When the provisions of the technical guidelines are not possible to be applied, fire safety engineering technique can be applied. This technique consider various aspects that include the risk of fire occurrence, the severity of fire, the available safety measures, and the risk to the people in the building in case of fire occurrence (Carroll, 2009). In the fire incident, the safety of the people depends on the emergency procedures, which makes use of the designed fire safety measures and takes account of the occupants’ behavior in an emergency.
It is therefore necessary to understand the how people behave in case of a fire for effective design of the emergency procedures that overcome the occupants’ behavior (Carroll, 2009). This is aimed at making sure that the building occupants are not exposed to smoke, heat, or fire and that the people are exposed to such incidents does not develop serious problems. Fire safety design process in UK In order to ensure that the building is safe from the risk of fire, the design and operation for the building should be at high level of fire safety (Muckett and Furness 2007).
The escape routes in a building in are designed based on either engineering approach or prescriptive approach. The prescriptive approach is based on the prescribed code of practice, notes from authorized person, or other documents. The code of practice that deals with fire safety is provided by fire services department meant to include escape routes in building design. The numbers of occupants are specified for the designer to determine the building occupation density, the staircase width, and travel distance, staircases in buildings with sprinklers or with no sprinklers, etc.
The evacuation time to the protected area like staircase leading to the exit in a storey building should be within the calculated time of 2.5 minutes for building with no sprinklers. The building should have escape routes and build with non-combustible materials that are resistant to fire. It is assumed that the building design following these codes should be sufficient to provide protection to the building occupants in fire incident. The engineers or designers makes building design based on these codes without questioning the performance of the actual evacuation routes.
However, some buildings with special features do not follow these requirements. Therefore, engineering technique is applied. In this approach, the evacuation time is estimated by considering the likely fire situations by studying the function and features of the building and nature of the occupants. The compliance to the fire safety design is checked alongside the codes of practice, before determining the expected population and the means of escape for the design (Muckett and Furness 2007). Considerations in fire safety design Various considerations should be made when designing fire safety.
These can include technical consideration and human response to fire. The technical requirements include sufficient provision of the means to prevent fires, early detection and warning, means of escape, smoke control systems, fire extinguishers, control of the fire growth and others. The design of fire safety is focused at providing safe environment the building occupants (Carroll, 2009). Therefore, the provisions for fire safety include safe means of escape. The effectiveness of the means of escape in a building depends on how the time used by the occupants in case of an emergency.
The response to the fire by the occupants is complex. The psychological response of the people depends on their perception about the existing situation, which in turn affect the overall escape time (Muckett and Furness, 2007). There are guidelines, which provide principles for the applications of engineering and scientific principles related to fire safety. Fire Safety Engineering (FSE) is the application that is based on the understanding impact of fire, the behavior and the response of the people in case of fire, and also how the people and the property can be protected.
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