the Sims to meet their needs for control, freedom and achievement. Nevertheless, I think there is need for further research to be conducted so as to provide a holistic outlook on the socio-cultural impacts that the Sims has on this audience since this audience is multi-cultural and multi-ethnic in nature. Appendix 1: Survey The key aim of this survey is to examine how young adults in Malaysia 18 to 25 years use Sims as a digital play space to learn, develop their personality, escape reality and create their own virtual world to replace the real world. The survey is also geared towards analyzing the impact that “The Sims”, has on young adults in Malaysia. This research study is part of a university course requirement. Please be aware that this is a research exercise for class only. Kindly answer each question and as honestly as possible. This survey consists of 8 closed-ended questions with multiple choices (ABCD). Kindly mark the multiple choices that best describes your answer. Thank you for participating! 1. From the multiple choice provided mark your age group A. 16-18 years B. 19-21 years C. 22-25 years 2. How often do you play ‘The Sims’ A. Everyday B. During the weekends C. Once in a while D. Never 3. For how long have you played ‘The Sims’ A. Started Recently B. Over a month C. Over 1 year 4. What is your main motivation of playing the goal? A. To get a sense of achievement B. For entertainment purposes C. To express my creativity D. All of the above 5. On average, how many hours per day do you spend playing the game? A. Less than 1 hour B. 1 -3 hours C. 4- 6 hours D. 7 – 12 hours 6. What aspects of the Sims do you like most? A. Its interactivity B. Its vividness C. Its applications D. Its open-endedness 7. What are some of the benefits you have experienced while using ‘The Sims’? A. I entertained myself B. I learnt different organizational skills C. I channelled my creativity D. All of the above 8. How would you describe your experience while using the Sims? A. Very interesting B. Good C. Troubling D. Fun Figure 1: Age of participants who took part in the Survey Figure 2: Hours per day participants use to play the Sims Appendix 2: In –depth Interview Transcript for Interview 1( 5 minutes) Me: My topic for this interview is on Simulation video games. I know that you are a junkie when it comes to the Sims, as I was informed earlier Lenah: Yes. I am guilty of that Me: So, Lenah how often do you play the Sims? Lenah: Whenever I have time. When I wake up or before going to bed. Me: Everyday? Lenah: Like almost everyday, whenever I have the time. Me: Like you said, you play everyday, what do you like most about your simulation video game also known as the Sims? Lenah: Basically, I like the fact that I get to control what’s happening. Like having my own family. Creating how they look like, their features, from their face to their hair to their body type and everything. Controlling when they get married or have children or what not. Obviously I get to kill them, so that’s awesome. Me: So basically, what you like most is playing god? Lenah: There you go, exactly, I can play god and I cheat a lot too. Me: Alright, moving on. Can you describe your experience while using the Sims? What you like the most. Your interesting experience. Over 5 or 6 years now, how can you describe your experience? Lenah: It takes a lot of my time. I get so into it that I forget about reality sometimes. Of course its one of the best gaming experience. I play other games as well but Sims is a bit different. Like I said, you get to play god. It is like reality. You get to create. Me: From your experience, in what ways has the Sims helped you to improve on your academic level? Lenah: Well, when playing with Sims, I get to create my own house from scratch and also work on the interior and exterior designs. It makes me want to be a designer Me: Would you say, playing with Sims, has helped you improve on your social skills? Lenah: I don’t think it has improved. I play Sims a lot so it takes me away from reality. I don’t communicate with other people. It takes me away from the social scene. Me: What are some of the positive outcomes you have realised while playing the Sims? Lenah: Before you create a family, even though it is a game, you have to make conversation, build friendships up to a level of love, that way you can propose. Even though it is a game, not necessarily, that when you propose that they will agree, they may deny. Me: So you have to build a relationship? Lenah: Yes Me: So there are social skills involved? Lenah: Yeah…off course Transcript for Interview 2 (5 minutes) Me: Thank you for being here Serah: Thank you for inviting me Me: As you already know the topic, is about simulation video games, The Sims. I understand that you are also a Sims junkie, I guess Serah: Yes I am Me: My first question is how often do you play the Sims? Serah: I play the Sims all the time, when I go home from work even though am tired, I play the Sims and during the weekends, I also play the Sims. Me: Can you tell me, what you like most about the Sims? Serah: What I like about the Sims is that it is like my escape place. I can escape from reality and where I don’t want to be. Right now am working in a place where I don’t like but in the Sims I can be wherever or whoever I want. Me: How long have you been playing the Sims? Serah: I have been playing the Sims since it started as Sims 1. Right now there is Sims 3. Me: From all the three editions, can you discuss the experience of using the Sims. What