It usually very advantageous for the community to form an economic unit which gives them good chances of selling or bargaining power (Bridgman, 2000).The cooperation from the community members in the bid to boost the economy of the community has always brought more rewards compared to situations where there is high competition among the community members. Many and large towns or city communities always try to find economic groups that emerge. They always move to where there are a good number of trade groupings and that way they get more rewards by working together.
It is an inborn characteristic of people forming communities that are based on the ethnic lines. The people believe a person you share same ethnic lines will always be loyal to you in times of crisis, the tradition that are held over very long times bind the groups of people together, this has produced feelings of security for members who have fears. The traditions that have been adopted over many centuries make the life cycle stages and are easier adopted and coped with especially with the help of the community (Bridgman, 2000).
National community is another critical type of community; it is very hard to find a country in which all of its inhabitants share the same likeness in all aspects of living and thinking. People living in any kind of environment even those in stable geographical places have various communities whose live circumstances are not the same. In paces where large areas geographically have advanced to create a national image, the relative prosperity of each diverse group has to slightly change their priorities or clan groups who were a little bit cohesive (Singleton, 2000).
Social scientists have long established the fact that the importance of the community as an agency of socialising is very powerful. As it has been clearly depicted, the power of socialising of a community was more apparent in the traditional and the rural cultures as compared to the urban and modern cultures. In the traditional society, the demarcation between the community and work was not there if any it was negligible (Bridgman, 2000). The local culture or community pervade every other characteristic of family unit and the social life.
In the urban cultures, or we can call it the industrialised society work is commonly divorced from home, many organisation and institutions take over many roles once it is made the province of the local communities (Singleton, 2000). There have been claims that the local communities have ended up being subservient to both the renowned large organisations and the centralised political equipment. The concept of community is still very relevant to the modern society. Most of the present generations think in a global way but act locally this increases a lot of influence to the society concerning the social relationships.
It is not a unique thing in the large cities to find strongly build neighbourhood groups including organisation that surround the big organisations many of these may include clubs, churches, schools and voluntary associations, these groups strongly affect the ideas and performance of the people and organisations that become involved in them(Bridgman, 2000). The issues that have been of concern to community groups The concept of community has done a lot in solving issue in the society; it has always played a very important part in solving the issue environmental concerns that bothers the local people, this particular issue hinders them from getting some of the powerful both external commercial and political interests(Bell, 1971).
The concept of community is not just an adversary of movement; the well organised community activities such as the community watch are made in such a way that they protect the local property and maintain high standards of individual’s safety. According to the records of the recent history, a person can recognize at least one or two periods in which there has been a renewal of the concept of community (Singleton, 2000).
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