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Teen Suicidality in the USA - Research Paper Example

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The essay “Teen Suicidality in the USA” looks at the act of intentionally taking of one’s own life. Accounting for 12.9% of all annual deaths, suicide has been considered the third major causes of death of adolescents 15 to 24 years old as of 2004…
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Teen Suicidality in the USA
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Teen Suicidality in the USA Introduction Having a good life is an important thing. However, when life has become insufferable, and there seems to be no reason to continue it, some people especially teenagers would start thinking about putting an end to their lives by suicide. In recent time, teen suicide has become wide spread for various reasons. Teen suicide is defined as the act of intentionally taking of one’s own life (Weill Cornell Physicians). Accounting for 12.9% of all annual deaths, suicide has been considered the third major causes of death of adolescents 15 to 24 years old as of 2004 (Social Workers). In line with this, the occurrence of suicide among the teenagers had increased up to about 50% after four years. According to the National Centers for Disease Control (2007), teen suicide increased to 9.4% while it was 6.7% in 2003 (O'Connor). In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that the rate of death caused by suicidal tendencies among the boys is four times more often than girls whereas the rate of suicidal tendencies among girls is more than boys (Nock, Kids Health b). In relation to the high number of suicidal attempts and deaths among the teens in the United States, this study will discuss the common causes of suicide followed by identifying the recommended solution to counteract or minimize the suicidal deaths and suicidal attempts among the youth. Prior to conclusion, the relationship between teen suicidal tendencies and substance abuse including the recommended solutions will be tackled in details. Significant Differences in the Suicidal Attempts of Boys and Girls Among the common reasons why boys are more likely to end up developing suicidal tendencies is because of their inability to cope with stress, irritability, distress, agitation, worthlessness, depression, or an unhappy environment (Akron Children's Hospital; Nock, Kids Health c). Although these factors can also trigger suicidal attempts among the teenage girls, the ability of girls to divert their attention to other things or unload the burden they feel caused by internal and external stressors made boys more prone to suicidal deaths. In general, girls are more open in communicating their emotional stress or even cry out for help. In line with this, the ability of girls to express what they feel into words enables more girls to release the emotional stress they encounter every day (Calvete and Cardenoso). Since the society has formed the idea that boys should be strong and refrain from crying, boys tend to use lethal methods like guns when committing suicide. In the absence of lethal weapons, there are cases wherein boys would end up hanging themselves or jumping from a building (Nock, Kids Health b). On the contrary, girls with suicidal tendencies are more likely to overdose themselves with medications, suffocation, hanging, or cutting their arteries using a knife (Bluestein). Signs and Symptoms of Suicidal Attempts In most cases, when teenagers are planning to commit suicide, it is expected for some symptoms appear. For example: In case a teenager has a history of previous suicide attempts, it is important on the part of the child’s parents and friends to become more alert in case the child is having serious problems or issues related to school or love ones that the child finds it difficult to solve or cope with the situation (Nock, Kids Health c). In line with this, a child with a previous suicidal attempt or a history of a psychiatric disorder like schizophrenia is more likely to commit another suicide attempt in the future (Akron Children's Hospital; Brent; Shaffer and Pfeffer). Therefore, we should carefully take note of the possible suicidal warning signs whereby the child would talk about his/her desire to commit suicide, talk about untimely death or going away for a long time, or showing some self-destructive behavior like drinking too much alcohol, the intake of illegal drugs, and the act of driving too fast among others (Nock, Kids Health d). Basically, an advance perception of these symptoms is an effect way of preventing suicide attempts among the teens. For this reason, we should learn to be more observant with the significant changes or anything that is alarming in a child’s emotional and physical activities. Teens usually feel that life is very boring and nothing enjoyable or worth living for. Basically, there are some teenagers who would think about death while others would disclose some plans of attempting suicide. As a result of these negative feelings, it can be easily observed that most of those individuals with suicidal tendencies do not have interest about their personal appearance. Aside from poor hygiene and grooming, individuals with suicidal tendencies are likely to show some changes in their daily habits such as eating and sleeping (Akron Children's Hospital). Common Causes of Suicidal Attempts among the Teens Suicidal attempts among the teenagers can be triggered by either social or academic challenges in schools. In line with this, social challenges include problems with relationship with a significant other or family problems whereas academic challenges in school include difficulty in passing a subject (Bender). Some teens are not used to communicate or share their problems with people around them. As a result, they try to escape from them the main cause of their depression. This is one good reason why individuals with suicidal tendencies tend to isolate themselves from their families or friends (Akron Children's Hospital). Because of their loneliness and hopelessness, some of these individuals indulge themselves with alcoholic drinks or illegal drugs just to get rid of