In favor of decriminalization of cannabis Some advocates such as Alex Wodak (2008) are of the view that at present cannabis is being sold in black-markets unregulated and without any health standards. He further goes on to say that decriminalizing cannabis would mean that cannabis users gain proper medical attention when required, unlike the present cases where the cannabis users deflect from medical attention due to the corresponding legal laws and criminalization. He further says that taxing cannabis and giving age limitations will help limit the harms of cannabis, even as the consumer quality control can be maintained as a result of regulation of cannabis market.
According to Wodak, regulation of cannabis sale will also help regulate the cultivation and sale of the drug. Wodak and Cooney (2004) stated that the costs for control of cannabis were extremely high in the state. If Australia was to decriminalize cannabis, even as taking the taxes and regulation of production and sale into its own hands, the costs of regulation would reduce considerably. Wodak cites further that it is not to limit the number of users of cannabis but to limit the health hazards that the users suffer from due to unhealthy quality that one should try to achieve.
He says that research has proven that strict regulation and laws concerning cannabis in Australia have not affected the number of cannabis users in any way. A report published in 2002 stated that most participants in the report thought that despite the law, cannabis was amongst the most easily available drugs in all eight states (Breen et al, 2002). The number of users has steadily increased, even as it will go on increasing if nothing is done with regards to the decriminalizing of the drug. Against the decriminalizing of Cannabis Most of the researchers are of the view that decriminalizing of cannabis will further increase the number of cannabis users.
Those against the policy cite several reasons for the same, such as health concerns. Even though the adverse health effects by cannabis are not as severe as posed by other drugs such as heroin and cocaine, cannabis is related to symptoms of heart problems, anxiety, blood pressure etc. Cannabis is also known to make the problem of psychosis more prominent, even a sit might also trigger psychosis setting in the body. Apart from this, the research has proved that most accidents – auto or machinery – occur due to the drivers being high on cannabis (Hall, 2000).
The reason for the same is that intoxication with cannabis results in various factors within the body such as slow reaction and information processing time. Cannabis is also known to impair the perceptual-motor coordination and performance, short term memory, attention and the likes of it. Societal behavior studies conducted amongst youths consuming cannabis also show that such people are often the ones, who were higher at risk to leave school owing to poor grades, indulging in early sexual activities, bear children at young age, suffer from unemployment, run away or leave their homes at a very early age and so on.
According to the Epidemiologic Catchement Area study, it was found that addiction to cannabis was the most common addiction in the society (Anthony and HeIzer, 1991). Another research study conducted by Hall et al (1999) also proved that almost 2% adults become cannabis addict every year. Research Question As mentioned in the proposal above, the research question or the main objective of the study to be undertaken would be to identify the attitudes of male and female university students towards cannabis use.
We will further be identifying the relationship between the attitudes, gender and tobacco use. The research will also establish if the students are aware of the harms of cannabis, while seeking their opinion on the ongoing debate, that is, decriminalizing of cannabis for medicinal purposes. Research Design In order to undertake the research, we will be examining the population of the first year students at the university aged within the range of 18 and 25 years.
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