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Dealing with the Muslim Weddings - Assignment Example

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The paper “Dealing with the Muslim Weddings” seeks to evaluate creative and innovative designs and ideas, which give a unique kind of looks to the wedding. Interior designers create different themes of welding according to the culture of people who are getting married…
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Dealing with the Muslim Weddings
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Dealing with the Muslim Weddings Introduction Interior design is a creative and artistic process of decorating interior furniture of a building or room. Design and plans are implemented by an interior designer. This process includes different conceptual development of creative ideas and execution of those ideas, designs. Interior design has become a multifaceted profession. This business involves a huge amount of money and different creative, artistic people. Earlier the concept of interior design was only confined in building complex architecture or construction. But now a day the concept of interior design has extended in a wide range. Different events and functions are now designed according to the ideas of interior designers. These designers play a vital role in making events successful. Each and every of events are planned according to their ideas. Wedding is one of the largest and important events of this present society. This event occurs thorough out the year. In the modern world wedding is done by implementing very unique ideas and designs. Creative and innovative designs and ideas give a unique kind of looks to the wedding. It makes the wedding more attractive and gorgeous. Interior designers create different themes of wedding according to the culture of people who are getting married. Decoration of the hall, different arrangements of wedding, sitting and dinning arrangements are done by the ideas of interior designer. Wedding are conducted in different styles. Interior designers understand the values of different cultures and their styles. According to that the designers makes their design of wedding which suits best with the culture and style of its clients. Designers tailor designs which express individuality of different people and functions. Budget of the clients becomes an important factor of interior designers. They need to deliver their best idea and design within the budget of their clients. These designers assist the people in establishing their wedding event as a true celebration. Weddings and how it has evolved The ceremony where two individuals gets united for a lifetime is known a wedding or marriage. This ceremony includes variety of rituals and customs. According to different cultures and religions these rituals and customs varies. This ceremony involves different symbolic items, exchange of vows by wedding couple and declaration of marriage in public by any authority figure. Special wedding garments are worn by bride and groom in this ceremony. Prayers, religious text, readings, music are involved in this ceremony. Wedding is considered as basic element of society for building up a family. In majority cases wedding takes place in between people of opposite genders. Wedding has changed a lot over times. In ancient time societies required a decent environment for perpetuation of species. A definite rule or system was implemented for this purpose. It helped to handle and grant different rights and protection among the individuals. This system was given the name as wedding. During the time of World War II weddings were conducted in a small scale and were planned in last minute. The bride has to leave their own place and has to go to her groom’s place. Marriage was mainly decided by the senior persons of the family. Around 1960 wedding experienced a significant change. Different types of wedding dress were innovated at this time. People started to decide their wedding partner by themselves. In 1980s different wedding style was introduced by various rich people. Implementation of different wedding style was started with the marriage of Lady Diana and Prince Charles. They did a royal style wedding. After 1990 tailoring wedding style came into being. Couple planned their wedding according to their preferences, budget and desires. Different traditions and rituals are followed in this type of weddings. People of some culture exchange rings and cut cakes on their wedding. In the modern time people are more concerned with beautiful wedding plans and celebrate their wedding in a unique style. The couples take the help of different wedding planners are in their marriage for making their wedding celebration successful. Earlier groom and his family were given much importance in wedding but in the present time both bride and groom plays a major role in wedding. Tradition of exchanging engagement ring is present till now from the past time. This custom has its existence from ancient roman age. This is a symbol of union of two individual which lasts for long time. Earlier wedding was done by following different religious rule but now laws play an important role in this event. Legal papers need to be signed by both bride and groom and some people who are witnessing this event. After the completion of these legal activities wedding is considered as legal. Secret of successful weddings For making a wedding successful there are many factors which plays an important role. The secret of successful wedding event lies in implementing those factors effectively and efficiently. In a proper wedding event many people remain present. Celebrating the marriage in a unique way by all the people present in wedding event helps to make this event successful. The important factors contributing in the success of wedding are as follows: Invitation: Friends and relatives of the couple