these negative feelings (Levin). Eventually, these individuals would lose their desire to do their favorite activities, going out, or going to school. With these stressful feelings, they obviously cannot think or focus on schoolwork. After conducting a study about the major causes of suicidal tendency among the teens, TeensHealth revealed that one of the most common factors for teens to commit suicide is to escape themselves from bad thoughts, feelings, or situations which they find it hard to deal with (Nock, Kids Health b). Another dangerous factor that can trigger teen suicide is depression. Many bad thoughts, doleful mood, a sensibility of disappointment, or poor self-worth are associated with teens who are extremely depressed. Accordingly, the greater parts of teens who are depressed contemplate suicide. From 15% to 30% of teens who suffer from severe depression attempt suicide (Healthy Place). Besides depression and substance abuse, family problems can put teens at a risky situation of suicide. For example: Among the common social factors that can make teens become depressed includes: (1) living with step-parents and step-siblings; (2) changing community; (3) alcohol and sex abuse at home; (4) familial cruelty; (5) lack of parental care; (6) and divorce (“Teen Suicide” 1). As a consequence, a household might be a context which impels teens to commit suicide. Aside from trying to escape from challenges in life and depression, changes in the teens’ brain chemicals also contribute to the suicidal tendency among teens. In line with this, the National Alliance on Mental Illness reported that most of the individuals with suicidal tendencies are those who have a low level of serotonin – a hormone that controls impulsiveness - in the brain (D. Shaffer). Likewise, substance abuse can also increase the danger of teens’ suicidal thoughts or attempts. This is due to the fact that the chemical balance of the brain can be altered by drug misuse. Gradually, the mental and physical needs for drugs will become indispensable, and will lead to intense depression, distasteful feelings, and uncontrollable behaviors (Teen Suicide). On top of the major causes of suicidal tendencies among the teenagers, accessibility of guns at home increases the risk of more teenagers to commit suicide that can lead to their untimely deaths. In line with this, it has been reported that the incidence of teen suicide in homes which have firearms is two times more as compared to family who do not keep firearms at home (Family Education). In the mid-1990s, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) funded the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation and the University of North Carolina in conducting a study on sex and drug behavior among 18,924 teens from 132 U.S schools (Hallfors et al.). Based on the research findings, it was reported that the lowest levels of depression, suicidal thoughts, and suicide attempts were found among teens who had never commenced sex or drug abuse whereas the highest levels of suicidal attempts was noticeable among teens who used illegal drug or had risky sexual behavior (Hallfors et al.). Recommended Solutions Depression is a common cause of suicide attempts among the teenagers. Fortunately, depression is a treatable mental illness. It can be treated either by pharmacological drugs, psychotherapy, and/or the combination of both treatments. Antidepressant Pharmacological Drugs The most common medication for depression is antidepressants drugs. Antidepressants with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are used to help teens to deal with mood disturbances which are necessary in enabling them to have better and normal lives (Gibbons, Brown and Hur). From families’ point of view, antidepressant drugs with SSRIs were administered to their children to help them regain their interests in school and to evolve friendships with other people. Medication treatment is a simple and faster option in terms of treating depression. In other words, the result of the antidepressant drugs will take a shorter time to show a positive improvement in the behavior of depressed individuals. For this reason, some of the current research studies acknowledged that the SSRIs in antidepressant drugs are effective in terms of rectifying the serotonin imbalance in a child’s brain (Lacasse and Leo). In line with this, there is a strong possibility that leaving depressed teens without the antidepressant drug may increase the risk that they will commit suicidal attempts. On the contrary, there are some studies claiming that the presence of the SSRIs in antidepressant drugs have negative side effects. In line with this, medical research in Great Britain and the U.S. informs that patients who are treated by SSRIs are more likely to have suicidal thoughts or attempts (Gunnell, Saperia and Ashby; Stone and Jones). Although some psychiatrists assert that there is no evidence on the antidepressants’ influence on the brain, there are some experts suggesting that the use of antidepressants drugs could affect the development of teen brains, and they are supposed to be used with adults. This is because a teen brain is not the same as an adult brain, and teens suffer from depression in a different way than adults (Help Guide). Psychotherapy The most popular psychotherapy is cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on changing the negative thoughts and bad mood that accompany teen depression (Barber and DeRubeis). In this kind of therapy, Greg Clarke – a senior investigator at the Kaiser Center for Health Research in north Portland explains that teens are encouraged to do things which are delightful for themselves to develop their hope of life (Tucker). From the standpoint of psychiatrists, Jeff Q. Bostic and Michael Craig Miller believe that teens can improve their self-worth by helping them cope with their depression (Bostic and Miller). In general, psychotherapy does not help to make problems disappear. What it does is to help teens learn how to deal correctly with problems that might appear in the future. In other words, psychotherapy can change their ways of thinking albeit teens stop taking their sessions (Barber and