is the difference between the new and the old? Serah: The difference between the old and new edition is that the new version has a different interface, the graphics are extremely good, there more options and it is more realistic. Me: In what ways has the Sims helped you to improve your academics and social skills? Serah: In social skills, it really helps me in knowing people. Me: It has helped you to know people? Serah: Yeah. I get to know people a lot. When playing the Sims you have to meet people in order to know them. So when playing the Sims you learn that you have to make friends before forming relationships. Me: Any, positive outcomes that you can describe about the Sims Serah: When you get married and have children, you learn how to nurture your children. In Sims 3, you learn about relationships with children and friends. You learn that you have to connect with them so as not to loose their relationship. Me: What about the part where you have to accomplish certain goals. Does it motivate you? Serah: Yes, It motivates me. In the Sims, there are certain rules, you have to achieve certain goals in time. This helps me to improve my time management and make my relationship work with my boss. Appendix 3: Participant Observation Participant 1 The settings of this observation exercise takes place in the participants’ living room. The participant uses her laptop to play Sims 2. From my observation, her initial move was to design how she looked, how her family looks like and the environment and house that her family lived in. She explored several options particularly those relating to physical features such as the face, hair colour and the type of dress that her family members wore. She also explored various features or options relating to the design of the house where her virtual family lived. Eventually she chose a trendy look for herself and her virtual family. The graphics and the overall interface incorporated in this game are so vivid and bright such that it creates a real appeal. After designing, the image of herself and her family, she goes ahead and starts creating her home. The participant seemed to be immersed and intrigued by what she is doing. The price of each feature in the house is shown. For instance, the bed costs $300 dollars and the bedroom table cost $50. Participant 2 The setting of this exercise took place in the participant’s hostel room. Observing participant 2 playing SimCity 4 was very intriguing and entertaining. He had created interesting and loud characters that made the whole experience thrilling. The participant had designed a very post-modern house with a bath tub, stereo system, a study room and a well equipped kitchen for the characters in the game. He made the participants take a shower, sleep, clean up the house, picking their mails from the mail box and even going to the toilet. The participant is able to play music through the stereo in the house. With time the participant begins to make the characters interact with one another. He shows the character talking with each other. I cannot clearly establish what they are talking about. Generally, the participant seems to be enjoying his experience, he seems to be fully occupied by what is going on in this simulation video game. Although, I cannot really tell the participants plans are with each character and the events taking place, it seems that the participant is experimenting on his imagination and channelling his creativity. References Bandura, A. (2009) .Social cognitive theory of mass communication. In Bryant, J. & Oliver, M. Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research (pp. 94-115) New York: Taylor & Francis. Furlong, A. & Cartmel, F. (2007). Young people and social change: new perspectives. New York: McGraw- Hill. Griebel, T. (2006). Self-portrayal in a simulated life: Projecting personality and values in The Sims 2. The International Journal of Computer Game Research. 6(1),pp. 8-16. Hartmann, T. (2009). Media choice: a theoretical and empirical overview. New York: Taylor & Francis. Kirriemuir, J., & McFarlane, A. (2003). Use of computer and video games in the classroom. Paper presented at the DiGRA, Utrecht, Holland. Kvale, S. (1996). Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. Thousand Oaks California: Sage Publications. Mani, S. (2000). Policy instruments for stimulating R&D in the enterprise sector: The contrasting enterprise of two MNC dominated economies from Southeast Asia. Maastricht: United Nations University. McIntyre, J. (1999). The practical skeptic: Core concepts in sociology. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing. Saw, S. & Kesavapany, K. (2006). Malaysia: Recent trends and challenges. Kuala Lumpar: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Sihvonen, T. (2011). Players Unleashed: modding the Sims and the culture of gaming. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Tamborini, R. & Skalski, P. (2006).The role of presence in the experience of electronic games. In P. Vorderer & J. Bryant (Eds.), Playing video games: Motives, responses, and consequences (pp. 225-240). Mahwah, NJ :Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Usher, W. (2011). Video games market to grow from $52 billion in 2009 to $86 billion by 2014. Retrieved on May 10, 2012 from Zajda, J. (2010). Global pedagogies: Schooling for the future. London: Springer. Read More
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CHECK THESE SAMPLES OF The Social Impact of the Sims on Young Malaysian Adults Aged 18-25 Years