should be invited properly in the wedding event. They play an important role in celebrating this event. Wedding is a social activity. Therefore guests must be invited in such a way so that they feel themselves as special person in wedding ceremony. Well ahead plan: Now a day wedding has become a big event. So the parties involved in wedding have to make a concrete plan for making their wedding event successful. Planning in last minute may neglect various important things. Therefore making and implementing different plans from an early stage helps to arrange different things effectively. Budget Planning: Fixing and planning the budget allotted for wedding is an important part of this event. Different types of wedding style requires different amount of money. According to choice and preferences wedding style is selected and based on that budget is fixed. The budget of this event should be allocated in such away so that the whole event can be organized nicely within the total allocated money. Theme choosing: selecting a theme for wedding makes the event more attractive. It makes the planning and implementation process much easier. All the arrangements of wedding can be done by focusing on a single theme. Objectives of this event become clear for choosing particular theme. By organizing different thing according to theme help’s to look the wedding event awful (Davis and Greenstein, 2009). Interior designer or wedding planner: For making the wedding more attractive and successful help of interior designers or wedding planner are taken. Organizing such big events can become stressful for many people but with their help big wedding events are organized in very gorgeous way. Interior designers make appropriate use of available resources and help a lot to make this event successful. Is regulation alone is enough? Regulations of wedding means the rituals and formalities practiced at the time of marriage ceremony. From the very ancient time regulations have played a vital role in conducting wedding functions. Regulations differ according to different culture and religions. Culture and religion have a strong connection with wedding rituals. There are many people who follow regulations very strongly (Corrado, 2002). But in the present time with modernization people are slowly avoiding different regulations for making wedding process simple and easy. They are focusing more on making the wedding event unique by implementing innovative ideas. Now a day society has changed a lot and people are not so much interested to follow old regulations. Rather they are interested to celebrate the event at its maximum and providing a life time experience to the persons involves in wedding. Therefore regulations alone are not enough to make wedding successful (Wilding, 2003). They are important but along with regulations different unique ideas are implemented in wedding event for making it gorgeous and successful. Needs to make a successful wedding Being an interior designer I need to make successful wedding to enhance my career and to do my job efficiently and effectively. Successful wedding means a marriage event which becomes memorable for a life time. Successful wedding has some own unique features and an identity. As an interior designer I conceptualize, plan and design unique ideas of wedding. By implementing these ideas I have to make a wedding successful for satisfying my clients. Many dreams and expectations of my client are associated with the wedding. She has invested a lot of money for organizing wedding event. My job responsibility is to deliver the best product and service to my client and fulfil her expectation by utilizing her money effectively (Nelson and Otnes, 2005). If I can deliver my best work in organizing wedding in a very unique and attractive way which will make my client extremely satisfied then I can get many more wedding contracts. I need to make the wedding successful for proving my efficiency. My unique design ideas and innovate concepts of using different materials in wedding venue will impress all the people present in wedding. Successful wedding will also highlight my ideas of managing space and making many sitting arrangements within limited space. Making a wedding successful will influence my economic condition. I can charge high rates for my excellent service in designing a wedding. There exists a strong competition among interior designers (Humble, 2009). Organizing and designing a wedding and making it successful will help me to beat the competition and be in the lime light. What are the steps that I must pass by? Designing and implementing a wedding plan I have to pass through some necessary steps which help to make the wedding a successful one. The most important steps that I have to go through for making this work perfect are as follows. Budget fixation: In this step I discuss budget with my client according to their capacity and preference. I give the estimate cost of different things associated with the events. The client gives me an idea how much he is willing to spend for each thing. Based on this detailed discussion I fix up the budget which is required for wedding (Kim, Lyons and Cunningham, 2008). Managing suppliers: For decorating the whole wedding event I need to manage different suppliers and make a strong contact with them. It will help me to purchase essential goods and decorating things at a low price. I need to maintain good relation with the suppliers for getting the product on time. Knowledge: Gathering knowledge and ideas about present market condition and trends of wedding events is one of the important steps that I need to follow. Many new trends and designs are developing day by day which contributes a lot in making wedding events more gorgeous and unique (Sniezek, 2005). Theme designing: Another important step is to select theme for the wedding. I have to know the preference of my client in designing