DeRubeis). Considering that most of the teenagers and young adults need to learn how to cope with environmental stressors and not depend on other people, psychotherapy help teens build their own ability to cope with problems. These skills are essential in terms of enabling them to effectively handle difficult situations and to face problems without the need to go through severe depression. Aside from enabling young individuals to become more independent, psychotherapy is also considered as an effective way of treating depression (Barber and DeRubeis). It helps young individuals be able to identify and be more aware of things that could make them feel depressed. Basically, knowing the root cause of their depression helps them find ways to avoid becoming depressed. By altering their though process, psychotherapy helps teens evolve some strategies to deal with disappointment and poor self-esteem (Everall, Bostik and Paulson). As an alternative treatment to depression and suicidal attempts, there are some negative side effects with regards to the use of psychotherapy. Since psychotherapy is more expensive that the use of pharmacological drugs, there are some families who cannot afford to pay for psychotherapy. Likewise, psychotherapy tends to be less effective for some teens because they do not want exert an effort in expressing or sharing their feelings with other people. Combining the Use of Antidepressant Pharmacological Drugs and Psychotherapy The combination of both antidepressant drugs and psychotherapy is the best way to help fight teen depression. In line with this, the National Institute of Mental Health reported that a lower level of self-harm for teens was found in those who received both medication and psychotherapy compared with teens that were only treated by pure medication alone (Help Guide). Discussion on Teen Suicidal Tendencies and Substance Abuse Substance abuse is one of the causes that can greatly lead to suicide. When teens are addicted to alcohol and drugs, they depend on these substances physically and psychologically. For this reason, physical and psychological treatments are needed to help teens get over them. In line with this, medication is an important intervention that can help teens overcome the use of substance abuse. Because of the influence of these substances on the brain, medications can be used to normalize the brain chemicals. Pharmacological drugs are also used to impede any setbacks during treatment aside from helping teens have more positive response for behavioral psychotherapy treatment. Eventually, these medications can help patients avoid suicidal or criminal thoughts that might be associated with drug misuse. Medications are effective to reduce the desire of drugs (NIDA). Since behavioral psychotherapy can alter teens’ behaviors and tendencies which are attached to substance abuse, this technique can be used as a tool in helping teens be more participative with the series of treatment. Considering the different forms of behavioral therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy, multidimensional family therapy, motivational interviewing, and motivational incentives, the use of this treatment method gives teens a chance to develop healthy coping skills (NIDA b). Treatment of substance abuse needs some observation programs. This is because some teens have the tendency to revert to abuse of illegal drugs and/or alcohol. For this reason, teens need time after treatment programs to recuperate from addiction (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute). Likewise, there is a strong link between depression (major depression and bipolar disorder) and substance abuse (Cincinnati Children's ). Because of the close connection between depression and drug addiction, there is a need to treat concurrently both the depression and the drug addiction. Conclusion Teen suicidality is a real concern which indicates pressing need for help. In order to minimize or lower down the incidence of teenage suicidality, there is a strong need to educate the community members on how to effectively recognize the warning signs of teen suicidality. By doing so, each individual can participate in the prevention of suicide attempts among the youths. Eventually, immediate emotional or counseling intervention which could enable the teens to find solution in solving the main causes of their depression would help vulnerable individuals to return back to their normal lives. Adolescence is a dangerous period which consists of many intense changes in feelings, mood, and thoughts. Due to these emotional changes, some individuals may entertain suicidal thought as a solution to their problems. To avoid untimely deaths among the youth, teens should be assisted with professional help. In the same way, they need support to go through this difficult period and to gradually build happy and optimistic life. *** End *** Total Number of Words: 2,637 References "Akron Children's Hospital." 2009. Mood Disorders in Children. 30 November 2009 . Barber, Jacques P. and Robert J. DeRubeis. "Change in Compensatory Skills in Cognitive Therapy for Depression." Journal of Psychotheapyr Practice Research (2001): Vol. 10, pp. 8 - 13. Bender, Eve. "Psychiatric News." 2009. Teens Learn How to Act When Suicide Signs Appear. 30 November 2009 . Bluestein, Greg. 6 September 2007. CDC: Suicide Rate Among U.S. Girls Soars. 30 November 2009 . Bostic, Jeff Q. and Michael Craig Miller. "Newsweek International." May 2005. Teen Depression: When Should You Worry? (Cover Story). 30 November 2009 . Brent, David. "National Alliance on Mental Illness." June 2003. Suicide in Youth. 30 November 2009 . 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Clinical Review: Relationship Between Antidepressant Drugs and Suicidality in Adults. Overview for December 13 Meeting of Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee (PDAC). FDA. pp. 11–74. 30 November 2009 . "Teen Suicide." 2009. Teen Drug Abuse. 30 November 2009 . Tucker, Jill. "Seattle." 19 November 2009. Got a depressed teen? More sleep may help. 30 November 2009 . "Weill Cornell Physicians." 2009. Teen Suicide. 30 November 2009 . Read More
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