The Territorial Dispute On Sabah In Terms of Phillipinies-Malaysia Relations

Initially, Sabah was referred to as North Borneo before the malaysian federation was formed.... Nevertheless, Malaysia has always considered this particular dispute as a simple issue given that it interprets the agreement of the 1878 as that of cession, and it deems that the Sabah residents had exercised their self determination right because they had voted, in 1963 to join the malaysian federation .... This issue was further complicated by the assumption of the company's 1878 contract by the 1963 malaysian federation (Samad, Peter & Abu Bakar 2013, p68)....
6 Pages (1500 words) Research Paper

Why The Lahad Datu Crisis In Sabah (Malaysia) Happened

Sabah has been a quota of the malaysian alliance ever since the early1960s1.... The clash and subsequent military operations reportedly resulted into the killing of more than fifty people, inclusive of eight associates of the malaysian police.... The malaysian ministry of welfare was fast to name the armed Filipinos as bombers.... Remarkably, the prime minister of Malaysia has yet to let go the notion that malaysian opposition politicians have collaborated with the Sulu sultan in order to undermine the nation and bring down the presiding alliance ahead of the year's universal polls....
4 Pages (1000 words) Research Paper

Adults Returning to College

Regardless of the academic value and professional excellence that education may provide, the impact of identifying with the fact that the peers shall no longer be of the same age group, a feeling of being a misfit is created.... Whatever the preference, it should, by all means, supersede the social challenge.... years back, when one would have been single, independent and free of domestic liability, college could have seemed much more feasible....
4 Pages (1000 words) Essay

Local and International Industries in Malaysian Economy

‘The impact of Multinational Corporation in Malaysia.... malaysian economy grows by more than six percent ever since 2008.... malaysian economy grows by more than six percent ever since 2008.... It has been observed that malaysian government has played an effective role in industrialization and economic development of the country.... malaysian furniture holds a significant place in international market.... Malaysia possesses a share of total 37% in US furniture market, 14% in Japanese market with 9% in both Singapore and UK furniture market (Bakri)Role of Technological Development in malaysian Economy: With the passage of tie, Malaysia is the only Asian country which is emerging as a new competitive economy with strong and technology-driven economy based on high-tech productions....
2 Pages (500 words) Research Paper

Educating Young Adults about Sex

Young adults are people in the age of 12 years and 19 years.... The aim of the paper “Educating Young adults about Sex” is to analyze the process of educating young adults about sex, which entails passing of information, forming mindsets and beliefs about sex, relationship, sexual identity, and intimacy.... The rise in a number of young adults infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus according to the World Health Organization is attributed to the lack of sexual understanding by the young adults....
6 Pages (1500 words) Essay

The Malaysian Food Culture

The author of the paper "The malaysian Food Culture" states that Malaysia is a multicultural country where rich culture blossoms among its people.... These cultures influence the unique and authentic cooking styles of malaysian food.... hellip; In this paper, I will cross-examine the malaysian food culture and way of life.... malaysian people visit roadside food store or 'Pasar Malam' where they feast their favorite food or try new choices....
1 Pages (250 words) Essay

Effects of Psycholinguistic Factors on Students Aged Between 10 and 15

Psycholinguistic factors like perceptions and beliefs are believed Based on this, this study will explore the effect of these factors on language learning among students aged between 10 and 15 years.... The study will be limited to establishing the effect of psycholinguistic factors on the learning abilities of the first language among children aged between 10 and 15 years.... There is a significant difference in the language acquisition between adults and children(Zimmerman et al....
4 Pages (1000 words) Research Proposal

Malaysian Censorship Policy and It's Effect

The paper "malaysian Censorship Policy and It's Effect" highlights that censorship of films in Malaysia has affected other industries in a negative way.... hellip; The discriminative nature of the censorship policies applied in malaysian film is yet another drawback to the malaysian community wellbeing.... The basis of such censorship is to maintain the standards of morality and spirituality high in malaysian community, by eliminating such challenges as presented by the films, in that there is a great relationship between sex, violence, and criminal offenders, as shown on the screen (Zappei, A8)....
7 Pages (1750 words) Coursework
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