and decorating her wedding venue. Different clients have different preference. Their wedding arrangements changes according to their cultures. So I have to select such a theme for wedding which suits perfectly with my client preference and her cultures (Philips, 2000). Making sitting arrangements: I need to know numbers of guests coming in the wedding events and according to that I can make decorations and sitting arrangements for them. This step is vital because by having a clear ide4a about number of people coming I can utilize space for making decorations and sitting arrangements effectively (Lluch and Lluch, 2010). Vulgaris in the market The planning that is required for wedding is not similar to the planning for the conduct of trade show and conference. Many factors are involved for planning of the event. The issues related to wedding is very critical, complex and delicate in nature as emotions are attached to it and it is considered as an emotional affair s the emotions and sentiments of everyone are related and associated with it therefore planning a wedding program or event includes or comprises of a unique process of roadblocks and hurdles and the most important vulgaris is dealing with the client and sometimes the client are not willing to pay as per the standard or the effort that is provided to plan the wedding event and it lacks uniformity and therefore it is very hard and difficult to explain and quantify the services and the quality of services that are provided and often one is faced with and clients who generally lacks ethics, accountability, quality and personality . I as an interior designer planning for the wedding have to encounter mistreatment by the customer or the client (Box and Box, 2009). Proper and appropriate budgeting that is done for the wedding event is a critical issue and is a difficult task especially in the case when the budget is provided by the client and everyone expectation is attached to it. And decorating the ambience by meeting the expectation of the client and its family member is also difficult task and the ambience has to be created in such a way that the bride and the groom get full focus on the event (Grenier, 2010). I face the vulgaris of adjusting my time in order to accommodate with their busy schedules and since the emotions of the people present in the wedding are very high I have to remain calm and rational during the wedding event in order to run the program well and operate the planning smoothly according to the desired plan and program and the vulgaris or the problem is marketing the services for attracting the attention of the bride and the groom and also the people who are present in the wedding and it is very difficult to understand the psychology of each client and the personality differs from client to client. Planning the wedding and satisfying all the people present in the wedding is difficult and critical task and it is very critical and difficult to handle the family issues and also the challenges related to the emotions of the people (Quiroz, 2014). Advantages and disadvantages Major advantage of conducting a wedding event with the help of interior designer is the designer can organize the event successful in a very organized way. The clients do not have to take responsibilities of anything in organizing this big event (Little, 2010). Client will pay money to interior designer and he will make use of the resources in a best possible way for making the wedding unique and successful. With the help of interior designer client can get a gorgeous wedding venue decorated very nicely. It will create a memorable experience to her. If any problems arises with decoration and designing of wedding interior designer resolve’s it. Disadvantage of having interior designer in wedding is they charges very high price for designing a whole wedding event. Many people cannot afford them for their high price. The creative design style of interior designer may not match up to the expectation of client. As a result he can have a loss of huge money and experience unsuccessful wedding event. Inefficient interior designer miss uses the budget and takes money from allocated budget for his personal needs. It becomes very difficult for the client to trace this (Keene, 2011). Weddings at Europe and Middle East Wedding and its style differ from country to country. The wedding style of Europe is much different from the wedding style which is followed in Middle East. In Europe Bride wear’s white gown at the time of wedding which symbolizes purity. Religion plays a vital role in their wedding process. Rituals are done according to Catholic or Protestant viewpoint. European weddi8ng is followed by a reception. The area where wedding reception takes place is known as Wedding Breakfast. A big wedding cake is cut at that place by the bride and groom and that is served to the guests. Western tradition comprises of toasting the married couple. After this the couple has a dance. When wedding gets completed the bouquet of bride is thrown by her to unmarried woman present in the event (Abercrombie and Whiton, 2008). The groom also throws bride’s garter to unmarried men and that man who catches it is supposed to get married next. The couple exchange rings in their wedding. In the wedding reception the married couple first time shares meal together. In Middle East wedding is performed in a different style. Christian wedding in Arabian country is performed in Western style but Muslim Wedding in this country is follows Muslim traditions. Here also religion plays a vital role. The wedding of Muslim in this country involves Sheikh and a book known as Al kitaab. These arrangements are done for bride and groom. According to Islamic rule wedding is not considered as valid until both groom and bride are willing to marry each other. In this country groom are encouraged to visit bride before their marriage (Maurer and Weeks 2010). Dealing with the Muslim weddings The Muslim wedding is conducted according to the rituals of Islam. The Muslim people believe that wedding is a grace and bless contract that exist between a man and a woman. And each and everyone have to perform their role in proper and better way for converting the wedding into success (Alcuin, 2014). The successful designer is assigned with lots of role and responsibility in dealing properly and managing the Muslim and other wedding properly. It is required to decide and plan the wedding style which includes the bride, groom and there family members and it is required to identify whether the wedding ceremony is large or small and whether the wedding is to be performed in a formal or informal way. The budget of the wedding is to be decided and planned and getting the proper approval from its client about the budget of the wedding (Dannin, 2005). As Muslim people are very fond of food and also in case of other religions the people or the guest who visits the wedding generally prefer good food and it attracts people and also serves as a sense of pleasure, joy and delight for the guest and all the members that are associated with the wedding including the family members and the bride and the groom. And the food has to be decided and prepared in such a way that it relishes the people. The decoration also plays an important and vital role in the wedding the hall has to be decorated in such a way that it captivates the attention of everyone present in the wedding and decorate and arrange the place where the program of wedding is to be conducted in a proper way in case of Muslim wedding booking or contacting with the Imam or the other official person who is in charge of conducting the marriage , arranging the audio visual equipment that is required for the wedding is to be tested and kept properly in the hall. The clothing or the apparel of both the bride and the groom is to be arranged properly, the measurement for stitching the dress has to be accurately done and ensuring that the invitation card of the wedding has been dispatched properly to the guest of the client. The wedding IN Muslim or Islamic style is easy and very simple but without the proper planning and coordination it can turn into mess or a chaotic situation may arise. Therefore it is required to prepare the checklist and perform or function accordingly (Dannin, 2005). Conclusion Wedding is an important social event. From centuries society is following this event in different styles according to people culture. The process of wedding has undergone many significant changes alone with time. In the earlier time wedding was conducted by religious process. But in the modern word many legal formalities have become involves in wedding process. Many other things also have got involved in this event. Interior designing of wedding event is one of them. Concept of wedding has changed a lot over time. People are now focusing more on making their wedding event unique and attractive. For this reason they are appointing interior designer for decorating their wedding venue in a gorgeous and innovative way. Interior designer knows about the budget of clients and decorates wedding venue in best possible way within budget. It is very stressful to deal with various personalities while planning the wedding event and it is required to fulfil the expectation of the family members in accordance with the emotions and the sentiments of the people that are attached towards the wedding. The main vulgaris in planning the wedding event is the unpredictability that is associated with it and while planning a Muslim wedding it is required to deal with various aspects on the basis of Islamic culture and the checklist is to be prepared properly so that the flow of the program is conducted accordingly. Assigning the planning of the wedding event to the designer or the planner for wedding saves the money and the time of the client as the client is not required to take much tension in conducting the wedding program or the event smoothly but along with the advantages the conducting the wedding event program by the designer or the planner also includes disadvantages as the cost or the budget of the client may exceed. The style or the pattern of wedding is not same for each country it differs from place to place and country to country. References Abercrombie, S. and Whiton, S. (2008). Interior design and decoration. New York: Pearson Prentice Hall. Alcuin, J. (2014). Wedding planner. London: Brass Knuckles Marketing LLC. Box, B. and Box, M. (2009). Wedding planning made simple: An all-in-one wedding planner. New York: iUniverse. Boyce, E. (2014). Wedding planning. New York: Barb Gates. Corrado, M. (2002). Teaching Wedding Rules How Bridal Workers Negotiate Control Over their Customers. 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Wedding planner project: A workbook. Oklahoma: Tate Publishing. Lluch, A. and Lluch, E. (2010). The very best wedding planner, organizer & keepsake. California: WS Publishing Group. Maurer, T. and Weeks, K. (2010). Interior design in practice: Case studies of successful business models. Canada: John Wiley & Sons. Nelson, M. R. and Otnes, C. C. (2005). Exploring cross-cultural ambivalence: Ethnography of intercultural wedding message boards. Journal of Business Research, 58(1). pp. 89-95. Philips, D. (2000). Shopping for men: The single woman narrative. Women: a cultural review. 11(3). pp. 238-251. Quiroz, A. (2014). Wedding planning made easy. London: Brass Knuckles Marketing LLC. Sniezek, T. (2005). Is it our day or the bride’s day? The division of wedding labour and its meaning for couples. Qualitative sociology. 28(3). Pp. 215-234. Wilding, R. (2003). Romantic Love and ‘Getting Married’Narratives of the Wedding in and Out of Cinema Texts. Journal of Sociology. 39(4). pp. 373-389. 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